Ezekiel 32:32 Cross References - Matthew

32 For I haue geuen my feare in the lande of the lyuynge. But Pharao and all hys people shall lye amonge the vncyrcumcysed, and amonge them that be slayne with the sweard sayeth the Lorde God.

Genesis 35:5

5 And they departed. And the feare of God fel vpon the cities that were rounde aboute them, that they durste not folowe after the sonnes of Iacob.

Job 31:23

23 For I haue euer feared the vengeaunce & punishement of God, & knew very wel, that I was no able to beare his burthen.

Jeremiah 25:15-38

15 For thus hath the Lord God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayeste cause al the people, to whom I sende the, for to drincke of it: 16 that when they haue drouncken therof, they may be mad, and out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wyll sende amonge them. 17 Then toke I the cuppe from the Lordes hande, and made all the people dryncke therof, vnto whom the Lorde had sent me. 18 But fyrst the cytie of Ierusalem, and all the cytyes of Iuda, theyr kinges and princes to make them desolate, waste, despised & cursed according as it is come to passe this day. 19 Ye & Pharao the kinge of Egipt, his seruauntes, his prynces & hys people altogether one with anoth 20 & al kinges of the land of Hus, al kinges of the Philistines lande, Ascalon, Azah, Accaron & the remnaunt of Asdod, 21 the Edomites, the Moabites & the Ammonites: 22 al the kinges of Tirus & Sidon: the kynges of the Iles, that are beyonde the se: 23 Dedan, Thema, Buz and the shauen Ismaelites: 24 all the kynges of Araby, and (generally) all the kynges that dwell in the deserte: 25 all the kynges of Zamri, al the kinges of Elam, all the kynges of the Meedes, 26 all kynges towarde the North, whether they be farre or nye, euery one with his neyghboures: Ye and all the kyngdomes that are vpon the whole earth. The kynge of Sezach, sayde he, shal drincke with them also. 27 And saye thou vnto them: This is the commaundement of the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel: Drincke and be droncken, spewe & fall, that ye neuer ryse: and that thorow the swearde, whyche I wyll sende amonge you. 28 But yf they wyl not receyue the cuppe of thy hande, and drincke it, then tell them: Thus doeth the Lord of Hostes threaten you: drinck it ye shal, and that shortly. 29 For lo, I begynne to plage the cyty, that my name is geuen vnto: thynke ye then, that I will leaue you vnpunyshed? Ye shal not go quyte. For why, I call for a swearde vpon al the inhabitours of the earth, sayeth the Lord of Hostes. 30 Therfore tell them all these wordes, and saye vnto them: The Lorde shall crye from aboue, and let hys voyce be hearde from his holy habitacion. Wyth a greate noyse shall he crye from his courte regall. He shall geue a greate voyce (like the grape gatherers) and the sounde thereof shalbe hearde vnto the endes of the worlde. 31 For the Lorde had a iudgement to geue vpon all people, and wyll holde hys courte of iustice with all fleshe and punyshe the vngodly, sayeth the Lorde. 32 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Beholde, a miserable plage shall go from one people to another, and a greate stormye water shall aryse from all the endes of the earth. 33 And the same daye shall the Lorde hym selfe slaye them, from one ende of the earth to another. There shall no mone be made for any of them, none gathered vp, none buried: but shal lye as donge vpon the grounde. 34 Mourne (O ye shepeherdes) & crie: sprinkle youre selues wyth ashes, O ye rammes of the flocke: for the tyme of youre slaughter is fulfilled, and ye shall fall lyke vessels conningly made for pleasure. 35 The shepherdes shall haue no waye to fle, and the rammes of the flocke shall not escape. 36 Then shall the shepeherdes crye horryblye, & the rammes of the flocke shall mourne: for the Lorde shall consume theyr pasture, 37 & theyr best feldes shall lye dead because of the horryble wrath of the Lorde. 38 They shall forsake theyr foldes lyke as a lyon: For theyr landes shalbe waste, because of the wrathe of the destroyer, and because of hys feareful indygnacyon.

Ezekiel 32:27

27 Shulde not they then lye also amonge the worthyes, and vncyrcumcysed Gyauntes? which with theyr weapens are gone doune to hell: whose sweardes are layed vnder theyr heades, whose wickednesse is vpon theyr bones: because that as worthyes, they haue broughte feare into the lande of the lyuynge?

Zephaniah 3:6-8

6 Therfore wyll I rote out thys people, and destroye theyr towres: yea, and make theyr stretes so voyd, that no man shal go therin. Theyr cytyes shalbe broken doune, so that no bodye shall be lefte, nor dwell there anye more. 7 I sayde vnto them: O feare me, and be contente to be refourmed. That theyr dwellynge shulde not be destroyed, and that there shulde happen vnto them none of these thynges, wherewyth I shall vyset them. But neuertheles they stande vp earlye, to folowe the fylthynes of theyr owne ymagynacions. 8 Therfore ye shall wayte vpon me (sayeth the Lord) vntil the tyme that I stand vp: for I am determed, to gather the people & to bring the kingedoms together, that I may poure oute myne anger, yea, al my wrothfull displeasure vpon them. For all the worlde shalbe consumed wyth the fyre of my gelousy.

2 Corinthians 5:11

11 Seynge then that we know, how the Lorde is to be feared, we fare fayre with men. For we are knowen well ynoughe vnto God. I truste also that we are knowen in your consciences.

Hebrews 10:31

31 It is a fearfull thynge to falle into the handes of the lyuynge God.

Revelation 6:15-17

15 And the kynges of the earth, & the greate men and the ryche men, and the chiefe captaines, and the myghty men, and euerye bonde man, and euery free man, hyd them selues in dennes, and in rockes: 16 fal on vs, and hyde vs from the presence of hym that sitteth on the seate, and from the wrath of the lambe, 17 for the great day of his wrath is come: And who can endure it?

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.