Ezekiel 1:4 Cross References - Matthew

4 And I loked, and beholde a stormy wynde came out of the North with a greate cloude full of fyre, which with hys glystre lyghtned all rounde aboute. And in the myddest of the fyre it was all cleare,

Exodus 19:16-18

16 And the thyrde daye in the mornyng there was thunder, & lightening & a thicke cloude vpon the mounte, & the voice of the horne waxed exceadynge loude, & all the people that was in the hoste was afrayed. 17 And Moses brought the people out of the tentes to mete with God, & they stode vnder the hyll. 18 And mounte Sinai was altogether on a smoke: because the Lorde descended doune vpon it in fyre. And the smoke therof ascended vp, as it had bene the smoke of a kylle, & all the mount was exceadyng fearfull.

Exodus 24:16-17

16 and the glory of the Lorde abode vppon mounte Sinai, and the cloude couered it .vi. dayes. And the seuenth daye he called vnto Moyses out of the cloude. 17 And the facion of the glorie of the Lord was lyke consumynge fyre on the toppe of the hyll in the syghte of the chyldren of Israel.

Deuteronomy 4:11-12

11 ye came and stode also vnder the hyll, and the hyll burnte with fyre euen vnto the mydes of heauen, and there was darckenes cloudes and myste. 12 And the Lorde spake vnto you out of the fyre and ye heard the voyce of his wordes: but sawe no ymage, saue heard a voyce onely.

2 Chronicles 5:13-6:1

13 And the trompette blowers & the syngers so agreed, that it semed but one voice in praysing & thankynge the Lorde. And as the voyce of the trompettes, symbales and instrumentes of melodye arose, & as they praysed the Lord, how that he was good and that hys mercye lasteth euer, the house of the Lorde was fylled with a cloude,

2 Chronicles 7:1-3

1 And when Salomon had made an ende of praying, there came doune fyre from heauen & consumed the burntofferyng and the sacryfyces. And the glorye of the Lorde fylled the house: 2 that the priestes coulde not go into the house of the Lorde, because the glorye of the Lord had fulfilled the house of the Lorde. 3 And all the children of Israell saw how the fyre came doune and the glory of the Lorde vpon the house, & stouped with their faces to the earth vpon the pauement & bowed them selues & confessed vnto the Lord, that he was good, and that hys mercye lasted euer.

Psalms 18:11-13

11 He made darcknesse his pauylion rounde aboute hym, wyth darcke water and thycke cloudes to couer him. 12 At the brightnes of his presence the cloudes remoued, wyth hayle stones and coales of fyre. 13 The Lord also thondred out of the heauen and the heygth gaue his thonder wyth haile stones and coales of fyre.

Psalms 50:3

3 Oure God shal come, and not kepe silence there goeth before him a consuming fyre, and a mighty tempest round about him.

Psalms 97:2-3

2 Cloudes & darkenesse are round about him, righteousnesse & iudgement are the habitacion of hys seate. 3 There goeth a fyre before hym, to burne vp hys enemyes on euery syde.

Psalms 104:3-4

3 Thou voltest it aboue with waters, thou makest the cloudes thy charet, & goest vpon the wynges of the wynde. 4 Thou makest thyne aungels sprites, and thy ministers flammes of fyre.

Isaiah 19:1

1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Egipt: Beholde, the Lord wyll ryde vpon a swyft cloude, & come into Egipt. And the Goddes of Egypte shall tremble at hys comminge, and the herte of Egypt shal quake within her.

Isaiah 21:1

1 Thys is the heauy burthen of the waste sea: A greuous vysion was shewed vnto me, lyke as when a storme of winde & rayn russheth in from the wildernesse that terrible land.

Jeremiah 1:13-14

13 It happened afterwarde, that the Lorde spake to me againe, and sayde: What seyst thou? And I sayd: I do se a seethinge pot, lokinge from oute of the North hytherward. 14 Then saide the Lorde vnto me: Oute of the Northe shall come a plage vpon all the dwellers of the lande.

Jeremiah 4:6

6 Set vp the token in Syon, spede you, and make no taryenge: for I will bringe a greate plage, and a greate destruccyon from the north.

Jeremiah 6:1

1 Come out of Ierusalem, ye strong children of Ben Iamin: blowe vp the trompettes ye Tecuytes, set vp a token vnto Bethcarem, for a plage and a greate myserye pepeth oute from the Northe.

Jeremiah 23:19

19 Beholde, the stormy wether of the Lorde (that is his indignacyon) shall go forth, and shall fal downe vpon the head of the vngodlye.

Jeremiah 25:9

9 lo, I wyll sende out, call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will bringe them vpon this lande, & vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, & will vtterly rote them oute. I wyll make of them a wyldernesse, a mockage and a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 25:32

32 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Beholde, a miserable plage shall go from one people to another, and a greate stormye water shall aryse from all the endes of the earth.

Ezekiel 1:27

27 I behelde hym, & he was lyke a cleare lyght, as it had bene all of fyre with in from hys loynes vpwarde. And beneth when I loked vpon him vnder the loynes, me thought he was lyke a shynyng fyre, that geueth lyght on euery syde. Yee the shyne & glystre that lyghtened rounde aboute,

Ezekiel 8:2

2 And as I loked vp, I saw, as it were a lykenesse of fyre from hys loynes douneward, and from hys loines vpwarde it shyned maruelous cleare.

Ezekiel 10:2-4

2 Then sayd he that sat therin, to him that had the lynen raiment vpon him: Crepe in betwene the wheles that are vnder the Cherubins, and take thyne hande full of hoate coles oute from betwene the Cherubyns, & cast them ouer the citie. And he crept in, that I myght se. 3 Now the Cherubyns stode vpon the right syde of the house, when the man wente in, and the cloude fylled the ynnermer court, 4 But the glory of the Lorde remoued from the Cherubyns, and came vpon the thresholde of the house: so that the temple was full of cloudes, and the courte was full of the shyne of the Lordes glory.

Ezekiel 10:8-9

8 And vnder the wynges of the Cherubyns, there apeared the lykenesse of a mans hande: 9 I sawe also foure wheles besyde the Cherubyns, so that by euerye Cherub there stode a whele. And the wheles were (to loke vpon) after the fashyon of the precyous stone of Tharsis:

Nahum 1:3-6

3 The Lorde suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent that he leaueth no man fautlesse before hym. The Lorde goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete. 4 When he reproueth the sea, he drieth it vp, and turneth all the floudes to drye lande. Basan is desolate, Charmel & the pleasure of Lybanus wasteth awaye. 5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hylles consume. At the syght of hym, the earth quaketh: yee the whole world, and all that dwell therin. 6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde hys gryme displeasure? His anger taketh on lyke fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before hym.

Habakkuk 1:8-9

8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euenynge. Theyr horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: oute of them commeth an easte wynde, whiche bloweth and gathereth theyr captyues, lyke as the sande.

Habakkuk 3:3-5

3 God commeth from Theman, and the holye one from the mounte of Pharan Selah. Hys glory couereth the heauens, and the earthe is full of hys prayse. 4 Hys shyne is as the sunne, & beames of lyght go out of his handes, there is his power hyd. 5 Destruccyon goeth before hym, and burnynge cressettes go from his fete.

Hebrews 12:29

29 For our God is a consumynge fyre.

Revelation 1:15

15 & hys fete lyke vnto brasse, as thoughe they brent in a fornace: & his voice as the sound of many waters.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.