Deuteronomy 3:12 Cross References - Matthew

12 And when we had conquered thys lande the same time, I gaue from Aroer which is vpon the riuer of Arnon, & halfe mount Galad and the cities therof vnto the Rubenites, & Gadites.

Numbers 32:32-38

32 We wyl go harnessed before the Lord into the land of Canaan, and the possessyon of our enheritaunce shalbe on thys syde Iordan. 33 And Moses gaue vnto the chyldren of Gad and of Ruben and vnto halfe the trybe of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph, the kyngdome of Sehon kynge of the Amorites, and the kyngdome of Og kynge of Bason, the lande that longed vnto the cyties therof in the costes of the countre rounde aboute. 34 And the chyldren of Gad bylte Didon, Ataroth, Aroer, Atroth, 35 Sophan, Iaeser, Iegabea, 36 Bethnimra and Betharan fenced cytyes, and they buylt foldes for the shepe. 37 And the chyldren of Ruben bylte Hesbon, Eleale, Kiriathaim, 38 Nebo, Baal, Meon and turned theyr names, and Sibaina also: and gaue names vnto the cyties whych they buylt.

Deuteronomy 2:36

36 from Aroer vpon the brynke of the ryuer of Arnon, and the cytie in the ryuer, vnto Galaad: there was not one citye to stronge for vs. The Lorde oure God delyuered al vnto vs:

Deuteronomy 4:48

48 from Aroer vpon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon, vnto the mount Sion which is called Hermon

Joshua 12:2-6

2 Sehon Kynge of the Amorytes, that dwelt in Hesbon, and ruled from Aroer, whyche lyeth on the brym of the ryuer of Arnon, and to the middel of the ryuer, and halfe Galaad, vnto the riuer Iabock, the border of the chyldren of Ammon: 3 And in the playne vnto the sea of Ceneroth eastward, and vnto the sea in the playne called the salt sea eastwarde, the waye to Beth, Iesymoth and by south vnder the sprynges of phasgah. 4 And the costes of Og, Kynge of Basan, whych was of the remnaunt of the Raphaytes, and dwelt at Astharoth, and Edray, 5 and raygned in mounte Hermon, and in Salecah, and thorow out all Basan, vnto the borders, of the Gesurites, and the Macathites, & halfe Galaad, vnto the borders of Sehon, Kynge of Hesbon. 6 Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde, and the children of Israel smote them, & Moses the seruaunt of the Lord, gaue their landes a possession, vnto the Rubenites, Gaddites, and halfe the tribe of Manasses.

Joshua 13:8-28

8 For the other halfe wyth the Rubenytes, and the Gaddites haue receyued their enheritaunce allready, whiche Moses gaue them beyonde Iordan Eastwarde, euen as Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde gaue them, 9 from Aroer that lyeth on the brym of the ryuer Arnon, wyth the cytye in the middes of the ryuer. And al the playne of Midba vnto Dibon, 10 and al the cyties of Sehon, Kinge of the Amorites, which raygned in Hesbon, euen vnto the borders of the children of Ammon, 11 and Galaad, and the landes that border vpon the Gesurytes and the Machathites, and al mount Hermon & al Basan vnto Salecah: 12 euen al the kingdom of Og in Basan, which raigned in Astharoth & Edrai, which same remained yet of the Rest of the Raphaites. But Moses smote them and destroyed them. 13 Neuerthelesse the children of Israel expelled not the Gesurites nor the Machathytes: But the Gesurites & the Machathytes dwelt amonge the Israelites euen vnto thys daye. 14 Onely vnto the trybe of Leui, he gaue none enheritaunce, for the offerynge of the Lorde God of Israell is their enheritaunce as he sayde vnto them. 15 And Moses gaue vnto the trybe of the children of Ruben by theyr kinredes. 16 And theyr coastes were from Aroer that lyeth on the banck of the ryuer Arnon, and the cytye that lyeth in the ryuer, & al the playne aboute Madba, 17 Hesbon, & al her tounes that lye in the plaine, Dibon Bamothbaal, and Bethbaalmeon: 18 Iahazah, Kedemoth and Mephaath, 19 Kiriathaim, Sabamah & Zarath, Zahar, in mount Emak, 20 and Beth Pheor, and the springes of Phasgah, and Bethiesymoth, 21 and all the cyties in the playne. And all the kyngdome of Sehon, Kinge of the Amorites, whiche reigned in Hesbon, whom Moses smote wyth the Lordes of Madian, Eui, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba, the Lordes of Sehon, and the Enhabitoures of the countrey. 22 And Balam also the sonne of Beor the sothsayer, the chyldren of Israel slewe wyth the swerde, among other that were slaine. 23 And the borders of the chyldren of Ruben was Iordan wyth the countrey that lyeth theron. Thys is the enherytaunce of the chyldren of Ruben in their kynredes, wyth the cytyes and vyllages pertaynyng therto. 24 And Moses gaue vnto the trybe of Gad, euen vnto the children of Gad he gaue by kinredes. 25 And their coastes were Iazer, & all the cities of Galaad, and halfe the land of the chyldren of Ammon, vnto Aroer that lyeth before Rabah: 26 And from Hesbon vnto Ramoth Mazphah, and Betonim, and from Mahanaim vnto the borders of Dabyr. 27 And in the valeye they had Betharam, Bethnimra, Socoth, & Zaphon, the rest of the kyngdome of Sehon Kyng of Hesbon, and Iordan, and the coastes that lye theron, euen vnto the edge of the sea of Ceneroth, on the other syde Iordan eastward. 28 This is the enheritaunce of the children of Gad in their kinredes, the cities wt their vyllages.

2 Kings 10:33

33 from Iordan Eastwarde: euen al the lande of Galaad, the Gadites, the Rubenites and the Manassites, from Aroer vpon the ryuer of Arnon, with Galaad and Basan.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.