Daniel 9:19 Cross References - Matthew

19 O Lorde, heare. O forgeue Lorde. O Lorde consydre, tarye not ouer longe: but for thyne owne sake do it. O my God: for the citie and thy people is called after thy name.

Numbers 14:19

19 be mercyfull I beseche the therfore vnto the synne of thys people according vnto thy greate mercy, and accordyng as thou hast forgeuen thys people from Egypt euen vnto thys place.

1 Kings 8:30-39

30 And herken vnto the supplicacyon of thy seruaunte and of thy people Israel whiche they shall praye in thys place. And heare thou vp vnto heauen thy dwellynge place, and when thou heareste, haue mercye. 31 And yf any man trespace agaynst hys neyghboure, and hys neyghboure take an adiuracyon to adiure hym with all, and the adiuarcyon come before thyne aultare at thys house, 32 then herken thou vp to heauen, & worke and iudge thy seruauntes, that thou condempne the wicked to brynge hys waye vpon hys heade, & iustifye the ryghteous to geue hym accordynge to hys ryghteousnesse. 33 When thy people Israel be put to the worsse before theyr enemyes, because they haue synned agaynste the & afterwarde turne agayne to the, & prayse thy name, & praye, and make supplicacion vnto the in thys house: 34 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy people Israel, and brynge them agayne vnto the lande whiche thou gauest vnto theyr fathers. 35 Yf heauen be shut vp, that there be no rayne, because they haue synned against the: yet yf they praye in thys place, and prayse thy name, and turne from theyr synnes, thorowe thy skourgynge of them: 36 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes & of thy people Israel, that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in, & geue raygne vpon thy lande that thou haste geuen vnto thy people to enheret. 37 If there chaunce death in the lande, pestylence, blastynge, or wytheryng of corne, or that the frutes be deuoured of Grashoppers or Caterpyllers, or yf theyr enemyes besege them in the lande & in theyr owne cytyes, or whatsoeuer plage or sycknesse chaunce: 38 then heare thou vp to heauen thy dwelling place, all the prayers and supplicacyons that shalbe made of all men thorowout all thy people Israel, which shal knoweledge euery man the plage of hys owne herte, and stretche forth hys handes vnto thys house, 39 and be mercyfull, and worcke, and geue euery man according to his wayes (euen as thou onelye knowest euerye mannes herte, for thou knowest the hertes of all the children of Adam)

2 Chronicles 6:21

21 herken therfore vnto the prayers of thy seruaunt & of thy peole Israel, whiche they praye in thys place. But heare thou it oute of thy dwellyng place heauen: & when thou hearest it be mercyfull.

2 Chronicles 6:25-30

25 then heare thou from heauen and be mercyful vnto the synne of thy people Israel, and brynge them agayne vnto the lande which thou gauest to them and to theyr fathers. 26 If heauen be shut vp, that there be no raine, because they haue synned agaynste the: yet yf they praye at thys place, and confesse thy name and turne from theyr synnes at thy scourgynge: 27 then heare thou from heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes, & of thy people Israel, that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in, and sende rayne vpon thy lande whiche thou haste geuen vnto thy people, for an enherytaunce. 28 If there chaunce darthe in the lande, pestilence, burnynge or smytynge of corne, grashoppers or caterpyllers, or that theyr enemies besege them in the cytyes of theyr owne land, or what soeuer plage or syckenesse it be. 29 Then all the supplicacyons and prayers that shalbe made of all men amonge all thy people Israell, whiche shall knowe euery man his owne sore and hys owne greffe, & shal stretche oute theyr handes towarde thys house: 30 thou shalte heare from heauen thy dwellyng place and shalte be mercyfull, and geue euery man accordynge vnto all hys waye, euen as thou shalte knowe euery mannes herte: for thou onelye knoweste the hertes of the chyldren of Adam:

2 Chronicles 6:39

39 Then heare from heauen thy dwellyng place, their supplicacyon & prayers & iudge theyr cause, and be mercifull vnto thy people, though they haue synned against the.

Psalms 44:23-26

23 Vp Lorde, why slepest thou? wake, and cast vs not of for euer. 24 Wherfore hydest thy face? wylte thou cleane forget oure mysery and oppression 25 For oure soule is brought low euen vnto the dust, and our bely cleueth vnto the ground 26 Arise O Lord, helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy mercy sake.

Psalms 74:9-11

9 We se oure tokens no more, there is not one Prophet more, no not one that vnderstandeth any more. 10 O God, how long shall the aduersary do this dishonoure? how longe shall the enemy blaspheme thy name? for euer? 11 Why withdrawest thou thine hand? why pluckest thou not thy right hande out of thy bosome, to consume thyne enemyes?

Psalms 79:5-6

5 Lorde, howe longe wylt thou be angrye? shall thy ielousy burne lyke fyre for euer? 6 Poure oute thyne indignacyon vpon the Heathen that knowe the not, and vpon the Kyngdomes that call not vpon thy name.

Psalms 79:8-10

8 O remembre not oure olde synnes, but haue mercye vpon vs, and that soone, for we are come to greate mysery. 9 Helpe, vs, O God oure sauyoure, for the glory of thy name: O deliuer vs, and forgeue vs oure synnes for thy names sake. 10 Wherfore shall the Heathen say: wher is now their God? O lette the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloude that is shed, be openly shewed vpon the Heathen in our syght.

Psalms 85:5-6

5 Wylt thou be dyspleased at vs for euer? wylt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generacyon to another? 6 Wylt thou not turne agayne and quycken vs, that thy people maye reioyse in the?

Psalms 102:13-16

13 Aryse therfore & haue mercy vpon Sion, for it is time to haue mercy vpon her, yea, the tyme is come. 14 And why? thy seruauntes haue a loue too her stones, and it pitieth them to se her in the dust. 15 The Heathen shal feare thy name, O Lord, and all the kynges of the earth thy maiesty. 16 For the Lorde shall buylde vp Sion, and shall apeare in hys glory.

Psalms 115:1-2

1 Not vnto vs, O Lorde not vnto vs. but vnto thy name geue the praise for thy louing mercye & faythfulnesse. 2 Wherfore shal the Heathen say wher is now their God?

Isaiah 63:16-19

16 Yet art thou oure father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, neither is Israel acquainted with vs. But thou Lorde art oure father and redemer and thy name is euerlastinge. 17 O Lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye? wherfore hast thou hardened our hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one with vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake that are of the generacion of thine heretage. 18 Thy people hath had but litle of thy Sanctuarye in possession, for oure enemies haue taken it in. 19 And we are become euen as we were from the beginninge: but thou art not their Lorde, for they haue not called vpon thy name.

Isaiah 64:9-12

9 Be not to sore displeased (O Lorde) and kepe not our offences to longe in thy remembraunce, but considre that we are all thy people. 10 The cytyes of thy Sanctuary lye waste, Sion is a wildernesse, and Ierusalem a deserte. 11 Oure holy house whiche is oure bewty, where oure fathers praysed the, is brent vp: yea all oure commodities & pleasures are wasted awaye. 12 Wylt thou not be intreated (Lorde) for all this? Wylt thou holde thy peace, and scourge vs so sore?

Jeremiah 14:7

7 Doutles oure owne wickednesse rewarde vs: But Lorde do thou accordinge to thy name, though oure transgressyons and synnes be many.

Jeremiah 14:9

9 Why wilt thou make thy self a cowarde, and as it were a gyaunte that yet maye not helpe? For thou art ours (O Lorde) and we beare thy name, therfore forsake vs not.

Jeremiah 14:20-21

20 We knowlege (O Lorde) all oure mysdedes, & the synnes of oure fathers, that we haue offended the. 21 Be not dyspleased (O Lorde) for thy names sake, forgett not thy louynge kyndnes: Remembre the trone of thyne honoure, breake not the couenaunt, that thou hast made with vs.

Jeremiah 25:29

29 For lo, I begynne to plage the cyty, that my name is geuen vnto: thynke ye then, that I will leaue you vnpunyshed? Ye shal not go quyte. For why, I call for a swearde vpon al the inhabitours of the earth, sayeth the Lord of Hostes.

Ezekiel 20:9

9 But I woulde not do it, for my names sake, that it shoulde not be vnhalowed before the Heathen, amonge whom they dwelt, and among whom I shewed my selfe vnto them, that it woulde brynge them out of the lande of Egipte.

Ezekiel 20:14

14 Yet I would not do it, for my names sake: lest it shoulde be dishonoured before the Heathen, from the which I had caried them away.

Ezekiel 20:22

22 Neuerthelesse I wythdrewe my hande for my names sake, least it shoulde be vnhalowed amonge the Heathen, before whome I had brought them forth.

Ezekiel 36:22

22 Therfore tell the house of Israell: Thus sayeth the Lord God: I do not this for youre sakes (O house of Israell) but for my holye names sake, whyche ye dyshonoured amonge the Heathen, when ye came to them.

Ezekiel 39:25

25 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: Now wyll I brynge agayne the captiues of Iacob and haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israell, and be gelous for my holy names sake.

Daniel 9:18

18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leaste for thine owne sake) open thyne eyes: beholde, how we be desolated, yea and the cytye also, whiche is called after thy name: for we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne righteousnesse, no: but onely in thy greate mercyes.

Amos 7:2

2 Nowe when they vndertoke to eat vp all the greue thynges in the lande, I sayd: O Lorde God, be mercyfull, I beseche the: who shuld els help vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe?

Luke 11:8

8 I saye vnto you, thoughe he woulde not arise and geue him, because he is hys frende: yet because of hys importunitie he wold ryse, and geue him as many as he neded.

Ephesians 1:6

6 to the prayse of the glory of hys grace, wherewith he hath made vs accepted in the beloued.

Ephesians 1:12

12 that we whiche before beleued in Christ shoulde be vnto the prayse of hys glorye.

Ephesians 3:10

10 to the entente, that nowe vnto the rulers & powers in heauen myght be knowen (by the congregation) the manifolde wysedome of God,

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