2 Samuel 23:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 These be the last saynges of Dauid. Dauid the sonne of Isai said: And the man is lyfte vp on hye; the anointed of the God of Iacob and pleasaunt Psalmist of Israel sayde,

Genesis 49:1

1 And Iacob called for hys sonnes & sayde: come together, that I may tell you what shall happen you in the last daies.

Deuteronomy 33:1

1 This is the blessing wherwith Moses Goddes man blessed the chyldren of Israel before his deathe,

Joshua 23:1-16

1 And it came to passe a long ceason after that the Lorde had geuen reste vnto Israel from all theyr enemyes rounde aboute, that Iosua waxed olde and was strycken in yeares. 2 Wherfore he sent for all Israell, & for theyr elders, theyr heades, theyr Iudges & offycers, and sayde vnto them: I am olde and strycken in yeares. 3 And ye haue sene all that the Lorde youre God hath done vnto al these nacyons before your faces: For the Lord your God he foughte for you. 4 Beholde I haue appoynted these nacyons that remayne, to be the enherytaunce of youre trybes: euen from Iordan, and all the nacyons that I haue destroyed, euen vnto the great Sea. 5 And the Lorde youre God he shall expell and cast them oute before you, and ye shall conquere theyr landes, as the Lorde your God hath sayde vnto you. 6 Be therfore excedynge stronge that ye take hede to do all that is wrytten in the boke of the lawe of Moses, that ye bowe not asyde there from, to the ryght hande or to the lefte: 7 and that ye go not vnto these nacyons that remayne wyth you: and that ye neyther make mencion or sweare by the names of theyr goddes: and that ye neyther serue them, nor bow your selues vnto them. 8 But that ye sticke fast vnto the Lorde youre God, as ye haue done vnto thys daye. 9 So shall the Lorde cast oute before you great nacyons and myghty, as ye se how no man hath stande before you hytherto. 10 One of you shall chase a thousande: for the Lorde your God he fyghteth for you, as he hath sayde vnto you. 11 Take good hede therfor vnto youre soules, that ye loue the Lord your God. 12 But and yf ye shall go backe and cleaue vnto the reste of these nacyons that remayne wyth you, and shall make maryages wyth them, and shall go to them, and they come to you: 13 be sure that the Lorde youre God wyll not caste out al the nacyons from before you. But they shalbe snares and trappes vnto you, and scourges for youre sydes, & prickes in youre eyes, vntyll ye peryshe from of thys good lande whiche the Lorde your God hath geuen you. 14 Beholde I walke thys daye, by the waye of all the worlde: call ye to mynde in all your hertes and in all your soules, that nothynge hath fayled of all the good thynges whiche the Lord your God promysed you. All are come to passe, and nothyng hath fayled therof. 15 And as all good thynges are come vpon you, which the Lorde youre God promysed you: so shall the Lorde brynge vpon you all euyll vntyl he haue destroyed you from of thys good lande which the Lorde your God hath geuen you 16 when ye haue transgressed the appoyntment of the Lorde youre God, which he commaunded you, and haue gone and serued straunge Goddes, and bowed your selues to them. Then shal the wrath of the Lord waxe whote vpon you, and ye shall peryshe quickly, from of the good lande which he hath geuen you.

1 Samuel 2:10

10 The Lordes aduersaryes shall be made to feare hym: and out of heauen he shal thunder vpon them. The Lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, and shall geue myght vnto his Kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted.

1 Samuel 16:12-13

12 And he sent and brought hym in. And he was browne wyth goodly eyes, and welfauored in syght. And then the Lord said vp and anoynt hym: for this is he. 13 And Samuel toke the horne with the oyntment and annoynted him in the presens of hys brethren. And the spryte of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp and went to Ramath.

2 Samuel 7:8-9

8 Now therfore so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord of Hostes I toke the out of a shepeherdes cote from folowyng shepe to be a ruler ouer my people Israel. 9 And I was wyth the in all that thou wentest to, & haue destroyed all thyne enemyes out of thy syght, and haue made the a great name, lyke vnto the name of the great men of the world.

1 Chronicles 16:4-5

4 And he appoynted certayne of the Leuites to ministre before the Lorde, and to repete, & to thanke and prayse the Lord God of Israel 5 euen Asaph the chefe, and next to him Zachariah then Ieiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Mathathiah, Eliab, Banaiah, Obed Edom, and Ieiel with Psalteries & Harpes. But Asaph wyth soundynge symbales

1 Chronicles 16:7

7 And that same tyme Dauid dyd appointe chefely to thanke the Lorde by Asaph and his brethren.

1 Chronicles 16:9

9 Synge vnto hym and play vnto him, and recorde all hys wonderfull dedes.

Psalms 2:6

6 Yet haue I sette my kyng vpon my holy hyll of syon.

Psalms 72:20

20 Here ende the prayers of Dauid the sonne of Iesse.

Psalms 78:70-71

70 He chose Dauid also hys seruaunte, and toke hym away from the shepe foldes. 71 As he was folowynge the yewes greate with yonge, he toke him, that he myghte fede Iacob hys people, & Israel hys enherytance.

Psalms 89:20

20 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt, with my holy oyle haue I anoynted hym.

Amos 6:5

5 ye that singe to the lute, & in playenge of instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid:

Luke 20:42

42 And Dauid hym selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde, sitte on my ryghte hande,

Luke 24:44

44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you: that al muste be fulfilled which was written of me in lawe of Moyses and in the prophetes and in the Psalmes.

Ephesians 5:19-20

19 speakinge vnto your selues in Psalmes, and Hymnes, and spiritual sounges, singing and makinge melodye to the Lorde in your hertes, 20 geuinge thankes alwayes for al thinges vnto God the father, in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christe,

Colossians 3:16

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteouslye in all wysdome. Teache and exhorte youre owne selues, in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songes, whiche haue fauoure with them, singinge in your hertes to the Lorde.

James 5:13

13 Yf any of you be euyll vexed, let hym praye. Yf anye of you be merye, let hym singe Psalmes.

2 Peter 1:13-15

13 Notwithstanding I thinke it mete, (as long as I am in this tabernacle) to stere you vp by puttynge you in remembraunc 14 for as muche as I am sure how that the tyme is at hande, that I must put of my tabernacle, euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me. 15 I wil enforce therfore that on euerye syde ye myght haue wherwith to stere vp the remembraunce of these thynges after my departinge.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.