2 Chronicles 4:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 And he made an aulter of brasse .xx. cubytes longe & .xx. cubytes broade & ten cubytes hye.

Exodus 27:1-8

1 And thou shalt make an aulter of sethim wood: fyue cubytes longe & .v. cubytes brode that it be foure square & .iij. cubytes hye. 2 And make it hornes procedyng out in the .iiij. corners of it, & couerte wyth brasse. 3 And make hys asshepannes shouels, basens, fleshhokes, fire pannes and al the apparel therof, of brasse 4 and thou shalt make a grederin also like a net, of brasse: vpon whose .iiij. corners shalbe .iiij. brasen rynges: 5 and the grederyn shall reache vnto the middes of the altare. 6 And thou shalt make staues for the altare of sethym wood, and couer them with brasse, 7 and let them be put in rynges a long by the sydes of the altar to beare it wt al 8 & make the aulter holow wt bordes: euen as it was shewed the vpon that mount, so let them make it.

1 Kings 8:22

22 And Salomon stode before the aultare of the Lorde in the syght of all the congregacyon of Israel, and stretched oute hys handes to heauen

1 Kings 8:64

64 And the same daye the kynge halowed the mydle of the courte that is before the house of the Lord: for there he offered burntofferynges & meateofferynges, & the fat of the peaceofferynges, because the brasen aultare that was before the Lord, was to lytle to receyue the burntofferynges & meate offerynges, and the fat of the peaceofferynges.

1 Kings 9:25

25 And thryse a yeare dyd Salomon offer burntofferynges & peaceofferinges vpon the aultare which he had buylt vnto the Lorde, to burne the fat thereon: whiche aultare is before the Lord. And when kyng Salomon had made the house perfecte,

2 Kings 16:14-15

14 And the brasen aultare that was before the Lord, he fet from before the house, from betwene the aulter & the house of the Lorde, and put it on the northsyde of the sayde aulter. 15 And the Kinge commaunded Vriah the Priest saying: vpon the great aulter set on fyre, in the mornynge burntofferynges, & in the euen meate offerynges, & the kynges burnte sacrifice & his meateofferyng, & the burntofferynges of all the people of the lande & theyr meateofferynges & theyr drynckofferynges, & powre thereon all the bloude of al maner offeringes. But the brasen aulter shalbe for me, to enquyre with.

2 Chronicles 1:5

5 Moreouer the brasen aulter that Bezeleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Or had made, was at Gabaon also, before the tabernacle of the Lorde. And Salomon and the congregacyon wente to vyset it.

Ezekiel 43:13-17

13 Thys is the measure of the aulter (after the true cubyte: whych is a spanne longer then another cubyte) hys botome in the myddeste was a cubyte longe and wyde, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute it, was a spanne brode. Thys is the heygth of the aulter: 14 From the grounde to the lower steppes the length is two cubites, and the bredth one cubyte: and from the lower steppes to the higher are foure cubytes, and the bredth but one cubyte. 15 The aulter was foure cubytes hye, & from the aulter vpwarde stode foure hornes, 16 and it was .xij. cubytes longe and .xij. cubytes brode, vpon the foure corners: 17 the couerynge of the aulter was .xiiij. cubytes longe & brode vpon the foure corners, and the ledge that wente rounde aboute, had half a cubite: and the botome therof rounde aboute one cubyte: hys steppes stode towarde the Easte.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.