2 Chronicles 35:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 And his Lordes gaue wyllynglye both vnto the people & also vnto the preastes & vnto the Leuites. Helkiah, Zachariah & Iehiel, rulers of the house of God, gaue vnto the preastes for passeouerofferynges two thousand & syxe hundred lambes & kyddes, and thre hundred oxen.

1 Chronicles 9:20

20 And Phynehes the sonne of Eleazar was ruler ouer them before the Lord, whiche was wyth hym.

1 Chronicles 24:4-5

4 And there were mo myghtye heades found of the sonnes of Eleazar, then of the sonnes of Ithamar. And they deuided them into .xvi. heades of auncient housholdes of the sonnes of Eleazar, & eyght of the sonnes of Ithamar. 5 And they put them in order by lot, one wyth another, that there shoulde be rulers in the sanctuarye and Lordes before God as well of the sonnes of Ithamar, as of the sonnes of Eleazar.

1 Chronicles 29:6-9

6 And the auncyent Lordes and the Lordes of the trybes of Israel, and the Capytaynes of thousandes and hundredes & the Lordes ouer the substaunce of the kynge, were wyllynge, 7 and gaue for the seruyce of the house of God, fyue thousande talentes of goulde, and ten thousande peces of goulde coynes, and ten thousande talentes of syluer, and .xviij. thousande talentes of brasse, and an hundred thousande talentes of yron. 8 And they that had precyouse stones, gaue them for the treasure of the house of the Lorde, vnto the hande of Iehiell the Gersonite. 9 And the people reioysed that they were so wyllynge: for wyth a pure herte they were wyllynge vnto the Lorde. And therto Dauid the kynge reioysed with great gladnesse.

1 Chronicles 29:17

17 I wote my God, that thou prouest the herte, and hast pleasure in playnesse. And in playnesse of myne herte I haue wyllynglye geuen all thys. And now I se thy people whiche are here in gladnesse, to offer wyllyngly to the.

2 Chronicles 29:31-33

31 And Hezekiah answered & sayd: now that ye haue fylled youre handes to the Lorde, go to and brynge in the sacrefyces and thankofferynges in to the house of the Lord. And the congregacion brought in the sacrefyces and thankofferynges, and all that were wyllyng brought burntofferynges. 32 And the numbre of the burntofferynges which the congregacion brought in was .lxx. oxen & an hundred rammes & two hundred lambes: & all for burntofferynges to the Lorde. 33 And besyde that they dedicated sixe hundred oxen and thre thousand shepe.

2 Chronicles 34:14-20

14 And as they brought out the money that was brought into the house, Helkiah the preaste founde the boke of the lawe of the Lord geuen by Moses. 15 And Helkiah answered and sayd to Saphan the scrybe: I haue founde the boke of the law in the house of the Lorde, and gaue the boke to Saphan. 16 And Saphan caryed the boke to the kynge, and brought the kynge worde agayne, saying: all that was committed to thy seruauntes, that do they. 17 And they haue powred out the money that was founde in the house of the Lorde and haue delyuered in to the handes of the ouer seares of the worckemen. 18 And then Saphan the scribe shewed the kyng, sayinge: Helkiah the preaste hath geuen me a boke, and he read it before the kynge. 19 And when the kyng had hearde the wordes of the lawe, he tare his clothes: 20 & commaunded Helkiah and Ahikam the sonne of Saphan and Abadon the sonne of Micah & the sayde Saphan the scribe & Asaia a seruaunt of the kynges, saying:

Ezra 1:6

6 And al they that were aboute them, strengthed their hand with vessels of syluer and golde, with good & catel, and Iewels, besyde that whiche they gaue of their owne frewyll.

Ezra 2:68-69

68 And certayne of the chefe fathers, when they came to the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, they offered wyllyngly vnto the house of God, that it shoulde be set in his place, 69 and gaue after their abylyte vnto the treasure of the worcke, one and threskore thousand drammes, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer and an hundred pryestes garmentes.

Ezra 7:16

16 and all the syluer and goulde that thou canst fynd in al the countre of Babilon, with it that the people and pryestes geue of their owne good wil vnto the house of God at Ierusalem.

Ezra 8:25-35

25 and weyed them there the siluer and goulde and vessels for the heaueoffering vnto the house of our God, which the kinge and the Lordes of his counsell and prynces, and all Israel that were at hande, had geuen to the heaueoffering: 26 & there weied I them vnder their hand syx hundred & fyfty talentes of syluer, and in syluer vessel an hundred talentes, & in gould an hundred talentes 27 twentye cuppes of goulde of a thousande drammes, and two costly ornamentes of good brasse, as cleare as goulde, 28 and sayde vnto them: Ye are holy vnto the Lorde, therfore are the vessels holy also, and so is the syluer and goulde that is geuen of a good wil vnto the Lorde God of your fathers: 29 Watche ye therefore and kepe it tyl ye weye it doune before the chefe priestes and Leuites, and auncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the chestes of the house of the Lorde. 30 Then toke the priestes and the Leuites that weyed syluer & goulde and vessel, to brynge it to Ierusalem vnto the house of oure God. 31 So we brake vp from the water of Ahaua on the twelueth day of the fyrst moneth, to go vnto Ierusalem: & the hande of our God was vpon vs, and delyuered vs from the hande of the enemies & preuy waytinges by the waye. 32 And we came to Ierusalem, & abode there thre dayes. 33 But on the fourth day was the syluer and goulde and vessell weyed in the house of oure God vnder the hande of Meremoth the sonne of Vriah the pryeste, and with him Eleazar the sonne of Phinehes, and with them Iosabad the sonne of Iesua, and Noadiah the sonne of Benoi the Leuites, 34 according to the nombre & weight of euery one. And the weyght was all wrytten vp at the same tyme. 35 And the children of the captyuyte, whyche were come out of preson, offered burntofferynges vnto the God of Israel: twelue bullockes for al Israel, syxe and nyntye rammes, seuen and seuentye lambes, & twelue goates for a synofferynge, al to the burntofferynge of the Lorde.

Nehemiah 7:70-72

70 And certayne of the auncyent fathers gaue vnto the worcke. Hathirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousande drammes, fyfty basens, fyue hundred and thyrtye Priestes garmentes. 71 And some of the chefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worcke, twentye thousande drammes, two thousande and two hundred pounde of syluer. 72 And the other people gaue twentye thousande drammes, and two thousande pounde of syluer, & seuen and thre skore prestes garmentes.

Psalms 45:12

12 The daughters of Tire shalbe there with gyftes, the ryche amonge the people shall make their supplication before the.

Jeremiah 29:25-26

25 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israell: Because thou haste sealed letters vnder thy name, vnto all the people that is at Ierusalem, and to Sophoniah the sonne of Maasiah the priest, yea and sente them to al the priestes: wherein thou wrytest thus vnto hym: 26 The Lorde hath ordened the to be prieste in steade of Iehoiada the prieste, that thou shuldest be the chefe in the house of the Lorde aboue all Prophetes and preachers, and that thou myghteste put them in preson, or in the stockes,

Acts 2:44-45

44 And all that beleued kept them selues together, and had all thinges commen, 45 and solde their possessions and goodes, and departed them to all men as euery man had nede.

Acts 4:1

1 As they spake vnto the people: the Priestes and the Rular of the Temple, and the Saduces came vpon them,

Acts 4:34-35

34 Neyther was there anye amonge them that lacked. For as manie as were possessours of landes and houses, sold them and broughte the price of the thinges, that were solde, 35 and layed it doune at the Apostles fete. And distribution was made vnto euery man accordinge as he had nede.

Acts 5:26

26 Then went the ruler of the temple with ministers, and brought them without violence. For they feared the people: least they should haue bene stoned.

2 Corinthians 8:12

12 For yf there be fyrste a wyllynge mynde, it is accepted accordyng to that a man hath, and not accordynge to that he hath not.

2 Corinthians 9:7

7 And let euery man do accordyng as he hath purposed in hys hert, not groundgingly, or of necessitie. For God loueth a chearefull geuer.

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