2 Chronicles 33:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 Wherfore the Lorde brought vpon them the Capitaynes of the hoste of the Kynge of Assur, which toke Manasseh in an holde and bounde him with chaynes & caryed hym to Babylon.

Deuteronomy 28:36

36 The Lord shall brynge both the and thy kynge whych thou hast sett ouer the, vnto a nacyon whych nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne, and there thou shalt serue straunge Goddes: euen wod & stone,

1 Samuel 13:6

6 And when the men of Israel sawe them selues in a strayte, and that the people were accombred, they hyd themselues in caues, in preuy holes, in rockes dennes & pyttes.

2 Kings 23:33

33 And Pharao Necoh put him in bondes at Reblah in the lande of Hemath in that tyme of hys raigne in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundred talentes of syluer, and a talent of golde.

2 Kings 25:6

6 And when they had taken him, they brought him to Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babilon to Reblah, where they reasoned wyth him.

2 Chronicles 36:6

6 Againste hym came Nabuchodonozor kynge of Babilon & bounde him in fetters to carye him to Babilon.

Nehemiah 9:32

32 Nowe oure God, thou great God, mightye and terryble, that thou kepest couenaunte and mercy, regarde not a lytle of the trauaile that hath happened vnto vs, and our kynges prynces, priestes, prophetes, fathers and all thy people, sence the tyme of the kynges of Assur vnto thys daye.

Nehemiah 9:37

37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whome thou haste set ouer vs because of oure synnes, and they haue domynyon ouer oure bodyes and cattell, and we are in great trouble.

Job 36:8-11

8 But yf they be layed in preson & cheynes, or bounde with the bondes of pouertye: 9 then sheweth he them theyr worckes & dedes & the synnes where with they haue vsed cruell vyolence. 10 He wyth punyshynge and outtryng of them, roundeth them in the eares, warneth them to leaue of from theyr wyckednesse, and to amende. 11 If tney nowe wyll take hede, and be obedyente, they shall were oute theyr dayes in prosperyte, and theyr yeares in pleasure & ioye.

Psalms 107:10-14

10 Such as sat in darkenesse and in the shadow of death, beyng fast bounde in mysery and yron. 11 Because they were not obedient to the commaundementes of God, but lightely regarded the counsayll of the moost hyghest. 12 Their hert was vexed with labour, they fel doune, and there was none to helpe them. 13 So they cryed vnto the LORD in their trouble, and he deliuered them oute of theyr dystresse. 14 He brought them out of darkenesse & oute of the shadow of death, & brake their bondes in sonder.

Isaiah 5:26-30

26 And he shall geue a token vnto a straunge people and call vnto them in a farre countrey: and beholde, they shall come hastelye wyth spede. 27 There is not one faynte nor feble amonge them, no not a slogyshe nor sleperye personne. There shall not one of them put of the gyrdle from hys loynes, nor louse their lachet of his shue. 28 Theyr arowes are sharpe, and theyr bowes bent. Their horse hoofes are lyke flynt, & theyr cartwheles lyke a stormy wynde. 29 Theyr crye is as it were of a lyon, and the roarynge of them lyke lyons whelpes. They shal roare and hantch vp the praye, and no man shal recouer it, or get it from them. 30 In that day they shalbe so fearce vpon them, as the sea. And yf we loke vnto the lande, beholde, it shalbe all darckenesse and sorowe. If we loke to heauen: beholde, it shalbe darcke wyth careful desperacyon.

Isaiah 7:18-20

18 For at the same tyme shall the Lorde whistle for the flies that are aboute the water of Egypte, and for the bees in the Assyryans lande. 19 These shall come, and shall lyght all in the valeys, in the vawtes of stone, vpon all greue thynges, and in all corners. 20 At the same tyme shall the Lorde shaue the hearre of the heade and the fete and the beerd cleane of, with the rasoure that he shall paye them wyth all beyonde the water: namelye wyth the kynge of the Assyryans.

Isaiah 10:8

8 for he sayth: are not my princes al kinges?

Isaiah 36:9

9 Seyng now that thou canst not resiste the power of the smallest prynce, that my Lorde hath, how darrest thou truste in the charettes and horse men of Egipt:

Lamentations 3:7

7 Gymel. He hath so hedged me in, that I can not get out, and hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.