2 Chronicles 27:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 And he fought wyth the kyng of the children of Ammon, and preuayled agaynst them. And the chyldren of Ammon gaue him the same yere an hundred talentes of syluer, & ten thousande quarters of whete and as moche barleye. So moche also dyd the chyldren of Ammon geue hym the seconde yere and the thirde to.

Judges 11:4-33

4 But it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the children of Ammon made warre agaynst Israel, 5 then the elbers of Galaad went & fet Iephthah out of the lambe of Tob, 6 & sayd vnto hym: come & be oure captayne, & let vs fyght with the chyldren of Ammon. 7 And Iephthah sayd vnto the elders of Galaad. Dyd not ye hate me, & expell me out of my fathers house? how happeneth it then that you come vnto me now in tyme of your trybulacyon? 8 And the elders of Galaad aunswered Iephthah. Therfore we turne agayne to the now, that thou go with vs, & fight against the chyldren of Ammon, & be oure head ouer al the enhabiters of Galaad. 9 And Iephthah said vnto the elders of Galaad: If ye brynge me home agayne to fyght wyth the chyldren of Ammon then yf the Lord delyuer them before me, I shalbe your head. 10 And the elders of Galaad sayde to Iephthah, the Lorde be witnesse betwene vs, yf we do not accordynge to thy wordes. 11 Then Iephthah went with the elders of Galaad. And the people made hym heade and ruler ouer them. And Iephthah rehersed all hys wordes in Mazphah. 12 Then Iephthah sent messengers vnto the Kynge of the chyldren of Ammon, sayinge: what aileth the with me that thou comest vpon me to fyght agaynst my lande? 13 And the King of the chyldren of Ammon aunswered vnto the messengers of Iephthah, because Israel toke away my land, when they came out of Egipt: euen from Arnon vnto Iabok, & from thence vnto Iordan. Now therfore restore those landes agayne wyth fayre meanes. 14 And Iephthah sent messengers agayne vnto the chyldren of Ammon, 15 & sayde vnto hym: thus sayth Iephthah. Israel toke not awaye the lande of Moab, nor the land of the chyldren of Ammon. 16 But when Israel came out of Egypt, they walked thorow the wyldernesse, euen vnto the red sea & came to Cades, 17 & sente messengers vnto the kynge of Edom sayinge: let vs we praye the go thorow thy lande. But the kynge of Edom wolde not agre therto. And in lyke maner they sente vnto the Kynge of Moab, but he wolde not consent. And so Israel abode styll in Cades. 18 And then they wente a longe thorowe the wildernesse, and compased the lande of Edom, & the lande of Moab, and came a longe by the eastsyde of the land of Moab, and pitched on the other syde the riuer of Arnon, and came not wythin the coastes of the Moabites: for Arnon was their vtmost border. 19 And then Israel sent messengers vnto Sehon, Kynge of the Amorites, and Kynge of Hesbon, and said vnto him: Let vs passe thorow thy land vnto our owne countreye. 20 But Sehon trusted not Israel, to go thorow hys coastes, but gathered all his people together and pytched in Iazah, and fought wyth Israell. 21 But the Lord God of Israel delyuered Sehon and al his folcke into the handes of Israel. And so Israel smote them and conquered al the lande of the Amorites, the enhabiters of the sayde countreye. 22 And they conquered al the coastes of the Amorites, from Arnon vnto Iabok, and from the wyldernesse vnto Iordan. 23 So now seyng the Lorde God of Israel hath cast out the Amorites before his people, shouldeste thou possesse the land? 24 Naye, but what people Camos thy God dryueth out, that land possesse thou. But whatsoeuer nacyons the Lorde oure God expelleth, that land ought we to enioye. 25 And therto art thou better then Balack the sonne of Zephor Kynge of Moab? dyd he stryue wyth Israell or fyghte againste them? 26 all the wyle Israell dwelte in Hesbon and her tounes, and in Aroer and her tounes, and in all the cytyes that be a longe by the coastes of Arnon .iij. hundred yeres? why dydest thou not recouer them in all that space, 27 wherfore I haue not synned agaynste the. But thou doest me wronge, to warre agaynste me. The Lorde therfore be iudge this daye, betwene the chyldren of Israel, and the children of Ammon. 28 How be it the Kynge of the children of Ammon harkened not vnto the wordes of Iephthah, which he sent him. 29 Then the spirite of the Lorde came vpon Iephthah. And he passed ouer Galaad & Manasses, & came to Mazphah that lyeth in Galaad, and from thence vnto the children of Ammon. 30 And Iephthah vowed a vowe vnto the Lorde and sayd: If thou shalt deliuer the children of Ammon into my handes, 31 then that thinge that cometh out of the dores of my house agaynst me, when I come home in peace, from the children of Ammon, shalbe the Lordes, and I wil offer it vp a burntoffering. 32 And so Iephthah went vnto the children of Ammon to fyght wyth them. And the Lord deliuered them into his handes. 33 And he smote them from Aroer vnto Menith .xx. cytyes. And so forth to the plaine of the vineiardes, and made an exceding great slaughter. And thus the chyldren of Ammon were brought vnder, before the chyldren of Israel.

2 Samuel 10:1-14

1 It happened after this, that the kynge of the chyldren of Amnon dyed, & Hanon his sonne raygned in hys steade. 2 Then sayde Dauid: I wyl shew kyndnesse vnto Hanon the sonne of Nahas, as hys father shewed kyndnesse vnto me. And thervpon Dauid sente to conforte hym by the hande of hys seruauntes ouer the death of hys father. Now when Dauids seruauntes were come into the land of the chyldren of Amnon: 3 the Lordes of the chyldren of Amnon sayde vnto Hanon theyr Lorde: thynkest thou that Dauid doth honoure thy father, because he hath sent to comfort the? Naye, he hath rather sent hys seruauntes vnto the, to searche the cytye and to spye out, euen to ouerthrow it. 4 Wherfore Hanon toke Dauids seruauntes and shaued of the one halfe of euerye mannes bearde & cut of theyr garmentes euen in the myddle, euen harde by the buttockes of them and sent them awaye. 5 When it was tolde Dauid he sent against them (for they were men excedyngly ashamed) & saide: tarye at Iericho vntyll your beerdes be growen, & then returne. 6 And when the chyldren of Amnon sawe that they stancke vnto Dauid, they sent & hyred the sonnes of Bethrehob & of the Syryans of Zobah .xx. thousande fote men & of kyng Maacah a thousande men, & of Istob twelue thousande men. 7 And when Dauid hearde of it, he sent Ioab & all the host of strong men. 8 And the chyldren of Amnon came out & waged battell before the gate & the Syryens of Zobah, of Rehob, Istob and Maacah were by themselues in the feldes. 9 When Ioab sawe that the front of the battell was before and after, he chose of all the best of Israell & put them in araye agaynst the Syryens. 10 And the rest of the people he delyuered into the hand of Abisai his brother, which put them in araye agaynst the children of Amnon. 11 And he sayd: yf the Syryens ouercome me, then succoure me. But yf the chyldren of Amnon be to good for the, I wyll come and succoure the, 12 quyte the lyke a man, and let vs fyght lustely for oure people, & for the cytyes of our God. And the Lorde do what semyth best in hys eyes. 13 And forthwyth Ioab proceded & the people that was with him into battell against the Syryens, which fleed before him. 14 And when the chyldren of Amnon saw that the Syriens were fled, then fled they also before Abisai, and entred into the cytye. And so Ioab returned from the chyldren of Amnon & came to Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 20:1

1 After that came the chyldren of Moab and the chyldren of Ammon and wyth them of the Ammonites agaynst Iehosaphat to battel.

Jeremiah 49:1-6

1 As concernynge the Ammonites thus the Lorde sayeth: Hath Israell no chyldren, or is he withoute an heyre? Why hath your kynge then taken Gad in? wherfore both hys people dwel in hys cities? 2 Beholde therfore, the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that I wyll brynge a noyse of warre into Rabah of the Ammonites. Lahell shalbe desolate, and her cytyes brente vp: and the Israelytes shall be Lordes ouer those that had them in possession afore, sayeth the Lord. 3 Hesebon shall mourne, for it shall be roted out of the grounde, sayeth the Lorde. The cytyes of Rabah shall crye oute, and gyrde them selues wyth sacke clothe: they shall mourne, and runne aboute the walles: for theyr kynge shal be led awaye presonner: yea hys priestes and princes wyth hym. 4 Wherfore trustest thou in the water streames that flowe to and fro, O thou fearre doughter: and thinckest thou arte so safe (by reason of thy treasure) that no man shal come to the? 5 Beholde, I wyll bring a feare vpon the, sayeth the Lord God of Hostes, from al those that be aboute the: so that ye shall be scatered euerye man from another, and no man shall gather them together agayne that be fled. 6 But after that, I wyll brynge the Ammonytes also oute of captyuite agayne.

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