1 Samuel 2:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 He reyseth vp the poore out of the duste, and lyfteth vp the begger from the dong hill: to set them among princes, and to enheret them with the seate of glory. For the pyllers of the earth are the Lordes, and he hath set the rounde worlde vpon them.

Genesis 41:14

14 Than Pharao sent & called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preison. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment, and went in to Pharao.

Genesis 41:40

40 Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house, and acordyng to thy worde shall al my people obeye: only in the kynges seate wyll I be aboue the.

1 Samuel 15:17

17 And Samuel sayde when thou waste lytle in thyne owne sighte, wast thou not made the head of the trybes of Israell? And the Lorde anoynted the Kynge ouer Israel.

2 Samuel 7:8

8 Now therfore so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord of Hostes I toke the out of a shepeherdes cote from folowyng shepe to be a ruler ouer my people Israel.

Job 2:8

8 so that he sat vpon the grounde in the asshes and scraped of the fylth of hys sores wyth potsherde.

Job 36:6-7

6 As for the vngodly, he preserueth them not, but helpeth the poore to their ryght. 7 He turneth not his eyes awaye from the ryghteous, he setteth vp kynges in theyr trone, and confyrmeth them, so that they alway sit there in.

Job 38:4-6

4 Where wast thou, when I layde the foundacyons of the earth? Tel planely yf thou hast vnderstandyng. 5 Who hath measured it, knoweste thou? Or, who hath spreade the lyne vpon it? 6 Wherevpon stande the pylers of it? Or who layed the corner stone?

Job 42:10-12

10 and the Lorde turned hym vnto Iob, when he prayed for his frendes. Yea the Lorde gaue Iob twyse as muche as he had a fore. 11 And then came there vnto him all hys brethren, all hys sisters, with all them that had bene of hys acquayntaunce afore, & ate bread wyth hym in hys house, wondryng at hym, & comfortyng hym ouer all the trouble, that the Lorde had brought vpon hym. Euery man gaue hym a shepe and a Iewell of golde. 12 And the Lorde made Iob rycher then he was before: for he had .xiiij.M. shepe .vi.M. camels, a .M. youcke of oxen, & a .M. asshes.

Psalms 24:2

2 For he hath founded it vpon the seas, and buylded it vpon the floudes.

Psalms 102:25

25 Thou Lorde in the beginnyng hast layed the foundacion of the earth, and the heauens are the workes of thy handes.

Psalms 104:5

5 Thou hast layed the earth vpon her foundacion, that it neuer moueth at any tyme.

Psalms 113:7-8

7 Which taketh vp the simple out of the dust and lyfteth the poore out of the myre. 8 That he may sette him amonge the prynces, euen amonge the prynces of hys people.

Ecclesiastes 4:14

14 Some one commeth out of pryson, & is made a kyng: and another which is born in the kyngdome, commeth vnto pouerte.

Daniel 2:48

48 So the kynge made Daniel a greate man, and gaue hym many & greate gyftes. He made hym ruler of all the countrees of Babylon, and Lorde of all the nobles, that were at Babylon.

Daniel 4:17

17 This erande of the watcher is a commaundement grounded and sought oute in the councell of him, that is most holye, to learne men for to vnderstande, that the hyest hath power, ouer the kyngedomes of men, and geueth them, to whome it lyketh hym, & bryngeth the very oute castes of men ouer them.

Daniel 6:3

3 But Daniel exceaded al these Princes and Lordes, for the sprete of God was plenteous in him: so that the Kynge was mynded to set hym ouer the whole realme.

Luke 1:51-52

51 He sheweth strength with his arme, he scattereth them that are proude in the ymagynacion of their hertes. 52 He putteth doune the mightye from their seates, and exalteth them of low degre.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Whyche sonne beyng the bryghtnes of hys glorye, and verye Image of his substaunce, bearinge vp al thinges wyth the worde of hys power, hath in his owne persone pourged our synnes, and is sitting on the right hand of the maiestie on hygh,

James 2:5

5 Harken my deare beloued brethren. Hath not God chosen the pore of thys world, which are ryche in faythe, and heyres of the kyngedome whiche he promysed to them that loue hym?

Revelation 1:6

6 & made vs kinges and priestes vnto God his father: be glorye and dominyon for euer more. Amen.

Revelation 3:21

21 To hym that ouercommeth, wyl I graunt to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten wyth my father, in his seate.

Revelation 5:10

10 and hast made vs to our God, kynges, and priestes, & we shal reigne on the earth.

Revelation 22:5

5 And there shalbe no nyght there, and they nede no candel neyther lyghte of the sunne: for the Lorde geueth them lyghte, & they shall rayne for euermore.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.