1 Samuel 2:28 Cross References - Matthew

28 And I chose thy father out of al the trybes of Israel to be my prieste for to offer vpon myne aultar and to burne incense, & to were an Ephod before me. And I gaue vnto the house of thy father all the offerynges of the chyldren of Israel.

Exodus 28:1

1 And take thou vnto the Aaron thy brother and hys sonnes wyth him, from amonge the children of Israell that he may minister vnto me, both Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar Arons sonnes.

Exodus 28:4

4 These are the garmentes whyche they shal make: a brestlapp Ephod, a tunycle, a strayte cote, a myter and a gyrdell. And they shall make holye garmentes for Aaron thy brother and his sonnes that he maye mynynister vnto me.

Exodus 28:6-30

6 And they shall make the Ephod of golde, iacincte, scarlet, purpull and whyte twined bysse with brothered worke. 7 The two sides shall come together, closed vp in the edges therof. 8 And the gyrdell of the Ephod shalbe of the same worckemanshyppe and of the same stuffe, euen of golde, iacyncte, scarlette, purpull and twyned bysse. 9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and graue in them the names of the chyldren of Israell: 10 sixe in the one stone, the other sixe in the other stone: accordynge to the order of their birth. 11 After the worcke of a stonegrauer euen as signettes are grauen, shalt thou graue the .ij. stones with the names of the chyldren of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in ouches of golde. 12 And thou shalte put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the Ephod and they shalbe stones of remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel. And Aaron shal beare their names before the Lorde vpon his two shulders for a remembrance. 13 And thou shalt make hokes of gold 14 and two cheynes of fine golde: lynkeworke and wrethed, and fasten the wrethed cheyns to the hokes. 15 And thou shale make the brestlappe of iudgement with brodered worke: euen after the worcke of the Ephod shalte thou make it: of gold, iacincte, sarlet, purple and twined bisse shalt thou make it. 16 For square it shalbe and double, an hande brede longe and an hande brede brode. 17 And thou shalt fyll it wyth .iiij. rowes of stones. In the fyrste rowe shalbe a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus. 18 The seconde rowe, a Rubye. Saphir and Diamonde. 19 The thyrde: Lygurios an Achat and Iaspis. 20 The fourth: a Turcas, Onix and Iaspis. And they shalbe set in golde in their inclosers, 21 And the stones shalbe grauen as signettes be grauen: wyth the names of the children of Israell euen wyth .xij. names euerye one wt hys name accordinge to the .xii. tribes 22 And thou shalt make vpon the brestappe two fastening cheyns of pure gold and wrethen worke. And thou shalt make, lyke wyse vpon, the brestlap two ringes of gold, 23 & put them on the edges of the brestlap. 24 & put the .ii. wrethen cheynes of gold in the .ij. rynges which are in the edges of the brestlappe. 25 And the .ii. endes of the .ij. cheyns thou shalte fasten in the .ij. rynges, and put them vpon the shoulders of the Ephode on the foresyde of it. 26 And thou shal yet make .ij. rynges of golde, and put them in the .ij. edges of the brestlappe euen in the borders therof towarde the insyde of the Ephod that is ouer agaynst it. 27 And yet .ij. other rynges of golde thou shalt make, & put them on the .ij. sides of the Ephod, beneth ouer agaynste the brestlappe alowe where the sydes are ioyned together vpon the bordered gyrdel of the Ephod. 28 And they shall bynde the brestlappe by hys ringes vnto the ringes of the Ephod with a lace of Iacyncte, that it maye lye close vnto the brodered gyrdell of the Ephod, that the brestlappe be not loosed from the Ephod. 29 And Aaron shal beare the names of the chyldren of Israel in the brestlappe of iudgement vpon hys hert, when he goeth into the holy place for a remembraunce before the Lorde alwaye. 30 And thou shalt put in the brestlappe of iudgement Vrim & Thumim: that they be euen vpon Aarons hert when he goeth in before the Lord & Aaron shall beare the ensample of the chyldren of Israell vpon his herte before the Lorde alwaye.

Exodus 29:4-37

4 And bryng Aaron & his sonnes vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, & wash theym with water, 5 & take the garmentes, & put vpon Aaron: the strayte coote, & the tunycle of the Ephod, & the Ephod & the brestlappe: & gyrd them to him with the brodered gyrdel of the Ephod. 6 And put the mytre vpon his head & put the holy croune vpon the mytre. 7 Then take the anoynting oyle & poure it vpon his head & anoynte hym. 8 And bring his sonnes & put albes vpon them, 9 & gyrd them with gyrdels: as well Aaron as his sonnes. And put the bonettes on them that the priestes office maye be theirs for a perpetuall lawe. And fyl the handes of Aaron and of hys sonnes, 10 and brynge the oxe before the tabernacle of witnesse. And let Aaron and hys sonnes put their handes vpon hys head 11 & kyl hym before the Lord in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse. 12 And take of the bloude of the oxe and put it vpon the hornes of the alter with thy finger & poure all the bloude vpon the botome of the aulter, 13 and take all the fat that couereth the inwardes, & the kal that is on the lyuer and the .ij. kydneys with the fat that is vpon them: and burne them vpon the aulter: 14 But the flesh of the oxe & hys skynne and hys donge shalte thou burne wyth fyre without the host. For it is a synne offerynge. 15 Then take one of the rammes, & let Aaron & hys sonnes put their handes vpon the head of the ramme, 16 and cause him to be slaine, and take of hys bloude and sprenkell it rounde aboute vpon the alter, 17 and cutt the ramme in peces and wash the inwardes of hym and hys legges, and put them vnto the peces and vnto his head, 18 and burne the hole ram vpon the alter. For it is a burnt offeryng vnto the Lorde, and a swete sauoure of the Lordes sacryfyce. 19 And take the other ram and let Aaron and his sonnes, put their handes vpon hys head 20 and lett him than be kylled. And take of hys bloude and put it vpon the tippe of the right eare of Aaron and of hys sonnes, and vpon the thombe of their ryghte handes and vpon the greate too of their ryghte fete and sprenkel the bloude vpon the aulter round abonte. 21 Then take of the bloude that is vpon the alter and of the anoyntynge oyle, and sprenkell it vpon Aaron and his veltimentes, and vpon his sonnes and vpon their garmentes also. Then is he and his clothes holy and his sonnes and their clothes holye also. 22 Then take the fatte of the ramme and his rompe and the fat that couereth the inwardes and the kall of the lyuer and the two kidneis and the fat that is vpon them and the ryghte shoulder (for that ram is a fulloffring) 23 and a symnell of bread, and a cake of oyled breade and a wafer out of the basket of swete bread that is before the Lord, 24 and put all vpon the handes of Aaron and on the handes of hys sonnes: and waue them in and out, a waueoffrynge vnto the Lorde. 25 Then take it from of their handes and burne it vpon the alter: euen vpon the burnteofferynge, to be a sauoure of swetnesse before the Lorde. For it is sacryface vnto the Lord. 26 Then take the brest of the ramme that is Aarons ful offring and waue if a waueoffring before the Lorde, and lette that be thy part. 27 And sanctify the brest of the waueoffrynge and the shoulder of the heueoffrynge whyche is waued and heued vp of the ram which is the fulloffringe of Aaron and of his sonnes. 28 And it shalbe Aarons and his sonnes dutye for euer, of the chyldren of Israel, for it is an heueoffeynge. And the heueoffrynge shalbe the Lordes dutye of the children of Israell: euen of the sacrifyce of their peaceofferynges whyche they heue vnto the Lorde. 29 And the holye garmentes of Aaron shalbe hys sonnes after hym, to anoint them therin, and to fyll to their handes therin. 30 And that sonne that is priest in his stede after him shall put them on seuen dayes: that he go into the tabernacle of wytnesse, to mynyster in the holy place. 31 Then take the ram that is the fuloffrynge and seth his flesh in an holy place. 32 And Aron and his sonnes shall eate the flesh of hym, & the braede that is in the baskette: euen in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse. 33 And they shall eate them because the attonement was made therwyth to fyll their handes & to sanctify them: but a straunger shall not eate therof because they are holy. 34 If oughte of the flesh of the ful offeringes or of the bred remayne vnto the mornynge, thou shalt burne it wyth fyre: for it shall not be eaten, because it is holye. 35 And se thou do vnto Aaron and his sonnes, euen so in al thinges as I haue commaunded the: that thou fyll their handes seuen dayes 36 and offer euery day an oxe for a sinne offring for to reconcyle wyth al. And thou shalt halow the alter when thou reconcylest it, and shalt anoynte it to sanctyfy it. 37 Seuen dayes thou shalte reconcile the alter and sanctyfye it, that it may be an alter most holy: so the no man may touch it but thei that be consecrate.

Exodus 39:1-7

1 And of the iacyncte, scarlet, purple & twyned bysse, they made the vestimentes of ministracion to do seruyce in that holy place and made the holy garmentes that pertayned to Aaron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 2 And they made the Ephod of gold, iacincte scarlet, purple, and twyned bysse. 3 And they did beate the golde in to thynne plates, & cutte & into wyres: to worke it in the iacincte, scarlet, purple & the bysse, wyth broderd worke. 4 And they made the sides come to gether, and cloosed them vp by the two edges. 5 And the brodrynge of the gyrdell that was vpon it, was of the same stuffe and after the same worcke of golde, iacincte, scarlet, purple and twyned bysse, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 6 And they wrought Onix stones cloosed in ouches of golde & graued as sygnettes are grauen with the names of the chyldren of Israel, 7 & put them on the shoulders of the Ephod that they shulde be a remembraunce of the chyldren of Israel, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 2:3

3 And the remnaunt of the meatoffring shalbe Aarons & his sonnes as a thynge most holy of the sacryfyces of the Lorde.

Leviticus 2:10

10 And that whyche is left of the meatoffrynge shall be Aarons and hys sonnes, as a thyng that is moost holy of the offrynges of the Lorde.

Leviticus 6:16

16 And the rest therof Aaron & his sonnes shal eate vnleuended: it shal be eaten in the holy place: euen in the court of the tabernacle of wytnes they shall eat it.

Leviticus 7:7-8

7 As the synne offerynge is, so is the trespaceofferyng, one lawe serueth for both: & it shall be the priestes that reconcileth therwyth. 8 And the priest that offered a mans burntoffering, shall haue the skynne of the burnt offeryng whych he hath offred.

Leviticus 7:32

32 And the right shoulder they shal geue vnto the priest, to be an heueoffringe, of their peaceofferinges.

Leviticus 7:34-35

34 for the waue breast, & the heue shoulder I haue taken of the chyldren of Israell, euen of theyr peaceofferynges, & haue geuen it vnto Aaron the priest and vnto hys sonnes: to be a dutye for euer of the children of Israel. 35 This is the anoyntynge of Aaron & of the sacrifices of the Lord, in the day when they were offered to the priestes vnto the Lorde,

Leviticus 8:7-8

7 & put vpon him the albe & gyrded hym wyth a gyrdle, & put vpon hym the tunicle, & put the Ephod theron, and gyrded hym with the brodered gyrdle of the Ephod, and bound it vnto hym therwt. 8 And he put the brestlappe theron, and put in the breastlappe Vrim & Thumim.

Leviticus 10:14-15

14 And the wauebrest and heueshoulder eate in a cleane place: both thou, & thy sonnes, & thy daughters with the. For it is thy duty & thy sonnes duty with the, of the peace offerynges of the children of Israel. 15 For the heueshoulder & the wauebreast whyche they bryng wyth the sacrifices of the fat to waue it before the Lord shall be thyne and thy sonnes wyth the and be a lawe for euer, as the Lorde hath commaunded.

Numbers 5:9-10

9 And al heaue offerynges of all the halowed thynges which the chyldren of Israel bryng vnto the preaste, shalbe the preastes, 10 & euery mans halowed thynges shalbe hys awne, but what soeuer any man geueth the preast, it shalbe the preastes.

Numbers 16:5

5 and spake vnto Corath and vnto al his company sayinge: to morow the Lorde wyll shewe who is hys and who is holy, and wil take theim vnto hym, and whom soeuer he hath chosen, he wyl cause to come to hym.

Numbers 17:5-8

5 And hys rodde whome I chose, shall blossome: So I wyl make cease from me the grudgynges of the chyldren of Israel whyche they grudge agaynst you. 6 And Moses spake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and al the princes gaue him for euery prynce ouer theyr fathers houses, a rod: euen .xij. rods, and the rod of Aaron was among the roddes. 7 And Moses put the roddes before the Lord in the tabernacle of witnes. 8 And on the morow, Moses wente into the tabernacle: and beholde the rodd of Aaron of the house of Leuy was budded & bare blossoms and almondes.

Numbers 18:1-8

1 And the Lorde sayed vnto Aaron. Thou and thy sonnes, and thy fathers house wyth the, shall bear the faulte of that whyche is done amysse in the holye place. And thou & thy sonnes wyth the, shal beare the fault of that whyche is done amysse in your priesthode. 2 And thy brethren also the trybe of Leui, the trybe of thy father take wyth the, and let them be ioyned vnto the, and minister vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes wyth the shall minister before the tabernacle of wytnes. 3 And let them wayte vp the & vpon al the tabernacle: onely let them not come nye the holy vesselles & the alter, that boeth they & ye also dye not. 4 And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of wytnesse, and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle, and let no straunger come nye vnto you. 5 Wayte therfore vpon the holy place and vpon the alter, that there fal no more wrath vpon the chyldren of Israel: 6 behold, I haue taken youre brethren the Leuites frome amonge the chyldren of Israell, to be yours, as gyftes geuen vnto the Lord to do the seruyce of the tabernacle of wytnesse. 7 And se that both thou and thy sonnes wyth the take hede vnto your priestes offyce, in al thinges that pertayne vnto the alter, and wythin the vayle. And se that ye serue, for I haue geuen youre prestes offyce vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce, and the straunger that commeth nye, shall dye. 8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: behold I haue geuen the, the kepyng of mine heueofferynges in al the halowed thynges of the chyldren of Israel. And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge and to thy sonnes: to be a dutye for euer.

Numbers 18:19

19 al the holy heaueofferinges whych the chyldren of Israel heaue vnto the Lorde, I gyue the and thy sonnes and thy daughters with the to be a duti foreuer. And it shalbe a salted couenaunte for euer, before the Lorde: vnto the and thy seed wyth the.

Deuteronomy 18:1-8

1 The Preastes the Leuytes, all the trybe of Leui shal haue no parte nor enheritaunce with Israel. The offrynges of the Lord and his enheritaunce they shall eate, 2 but shall haue no enheritaunce among their brethren: the Lorde he is their enherytaunce, as he hath sayde vnto them. 3 And this is the dutie of the preastes of the people and of them that offer, whether it be oxe or shepe: They must geue vnto the preast, the shoulder and the two chekes & the mawe, 4 the fyrst frutes of the corne, wyne & oyle & the first of the shepe sheryng must thou geue him. 5 For the Lord thy God hath chosen him out of all the trybes to stande and to minystre in the name of the Lord: bothe: hym & hys sonnes for euer. 6 If a Leuite come out of any of thy cytyes or any place of Israel, wher he is a soiourner, & come wyth all the lust of his herte vnto the place which the Lord hath chosen: 7 he shal ther ministre in the name of the Lord his God as all his bretherne the Leuites do which stande ther before the Lord. 8 And they shall haue lyke porcyones to eate, besyde that whych cometh to hym of the patrimonye of hys elders.

2 Samuel 12:7

7 Then Nathan sayd to Dauid: thou arte the man. Thys sayth the Lorde God of Israel: I annoynted the kynge ouer Israel, & rydde the out of the handes of Saule.

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