1 Kings 19:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 And who so eskapeth the swerde of Hazael, hym shall Iehu slaye: and yf any man scape the swerde of Iehu, hym shall Elizeus slaye.

2 Kings 2:23-24

23 And he went from thence vp to Bethel. And he was goynge vp in the waye, there came lytle laddes out of the citie and mocked him, and sayde to him: go vp thou bald head, go vp thou bald heade. 24 And he turned backe and loked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lorde. And there came two Beares out of that wood, & tare .xlij. of the boies.

2 Kings 8:12

12 And Hazael sayd: why wepeth my Lorde: And he aunswered: for I knowe that thou shalte do euyll vnto the chyldren of Israel: theyr stronge cytyes thou shalte set on fyre & theyr younge men thou shalte sleye with the swerde, and shalte dashe oute the braynes of theyr suckynge chyldren, and all to teare their wemen wyth chylde.

2 Kings 9:14-10:25

14 And so Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Namsi conspyred agaynst Iehoram. And Iehoram had bene waytynge at Ramoth Galaad, and all Israell wyth hym, for feare of Hazael king of Syrya, 15 and was returned to be healed in Iesrahel, of the woundes which the Syryans had geuen hym as he foughte wyth Hazaell kynge of Syrya. Then sayde Iehu: If it be youre myndes, then let no man escape oute of the cytye, to go and tell in Iesrahell. 16 And Iesu rode & went to Iesrahell: for Iehoram laye there, & Ohoziah kyng of Iuda was come to Iehoram. 17 And the watcheman that stode on the toure in Iesrahel, spyed the company of Iehu, as he came and sayde: I se a company. And Iehoram sayd: take an horsman and sende agaynst them, and let hym aske whether it be peace. 18 And there wente one on horsbacke agaynste hym and sayde: thus sayeth the kynge: is it peace? And Iehu aunswered: what hast thou to do wt peace? turne & come after me. And the watchman tolde, sayinge: the messenger came to them but he cometh not agayne. 19 Then he sent oute another on horsbacke, which came to them & sayde, thus sayth the kyng: is it peace? And Iehu aunswered, what hast thou to do with peace? turne and come after me. 20 And the watcheman tolde, sayinge: he came to them, but he cometh not agayne, and the dryuynge is lyke the dryuynge of Iehu the sonne of Namsi, for he dryueth as he were madde. 21 Then sayde Iehoram, make readye. And they made ready his charet. And Iehoram king of Israel, & Ohoziah kyng of Iuda went out eyther in hys charet agaynst Iehu, and mette hym in the furlonge of Naboth the Iezrahelite. 22 And when Iehoram sawe Iehu, he sayde: is it peace Iehu? And he sayde, what peace shulde there be, so longe as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezabel, and her witchcraftes are so great? 23 And Iehoram turned hys hande & fled, & sayde to Ohoziah: there is falshed Ohoziah. 24 And Iehu toke a bowe in hys hande, & smote Iehoram betwene the shoulders, that the arowe came out at hys breast. And he fell doune thre folde in hys charet. 25 Then he sayde to Badakar a lorde of hys, take and cast hym in the plat of grounde of Naboth the Iezrahelyte. For I remembre as I & thou roade together after Ahab his father, how the Lord spake these wordes agaynste hym:

2 Kings 10:14-25

14 And he sayde: take them alyue. And they toke them alyue, & slue them at the well besyde the house where the shepardes bynde theyr shepe, in nombre .xlij. personnes, that he lefte none of them: 15 And when he was departed thence, he met with Iehonadab the sonne of Rechab coming agaynst hym. And Iehu saluted him & sayde to hym: is thyne herte ryghte, as myne hert is with thyne. And Iehonadab sayd: yea that it is. If it be, then geue me thyne hande. And he gaue hys hande, & the other toke hym vp to hym into the charet 16 & said: go with me & se the zeale I haue to the Lorde, & made hym ryde with him in his charet. 17 And when he came to Samaria, he slue all that remayned vnto Ahab in Samaria, tyll he had wypte him oute, accordyng to the sayinge of the Lorde whiche he spake to Eliah. 18 After that Iehu gathered all the people together, & sayde to them: Ahab seued Baal a lytle: But Iehu shall serue hym a good. 19 Now therfore call vnto me all the Prophetes of Baal and all his seruauntes & al his priestes, that none be lackynge. For I haue a great sacrifice to do to Baal: & yf any be myssed, he shall not lyue. But Iehu dyd it for a suttelty, to destroy the seruauntes of Baal. 20 Wherfore Iehu said: Appoynte a solempne feaste for Baal, & they proclamed it. 21 Then Iehu sent thorowe out all Israell. And all the seruauntes of Baal came, that there was not a man left behynde that came not. And when they were come in to the temple of Baal, the temple was ful from one end to another. 22 Then he sayde to the keper of the vestrye, brynge forth garmentes for the seruauntes of Baal. And he brought them oute garmentes. 23 And Iehu went wt Iehonadab sonne of Rechab into the house of Baal, and sayd to the seruauntes of Baal: searche, & loke that there be none here with you of the seruauntes of the Lorde, but the seruauntes of Baal onelye. 24 And they went in, to offer sacrifyce and burnteofferynges. But Iehu appoynted him foure skore men wythoute, and sayd: Yf anye of the men whiche I shall brynge vnto youre handes escape, he that letteth hym go, shall dye for hym. 25 And as sone as he had made an ende of offeryng of burntsacrifyce, he sayde to them of the garde & to the Lordes, go in and sley them, let none come oute. And they smote them with the edge of the swerde. And the garde and the Lordes caste them oute, and went vnto the cytye of the house of Baal,

2 Kings 10:32

32 In those dayes the Lorde beganne to cut Israel shorte, for Hazael slue them in all the coastes of Israell,

2 Kings 13:3

3 Wherfore the Lorde was angrye with Israel, and delyuered them into the hande of Hazael kynge of Syrya, and into the hande of Benhadad the sonne of Hazael all theyr dayes.

2 Kings 13:22

22 And Hazael oppressed Israel, all the dayes of Iehoahaz.

Isaiah 11:4

4 but wyth ryghteousnesse shall he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde wyth the staffe of hys mouthe, & with the breathe of his mouth shall he slay the wicked.

Isaiah 24:17-18

17 And therfore (O thou that dwellest vpon the earth) there is at hand for the, feare, pyt and snare. 18 Who so escapeth the terrible crye, shal fal into the pyt. And yf he come out of the pit, he shalbe taken with the snare. For the wyndowes aboue shalbe opened, and the foundacion of the earth shall moue.

Jeremiah 1:10

10 & this daye do I set the ouer the people & kingedomes, that thou mayest rote oute, breake of, destroye, & make waste: and that thou mayest buylde vp and plante.

Hosea 6:5

5 Therfore haue I cut doune the Prophetes, and let them be slayne for my wordes sake: so that thy punyshment shall come to lyghte.

Amos 2:14

14 so that the swifte shall not escape, nether the strong be able to do anye thynge: no, the gyaunt shal not saue hys owne lyfe.

Amos 5:19

19 Yea lyke as when a man runneth from a lyon, and a beer meteth with him: or when he commeth into the house, and leaneth hys hande vpon the wall, a serpent diteth hym.

Revelation 19:21

21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swerd of him that sate vpon the horse, which swerd proceded out of his mouth & all the foules were fulfilled with their flesh.

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