1 Corinthians 3:19 Cross References - Matthew

19 For the wysdome of this worlde is folyshnes wyth God. For it is wrytten: he compaseth the wyse in theyr craftynes.

Exodus 1:10

10 Come on, lette vs playe wyselye wyth theym: least they multiplye, and then (if there chaunce anye warre) they ioyne theym selues vnto oure enimyes and lighte agaynste vs, and so gette theym oute of the Lande.

Exodus 18:11

11 Now I knowe that the Lord is greater then al Gods, for bicause that they dealt proudly with them.

2 Samuel 15:31

31 And one tolde Dauid saying: Ahithophel is one of them that haue conspyred wyth Absalom. Then sayde Dauid: O Lorde, turne the councell of Ahithophel into folyshnes.

2 Samuel 16:23

23 And the councell of Ahithophel whiche he counceled in those dayes, was a man had asked counsel of God: euen so was al the counsel of Ahithophel, bothe vnto Dauid and also vnto Absalom.

2 Samuel 17:14

14 And Absalom & al the men of Israel sayd: that the counsel of Husai the Arachite was better then the counsel of Ahithophel. For it was euen the lordes determinacion to destroy the counsel of Ahithophel: whych was good that the Lorde myght brynge euyl vpon Absalom.

2 Samuel 17:23

23 And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not folowed, he sadelleth his asse, and arose, & gate hym home to hys owne house and to his own cytye, and put his housholde in order and hanged him selfe and dyed, and was buryed in the sepulchre of hys father.

Esther 7:10

10 So they hanged Haman on the galowes that he had made for Mardocheus. Then was the Kynges wrath pacyfyed.

Job 5:13

13 whyche compasseth the wyse in theyr owne craftynesse, and ouerthroweth the councell of the wycked?

Psalms 7:14-15

14 Beholde, he trauyleth wyth mischefe, he hath conceaued vnhappinesse, and broughte forth a lye. 15 He hath grauen & digged vp a pyt, but he shall fall hym selfe into the pitte that he hath made.

Psalms 9:15-16

15 As for the Heathen, thei are suncken doune in the pytte that they made: in the same nette which they spred out priuely, is their owne feete taken. 16 Thus the Lord is knowen to execute true iudgemente, when the vngodly is trapped in the woorkes of hys owne handes. Selah.

Psalms 141:10

10 Let the vngodly fall into their owne nettes together, vntyll I be gone by them.

Isaiah 19:11-14

11 Yea the vndiscrete Princes of Zoan, the councel of the wise Senatoures of Pharao, shall turne to folyshenesse. Those that darre boast & saye of Pharaos behalfe: I am come of wyse people, 12 I am come of the olde regall Progeny. But where are now thy wyse men? Let them tel the & shewe the, what the Lorde of hostes hath taken in hande agaynst Egipt. 13 Fooles are these Prynces of Zoan, & proude are the Princes of Noph: yea they disceyue Egypte with the nobilitye of their stock. 14 For the Lorde hath made Egypte droncken with the spirit of erroure, and they shal vse it in al matters, euen lyke as a droncken man goeth spewynge aboute.

Isaiah 29:14-16

14 therfore will I also shewe vnto thys people a maruelous, terryble, and great thing (Namelye thys:) I wyll destroye the wysdom of theyr wyse, & the vnderstandynge of theyr learned men shall peryshe. 15 Wo be vnto them that seke to depe, to hyde theyr ymagynacion before the Lorde, which reherse theyr councels in the darcknes, & saye: who seyth vs, or who knoweth vs? 16 Whiche ymagynacyon of yours is euen as when the potters clay taketh aduysemente, as thoughe the worcke myghte saye to the worckemaister: make me not, or as when an earthen vessell sayeth of the potter: he vnderstandeth not.

Isaiah 44:25

25 I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Soth sayers go wronge. As for the wyse, I turne them backwarde, and make their connynge folyshnesse.

Romans 1:21-22

21 in as muche as when they knewe God, they glorifyed him not as God, neither were thankful, but waxed full of vanities in theyr Imaginations, and their folishe hertes were blinded. 22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became foles,

1 Corinthians 1:19-20

19 For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll caste awaye the vnderstandinge of the prudent. 20 Where is the wyse? Where is the scribe? Where is the searcher of this worlde?

1 Corinthians 2:6

6 That we speake of, is wisdome amonge that are perfecte: not the wisdome of this world (whiche go to nought)

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.