1 Chronicles 23:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 Four thousand were porters and four thousand praised the Lord with suche instrumentes as Dauid had made to prayse with all.

1 Kings 10:12

12 And kynge Salomon made of the Almuge trees pyllers in the house of the Lord & in the kynges palace, & made harpes & Psalteryes for syngers There came no more Almuge tre so, nor was any more sene vnto this daye.

1 Chronicles 6:31-48

31 These be they whyche Dauid set for to singe in the house of the Lorde, after that the Arcke had reste. 32 And they mynystred before the dwellinge place of the tabernacle of wytnesse wyth syngynge, vntyll Salomon had buylt the temple of the Lorde in Ierusalem. And then they wayted on theyr offyces accordinge to the order of them. 33 These are they that wayted with theyr children of the sonnes of Cahath: Heman a synger, whyche was the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel. 34 The sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Eliel: the sonne of Thoah, 35 the sonne of Zuph, the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Mahath, the sonne of Amasai, 36 the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Asariah, the sonne of Zophoniah: 37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Asir, the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Coreh: 38 the sonne of Izahar, the sonne of Cahath: the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel. 39 And his brother Asaph stode on his ryght hande, whych was the sonne of Barachiah, the sonne of Samaa: 40 the sonne of Michael the sonne of Baasaiah, the sonne of Melchiah, 41 the sonne of Athani, the sonne of Zarah, the sonne of Adaiach: 42 the sonne of Ethan, the sonne of Zamah, the sonne of Semei: 43 the sonne of Iahath, the sonne of Gersom, the sonne of Leui. 44 And theyr brethren the sonnes of Merari stode on the lefte hand: Ethan the sonne of Chusi, the sonne of Abdi, the sonne of Maloch: 45 the sonne of Hasabiah, the sonne of Amaziah, the sonne of Helkiah: 46 the sonne of Amazi, the sonne of Boni, the sonne of Somer: 47 the sonne of Moholi, the sonne of Musi, the sonne of Merari, the sonne of Leui. 48 Their brethren the Leuites were apoynted vnto all maner seruyce of the tabernacle of the house of God.

1 Chronicles 9:17-27

17 The porters were Selum, Acub, Talmon and Ahiman with their brethren, Selum beyng the chefe. 18 For vnto that tyme they had watched at the kinges gate eastward in the tentes of the children of Leui by companyes. 19 And Selum the sonne of Coreh the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Coreh with hys brethren the Corehites in the house of their fathers had their businesse and offyce to kepe the dore of the tabernacle: for their fathers in the Hoste of the Lorde kepte the enteringe. 20 And Phynehes the sonne of Eleazar was ruler ouer them before the Lord, whiche was wyth hym. 21 And Zachariah the sonne of Moselamiah kepte the dore of the tabernabcle of witnesse. 22 Al these were chosen felowes to kepe the tresholdes, two hundred and twelue, and were numbred in their villages. And them dyd Dauid and Samuel the sear institute in their fidelite. 23 And their children had the ouersighte of the gates of the house of the Lorde and of the house of the tabernacle to kepe them. 24 In foure quarters were the kepers: toward the easte, west, north, and southe. 25 And theyr brethren that were in the countre came in their wekes as their course came about wyth them. 26 For the Leuites were commytted to be pryncypall porters of fydelyte. And they had the ouersight of the vestryes and treasures of the house of God, 27 & laye all nyghte roundabout the house of God: because the kepyng therof pertayned to them, and to open it euery mournynge.

1 Chronicles 9:33

33 These are the syngers auncient heades amonge the Leuites deuyded by chambres: for they had to do bothe daye & nyght.

1 Chronicles 15:16-24

16 And Dauid spake to the chefe heades of the Leuites, that they should appoynte of theyr brethren to synge wt instrumentes of musycke psalteries, harpes & symbales that sounded, and to synge on hye with Ioyfulnesse. 17 And the Leuites appoynted Heman the sonne of Ioel: and of his brethren, Asaph the sonne of Barachiah. And of the sonnes of Merari theyr brethren: Ethan the sonne of Cusaiahu. 18 And with them theyr brethren of the seconde degree: Zachariah, Ben, Iaaziel, Semiramoth Iahiel, Vni, Eliab, Banaiah, Maasiah, Mathathiah, Eliphelehu, Makaniah, Obed, Edom and Iaiel, porters. 19 Heman, Asah and Ethan sange with symbales of brasse to make a sound. 20 And Zachariah, Oziel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Ani, Eliab, Maasaiah and Bananiah sang with psalteris on an Almoth. 21 And Mathathiah, Eliphelehu, Makeniah, Obed Edom, Ieiel, and Ozaziah sange with harpes and eight aboue the courage with all. 22 And Conaniah the chefe of the Leuites was maister of the songe and taught to synge, for he was a man of vnderstandinge. 23 And Barachiah and Elcanah kepte the dore of the Arcke. 24 And Sacaniah, Iehosaphat, Nathanael, Amasai, Zachariah, Banaiah and Eliezer priestes were blowers wyth trompettes before the Arcke of God. And Obed, Edom and Iahiah were kepers of the dore of the Arcke.

1 Chronicles 16:38

38 And Obed Edom with hys brethren thre skore and eyght, and Obed Edom the sonne of Iduthun and Ozah to be porters.

1 Chronicles 16:41-42

41 And wyth them Heman and Iduthun, and other that were chosen and named by name, to thanke the Lord that hys mercye lasteth euer. 42 And wyth the sayde Heman and Iduthun were trompettes & soundyng simbales, & instrumentes of the melody of God. And the sonnes of Iduthun were porters.

1 Chronicles 25:1-7

1 And Dauid and the captaines of the hoste appoynted out to do seruice, the sonnes of Asaph of Heman and Iduthun, whiche dyd prophesie with harpes psalteries & symbales: & the multytude of them were men to do seruyce in their offices. 2 The sonnes of Asaph: Zaur, Ioseph, Nathaniah, Aserealah, to wayte on Asaph, whyche prophesyed by the kynge. 3 The sonnes of Iduthun: Godoliah, Zuri, Isaiah, Rasabiah and Mathathiah, Semei, syxe, at the handes of their fathers Iduthun wyth harpes: which Iduthun prophesyed for to thanke and prayse the Lord. 4 The sonnes of Heman: Bokiahu, Mathaniah, Vziel, Zubuell, Ierimoth, Hananiah, Hanam, Eliathat, Gedalthi, Romanthi Ezer, Iesbokasah, Malothi, Hothir and Mahazioth. 5 All these were the sonnes of Heman the kynges Sear of vysions with the worde of God, to lyfte vp the horne. God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes, and thre doughters. 6 All these were at the hande of their father to synge in the house of the lord with symbales, psalteries, and harpes in the seruyce of the house of God. And at the hand of the king was Asaph, Iduthun and Heman. 7 But the multitude of them were with theyr brethren that were connynge in the songe of the Lord. And the nombre of al that taught, were two hundred four skore and eyght.

1 Chronicles 26:1-12

1 The deuysyon of the porters amonge the Corehites: Meselemiah the sonne of Koreh of the chyldren of Asaph. 2 And the sonnes of Mesemiah were these: Zachariah the eldest, Iadiel the seconde, Zabadiah the thyrde, Iathaniel the fourth, 3 Elam the fyfte, Iehohanan the syxte Elioenai the seuenthe. 4 And Obed Edom had sonnes: Semeiah the eldest, Iehosabad the second, Ioah the thyrd, Sacar the fourth, Nathanael the fyfte, 5 Amiel the sixte, Isacar the seuenth, and Polathai the .viij. for God had blessed hym. 6 And vnto Semeiah hys sonne were sonnes borne that ruled in the house of theyr father, for they were men of myghte. 7 The sonnes of Semeiah: Othni, Raphael, Obed and Elzabad & his brethren men of actyuite, Elihu and Samachiah. 8 All these were of the chyldren of Obed Edom, whiche with theyr brethren and theyr chyldren, actiue men & of strength to do seruice, were .lxij. of Obed Edom. 9 And Meseleniah had sonnes and brethren, actyue men, .xviij. 10 And Hosah of the chyldren of Merari, had sonnes: semri the chefe, yet he was not the eldest, but hys father made hym the chefeste. 11 Helkiah the seconde, Tabeliah the thyrde and Zachariah the fourth: so that all the sonnes & brethren of Hosah were .xiij. 12 Vnto these was deuyded the offyce of the portershepe as vnto heades ouer the men that wayted with theyr brethren, and mynistred in the house of the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 8:14

14 And Salomon put the sortes of pryestes in companyes as Dauid hys father had ordered them, vnto the offyces, & the Leuites vnto theyr wayt, for to prayse & mynystre before the priestes daye by daye, and the porters by course at euerye gate. For so had Dauid the man of God commaunded.

2 Chronicles 20:19-21

19 And the Leuites and the children of the Cahathites & of the Corathites stode vp, to prayse the Lorde God of Israel with a loud voyce on hye. 20 And so they arose erlye in the mornyng, and get them out vnto the wyldernesse of Tekua. And as they went out, Iehosaphat stode and sayde: heare me Iuda, and ye enhabyters of Ierusalem. Beleue in the Lorde youre God, and so shall ye continue: and beleue his prophetes & so shall ye prospere. 21 And he gaue the people counsell, & set the syngers of the Lorde, & them that praysed in holy apparel, to go out before the army and to saye: prayse the Lorde, for hys mercye lasteth euer.

2 Chronicles 29:25-26

25 And they set the Leuites in the house of the Lorde with symbales, psalteries and harpes accordynge to the commaundement of Dauid & of Gad the kynges sear of visions & of Nathan the prophete. For so was the coumaundement of the Lorde thorow the hande of his prophetes. 26 And so the Leuites stode with the instrumentes of Dauid, & the preastes with trompettes.

2 Chronicles 35:15

15 And the syngers the chyldren of Asaph stode in theyr standyng accordyng to the commaundement of Dauid and Asaph, Heman and Iduthun the kynges sear of visions: and the porters wayted at euery gate, and might not departe from theyr seruyce: But theyr brethren the Leuites prepared for them.

Ezra 7:7

7 And there went vp certayne of the children of Israel, & of the priestes, and of the Leuites, of the syngers, of the porters, and of the Nethinims vnto Ierusalem, in the seuenth yeare of kinge Arthaxerses.

Nehemiah 7:73

73 And the prestes and Leuites, the Porters, the syngers, and the other of the people, and the Nethinims, and all Israel dwelt in theyr cytyes. Nowe when the seuen moneth drue nye, and the chyldren of Israel were in theyr cytyes,

Psalms 87:7

7 Therfore the dwellynge of all syngers & daunsers is in the.

Amos 6:5

5 ye that singe to the lute, & in playenge of instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid:

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