3 I haue put of my cote, how can I do it on agayne? I haue washed my fete, how shall I fyle them agayne?
Song of Songs 5:3 Cross References - Great
Proverbs 3:28
28 Saye not vnto thy neyghboure: go thy waye, & come agayne, to morowe wyll I geue the:
Proverbs 13:4
4 The slogarde wolde fayne haue, & cannot get hys desyre: but the soule of the diligent shall haue plenty.
Proverbs 22:13
13 The slouthfull body sayeth: there is a lyon without, I myght be slayn in the strete.
Matthew 25:5
5 Whyle the brydegrome taryed, they all slombred & slept.
Matthew 26:38-43
38 Then sayde Iesus vnto them: my soule his heuy, euen vnto the deeth. Tary ye here: and watche wt me.
39 And he went a lytell farther, and fell flat on his face, and prayed, sayinge: O my father, yf it be possible, let this cuppe passe from me: neuerthelesse, not as I will, but as thou wilt.
40 And he came vnto the disciples, & founde them aslepe, and sayeth vnto Peter: what, coulde ye not watch with me one houre:
41 watche, and praye, that ye entre not into temptacyon. The sprete is willinge, but the fleshe is weake.
42 He went awaye once agayne and prayed, sayinge, O my father, yf this cuppe maye not passe awaye from me, excepte I drincke of it, thy will be fulfylled.
43 And he came, and founde them aslepe agayne. For their eyes were heuy.
Luke 11:7
7 and he within answere, and saye: trouble me not, the dore is now shut, and my chyldren are with me in the chamber, I cannot ryse and geue the.