Romans 10:3 Cross References - Great

3 For they beynge ignoraunt of Goddes ryghtewesnes, and goynge aboute to stablysshe theyr awne ryghtewesnes, haue not bene obedient vnto the ryghtewesnes of God.

Leviticus 26:41

41 Therfore I also wyll walke contrary vnto them, and wyll brynge them into the lande of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, and they shall make an attonement for their mysdeades.

Nehemiah 9:33

33 And truly, thou art iust in all that thou hast broughte vpon vs: for thou hast done ryght.

Job 33:27

27 Soch a respecte hath he vnto men. Therfore, let a man confesse (and saye) I haue offended: I dyd vnryghteously, and it hath done me no good.

Psalms 71:15-16

15 Thou, O God, hast taught me fro my youth vp vntill now, therfore will I tell of thy wonderous worckes. 16 Forsake me not, O God, in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntyll I haue shewed thy strength vnto this generacion, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come.

Psalms 71:19

19 Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde.

Isaiah 51:6

6 Lift vp your eyes towarde heauen, and loke vpon the earth beneth. For the heauens shall vanyshe awaye lyke smoke, and the earth shall waxe olde lyke a cloth, & they that dwell therin shall perysh in lyke maner. But my saluacion shall endure for euer, and my righteousnesse shall not cease.

Isaiah 51:8

8 for wormes & mothes shall eate them vp lyke cloth & woll. But my ryghteousnes shall endure for euer, & my sauynge health from generacion to generacyon.

Isaiah 56:1

1 Thus sayeth the Lorde. Kepe equite, and do ryght, for my sauyng health shall come shortly, & my ryghteousnes shalbe opened.

Isaiah 57:12

12 Yee, verely I wyl declare thy goodnes and thy workes, but they shall not profyt the:

Isaiah 64:6

6 We are all as an vnclene thynge, & all oure ryghteousnes are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leafe, for oure synnes cary vs awaye lyke the wynde.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I wyll rayse vp the ryghteous braunche of Dauid, which kynge shall beare rule, and he shall prosper with wysedome, & shall set vp equite & righteousnes agayne in the erth. 6 In this tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israell shall dwell without feare. And this is the name that they shal call him: euen the Lorde oure ryghteousnesse.

Lamentations 3:22

22 Namely, it is of the Lordes mercyes that we are not, vtterly consumed. For trulye hys pytefull compassion hath not ceassed.

Daniel 9:6-9

6 We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes that spake in thy name to oure kynges and princes, to oure forefathers, and to all the people of the lande. 7 O Lord, righteousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto us pertayneth nothynge but open shame: as it is come to passe thys daye vnto euery man of Iuda, and to them that dwell at Ierusalem. Yee, vnto all Israel, whether they be farre or nye: thorowe out all landes: wherin thou hast strowed them, because of the offences, that they had done agaynst the. 8 Yee, O Lorde, vnto vs, to oure kynges & princes, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the belongeth open shame. 9 But vnto the, O Lorde oure God, pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from hym,

Daniel 9:24

24 .Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, and ouer the holy cytie: that the wyckednes maye be consumed, that the synne may haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to brynge in euerlastinge ryghteousnesse, to fulfyll the visyons and the prophetes, and to anoynte the moost holy one.

Luke 10:29

29 But he wyllinge to iustifie him selfe, sayde vnto Iesus: And who is my neyghbour?

Luke 15:17-21

17 Then he came to him selfe, and sayd: how many hyred seruauntes at my fathers haue breed ynough? and I perishe with honger. 18 I wyll aryse, and go to my father, and will saye vnto him: father, I haue synned agaynst heauen, and before the, 19 & am no more worthy to be called thy sonne, make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes. 20 And he arose, & came to his father. But when he was yet a greate waye of, his father sawe him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kyssed him. 21 And the sonne sayde vnto him: father, I haue synned agaynst heauen, and in thy syght, & am nomore worthy to be called thy sonne.

Luke 16:15

15 And he sayd vnto them: Ye are they which iustifye youre selues before men: but God knoweth youre hertes. For that which is hyghlye estemed amonge men, is abhominable in the syght of God.

Luke 18:9-12

9 And he tolde this parable, vnto certayne which trusted in them selues that they were perfecte, and despysed other 10 Two men went vp into the temple to praye: the one a Pharise, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharyse stode and prayed thus with hym selfe: God, I thancke the, that I am not as other men are, extorsioners, vniuste, aduoutrers, or as this publycan. 12 I fast twyse in the weke. I geuetythe of all that I possesse.

John 16:9-10

9 Of synne, because they beleue not on me. 10 Of ryghtewesnes, because I go to my father, and ye shal se me nomore:

Romans 1:17

17 For by it is the ryghtewesnes of God opened from fayth to fayth.

Romans 3:22

22 The ryghtewesnes of God, commeth by the fayth of Iesus Christ, vnto all and vpon all them that beleue. Ther is no dyfference:

Romans 3:26

26 to shewe at thys tyme hys ryghtewesnes, that he might be counted iust, and the iustifyar of hym whych beleueth on Iesus.

Romans 5:19

19 For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners: so by the obedience of one, shall many be made ryghteous.

Romans 9:30-32

30 What shall we saye then? We saye, that the gentyls which folowed not ryghtewesnes, haue ouertaken ryghtewesnes: euen the ryghtewesnes which cometh of fayth. 31 Contrary wyse, Israel which folowed the lawe of rightwesnes could not attaine to the lawe of ryghtewsnes. 32 Wherfore? euen because they sought it not by fayth: but as it were by the workes of the lawe. For they haue stombled at the stombylynge stone.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.

Galatians 5:3-4

3 I testyfye agayne to euery man which is circumcised, that he is bonde to kepe the whole lawe. 4 Christ is become but in vayne vnto you. As many of you as are iustifyed by the lawe are fallen from grace.

Philippians 3:9

9 and be founde in him not hauynge myne awne ryghtewesnes of the lawe: but that which is thorow the fayth of Chryst: euen the ryghtewesnes which commeth of God thorowe fayth:

2 Peter 1:1

1 Simon Peter a seruaunt, and an Apostle of Iesus Christ, to them whych haue obtayned lyke precyous fayth wt vs thorow the ryghtewesnes of oure God and sauioure Iesus Christ.

Revelation 3:17-18

17 because thou sayest: I am ryche & incresyd wyth goodes, and haue nede of nothyng, and knowest not, how thou art wretched & myserable, and poore, & blynde and nakyd. 18 I counsell the to bye of me, golde tryed in the fyre, that thou mayste be ryche: and whyte rayment, that thou mayste be clothed, that thy fylthy nakednes do not appeare, & anoynt thyne eyes wyth eye salue that thou mayste se.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.