Revelation 22:1 Cross References - Great

1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe, clere as Crystall: procedynge out of the seate of God, and the lambe.

Psalms 36:8-9

8 They shalbe satisfyed with the plenteousnesse of thy house, and thou shalt geue them dryncke of thy pleasures, as out of the ryuer. 9 For with the is the well of lyfe, and in thy lyght, shall we se lyght.

Psalms 46:4

4 The ryuers of the floude therof shall make glad the cytie of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most hyest.

Isaiah 41:18

18 I brynge forth floudes in the hylles, and welles in the playne feldes. I turne the wyldernes to ryuers, and the drye lande to condyttes of water.

Isaiah 48:18

18 O that thou hadst regarded my commaundementes, then had thy welthynes bene as the water streame: and thy righteousnes as the waues flowynge in the see:

Isaiah 66:12

12 For thus sayeth the Lord: beholde, I wyll lett peace into her, lyke a water floude, and the myght of the Heythen lyke a flowynge streame. Then shall ye sucke, ye shall be borne vpon her sydes, and be ioyfull vpon her knees.

Jeremiah 2:13

13 For my people hath done two euels. They haue forsaken me the well of the water of lyfe, and dygged them pyttes, yee vyle and broken pyttes, that can holde no water.

Jeremiah 17:13

13 Thou art the comforte of Israell. All they that forsake the, shalbe confounded: al they that departe from the, shalbe wrytten in earth for they haue forsaken the Lorde the very condyte of the waters of lyfe.

Ezekiel 47:1-9

1 After this, he brought me agayne before the dore of the house: and beholde, there gushed oute waters from vnder the postes of the house eastwarde, for the house stode towarde the east, that ran downe vpon the ryght syde of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde. 2 Then caryed he me out to the north dore, and brought me forth there rounde about by the vtmost dore that turneth eastwarde. Beholde, there came forth the water vpon the right syde: 3 Now whan the man that had the meterodde in hys hande went vnto the east dore, he measured a .M. cubites, and then he brought me thorowe the water, euen to the ancles: 4 so he measured yet a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water agayne vnto the knees: yet measured he a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water vnto the loynes. 5 After this he measured a thousande agayne, then was it soch a ryuer, that I myght not wade thorowe it. The water was so depe, that it was nedeful to haue swimmed, for it might not be waded ouer. 6 And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene thys, O thou sonne of man? and with that, he brought me to the ryuer banck agayne. 7 Nowe when I came there, there stode many trees vpon ether syde of the ryuer bancke. 8 Then sayde he vnto me: Thys water that floweth oute towarde the east, and runneth downe into the playne felde, commeth into the see: and from the see runneth out: & maketh the waters whole. 9 Yee, all that lyue & moue, wherunto thys ryuer commeth, shall recouer. And where thys water commeth, ther shalbe moch fysh. For all that commeth to this water, shalbe lusty and whole.

Zechariah 14:8

8 In that tyme shall there waters of lyfe runne out from Ierusalem: the halfe potte of them towarde the east see, and the other halfe towarde the vttermost see, and shall continue both somer and wynter.

John 4:10-11

10 Iesus answered and sayde vnto hyr: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God, and who it is that sayeth to the geue me drincke, thou woldest haue asked of him, & he wolde haue geuen the water of lyfe. 11 The woman sayeth vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothynge to drawe wyth, & the well is depe: from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe?

John 4:14

14 But whosoeuer drincketh of the water that I shall geue him, shall neuer bemore a thyrst: but the water that I shall geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, spryngynge vp into euerlastinge lyfe.

John 7:38-39

38 He that beleueth on me (as sayeth the scripture) out of his belly shall flowe ryuers of water of lyfe. 39 But this spake he of the sprete, whych they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.

John 14:16-18

16 & I will praye the father, and he shall geue you another comforter, that he maye bide wt you for euer: 17 euen the sprete of treuth, whom the world cannot receaue, because the worlde seeth hym not, nether knoweth him. But ye knowe him. For he dwelleth wt you, & shalbe in you. 18 I wyll not leaue you comforteles: but will come to you:

John 15:26

26 But when the comforter is come, whom I will sende vnto you from the father (euen the sprete of treuth, which proceadeth of the father) he shall testifye of me.

John 16:7-15

7 Neuertheles, I tel you the treuth, it is expedient for you, that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye, that comforter wyll not come vnto you. But yf I departe, I wyll sende hym vnto you. 8 And when he is come, he wyll rebuke the worlde of synne, and of rightewesnes, & of iudgement. 9 Of synne, because they beleue not on me. 10 Of ryghtewesnes, because I go to my father, and ye shal se me nomore: 11 Of iudgement, because the prynce of thys worlde is iudged all ready. 12 I haue yet many thinges to saye vnto you but ye cannot beare them awaye now. 13 Howbeit when he is come (which is the sprete of treuth) he will leade you into all treuthe. He shall not speake of hym selfe: but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall he speake, and he will shewe you thinges to come. 14 He shal glorify me, for he shall receaue of myne, & shall shewe vnto you. 15 All thynges that the father hath, are myne. Therfore sayde I vnto you, that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you.

Acts 1:4-5

4 and gathered them together, and commaunded them, that they shulde not departe from Ierusalem: but to wayte for the promys of the father wherof (sayeth he) ye haue hearde of me. 5 For Iohn truly baptysed with water, but ye shalbe baptysed with the holy goost after these feawe dayes.

Acts 2:33

33 Sence now that he by the ryght hande of God exalted is, and hath receaued of the father the promyse of the holy Goost, he hath sheed forth thys which ye now se and heare.

Revelation 3:21

21 To hym that ouercommeth wyll I graunte to syt with me in my seate, euen as I ouercam, & haue sytten with my father in his seate.

Revelation 4:5-6

5 And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges, & thundrynges, & voyces, & ther were seuen lampes of fyre, burnynge before the seate, whych are the seuen spretes of God, 6 And before the seate ther was a see of glasse, lyke vnto Cristal, and in the myddes of the seate, & rounde about the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before & behynde.

Revelation 5:6

6 And I behelde, and lo, in the myddes of the seate, and of the foure bestes, and in the myddes of the elders, stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled, hauynge seuen hornes, and seuen eyes, whych are the seuen spretes of God, sent into all the worlde.

Revelation 5:13

13 And all the creatures whych are in heauen, & on the erth, & vnder the erth, & in the see, & all that are in them, herde I sayinge, blessyng, honour, glory, & power be vnto hym that sytteth vpon the seate, & vnto the lambe for euermore.

Revelation 7:10-11

10 & cryed with a lowde voyce, sayinge: saluacyon be asscribed to him that sytteth vpon the seate of oure God, & vnto the lambe. 11 And all the angels stode in the compase of the seate, & of the elders & of the foure bestes, & fell before the seat on their faces, and worshypped God,

Revelation 7:17

17 For the lambe whych is in the myddes of the seate, shall fede them, & shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, & God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Revelation 21:6

6 And he sayd vnto me: it is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng & the ende I wyll geue to hym that is a thyrst, of the well of the water of lyfe, fre.

Revelation 21:11

11 hauyng the bryghtnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious, euen lyke a Iasper cleare as Cristall:

Revelation 22:17

17 And the sprete and the bryde saye come. And let him that heareth, saye also: come. And let him that is a thyrst: come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of lyfe, fre.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.