Revelation 1:17 Cross References - Great

17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste,

Genesis 15:1

1 After these thynges were done, the worde of the Lorde came vnto Abram in a vysyon sayinge, Feare not Abram, I am thy defence, and thy rewarde shall be exceadynge great.

Exodus 14:13

13 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare ye not, stande styll, & beholde, howe the Lorde shall saue you this daie. For ye that haue sene the Egipcians this daye, shall se them nomore for euer.

Exodus 20:20

20 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare not, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare maye be in youre face, that ye synne not.

Isaiah 41:4

4 Who hath made and created thes thinges? euen he that called the generacions from the begynnyng? Euen I the Lorde, which am the fyrst, and with the last.

Isaiah 41:10

10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.

Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus hath the Lorde spoken: euen the Kynge of Israel, and his redemer, the Lorde of Hostes: I am the fyrst and the last, and without me is there no God.

Isaiah 48:12

12 Herken vnto me, O Iacob, and Israel whom I haue called, I am he. I am euen he that is, I am the fyrst & the last.

Ezekiel 1:28

28 was lyke a raynbowe, which in a raynye daye appeareth in the cloudes. Euen so was the similytude, wherin the glorye of the Lorde appeared. When I sawe it, I fell vpon my face, and herkened vnto the voyce of hym that spake:

Daniel 8:17-18

17 So he came, and stode by me. But I was afrayed at hys commynge, and fell downe vpon my face. Then sayde he vnto me, O thou sonne of man, marcke well, for in the last tyme shall this vision be fulfylled. 18 Now as he was speakynge vnto me, I waxed faynte, so that I suncke downe to the grounde. But he toke holde vpon me, and sett me vp agayne,

Daniel 10:8-10

8 I was left there my selfe alone, and sawe this great visyon, so longe tyll there remayned nomore strength wythin me: yee, I lost my coloure clene, I wasted awaye, and my strength was gone. 9 Yet hearde I the voyce of hys wordes: and as soone as I hearde it, fayntnesse came vpon me; and I fell downe flat to the grounde vpon my face. 10 And behold, an hande touched me, whych set me vp vpon my knees & vpon the palmes of my handes,

Daniel 10:12

12 Then sayde he vnto me: feare not Daniel: for why, sence the fyrst daye that thou set thyne herte to vnderstande, and dydest chasten thy selfe before thy God: thy wordes haue bene herde. And I had come vnto the. When thou begannest to speake

Daniel 10:15

15 Nowe when he had spoken these wordes vnto me, I cast downe my head to the grounde and helde my tunge.

Daniel 10:17-19

17 Howe may my Lordes seruaunt then talke wyth my Lord? seynge there is no strength in me, so that I cannot take my breth? 18 Upon this there touched me agayne, one moch lyke a man and conforted me, 19 sayinge. O thou man so well beloued, feare not: be content, take a good hert vnto the, and be stronge. So when he had spoken vnto me, I recouered, and sayde. Speake on my Lord, for thou hast refreshed me.

Habakkuk 3:16

16 When I heare this, my body is vexed, my lyppes tremble at the voyce therof, my bones corrupte, I am afraied where I stande. O that I myght rest in the daye of trouble, that I myght go vp vnto our people, which are alredy prepared.

Matthew 17:2-7

2 and was transfygured before them and hys face dyd shyne as the sonne, and hys clothes were as whyte as the lygh 3 And beholde, there apered vnto them Moses & Elias talkyng wyth hym. 4 Then answered Peter, and sayde vnto Iesus, Lorde, here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt, let vs make here .iij. tabernacles: one for the, and one for Moses, and one for Helias. 5 Whyle he yet spake, behold, a bright cloude shadowed them And beholde, there came a voyce out of the cloude whych sayd this is my beloued sonne in whom I delyte heare hym. 6 And when the discyples hearde these thynges, they fell on theyr faces & were sore afrayed. 7 And Iesus came & touched them, & sayd: aryse, & be not a frayd.

Matthew 28:4

4 And for feare of him the kepers were astonnyed, and became as deed men.

Mark 16:5-6

5 And they went into the sepulcre, and sawe a younge man syttyng on the ryghtsyde, clothed in a longe white garment, & they were afrayed. 6 And he sayeth vnto them, be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth, whych was crucifyed. He is rysen, he is not here. Beholde the place where they had put him.

Luke 24:37-39

37 But they were abasshed and afrayde, & supposyd that they had sene a sprete. 38 And he sayde vnto them: why are ye troubled, and why do thoughtes aryse in youre hertes? 39 Beholde my handes and my fete, that it is euen I my selfe. Handle me and se: for a sprete hath not flesshe and bones, as ye se me haue.

John 13:23

23 There was one of Iesus disciples, (which leaned on hym) euen he whom Iesus loued.

John 21:20

20 Peter turned about, and sawe the disciple whom Iesus loued, folowynge (which also leaned on hys brest at supper, and sayde: Lord, which is he that betrayeth the?)

Revelation 1:8

8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endynge, sayth the Lorde almyghty, which is and which was, and which is to come.

Revelation 1:11

11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and the laste. That thou seyst, wryte in a boke, and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, & vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, & vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacyon of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayth he that is fyrst, & the laste, which was deed, and is alyue.

Revelation 22:13

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynninge and the ende: the fyrst and the last.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.