Revelation 13:8 Cross References - Great

8 and all that dwell vpon the erth worshypt hym: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe, which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Exodus 32:32

32 And nowe I praye the, eyther forgeue them their synne: or (yf thou wilt not) wipe me out of thy booke, which thou hast wrytten.

Isaiah 4:3

3 Then shall the remnaunt in Sion & the remnaunt at Ierusalem be called holy: Namely all soch as are wrytten among the lyuynge at Ierusalem:

Daniel 12:1

1 The tyme wyll come also, that the great prince Michael, which standeth on thy peoples side, shal aryse vp, for there shall come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there began to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shall thy people be delyuered, yee, all those that be founde wrytten in the boke.

Matthew 25:34

34 Then shall the Kynge saye to them that shalbe on hys ryghte hande: Come ye blessed of my father, inheret the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynninge of the worlde.

Luke 10:20

20 Neuertheles, in this reioyse not, that the spretes are subdued vnto you: but reioyse, that youre names are wryten in heauen.

John 1:29

29 The nexte daye, Iohn seeth Iesus comminge vnto hym, and sayeth beholde the lambe of God, whych taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.

Ephesians 1:4

4 accordinge as he had chosen vs in hym, before the foundacions of the worlde were layde, that we shulde be holy, and without blame before hym, thorowe loue.

Philippians 4:3

3 Yee and I beseche the faythfull yockefelowe, helpe the wemen which laboured with me in the Gospell, and with Clement also, and with other my laboure felowes whose names are in the boke of lyfe.

Titus 1:2

2 in the hope of eternall lyfe, which God (that cannot lye) promysed before the worlde beganne:

1 Peter 1:19-20

19 but wt the precious bloude of Chryst, as of a lambe vndefyled, and wythout spot, 20 whych was ordeyned before hande, euen before the worlde was made: but was declared in the last tymes for your sakes,

Revelation 3:5

5 He that ouercommeth, shalbe thus clothed in whyte araye, and I wyll not put out his name out of the boke of lyfe, and I wyll confesse hys name before my father, and before hys Angels.

Revelation 3:10

10 Because thou hast kept the wordes of my pacyence, therfore I wyll kepe the from the houre of temptacyon, which wyll come vpon all the worlde, to tempte them that dwell vpon the erth.

Revelation 3:20

20 Beholde, I stande at the dore, & knocke. If eny man heare my voyce, and open the dore, I wyll come in to hym, and wyll suppe with hym, and he with me.

Revelation 5:6-9

6 And I behelde, and lo, in the myddes of the seate, and of the foure bestes, and in the myddes of the elders, stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled, hauynge seuen hornes, and seuen eyes, whych are the seuen spretes of God, sent into all the worlde. 7 And he came, and toke the boke out of the ryght hande of him that sate vpon the seate. 8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beastes and .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauyng (euery one of them) harpes & golden vialles full of odoures, which are the prayers of saynctes, 9 & they songe a new songe, saying: thou art worthy to take the boke, & to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynredes, & tonges, & people, & nacyons,

Revelation 5:12

12 saying wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was kylled to receaue power, & ryches, & wysdome, and strength, and honour, & glory, & blessynge.

Revelation 12:15

15 And the dragon cast oute of hys mouth water after the woman as it had bene a ryuer, because she shuld haue bene caught of the floud.

Revelation 13:3-4

3 and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wounded to deeth, & his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast, 4 & they worshypped the dragon, whych gaue power vnto the beast, and they worshypped the beast sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with hym?

Revelation 13:14-15

14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth, by the meanes of those sygnes whyche he had power to do in the syght of the beast, sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast, whych had the wounde of a swearde, and dyd lyue. 15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beast, & that the ymage of the beast shuld speake, and shuld cause, that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beast, shuld be kylled.

Revelation 17:8

8 The beast that thon seest, was, and is not, and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pyt, and shall go into perdicion, & they that dwel on the erth shall wondre (whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe from the begynnynge of the worlde) when they behold the beast that was and is not.

Revelation 21:27

27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thinge, nether whatsoeuer worketh abhomynacion or maketh lyes: but they only which are wrytten in the lambes boke of lyfe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.