Revelation 12:7 Cross References - Great

7 And ther was a great battayll in heauen, Michael & his angels fought with the dragon, & the dragon fought & his Angelles,

Psalms 78:49

49 He smote their catel also with haylestones, & their flockes with hote thonder boltes.

Isaiah 34:5

5 For my sweard shalbe bathed in heauen, and shall immediatly come downe in iudgment vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce.

Isaiah 55:4

4 Beholde, I gaue him for a wytnesse among the folke, for a Prynce and captayne vnto the people.

Daniel 10:13

13 had not the prynce ouer the kyngdom of the Perses wythstande me .xxj. dayes. But lo, Michael one of the chefe prynces, came to helpe and I was left to contynue ther with the kinges of Persia,

Daniel 10:21

21 Neuertheles, I wyll shewe the that thynge, that is fast noted in the scrypture of trueth. And as for all yonder matters, there is none that helpeth me in them, but Michael youre prynce.

Daniel 12:1

1 The tyme wyll come also, that the great prince Michael, which standeth on thy peoples side, shal aryse vp, for there shall come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there began to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shall thy people be delyuered, yee, all those that be founde wrytten in the boke.

Matthew 13:41

41 The sonne of man shall sende forth his Angels, & they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende, and them which do iniquite:

Matthew 16:27

27 For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father, wt his angels: & then shall he rewarde euery man accordinge to his dedes.

Matthew 24:31

31 And he shall sende his Angels wt the greate voyce of a trompett, & they shall gather to gether his chosen, from the foure wyndes: euen from the hyghest partes of heauen, vntyll the endes ther of.

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shall he saye also vnto them, that shalbe on the lyfte hand: departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fyre: whych is prepared for the deuyll and his angels.

Matthew 26:53

53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father, and he shall geue me more then twelue Legions of angels?

2 Corinthians 12:7

7 For though I wolde boast, I shall not be a foole: for I wolde saye the trueth. Neuerthelesse, I spare you: lest any man shulde thinke of me, aboue that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst bloude and flesshe: but agaynst rule, agaynst power, agaynst worldy rulers, euen gouerners of the darcknes of thys worlde, agaynst spretuall craftynes in heauenly thynges.

2 Thessalonians 1:7

7 and to you whych are troubled, rest wyth vs, when the Lorde Iesus shall shewe hym selfe from heauen with the Angels of hys power,

Hebrews 2:10

10 For it became him, for whom are all thinges and by whom are all thynges (after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory) that he shulde make the Lorde of their saluacyon perfecte thorowe affliccyons.

2 Peter 2:4

4 For yf God spared not the angels that synned, but cast them downe into hell, and delyuered them into chaynes of dercknes to be kept vnto iudgement:

Jude 1:9

9 Yet Michael the archangell when he stroue agaynst the deuyll, & disputed about the body, of Moses, durst not geue raylinge sentence, but sayde, the Lorde rebuke the.

Revelation 12:3-4

3 And ther appered another wonder in heauen, for beholde, a gret red dragon hauynge .vii. heddes, & ten hornes & seuen crounes vpon hys heades: 4 and hys tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman whych was redy to be delyuered: for to deuoure her chylde as sone as it were borne.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also

Revelation 13:7

7 And it was geuen vnto hym to make warre with the Saynctes, & to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, and people, and tonge, and nacion,

Revelation 19:11-20

11 And I sawe heauen open, & behold, a whyte horsse: & he that sat vpon him was called faythfull & true, & in rightewesnes he doth iudge & make battayle. 12 His eyes were as a flamme of fyre: & on his heed were many crownes: & he had a name wrytten, that noman knew but he hym selfe. 13 And he was clothed wyth a vesture dipt in bloude, & his name is called the worde of God. 14 And the warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed wyth whyte & pure raynes: 15 and out of hys mouthe wente a sharpe two edged swerde, that wyth it he shulde smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them wyth a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefat of fearsnes and wrath of almyghty God. 16 And hath on hys vesture and on his thygh a name wrytten: Kyng of Kynges, and Lorde of Lordes. 17 And I sawe an Angell stande in the sonne, and he cryed with a loude voyce, sayinge: to all the fowles that flye by the middes of heauen: come and gather youre selues to gether vnto the supper of the great God, 18 that ye maye eate fleshe of kynges, and the fleshe of hye captaynes, and the fleshe of myghty men, & the fleshe of horsses, and of them that syt on them, and the flesh of all free men and bonde men and of small and gret. 19 And I sawe the beast, and the kynges of the earth, and their warriers gathered together to make batayle agaynst hym that sat on the horsse, and agaynst his soudiers. 20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone:

Revelation 20:2

2 And he toke the dragon the olde serpente, which is the deuyll & Satanas, & he bounde hym a thousande yeres:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.