Psalms 85:6 Cross References - Great

6 Wylt thou not turne agayne & quycken vs, that thy people maye reioyse in the?

Ezra 3:11-13

11 And they sang together, whan they gaue prayse & thankes vnto the Lord, because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell. And all the people shouted loude in praysyng the Lord, because the foundacion of the house of the Lorde was layde. 12 Many also of the preastes and leuites and auncient fathers, which had sene the first house (when the foundacion of thys house was layed before theyr eyes) wepte with a loude voyce. And many shouted with ioye, 13 so that the noyse gaue a greate sounde, in so moch that the people coulde not discerne the ioyful sounde and gladnes, from the noyse of the wepynge amonge the people: for the people shouted wyth a loude cry, and the noyse was herde farre of.

Ezra 9:8-9

8 And now is there a lytle & sodayne graciousnes come from the Lorde oure God, in causynge some of vs to escape, and that he maye geue vs a nayle in hys holy place, and that oure God maye lyghte oure eyes, and geue vs a lytle lyfe to take breth in oure bondage. 9 For we are bondmen, & oure God hath not forsaken vs in oure bondage, and hath enclyned mercy vnto vs in the syghte of the kynges of Persia, to geue vs lyfe, to sett vp the house of oure God, and to redresse the desolacion therof, and to geue vs a wall in Iuda and Ierusalem.

Psalms 53:6

6 Oh that the saluacyon were geuen vnto Israel out of Sion: Oh that the Lorde wold delyuer hys people out of captiuyte. Then shulde Iacob reioyse, and Israell shulde be ryght glad.

Psalms 71:20

20 Therfore will I prayse the and thy faythfulnesse, O God, playinge vpon an instrument of musick, vnto the wyll I synge vpon the harpe, O thou holy one of Israell.

Psalms 80:18

18 And so will not we go back from the: Oh let vs lyue, & we shall call vpon thy mame.

Psalms 90:14

14 O satisfye vs with thy mercy, and that soone: so shall we reioyse and be glad all the dayes of oure lyfe.

Psalms 138:7

7 Though I walke in the myddest of trouble: yet shalt thou refressh me: thou shalt stretch forth thyne hand vpon the furiousnes of myne enemyes, & thy ryght hand shall saue me.

Psalms 149:2

2 Let Israel reioyce in him that made hym, and let the chyldren of Sion be ioyfull in their king.

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus sayeth the hye & excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastyngnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuary, and wyth hym also, that is of a contrite and humble sprete do I dwell: that I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a contrite herte.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 shall the voyce of gladnes be hearde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall singe: Prayse the Lorde of hoostes, for he is louynge and hys mercy endureth for euer: and the voyce of them that shall offer vp giftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuitie of this lande, as it was afore, sayth the Lorde.

Hosea 6:2

2 He hath wounded vs, and he shall bynde vs vp agayne: after two dayes shall he quycken vs, in the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vp, so that we shall lyue in hys syght.

Habakkuk 3:2

2 O Lorde, when I herde speake of the, I was afrayed. The worcke that thou hast taken in hande, shalt thou perfourme in his tyme, O Lord & when thy tyme commeth, thou shalt declare it. In thy very wrath thou thinckest vpon mercy.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.