Psalms 18:42 Cross References - Great

42 I wyll beate them as small as the dust before the wynde: I will cast them out, as the claye in the stretes.

2 Kings 13:7

7 Neither dyd he leaue of the people to Iehoahaz, but fyftye horsemen ten charettes, & ten thousande fotemen for the kynge of Siria destroyed them, and made them lyke thresshed dust.

Psalms 50:22

22 O consydre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaye, and there be none to delyuer you.

Isaiah 10:6

6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 25:10

10 For in this mountayne shall the hande of the Lorde cease and Moab shalbe thresshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed vpon the grounde.

Isaiah 41:2

2 Who raysed vp the iust man from the rysinge of the Sunne, & called him to go forth? Who cast downe the people, and subdued the kynges before him: that he maye throwe them all to the grounde with his swearde, and scatre them lyke stubble with his bowe?

Isaiah 41:15-16

15 Beholde, I wyll make the a treading cart and a new flayle, that thou mayst thresshe and grinde the mountaynes, and brynge the hylles to poulder. 16 Thou shalt fanne them and the wynde shall carye them awaye, and the whirlwynde shall scater them. But thou shalt reioyse in the Lorde, and shalt delyte in praysinge the holy one of Israel.

Zechariah 10:5

5 They shalbe as the gyauntes, which in the batell treade downe the myre vpon the stretes. They shal fyght for the Lorde shalbe wyth them, so that the horsmen shalbe confounded.

Malachi 4:3

3 ye shal treade downe the vngodly: for they shalbe lyke the asshes vnder the soles of youre fete in the daye that I shall make, sayeth the Lorde of hoostes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.