Numbers 3:17 Cross References - Great

17 And these were the chyldren of Leui in their names: Gerson, & Cahath and Merari.

Genesis 46:11

11 The chyldren of Leui: Gerson, Kahath and Merari.

Exodus 6:16-19

16 These also are the names of the chyldren of Leui in their generacyons: Gerson, and kahath and Merari. Leui lyued an hundred & .xxxvij. yere. 17 The sonnes of Gerson: Libni and Semei by their kynreddes. 18 The chyldren of kahath: Amram, and Iesear, Hebron and Usiel. And kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiij. yere. 19 The chyldren of Merari: Mahely and Musi: these are the kynreddes of Leui by their generations.

Numbers 15:5-23

5 & the fourth part of an hin of wyne for a drynckoffering, and offer with the burntofferyng or any other offeryng: when it is a lambe. 6 Or yf it be a ram, thou shalt offer for a meate offerynge, two tenth deales of floure, myngled with the thyrd part of an hin of oyle: 7 and for a drinkofferynge, thou shalt offer the thyrde parte of an hyn of wyne for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 8 And when thou offerest a bullocke for a burntoffring or for a speciall vowe or peace offering vnto the Lorde, 9 let him bring with a bullock a meateoffering of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle. And thou shalt bryng for a drinckofferynge euen halfe an hin of wyne, 10 for an offering of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 11 After thys maner, shall it be done for an oxe, or for a ram, or for a lambe or a kyd. 12 Loke what nombre thou makest in these, such a nombre shalt thou make in them also. And according to the nombre of suche offeringes, thou shalt encrease the meatofferynges and the drynckofferinges. 13 All that are of your selues shall do these thinges after this maner, to offer an offeringe of swete sauour vnto the Lorde. 14 And yf a straunger sogeorne with you, or whoso euer be amonge you in your generacions, and will offer an offering of a swete sauour vnto the Lorde: euen as ye do, so he shall do. 15 One ordinaunce shalbe both for you of the congregacion, and also for the straunger. It shalbe an ordinaunce for euer in your generacions, both vnto you and to the straunger before the Lorde. 16 One lawe and one maner shall serue, both for you and for the straunger that sogeorneth with you. 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge: 18 speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: When ye become into the lande to the which I bring you, 19 then when ye will eate of the bread of the lande, ye shall take vp an heueoffering vnto the Lorde. 20 Ye shall take vp a cake of the fyrst of your dow for an heueoffering, as ye do the heueoffering of the barne, euen so ye shall heue it. 21 Of the fyrst of your dowe ye shall geue vnto the Lorde an heueoffering in your generacions. 22 And yf ye ouerse your selues, and obserue not all these commaundementes, which the Lorde hath spoken vnto Moses: 23 euen all that the Lorde hath commaunded you by the hande of Moses, from the fyrst daie that the Lorde commaunded Moses, and hence forwarde amonge youre generacions.

Numbers 23:6-23

6 And whan he went agayne vnto him, loo, he stode by hys sacrifice, he and all the Lordes of Moab. 7 And he toke vp hys parable and sayde Balac the kynge of Moab hath fett me from Mesopotamia out of the mountaynes of the east (sayinge:) come, curse Iacob for my sake: come, & defye Israel. 8 Howe shall I curse him, whom God hath not cursed? or howe shall I defye him, whom God hath not defyed? 9 from the toppe of the rockes I se hym, and from the hylles I beholde hym: loo, the people shall dwell by them selfe, and shall not be rekened among the nacyons. 10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob, and the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? I praye God, that my soule maye dye the death of the ryghteous, & that my last ende maye be lyke hys. 11 And Balac sayde vnto Balaam: what hast thou done vnto me? I fett the to curse myne enemyes, and beholde, thou hast blessed them. 12 He answered and sayde: must I not kepe that & speake it, whych the Lorde hath put in my mouthe? 13 And Balac sayde vnto hym: Come I praye the with me vnto another place, whence thou mayest se them, and thou shalt se but the vtmost parte of them, and shalt not se them all: curse them out of that place for my sake. 14 And he brought him into a felde (where men myght se farre of) euen to the toppe of an hyll, and bylt seuen alters, and offered an oxe and a ram on euery alter. 15 And he sayd vnto Balac: stande here by thy sacrifyce, whyle I go yonder. 16 And the Lord mett Balaam, and put a worde in hys mouth & sayd: go agayne vnto Balac, and thus saye. 17 And when he came to hym: beholde, he stode by his sacrifyce, & the Lordes of Moab with hym. And Balac sayde vnto him: what hath the Lorde sayde? 18 And he toke vp his parable & answered: ryse vp Balac and heare, and herken vnto me thou sonne of Ziphor. 19 God is not a man that he shulde lye, nether the sonne of a man that he shulde repent: shulde he saye, and not doo? or shulde he speake, and not make it good? 20 beholde, I haue taken vpon me to blesse, for he hath blessed, and it is not in my power to alter it. 21 He behelde no vanyte in Iacob, nor sawe trauayll in Israel. The Lorde hys God is wt him, and the presence of the kyng is amonge them. 22 God brought them oute of Egypte, he hath strength as an vnicorne. 23 There is no sorcery in Iacob, nor sothsaying in Israel. It is nowe tolde vnto Iacob & Israel, what God hath wrought.

Numbers 24:1-25

1 And when Balaam sawe that it pleased the Lorde that he shulde blesse Israel, he went not as he dyd twyse before to fett sothsayinge, but sett hys face towarde the wyldernesse. 2 And Balaam lyfte vp hys eyes, and loked vpon Israel as he laye accordyng to his trybes, and the spirite of God came vpon him. 3 And he toke vp hys parable and sayde: Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde & the man whose eye is open hath sayd: 4 he hath sayde, whyche heareth the wordes of God and seyth the visyons of the almyghtie, and falleth doune with open eyes. 5 Howe goodly are thy tentes o Iacob, and thyne habitacyons o Israel? 6 Euen as the valeyes are they layed abrode, and as gardens by the ryuers syde: as the tentes whyche the Lorde hath pytched, and as cyperstrees besyde the waters. 7 The water droppeth out of his bouket, and hys seed shal be many waters and hys kinge shalbe hyer then Agag, And hys kyngdome shalbe exalted. 8 God broughte hym out of Egypt: as the strength of an vnycorne is he vnto hym. He shall eate the nacyons hys enemyes, and gnawe theyr bones, & perce them thorowe with his arowes. 9 He couched hym selfe, and laye doune as a lyon, and as a lyonesse, who shall sterre hym vp? blessed is he that blesseth the, & cursed is he that curseth the. 10 And Balac was wroth wyth Balaam, and smote hys handes together, and Balac sayde vnto Balaam: I sent for the to curse myne enemyes, and beholde, thou hast blessed them this thre tymes. 11 Therfore nowe gett the quyckly vnto thy place. I thought that I wolde promote the vnto honoure, but lo, the Lorde hath kept the backe from worshype 12 Balaam answered vnto Balac: tolde I not thy messengers which thou sentest vnto me, sayinge: 13 If Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, I cannot passe the worde of the Lorde, to do ether good or bad of myne awne mynde? But what the Lorde sayeth, that am I compelled to speake. 14 And nowe beholde, I go vnto my people: come therfore, and I wyll aduertise the, what this people shal do to thy folke in the later dayes. 15 And he toke vp hys parable and sayde: Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde, the man whose eye is open, hath sayde. 16 He hath sayde that heareth the wordes of God, and hath the knowledge of the most hye, and beholdeth the visyon of the almyghtie, and that falleth with open eyes: 17 I shall se hym, but not nowe I shall beholde him, but not nye. There shall come a starre of Iacob, and ryse a sceptre of Israel, and shal smyte the costes of Moab & vndermyne all the chyldren of Seth. 18 And Edom shalbe possessed, and Seir shall fall to the possessyon of theyr enemyes, and Israel shall do manfully. 19 Out of Iacob shall come he that shal haue dominion, and shall destroye the remnaunt of the cytie. 20 And whan he loked on Amaleck, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Amaleck is the fyrst of the nacynos but hys latter ende shall perysh vtterly. 21 And he loked on the Kenytes and toke vp hys parable, and sayde: stronge is thy dwellynge place, and thou puttest thy nest in a rocke, 22 Neuerthelesse the kenyte shalbe roted out, vntyll Assur take the presoner: 23 And he toke vp his parable and sayd: Alas, Who shall lyue when God doeth thys? 24 The shyppes also shall come out of the coste of Italy, and subdue Assur, & subdue Eber, and he hym selfe shall perishe at the last. 25 And Balaam rose vp, and went and returned to hys place: and Balac also went hys waye.

Numbers 26:57-58

57 These are the nombres of the Leuites, after their kinredes: Gerson, of whom came the kynred of the Gersonites: Cahath, of whom came the kynred of the Cahathytes: Merrari, of whom came the kynred of the Merrarites. 58 These are the kynredes of the Leuites: the kynred of the Libnites, the kinred of the Hebronites: the kinred of the Mahelites: the kynred of the Musites: the kinred of the Karahites Cahath begat Amram,

Joshua 21:1-45

1 And then came the principall fathers of the Leuites vnto Eleazar the preaste, and vnto Iosua the sonne of Nun, and vnto the auncient fathers that were ouer the trybes of the children of Israel, 2 & spake vnto them at Silo in the lande of Canaan, saying: the Lorde commaunded by Moses, to geue vs cyties to dwell in, with the suburbes therof, for oure catell. 3 And the children of Israell gaue vnto the Leuites out of their enheritaunce at the bidding of the Lorde these cyties folowing wt their Suburbes. 4 And the lotte cam out for the kynred of the Cahathites: and the children of Aaron the preaste, which were of the Leuites, had geuen them by lott, out of the trybe of Iuda, out of the trybe of Simeon, and out of the trybe of Beniamin: thirtene cyties. 5 And the reast of the children of Cahath had by lotte, out of the kynredes of the trybe of Ephraim, out of the trybe of Dan, and out of the halfe trybe of Manasses: ten cyties. 6 And the children of Gerson had by lotte out of the kynredes of the trybe of Isacar, and out of the trybe of Aser, out of the trybe of Nephthali & out of the other halfe trybe of Manasses in Basan: thirtene cyties. 7 And the children of Merari by their kynredes, had out of the trybe of Ruben, and out of the trybe of Gad, and out of the trybe of Zabulon, twelue cyties: 8 And the children of Israell gaue by lotte vnto the Leuites these cyties with their Suburbes, as the Lord commaunded by Moses. 9 And they gaue out of the trybe of the children of Iuda, & out of the trybe of the children of Simeon, these cyties by name: 10 which the children of Aaron being of the kynredes of the Cahathites, & of the children of Leui, obtayned: for theirs was the fyrst lotte. 11 And they gaue them kariath Arbe of the father of Enack (which is Hebron) in the hyll contreye of Iuda, with the Suburbes of the same rounde about it. 12 But the londe that pertayned to the cytie, and the villages therof, gaue they to Caleb the sonne ne of Iephune, to be his possession. 13 And thus they gaue to the children of Aaron the preast, a cyte, to the which the slayer might flye: euen Hebron with her Suburbes: Libna with her Suburbes: 14 & Iathir with her Suburbes, & Estimoa with her Suburbes: 15 Holon wt her Suburbes, Dabir with her Suburbes: 16 Ain with her Suburbes: Iutah with her Suburbes: Bethsames with her Suburbes: nyne cities out of those two trybes. 17 And out of the trybe of Beniamin, they gaue Gibeon with her Suburbes: Gaba wt her Suburbes: 18 Anatoth with her Suburbes: Almon with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 19 All these cyties of the children of Aaron preastes, were thirtine cyties with theyr Suburbes. 20 And the kynredes of the children of Cahath that were Leuites: that is to saye the other children of Cahath, had cities geuen them for their lotte, out of the trybe of Ephraim. 21 For they gaue them the cytie that the slear might flye vnto: Sichem with her Suburbes, in mount Ephraim: and Gazer with her Suburbes, 22 and Kabzaim with her Suburbes: & Bethhoron with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 23 And out of the trybe of Dan: Eltheke wt her Suburbes: Gibthon with her Suburbes: 24 and Aialon with her Suburbes, Gathremon with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 25 And out of the halfe trybe of Manasses, Thanach with her suburbes: and Gathremon with her Suburbes: two cyties. 26 All the cyties for the other kynredes of the children of Cahath, were ten with their Suburbes. 27 And vnto the children of Gerson which were of the kynredes of the Leuites, they gaue out of the other halfe trybe of Manasses, the cytie of refuge for the slear: Golan in Basan with her Suburbes: & Beestherah with her Suburbes: two cyties. 28 And out of the trybe of Isacar, kision with her Suburbes: and Daberah with her Suburbes: 29 & Iarimoth with her Suburbes: Enganim with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 30 And out of the trybe of Aser, Misael with her Suburbes: Abdon wt her Suburbes, 31 Halakath with her Suburbes: & Rohob with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 32 And out of the trybe of Nephthali, the cytie for the slear to flye vnto: kedes in Galile with her Suburbes: & Hamothdor with her Suburbes: & Carthan with her Suburbes: thre cities. 33 All the cities of the Gersonites thorowe out their kynredes, were thirtene cyties with their Suburbes. 34 And vnto the other kynredes of the children of Merari, the rest of the Leuites, they gaue out of the trybe of Zabulon: Iecnam with her Suburbes: & Carthah wyth her Suburbes: 35 Damna with her Suburbes, & Nahalal with her Suburbes: foure cyties, 36 And out of the trybe of Ruben, Bozor with her Suburbes: and Iahelah with her suburbes: 37 kedmoth with her Suburbes, and Maphaath with her Suburbes: foure cyties. 38 And out of the trybe of Gad, they gaue the cytie for the slear to flye vnto: Ramoth in Gilead with her Suburbes, and Mahanaim with her suburbes, 39 Hesbon with her suburbes: & Iaser with her suburbes: foure cyties in all, 40 so that all the cyties of the children of Merari thorow out their kynredes (which were the rest of the kynredes of the Leuites) were by their lot, twelue cyties. 41 And all the cyties that the Leuites had among the possession of the children of Israel were .xlviii. with their suburbes. 42 And these cyties laye euery one seuerally, hauyng their suburbes rounde aboute them thorow out all the sayde cyties. 43 And the Lorde gaue vnto Israel all the lande which he sware to geue vnto their fathers. And they conquered it, and dwelt therin. 44 And the Lorde gaue them rest rounde aboute, accordyng to all that he sware vnto their fathers: and there stode not a man of all their ennemyes before them. The Lorde also delyuered all theyr enemyes into their handes. 45 There skaped nothing of all the good thynges, which the Lord had sayde vnto the house of Israell, But all came to passe.

1 Chronicles 6:1-2

1 The sonnes of Leui: Gerson, Cahath and Merari. 2 The sonnes of Cahath: Amram, Izahar, Hebron and Uziel.

1 Chronicles 6:16-19

16 The sonnes of Leui: Gersom, Cahath and Merari. 17 And these be the names of the sonnes of Gersom: Libni and Simhi. 18 And the sonnes of Cahath were: Amram, Izahar, Hebron and Uziel. 19 The sonnes of Merari: Mahli & Musi, and these are the kynreddes of Leui, concernynge theyr fathers.

Nehemiah 11:1-12

1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Ierusalem. The other people also cast lottes, that amonge ten, one parte shulde go to Ierusalem into the holy cytie to dwell, and nyne partes to be in the cyties. 2 And the people thanked all the men, that were wyllynge to dwell at Ierusalem. 3 These are the heades of the lande, that dwelt in Ierusalem and in the cyties of Iuda, euery one in hys possessyon, and in theyr cyties: they of Israell, the preastes, Leuytes, the Nethinims, and the chyldren of Salomons seruauntes. 4 And at Ierusalem dwelt certayne of the chyldren of Iuda and of BenIamin. Of the chyldren of Iuda: Athaia the sonne of Usia, the sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Amaria, the sonne of Saphatia, the sonne of Mahalaleell, of the chyldren of Phares. 5 And Maasia the sonne of Baruch, the sonne of Chal Hose, the sonne of Hasaia, the sonne of Adaia, the sonne of Ioiarib, the sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Siloni. 6 All these were the chyldren of Phares that dwelt at Ierusalem: euen foure .C. thre score and eyght valeaunt men. 7 These are the children of BenIamin: Sallu the sonne of Mesullam, the sonne of Ioed, the sonne of Pedaia, the sonne of Calaia, the sonne of Masia, the sonne of Ithiel, the sonne of Isai. 8 And after hym Gabai, Selai nyne hundreth and eyght & twentye. 9 And Ioel the sonne of Zichri had the ouersyght of them: and Iuda the sonne of Senua was next ouer the cytie. 10 Of the preastes: Iedaiah the sonne of Ioiarib, Iachin. 11 Saraiah the sonne of Helkia the sonne of Mesullam, the sonne of Zadoc, the sonne of Meraioth, the sonne of Ahitob, was prince in the house of God: 12 and hys brethren that perfourmed the worke in the temple .viij.C. and .xxij. And Adaia the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Plalaliel, the sonne of Amzi, the sonne of Zachary, the sonne of Phashur the sonne of Malchia

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