Numbers 35:12 Cross References - Great

12 And the cytie shalbe to flye from the auenger of bloude, that he whyche kylleth dye not, vntyll he stande before the congregacion in iudgement.

Numbers 35:19

19 The iustice of bloude shall slaye the murtherer: whan he meteth hym, he maye slaye hym.

Numbers 35:24-27

24 Then the congregacyon shall iudge betwene the slayer and the executer of bloude in soche cases. 25 And the congregacyon shall delyuer the slayer out of the hande of the auenger of bloude, and the congregacyon shall restore hym agayne vnto the cytie of hys refuge, whether he was fledd. And he shall byde there vnto the deathe of the hye preaste, which was anoynted with holy oyle. 26 But & yf the slayer come without the borders of his preuileged cytie whether he was fledd, 27 yf the auenger of bloud fynde him withoute the borders of hys fre towne, and slaye the murtherer, he shal be gyltlesse,

Deuteronomy 19:6

6 Lest the executer of bloude folowe after the slayer whyle hys herte is whote, and ouertake hym, because the wayes is longe, and slaye hym, and yet there is no cause worthy of death in hym, in as moche as he hated him not in tyme passed.

Deuteronomy 19:11-12

11 But and yf any man hate hys neyghboure, and laye awayte for hym, and ryse agaynst hym, and smyte him that he dye, and then flyeth vnto any of these cyties: 12 the elders of his cytie shall sende, and fetche him thence, and delyuer hym into the handes of the iustyce of bloude, that he maye dye.

Joshua 20:3-6

3 that the slear that killetth any person vnwares and vnwittinglye, maye flee thether. And those cyties shalbe youre refuge from the auenger of bloud. 4 And he that doth flee vnto one of those cyties, shall stande at the entryng of the gate of the cytie, and shall shewe hys cause in the eares of the elders of the cytie. And they shall take him into the cytie vnto them, & geue hym a place, that he maye dwell amonge them. 5 And yf the auenger of bloude folowe after him, they shall not deliuer the slear into his hande: because he smote his frende ignorantlye, and hated hym not before tyme. 6 And he shall dwell in the sayde cytie vntill he stande before the congregation in Iudgement, and vntill the death of the hye preaste that shalbe in those dayes: for then shall the slear retourne, and come vnto his awne cytie, and vnto his awne house, and vnto the cytie from whence he fled.

Joshua 20:9

9 These were the cyties appoynted for all the children of Israell, and for the straunger that soiourned amonge them, that whosoeuer killed any person ignorantlye, the same might flee thether, & shulde not die by the hand of the auenger of bloude, vntill he stode before the congregacion.

2 Samuel 14:7

7 And beholde, the whole kynred is rysen agaynst thy handmayde, and they sayd: delyuer vs him that smote hys brother: that we maye kyll hym for the soule of his brother whome he slue. We will destroye the heyre also. And so they shall quenche my sparkle whych is left, that he shall stere vp (to my husbande) nether name ner issue vpon the erth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.