Jeremiah 29:2 Cross References - Great

2 after that time that king Iechoniah and his quene, his chamberlaynes, the princes of Iuda and Ierusalem, the worckemasters of Ierusalem were departed thyther.

2 Kings 9:32

32 And he lyft vp his eyes to the windowe, and sayde: who is of my syde, who? And ther loked out to hym two or thre chamberlaynes.

2 Kings 20:18

18 And of thy sonnes (that shall proceade oute of the, and which thou shalt begette) shall they take awaye, and they shalbe chambrelayns in the palayce of the king of Babilon.

2 Kings 24:12-16

12 And Iehoachin the kyng of Iuda came out to the kynge of Babylon he and hys mother, hys seruauntes, hys lordes, and hys chamberlaynes. And the kyng of Babilon toke him, in the eyght yere of hys raygne. 13 And he caryed out thence all the treasures of the house of the Lorde, & the treasure of the kynges house: and brake all the vessels of golde, which Salomon kynge of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde. 14 And he caryed awaye all Ierusalem, and all the lordes, and all the strong men of warre, euen .x.M. into captiuite: and all craftes men and kepers, none remayning saue the poore commen people of the lande. 15 And he caryed awaye Iehoachin to Babylon, and the kynges mother, and the kynges wyues, his chamberlayns, and them that were myghty in the lande: those caryed he awaye into captiuyte from Ierusalem to Babilon. 16 And all the actiue men of warre, euen .vij.M. and craftesmen, and porters .M. all that were stronge and apte for warre, dyd the kinge of Babilon bryng to Babilon captyue.

2 Chronicles 36:9-10

9 Iehoacin was eyght yeare olde whan he beganne to raygne, and he raygned thre monethes and ten dayes in Ierusalem: and dyd euelll in the sight of the Lorde: 10 And when the yeare was out, kynge Nabuchodonosor sent, and let him to Babilon with the goodly vessels of the house of the Lord, and made Zedekia (his fathers brother) kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 22:24-28

24 As truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde:) Though Conanias the sonne of Iehoakim kynge of Iuda were the sygnet of my right hande, yet will I plucke him of. 25 And I will geue the into the power of them that seke to slaye the, and into the power of them that thou fearest: into the power of Nabuchodonosor the Kynge of Babylon, and into the power of the Caldees. 26 Moreouer, I wyll sende the, and thy mother that bare the into a straunge lande, where ye were not borne, and there shall ye dye. 27 But as for the lande that ye wyll desyre to returne vnto, ye shal neuer come at it agayne. 28 This man Conanias shall be lyke an ymage robbed & torne in peces, which pleaseth noman, for all hys apparell. Wherfore both he and his sede shalbe sent awaye, and cast out into a lande, that they knowe not.

Jeremiah 24:1

1 The Lorde shewed me a vysion: Beholde, there stode two maundes of fygges before the temple of the Lorde, after that Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon had led awaye captiue Iechonias the sonne of Iehoakim kynge of Iuda the myghtie men also of Iuda, with the worckmasters, and connynge men of Ierusalem, vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 27:20

20 which Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon toke not, when he caryed awaye Iechoniah the sonne of Iehoakim king of Iuda with all the power of Iuda and Ierusalem, from Ierusalem vnto Babylon, captyue.

Jeremiah 28:4

4 & after two yeare will I brynge agayne into this place: all the ornamentes of the Lordes house, that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon caried awaye from this place vnto Babilon.

Daniel 1:3-21

3 And the kynge spake vnto Asphanaz the chefe chamberlayne, that he shulde brynge hym certayne of the chyldren of Israel, that were come of the kynges sede and of prynces, 4 yonge spryngaldes without eny blemysh, but fayre and welfauored, instruct in all wysedome, comynge and vnderstandynge: which were able to stande in the kinges palace, to reade and to learne for to speake Chaldeysh. 5 Unto these the kynge appoynted a certayne porcion of his awne meate, and of the wyne, which he drancke hym selfe, so to norysh them thre yeare: that afterwarde they myght stande before the kynge. 6 Amonge these nowe were certayne of the chyldren of Iuda: namely Daniel, Ananias, Misael and Azarias. 7 Unto these, the chefe chamberlayne gaue other names, and called Daniel, Balthasar: Ananias, Sidrach, Misael, Misach: and Asarias, Abednago. 8 But Daniel was at a poynt with hym selfe, that he wolde not be defyled thorowe the kynges meate, ner the wyne which he droncke. And this he desyred of the chefe chamberlayn, lest he shuld defyle hym selfe. 9 So God gaue Daniel fauoure and grace before the chefe chamberlay 10 that he sayde vnto him: I am afrayde of my Lorde the kyng, which hath appoynted you your meate and drincke: lest he spye your faces to be worse lykyng then the other springaldes of your age, and so ye shall make me lose my head vnto the kynge. 11 Then Daniel answered Melassar, whom the chefe chamberlayne had set ouer Daniel, Ananias, Misael and Asarias, and sayd: 12 O proue but ten dayes with thy seruauntes, and let vs haue potage to eate, & water to drincke: 13 then loke vpon oure faces, & theyrs that eate of the kinges meate. And as thou seyst, so deale with thy seruauntes. 14 So he consented to them in thys matter, & proued them .x. dayes. 15 And after the ten dayes, theyr faces were better lykinge and fatter, then all the yonge springaldes, which dyd eate of the kynges meate. 16 Thus Melassar toke awaye their meate and wyne, and gaue them potage therfore. 17 God gaue nowe these foure springaldes connynge and lernyng in all scripture and wysdome: but vnto Daniel specially, he gaue vnderstandynge of all visyons and dreames. 18 Nowe when the tyme was expyred, that the kynge had appoynted to bryng in these yong spryngaldes vnto hym: the chefe chamberlayne brought them before Nabuchodonosor, 19 and the kinge communed with them. But among them all were founde none soche as Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Asarias. Therfore stode they before the kinge 20 which in all wysdome and matters of vnderstandinge, that he enquered of them, founde them ten tymes better, then all the sothsayers and charmers, that were in all his realme. 21 And Daniel abode styll, vnto the fyrst yeare of kynge Cyrus.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.