Hosea 1:1 Cross References - Great

1 This is the worde of the Lorde, that came vnto Oseas the sonne of Beery in the days of Oseas, Ioathan, Ahas and Iezekias kynges of Iuda: and in the tyme of Ieroboam sonne of Ioas kinge of Israel.

2 Kings 13:13

13 And Ioas slepte with his fathers, and Ieroboam sat vpon his seate. And Ioas was buried in Samaria amonge the kynges of Israel.

2 Kings 14:16-15:2

16 and Iehoas slepte with his fathers, and was buryed at Samaria, amonge the kynges of Israel: and Ieroboam hys sonne raygned in hys steade.

2 Kings 15:32

32 The seconde yeare of Pekah the sonne of Remaliahu kinge of Israel, beganne Iotham the sonne of Uziahu kynge of Iuda to raygne.

2 Kings 16:1-20

1 The .xvij. yeare of Pekah the sonne of Remaliahu kynge of Israel, Ahaz the sonne of Iotham kynge of Iuda, beganne to raygne. 2 Twentye yere olde was he, when he was made kynge: and raygned syxtene yere in Ierusalem, and dyd not that which was ryght in the eyes of the Lorde hys God, lyke Dauid hys father: 3 But walked in the waye of the kynges of Israel, yee, and made hys sonne to go thorowe the fyer, after the abhominacyons of the Heythen, whom the Lorde cast out before the chyldren of Israel. 4 And he offered and burnt incense in the hilaulters and on the hylles, and vnder euery thick tree. 5 Then Rezin kynge of Siria and Pekah sonne of Remaliahu kynge of Israel came vp to Ierusalem to fyght. And they fought agaynst Ahaz, but could not ouercome hym. 6 At the same tyme Rezin kynge of Siria brought Elath agayne to Siria, and rydd the Iewes thence. And the Sirians came to Elath, and dwell therin vnto thys daye. 7 So Ahaz sent messengers to Thiglath Peleser kynge of Assiria, sayinge: I am thy seruaunt and thy sonne, come vp and deliuer me out of the hande of the kynge of Siria, & out of the hande of the king of Israel, which ryse vp agaynst me. 8 And Ahaz toke the syluer and the golde that was founde in the house of the Lorde, and in the treasures of the kinges house, and sent a rewarde to the kyng of Assiria. 9 And the kynge of Assiria consented vnto hym. For the kynge of Assiria went vp agaynst Damasco. And when he had take it, he caryed the people awaye to Kyr, and slue Rezin. 10 And kynge Ahaz went to Damasco, to mete Thiglath Peleser king of Assiria. And when kynge Ahaz sawe an aulter that was at Damasco, he sent to Uria the preste the paterne of the aulter, & the fassyon of it, and all the worckmanshyp therof. 11 And Uria the preste made an aulter in all poyntes lyke to the patern which kinge Ahaz had sent from Damasco: euen so dyd Uria the preste make it, agaynst king Ahaz came from Damasco. 12 And so, when the kyng was come from Damasco, he sawe the aulter, and the kyng went to it, & offered theron. 13 And he burnt his burntofferinge, and hys meatofferinge, and powred hys drynckofferynge: and sprynckled the bloude of hys peace offerynges besyde the aulter, 14 that was by the brasen aulter which was before the Lord, and set it wtout the temple betwene the aulter and the temple of the Lord: and put it on the northsyde of the aultare. 15 And kynge Ahaz commaunded Uria the preste, and sayde: vpon the greate aulter set on fyer in the mornyng the burntofferinge, & in the euen the meatoffering, and the kinges burntsacrifyce & his meatofferinge, with the burntofferyng of all the people of the lande, and their meatofferinge, & their drynckofferinges: & powre therby, all the bloude of the sacrifyce offringes. But the brasen aulter will I come and se. 16 And Uria the preste dyd accordynge to all thynges as kynge. Ahaz commaunded hym. 17 And kynge Ahaz brake the sydes of the botomes, and toke the lauer from of them, and toke downe the Lauatorye from of the brasen oxen that were vnder it, & put it vpon a pauement of stones. 18 And the veyle for the Sabboth (that they had made in the house) & the kynges entrye without turned he to the house of the Lorde, for (feare of) the kynge of Assyria. 19 The reste of the wordes that concerne Ahaz, what he dyd, are they not written in the boke of the Chronicles of the kynges of Iuda? 20 And Ahaz slepte with hys fathers, and was buryed with hys fathers in the cytie of Dauid: and Hezekia his sonne raygned in hys steade.

2 Kings 18:1-37

1 In the thyrde yere of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israel it came to passe, that Hezekia the sonne of Ahaz kyng of Iuda dyd raynge. 2 Twentye and fyue yere olde was he, when he beganne to raygne, and raygned .xxix. yere in Ierusalem. His mothers name also was Abi the daughter of Zacharia, 3 and he dyd that which is ryght in the syght of the Lorde accordyng to all as dyd Dauid hys father. 4 He put awaye the hyllaulters, and brake the ymages and cut downe the groues, and all to brake the brasen serpent that Moses had made: For vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israel dyd burne sacrifice to it, & he called it Nehustan. 5 He trusted in the Lorde God of Israel, so that after hym was none lyke him amonge all the kynges of Iuda, nether were there anye soche before hym. 6 For he claue to the Lorde; and departed not from hym, but kepte hys commaundementes, which the Lorde commaunded Moses. 7 And the Lorde was with hym: so that he prospered in all thynges which he toke in hande. And he rebelled agaynst the kynge of Assyria, and serued him not. 8 He smote the Philistines euen vnto Aza and the coastes therof, both castels where they kepte watches: and stronge cyties. 9 And in the fourth yeare of kynge Hezekia, (which was the seuenth yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israell) it fortuned, that Salmanazar kyng of Assyria came vp agaynst Samaria, & beseged it. 10 And after thre yeres they toke it euen in the syxte yere of Hezekia: that is to saye, the nynth yere of Hosea kynge of Israel. And Samaria was wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assyria, dyd carye awaye Israel vnto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the ryuer of Gozan, and in the cyties of the Medes: 12 because they wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde theyr God: but transgressed hys appoyntment, and all that Moses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded, & wolde nether heare them nor do them. 13 Therfore in the .xiiii. yeare of kynge Hezekia dyd Sennacherib kynge of Assyria come vp agaynst all the stronge cytyes of Iuda, and toke them. 14 And Hezekia kynge of Iuda sent to the kynge of Assyria to Lachis, saying: I haue offended: departe from me, and all that thou puttest on me, that will I beare. And the kynge of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekia kynge of Iuda thre hundred talentes of syluer, & thirtye talentes of gold. 15 And Hezekia gaue him all the syluer that was founde in the house of the Lorde, & in the treasures of the kynges house. 16 At the same ceason dyd Hezekia rent of the dores of the temple of the Lorde & the pillers (whych the sayde Hezekia kynge of Iuda had couered ouer) & gaue them to the kynge of Assyria. 17 And the kynge of Assyria sent Tharthan and Rabsaris and Rabsake from Lachis to kynge Hezekia with a great Hoste agaynst Ierusalem. And they went vp, and came to Ierusalem, & gat them vp, & stode by the conduyte of the vpper pole which is in the waye of the fullers felde. 18 And whan they had called to the kynge, there came out to them, Eliakim the sonne of Elkia which was stuarde of housholde, and Sobna the scribe, & Ioah the sonne of Asaph, the recorder. 19 And Rabsake sayde vnto them: Tell ye Hezekia I praye you: thus sayth the great kynge, euen the kynge of Assyria: What confidence is this that thou hast? Dost thou speake soche a lyght worde in dede? 20 By councell and power I wilbe ready to make warre. On whom then doest thou trust, that thou rebellest agaynst me? 21 dost thou truste to the staffe of this broken rede Egypte, on which yf a man leane, it wyll go into his hande, and pearce it. Euen so is Pharao kynge of Egypte vnto all that trust on him. 22 If ye saye vnto me, we trust in the Lorde oure God: Is not that he whose hilaulters and his other aulters, Hezekia hath put downe, and hath sayde to Iuda & Ierusalem, ye shall worshyppe before this aulter here in Ierusalem. 23 Nowe therfore delyuer wardes to my Lorde the kynge of Assyria, that ye rebell not, & I wyll delyuer the two thousande horses, yf thou be able to sett ryders vpon them: 24 Why thynkest thou scorne at the presence of one of the leest Dukes of my masters seruauntes, & trustest to Egypte for charettes and horsmen? 25 Moreouer, am I come now without the byddinge of the Lorde to this place, to destroye it? the Lorde sayde to me: go vp to this lande, and destroye it. 26 And Eliakim the sonne of Helkia & Sobna, & Ioab sayde vnto Rabsake: speake (I praye the) to thy seruauntes in the Syrians language, for we vnderstande it: & talke not wt vs in the Iewes tonge, in the eares of this people that are on the wall. 27 And Rabsake sayde vnto them: hath my master sent me to thy master and to the, to speake these wordes? Hath he not sent me because of the men which sytt on the wall, that they maye eate their awne donge, & dryncke their awne pisse with you? 28 And so Rabsake stode, and cryed with a lowde voyce in the Iewes language, and spake sayinge: heare the sayinge of the great kynge of Assyria. 29 Thus sayth the kynge: let not Hezekia begile you, for he shall not be able to delyuer you out of myne hande: 30 nether let Hezekia make you to trust in the Lorde, sayinge: the Lorde shall surely delyuer vs, and this cytie shall not be geuen ouer into the hande of the kynge of Assyria. 31 Herken not vnto Hezekia, for thus sayth the kynge of Assyria. Deale kyndely with me, & come out to me. And then eate euery man of his awne vyne, and of his awne fygge tree, & dryncke euery man of the water of his awne well, 32 tyll I come, and fett you to as good a lande as youres is: a lande of corne and wyne, a lande of bread and vyneyardes, a lande of oyle, of olyue trees, and of hony: that ye maye lyue, and not dye. And herken not vnto Hezekia, for he begyleth you, sayinge: the Lorde shall delyuer vs. 33 Hath euery one of the Gods of the nacyons deliuered his lande, out of the hande of the kynge of Assyria? 34 where is the God of Hamath, & of Arphad? and where is the God of Sepharuaim, Hena & Iua? dyd they delyuer Samaria out of myne hande, 35 & what God is it amonge all the goddes of the nacyons, that hath delyuered his lande out of myne hande, Shall the Lorde deliuer Ierusalem out of myne hande? 36 But they that were of the people helde their peace, and answered not him a worde: for the kynge had commaunded, sayinge: answere him not. 37 Then Eliakim which was the stuard of housholde, and Sobnah the scribe, and Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder, came to Hezekia with their clothes rent, and tolde him the wordes of Rabsake.

2 Chronicles 26:1-23

1 Then all the people of Iuda toke Uzia (which was syxtene yere olde) and made hym kynge in the rowme of hys father Amaziahu. 2 And he buylt Eloth, and brought it agayne to Iuda, after that the kynge was layd to slepe with hys fathers. 3 Syxtene yere olde was Uzia, when he began to raygne, and he raygned .lii. yere in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name also was Ieeholia of Ierusalem. 4 And he did that which was right in the syght of the Lorde, accordynge to all, as dyd hys father Amaziahu. 5 And it came to passe, that he sought God in the dayes of zachariahu (which mayntened the feare of God) & as longe as he sought the Lorde, God made hym to prospere. 6 And he went to batell agaynst the Philistines, and brake downe the wall of Geth, & the wall of Iabne, and the wall of Asdob, & buylt cyties about Asdod & among the Philistines. 7 And God holpe him against the Philistines, and agaynst the Arabiens that dwelt in Gurbaal and Hammehunim. 8 And the Ammonites gaue tribute to Uzia, and his name spredde abroade euen to the entryng in of Egypte: for he played the man exceadingly. 9 Moreouer Uzia buylt towres in Ierusalem by the corner gate, & by the valeye gate, and at the turninge of the wall, and made them stronge. 10 And he buylt towres in the wyldernesse, and digged many welles: For he had moche catell, in the valeys and playnes, plowmen and vynedressers in the mountaynes and in Charmel, for he loued husbandrye: 11 And Uzia had an host of fyghtynge men that went out to warre in the armye accordynge to the nombre of theyr office vnder the hande of Ieiel the scrybe & Maasiahu the ruler, & vnder the hande of Hananiahu which was one of the kynges Lordes. 12 And the hoale nombre of the auncient fathers, & of the men of myght were two thousande and syxe hundred: 13 & vnder the hande of them was the armye of the men of warre, euen thre hundred and seuen thousande, & fyue hundred that made warre with the power of an armye, helpyng the kynge against the enemies. 14 And Uzia prouided them thorowe out all the host, shildes, speares, helmettes, haberginnes, bowes and slynges for to cast stones. 15 And he made sotle engynnes in Ierusalem, which he inuented & layed on the towres and corners, to shote arowes and greate stones with all. And his name spredd farre abroad, because he was helped so excellently, so that he became very mighty. 16 But in his strength, his hert arose to hys destruction: For he transgressed agaynst the Lorde hys God, & went into the temple of the Lorde, to burne cense vpon the alter of incense. 17 And Asariahu the preaste went in after him, and with him foure skore preastes of the Lorde that were valeaunt men. 18 And they stode by Uzia the kynge, and sayde vnto hym: it pertayneth not to the Uzia to burne incense vnto the Lorde, but to the preastes the chyldren of Aaron, that are consecrate for to offre incense. Come therfore out of the sanctuarye for thou hast trespaced, and it is no worshyp to the before the Lorde God. 19 And Uzia was wroth, & had incense in his hande to burne it: & so whyle he had indignacyon agaynst the preastes, the leprosye sprange in his foreheed before the preastes in the house of the Lorde, euen besyde the incense aulter. 20 And Asariahu the chefe preaste with all the other preastes loked vpon him: and beholde, he was become a leper in his foreheed, & they vexed him thence. And he was fayne to go out, because the Lorde had smitten hym. 21 And Uzia the kynge contynued a lepre vnto the daye of hys deeth, and dwelt seuerall in an house beynge a leper and shutte out of the house of the Lorde. And Iotham hys sonne had the gouernaunce of the kynges house, and iudged the people of the lande. 22 The rest of the actes of Uzia fyrst & last, dyd Isai the prophete the sonne of Amos, wryte 23 And so Uzia slepte with hys fathers, and they buryed him with his fathers in the felde of the buryall which was besyde the sepulchres of the kinges. For they sayde: he is a leper. And Ioatham hys sonne raygned in hys steade.

Isaiah 1:1

1 The vision of Esay the sonne of Amos which he sawe vpon Iuda and Ierusalem: in the dayes of Uzia and Ioatham, Ahaz & Iehezikiah kynges of Iuda. 2 when the Lorde had fyrst spoken with him, in the tyme of Iosiah the sonne of Amon kynge of Iuda, in the .xiij. yeare of his reygne:

Jeremiah 1:4

4 The worde of the Lorde spake thus vnto me:

Ezekiel 1:3

3 At the same tyme came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ezechiel the sonne of Buzi the preste, in the lande of the Chaldees by the water of Cobar, where the hande of the Lorde came vpon hym.

Joel 1:1

1 Thys is the worde of the Lorde, that came vnto Ioell the sonne of Phatuel.

Amos 1:1

1 These are the sermons that were shewed vnto Amos, (which was one of the shepherdes at Thecua) vpon Israell, in the tyme of Osiah kinge of Iuda, and in the tyme of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioah kynge of Israel, two yeare before the earth quake.

Jonah 1:1

1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto Ionas the sonne of Amythay saying:

Micah 1:1

1 Thys is the worde of the Lorde, that came vnto Micheas the Morastite, in the dayes of Iothan Ahas and Iehezekiah kynges of Iuda: whych was shewed hym vpon Samaria & Ierusalem.

Zechariah 1:1

1 In the eyght moneth of the seconde yeare of kynge Darius, came the worde of the Lord vnto Zacharie the sonne of Barachias, the sonne of Addo, the prophete, sayenge:

John 10:35

35 If he called them goddes, vnto whom the word of God was spoken (and the scripture cannot be broken

Romans 9:25

25 As he sayth also to Osee? I wyll call them my people which were not my people: and her beloued which was not beloued, (and her to haue optayned mercy, that had not optayned mercy)

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the scripture came neuer by the wyll of man: but holy men of God spake, as they were moued by the holy goost.

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