Genesis 41:8 Cross References - Great

8 And when the mornynge came, his sprete was troubled. And he sent and called for all the sothesayers of Egypte, and all the wyse men therof, and Pharao tolde them hys dreame: but there was none of them that coulde interpretate it vnto Pharao.

Genesis 40:6

6 When Ioseph came in vnto them in the mornynge, and loked vpon them: beholde, they were sadd. And he asked Pharaos offycers that were with hym in hys masters warde sayinge:

Genesis 40:8

8 They answered hym: we haue dreamed a dreame, and haue no man to declare it. And Ioseph sayde vnto them: Do not interpretynges belonge to God: yet tell me?

Exodus 7:11

11 Than Pharao called for the wyse men and enchaunters, & those wyse men of Egypte dyd in like maner wt there sorcery.

Exodus 7:22

22 And the enchaunters of Egypte dyd lykewyse wyth their sorceries, and he hardened Pharaos hert: neyther dyd he harken vnto them as the Lorde had sayde.

Exodus 8:7

7 And the sorcerers dyd lyke wyse wt theyre sorcery, and brought frogges vp vpon the lande of Egypte.

Exodus 8:18-19

18 And the enchaunters assayde lykewyse with their enchauntmentes to brynge forth lyse, but they coulde not. And the lyse were both vpon men and beestes. 19 Then sayde the enchaunters vnto Pharao: it is the fyngre of God. And Pharaos hart remayned obstinate, and he harkened not vnto them, euen as the Lorde had sayde.

Exodus 9:11

11 and the sorcerers coulde not stande before Moses because of the blaines: for ther were botches vpon the enchaunters & vpon all the Egipcians.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shall not regarde them that worke with sprytes, nether seke after sothsayers to be defyled by them, I am the Lorde youre God.

Leviticus 20:6

6 If a soule turne hym selfe after such as worke wyth spretes, and after sothsayers, to goo a whorynge after them, I wyll put my face agaynst that soule, & wyll destroye hym from amonge hys people.

Deuteronomy 18:9-14

9 When thou arte come into the lande whych the Lorde thy God geueth the, se that thou lerne not to do after the abhominacions of those nacions. 10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed. 12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the. 13 Thou shalt be perfecte therfore in the syght of the Lorde thy God. 14 For these nacyons whych thou shalt conquere, herken vnto chosers oute of dayes, and vnto sorcerers: But the Lord thy God hath not suffred the so to do.

Job 5:12-13

12 He destroyeth the deuyces of the sotyll, so that their handes are not able to performe any stedfast thing. 13 He compaseth the wyse in their awne craftynes, and ouerthroweth the councell of the wycked.

Psalms 25:14

14 The secrete of the Lorde is amonge them that feare him & he wyll shewe them hys couenaunt.

Isaiah 8:19

19 And yf they saye vnto you: aske councell at the sothesayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them thys answere. Is there a people eny where, that asketh not councell at his God? Shulde men renne vnto the dead for the lyuynge?

Isaiah 19:3

3 The mynde also of Egipte shalbe cleane without councell within it selfe, & the deuyce that they take, wyll I destroye, so that they shall seke councell at ydols & at sorcerers, at workers with spretes & at sothsayers.

Isaiah 19:11-13

11 But ye foolish prynces of Zoan, ye wyse councelours of Pharao, whose wit is turned to foolyshnes, how saye ye vnto Pharao: I am come of wyse men & of auncient kynges? 12 Wher ar they? where are (I saye) thy wyse men? Let them tell the (yf they can) what the lord of hoostes hath deuysed vpon Egypte. 13 The prynces of zoan are become fooles, the prynces of Noph are disceaued, they haue disceaued Egypte, euen they that were taken for the chefe kynred therof.

Isaiah 29:14

14 Therfore wyll I do maruayls amonge this people, euen maruelous thinges (I saye) & a wonder. For the wysdome of their wise men shall perysh, & the vnderstanding of their wittye men shall hyd it selfe.

Isaiah 47:12-13

12 Nowe go to thy coniurers, & to the multitude of thy wytches (with whom thou hast weried thy selfe from thy youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthen the. 13 Thou hast hytherto had many councels of them, so let the heauen gasers and the beholders of starres and mone prophetes come on nowe and delyuer the: yee, and lett them shewe, when these newe thinges shall come vpon the.

Daniel 1:20

20 which in all wysdome and matters of vnderstandinge, that he enquered of them, founde them ten tymes better, then all the sothsayers and charmers, that were in all his realme.

Daniel 2:1-11

1 In the seconde yeare of the raygne of Nabuchodonosor, had Nabuchodonosor a dreame, where thorow his sprete was vexed, and his slepe brake from hym. 2 Then the kynge commaunded to call to gether all the sothsayers, charmers, witches and caldees, for to shewe the kynge hys dreame. So they came, and stode before the kynge. 3 And the kynge sayde vnto them: I haue dreamed a dreame, and my sprete was so troubled therwith, that I haue clene forgotten, what I dreamed. 4 Upon this the Caldees answered the kynge in the Syrians speache: O kynge, God saue thy lyfe for euer. Shewe thy seruauntes the dreame, and we shal shewe the, what it meaneth. 5 The kynge gaue the Caldees theyr answere and sayde: It is gone fro me. Yf ye wyll not make me vnderstande the dreame with the interpretacyon therof, ye shall dye, and youre houses shalbe prysed. 6 But yf yee tell me the dreame and the meanynge therof, ye shall haue of me gyftes, rewardes and greate honoure: onely, shewe me the dreame and the signifycacyon of it. 7 They answered agayne, and sayde: the kynge must shewe his seruauntes the dreame, and so shall we declare what it meaneth. 8 Then the kynge answered, saying: I perceaue of a trueth, that ye do but prolonge the tyme: for so moche as ye se, that the thynge is gone fro me. 9 Therfore ye wyll not tell me the dreame, ye shall all haue one iudgement. But ye fayne & dissemble wt vayne wordes, which ye speake before me, to put of the tyme. Therfore tell me the dreame, & so shall I knowe, yf ye can shewe me, what it meaneth. 10 Upon this, the Caldees gaue answere before the kynge, and sayde: there is no man vpon earth, that can tell the thinge, which the kynge speaketh of: yee, there is nether kynge, prince ner Lorde, that euer asked soche thynges at a sothsayer, charmer or Caldeer: 11 for it is a very harde matter, that the kynge requyreth. Nether is there any, that can certifye the kynge therof, excepte the goddes: whose dwellynge is not amonge the creatures.

Daniel 2:27-28

27 Daniel answered the kynge to his face, & sayde: As for thys secrete, for the which the kynge maketh inquisicyon: it is nether the wyse, the sorcerer, the charmer ner the deuell coniurer, that can certifye the kynge of it. 28 Only God in heauen can open secretes, and he it is, that sheweth the kynge Nabuchodonosor, what is for to come in the latter dayes. Thy dreame, & that which thou hast sene in thyne head vpon thy bed, is this:

Daniel 4:5

5 sawe a dreame, which made me afrayed: & the thoughtes that I had vpon my bedd, with the visyons of myne head, troubled me.

Daniel 4:7

7 So there came the sothsayers, charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels: to whom I tolde the dreame, but what it betokened, they coulde not shewe me:

Daniel 4:19

19 Then Daniel (whose name was Balthazar) helde hys peace by the space of an houre and hys thoughtes troubled hym. So the kynge spake & sayde: O Balthazar, lett nether the dreame ner the interpretacyon therof feare the. Balthazar answered, saing: O my Lorde, this dreame happen to thyne enemies, and the interpretacyon to thyne aduersaries.

Daniel 5:6-8

6 Then chaunged the kynge his countenaunce, and his thoughtes troubled hym, so that the ioyntes of his body shoke, and hys knees smote one agaynst the other. 7 Wherfore the kinge cried myghtely, that they shulde brynge hym the charmers. Caldees and coniurers of deuels. The kynge spake also to the wyse men of Babylon, and sayde: Who so can rede this writing, & shewe me the playne meaning therof: shalbe clothed with purple, haue a cheyne of golde aboute his necke, and rule the thyrde part of my kyngdome. 8 Upon this, came all the kinges wyse men: but they coulde nether reade the writynge, ner shewe the kinge what it signifyed.

Daniel 5:11

11 For why? there is a man in thy kyngdome, that hath the sprete of the holy goddes within him, as it was sene in thy fathers dayes. He hath vnderstandynge and wysdome lyke the goddes. Ye the kynge Nabuchodonosor thy father made this man chefe of the sothsayers, charmers, Caldees and readers of destines:

Daniel 7:28

28 Thus farre extende the wordes. Neuertheles, I Daniel was so vexed in my thoughtes, that my countenaunce chaunged but the wordes I kepte styll in my herte.

Daniel 8:27

27 Upon this was I daniel very faynte, so that I laye sycke certayne dayes: but when I rose vp, I wente aboute the kynges busynesse, and marueled at the visyon, neuerthelesse no man knewe of it.

Habakkuk 3:16

16 When I heare this, my body is vexed, my lyppes tremble at the voyce therof, my bones corrupte, I am afraied where I stande. O that I myght rest in the daye of trouble, that I myght go vp vnto our people, which are alredy prepared.

Matthew 2:1

1 When Iesus was borne at Bethleem a cytie of Iewry, in the tyme of Herode the kynge. Beholde, there came wyse men from the east to Ierusalem,

Acts 7:22

22 And Moses was learned in all maner wysdome of the Egypcians, and was mighty in dedes and in wordes.

Acts 17:18

18 Certayne Philosophers of the Epicures and of the Stoyckes, disputed with hym. And some ther were which sayde: what will thys babler saye? Other sayde: he semeth to be a tydynges brynger of newe deuyls, because he preacheth vnto them Iesus & the resurreccion.

1 Corinthians 1:19

19 For it is wrytten: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll cast awaye the vnderstandynge of the prudent.

1 Corinthians 3:18-20

18 Let no man deceaue him selfe. If eny man seme wyse to hym selfe amonge you, let hym become a foole in this worlde, that he maye be wyse. 19 For the wysdom of thys worlde is folyshnes with God. For it is wrytten: he compaseth the wyse in theyr craftynes. 20 And agayne: God knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse, that they be vayne.

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