Ezekiel 33:8 Cross References - Great

8 If I saye vnto the wycked thou wycked, thou shalt surely dye, & thou geuest him not warnynge, that he maye bewarre of his vngodly waye: then shall the wycked dye in his awne synne, but his bloude wyll I require of thy hande.

Genesis 2:17

17 But as touchynge the tre of knowledge of good and euell, thou shalt not eate of it. Els, in what daye soeuer thou eatest therof, thou shalt dye the death.

Genesis 3:4

4 And the serpent sayde vnto the woman: ye shall not dye the death:

Numbers 27:3

3 oure father dyed in the wyldernes: and was not in the companye of them that gathered them selues together against the Lorde in the congregacyon of Corah. But dyed in hys awne synne, and hadd no sonnes.

Proverbs 11:21

21 The wycked amendeth not for plage vpon plage, but the sede of the ryghteous shalbe preserued.

Ecclesiastes 8:13

13 Agayne, as for the vngodly it shall not be well wt him, nether shall he prolonge his dayes: but euen as a shadowe, so shall he be that feareth not God.

Isaiah 3:11

11 But wo be to the vngodly and vnryghteous, for they shalbe rewarded after theyr worckes.

Jeremiah 8:11-13

11 Neuerthelesse, they heale the hurte of my people very slenderlye, sayenge: peace, peace, where there is no peace at all. 12 Fye for shame, how abhominable thynges do they? and yet they be not ashamed, yee, they knowe of no shame. Wherfore, in the tyme of theyr visytacion, they shall fall amonge the deed bodyes, & be ouerthrowne sayeth the Lorde. 13 Moreouer, I wyll consume them in deade (sayeth the Lord) so that there shall not be one grape vpon the vyne, nether one fygg vpon the fyge tre, and the leaues shalbe plucte of. And the thynge that I haue gyuen them shall be taken from them:

Jeremiah 14:13-16

13 Then answered I: O Lorde God, the prophetes saye vnto them: Tush, ye shall nede to feare no sweard & no honger shall come vpon you, but the Lorde shall geue you contynuall rest in this place. 14 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The prophetes preach lyes in my name, where as I haue not sent them, nether gaue I them eny charge, nether dyd I speake vnto them: yet they preach vnto you false visions, charming, vanite, & disceatfulnes of their awne herte. 15 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord. As for those prophetes that preach in my name (whom I neuerthelesse haue not sent) & that saye: Tush, there shall no swerde ner honger be in this land. With swearde & with honger shall those prophetes perysh, 16 & the people to whom they preache shalbe cast out of Ierusalem, dye of honger, & be slayne wt the swearde, (& there shalbe no man to burye them) both they & theyr wyues, theyr sonnes and theyr daughters. For thus wyll I poure theyr wyckednesse vpon them.

Ezekiel 13:9-10

9 Myne handes shall come vpon the prophetes that loke out vayne thinges, and preach lyes: they shall not be in the councell of my people, ner wrytten in the boke of the house of Israel, nether shall they come in the lande of Israel: that ye maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde God. 10 And that for by cause: they haue dysceaued my people, and tolde them of peace, where no peace was. One setteth vp a wall, and they dawbe it with lowse claye.

Ezekiel 18:4

4 Beholde all soules are myne. Lyke as the father is myne, so is the sonne myne also. The soule that synneth, shall dye.

Ezekiel 18:10-13

10 If he nowe gett a sonne, that is a murtherer, a sheder of bloude: yf he do one of these thynges 11 (though he do not all) he eateth vpon the hylles: he defyleth his neyghbours wyfe: 12 he greueth the poore & nedy: he robbeth & spoyleth: he geueth not the detter his pledge againe, he lyfteth vp his eyes vnto Idols, & medleth with abhominable thinges: 13 he lendeth vpon vsury, & taketh more ouer. Shall this man lyue? He shall not lyue. Seynge he hath done all these abhominacyons, he shall dye, his bloude shalbe vpon him.

Ezekiel 18:18

18 As for his father: because he oppressed & spoyled hys brother, and dyd wyckedly amonge his people: lo, he is deed in his awne synne.

Ezekiel 18:20

20 The same soule that synneth, shall dye. The sonne shall not beare the fathers offence, nether shall the father beare the sonnes offence. The ryghteousnes of the ryghtuous shall be vpon him, & the wickednes of the wicked shall be vpon him self also.

Ezekiel 33:6

6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swearde come, and shewe it not with the trompet, so that the people is not warned: yf the swearde come then, & take eny man from among them: the same shall be taken awaye in his awne synne, but his bloude wyll I require of the watchmans hande.

Ezekiel 33:14

14 Agayne, yf I saye vnto the wycked: thou shalt surely dye: and so he turne from his synnes, and do the thinge that is lawfull and right:

Acts 20:26-27

26 Wherfore, I take you to recorde this daye that I am pure from the bloude of all men. 27 For I haue spared no laboure, but haue shewed you all the counsell of God.

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