Deuteronomy 12:6 Cross References - Great

6 And thyther thou shalt come, and thyther ye shall brynge youre burnt sacrifyces, your offrynges, youre tythes, and heue offrynges of youre hande, youre vowes, your frewill offerynges and the fyrst gendred of youre oxen and of your shepe.

Leviticus 17:3-9

3 what man soeuer of the house of Israel kylleth an oxe, or lambe or goate in the hoste, or that kylleth it out of the hoste, 4 and bryngeth it not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, to offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde before the dwellynge place of the Lorde, bloude shalbe imputed vnto that man, as though he had shed bloude, and that man shall be roted out from amonge his people. 5 Wherfore whan the chyldren of Israel brynge their offeringes, that they offer in the wyde felde, they shulde brynge them vnto the Lorde: euen vnto the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse to the preaste, to offer them for peace offerynges vnto the Lord. 6 And the preaste must sprynkle the bloude vpon the alter of the Lorde whych is before the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and burne the fatt for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 7 And lett them no moare offer their offeringes vnto deuyls, after whom they haue gone a whorynge. Thys shalbe an ordynaunce for euer vnto them in their generacyons. 8 And thou shalt saye vnto them: whatsoeuer man it be of the house of Israel or of the straungers whych soiourne amonge you that offereth a burntofferynge or sacrifyce, 9 & bryngeth it not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse to offer it vnto the Lorde, that man shall peryshe from amonge hys people:

Leviticus 27:32-33

32 And euery tyth of oxe and of shepe and of euery beest that goeth vnder the rodd euen euery tenth shalbe holy vnto the Lord. 33 He shall not loke yf it be good or bad, ner chaunge it. Els, yf he chaunge it, both it, and that it was chaunged withall, shalbe halowed vnto the Lorde, and maye not be redemed.

Numbers 18:15-17

15 All that breaketh the matrice in all fleshe that men brynge vnto the Lorde, whether it be of men or beastes, shalbe thyne. Neuerthelater the fyrstborne of man shalt thou redeme, and the fyrstborne of vncleane beastes shalt thou redeme lykewyse. Those that are to be redemed, 16 shalt thou redeme from the age of a moneth, for the value of the money, namely for fyue sycles after the sycle of the sanctuari. A sycle maketh twentye halfpens. 17 But the fyrstborne of oxen, shepe and goates shalt thou not redeme. For they are holy, therfore thou shalt sprynkle theyr bloude vpon the alter, and shalt burne theyr fatt vpon the sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

Deuteronomy 12:17

17 Thou mayst not eate wythin thy gates the tithe of thy corne, of thy wyne and of thy oyle, and the fyrst gendred of thine oxen, and of thy shepe, nether any of thy vowes whych thou vowest, nor thy fre wil offringes or heueofferynge of thyne hande:

Deuteronomy 14:22-26

22 Thou shalt tythe all the encrease of thy seed, that the felde bryngeth furth yeare by yeare: 23 And thou shalt eate before the Lorde thy God, (in the place whych he hath chosen, and where he hath put his name) the tythe of thy corne, of thy wyne & of thyne oyle, and the fyrst gendred of thyne oxen & of thy shepe, that thou mayst learne to feare the Lorde thy God all waye: 24 If the waye be to longe for the, so that thou art not able to carye it, & yf the place be farre from the, which the Lord thy God hath chosen to set his name there (and the Lord thy God hath blessed the) 25 then shalt thou make it in money, & take the money in thyne hande, & go vnto the place whych the Lorde thy God hath chosen, 26 and bestowe the money for whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth after: for oxen, & shepe, wyne & stronge drynke, & for whatsoeuer thy soule desyreth, and eate there before the Lorde thy God and be mery. bothe thou and thyne housholde,

Deuteronomy 15:19-20

19 All the fyrst gendred that come of thyne oxen, and of thy shepe that are males, thou shalt halowe vnto the Lord thy God. Thou shalt do no worke with the fyrst gendred of thyne oxen, ner shere the fyrst gendred of thy shepe: 20 Thou shalt eate it before the Lord thy God yeare by yeare, in the place whych the Lorde hath chosen, both thou and thyne housholde.

Deuteronomy 26:2

2 take of the fyrst of all the frute of the erthe, and brynge it out of thy lande that the Lord thy God geueth the, and put it in a maunde, and go vnto the place whych the Lorde thy God shall chose to sett his name in it.

Ezekiel 20:40

40 For vpon my holy hyll, euen vpon the hye hill of Israel sayth the Lord God, shall all the house of Israel and all that is in the lande, worshyppe me: and in the same place will I fauoure them, and there will I requyre your heaue offringes and the fyrstlynges of your oblacyons, with all youre holy thynges.

Malachi 3:8

8 Shulde a man vse falshed and disceat with God as ye vse falshed and disceate with me? yet ye saye wherin vse we disceate wt the? In Tithes & heaue offeringes.

Malachi 3:10

10 Bringe euery Tithe into my barne, that there maye be meat in myne house: and proue me withall (sayeth the Lorde of hoostes) yf I wyll not open the wyndowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessyng with plenteousnesse.

Luke 11:42

42 But wo vnto you Pharises, for ye tythe mynt and rewe, and all manner erbes, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God. These ought ye to haue done, and yet not to leaue the other vndone.

Luke 18:12

12 I fast twyse in the weke. I geuetythe of all that I possesse.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.