2 Samuel 20:1 Cross References - Great

1 Whan there cam thither a certayne man of Belial (named Seba, the sonne of Bichri, a man of gemini) he blew a trompet & sayde: we haue no parte in Dauid, neither haue we enheritaunce in the sonne of Isai, let the men of Israel departe vnto there tentes.

Deuteronomy 13:13

13 that certen men beynge the chyldren of Belial, are gone out from amonge you, and haue moued the enhabiters of their cytie, sayinge: let vs go and serue straunge Goddes, which ye haue not knowen.

Judges 3:27

27 And when he was come he blewe a trompette in mount Ephraim. And the chyldren of Israel went downe wyth hym from the hyll and he went before them.

Judges 19:22

22 And as they were makynge their herttes merye, beholde, the men of the cytie which were wicked, set the house rounde aboute, and thrust at the dore, and spake to the man of the house, the olde man, sayinge: brynge forth the man that came into thyne house, that we maye knowe hym.

1 Samuel 2:12

12 But the sonnes of Eli were chyldren of Belial, and knewe not the lord.

1 Samuel 22:7-8

7 And Saul sayde vnto his seruauntes that stode about him. Heare I praye you you sonnes of Iemini: will the sonne of Isai geue euery one of you feldes and vineardes, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes & ouer hundredes? 8 that ye haue also conspired agaynst me, and there is none that telleth it me in myne eare. And where as my sonne hath made a bonde wt the sonne of Isai, ther is none of you that mourneth for me, or sheweth it in myne eare: beholde, my sonne hath stered vp my seruaunt to lye awayte agaynst me thys same daye.

1 Samuel 30:22

22 Then answered all the wycked & the vnthriftes (of the men that went with Dauid) & sayde: because they went not with vs, therfore will we geue them none of the praye, that we haue recouered, But let euery man take hys wyfe and hys chyldren: Those lett them cary awaye, and be walkynge.

2 Samuel 15:10

10 But Absalom sent spyes thorowe out all the tribes of Israel sayenge: as sone as ye heare the voyce of the trompet blowe, ye shall saye: Absalom raigneth kynge in Hebron.

2 Samuel 19:41-43

41 And beholde, all the men of Israel came to the kynge, and sayde vnto him, why haue oure brethren the men of Iuda stolen the awaye and haue brought the kyng & his housholde, and all Dauids men with him ouer Iordan? 42 And all the men of Iuda answered the men of Israel: the kynge is nere of kynne to vs: wherfore be ye angrye for that matter? thynke ye that we eate of the kynges cost, or that we take vs any gyftes? 43 And the men of Israel answered the men of Iuda and sayde: we haue ten partes in the kynge, & haue therto more ryght to Dauid then ye. Why then dyd ye despyse vs, that oure aduise shulde not be fyrst had in restoringe oure kynge agayne? And the wordes of the men of Iuda were fearcer, then the wordes of the men of Israel.

2 Samuel 23:6

6 But the vngodly man of Belial shall be as a thorne cleane pluckt vp, which can not be taken wt handes:

1 Kings 12:16

16 And so, when all Israel sawe, that the kynge regarded them not, the people answered the kynge with these wordes, sayenge, what porcion haue we in Dauid: we haue no enheritaunce in the sonne of Isai. To youre tentes, O Israel, nowe se to thyne awne house Dauid. And so Israel departed vnto theyr tentes.

2 Chronicles 10:6

6 And kynge Rehoboam counsayled wyth the elders that had stande before Salomon his father, whyle he yet lyued, and he sayde: what councell geue ye me, to answere thys people agayne?

2 Chronicles 10:16

16 And when all they of Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not agree vnto them, the people answered the kynge sayinge: what parte haue we wt Dauid, or enheritaunce wt the sonne of Isai? let euery man of Israel go to his tent. And now Dauid, se to thyne awne house. And so all Israel gat them to their tentes,

Psalms 17:13

13 Up Lorde, disapoynte hym, and cast hym downe: delyuer my soule from the vngodly which is as a swearde of thyne.

Psalms 34:19

19 Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde delyuereth hym out of all.

Proverbs 24:21-22

21 My sonne, feare thou the Lord & the kynge, & kepe no company wt them that slyde backe from his feare: 22 for theyr destruccion shall come sodenly, & who knoweth the aduersyte that maye come from them both?

Proverbs 25:8

8 Be not hastie to go to the lawe, lest happlye thou do some offence after the strife be ended wherby thy neyghbour put the to shame.

Proverbs 26:21

21 Coles kyndle heate, & wodd the fyre: euen so doth a brauling felowe stere vp variaunce.

Habakkuk 1:12-13

12 But thou O Lorde my God my holy one, thou art from the begynninge, therfore shal we not dye. O Lord, thou hast ordened them for a punishement, and sett them to reproue the myghtye. 13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euel, thou canst not beholde, the thinge that is wycked. Wherfore then dost thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tunge, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then him selfe?

Luke 19:14

14 But hys cytesens hated hym, & sent a message after him, sayinge: we will not haue thys man to raygne ouer vs.

Luke 19:27

27 Moreouer, those myne enemyes, (whych wolde not that I shuld raygne ouer them) brynge hyther, and slee them before me.

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