2 Kings 21:14 Cross References - Great

14 And I wyll leaue the remnaunt of myne enheritaunce, and delyuer them into the hande of theyr enemies, and they shalbe robbed and spoyled of all their aduersaries:

Leviticus 26:17

17 And I wyll set my face agenste you, and ye shall fall before youre enemyes, & they that hate you, shall raygne ouer you and ye shall flee, when no man foloweth you.

Leviticus 26:36-38

36 And vpon them that are left alyue of you, I wyll sende a fayntnesse into theyr hertes in the lande of theyr enemyes: & the sounde of a shakyng leef, shall chace them, and whan they flee the swerde, they shall fall: no man folowinge vpon them. 37 They shall fall one vpon another, as it were before a swerde, euen no man folowynge vpon them, and ye shall haue no power to stande before your enemyes: 38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, & the lande of youre enemyes shall eate you vp.

Deuteronomy 4:26-27

26 I call heauen and erth to recorde agaynst you thys daye, that ye shall shortely perish from of the lande, whether ye go ouer Iordan to possesse it: ye shall not prolonge youre dayes therin, but shall vtterly be destroyed 27 And the Lord shall skater you amonge the nacyons, and ye shalbe lefte fewe in nombre amonge the people, whether the Lorde shall brynge you:

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enemyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and flee seuen wayes before them, and shall be scatered amonge all the kyngdomes of the erthe.

Deuteronomy 28:31-33

31 Thyne oxe shalbe slayne before thyne eyes, and thou shalt not eate therof. Thyne asse shalbe violently taken a waye euen before thy face, and shall not be restored to the agayne. Thy shepe shalbe geuen vnto thine enemyes, and no man shall rescue them. 32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shall be geuen vnto another nacyon, and thyne eyes shall se it, & dase vpon them all the daye longe, and there shalbe no myghte in thyne hande. 33 The frute of thy lande and all thy laboures shall a nacion whych thou knowest not, eate, & thou shalt continually suffre violence onely, and be oppressed alwaye:

Deuteronomy 28:48

48 therfore thou shalt serue thyne enemye, whych the Lorde shall sende vpon the in hunger and thyrst, in nakednesse, and in nede of all thynge: and he shall put a yocke of yron vpon thy necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to nought.

Deuteronomy 31:17

17 And then my wrath wyll waxe whote agaynst them, and I wyll forsake them, and wyll hyde my face from them, & they shalbe consumed. And moch aduersyte and tribulacyons shall come vpon them, so that then they wyll saye: Are not these troubles come vpon me, because God is not wyth me?

Judges 2:14-15

14 and the wrath of the lorde waxed hote agaynst Israel, and he delyuered them into the handes of raueners, that spoyled them, and solde them into the handes of their enemyes rounde aboute them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before their enemyes. 15 But whethersoeuer they went out, the hand of the lord was agaynst them with euell lucke, euen as the lord promysed them, & as he sware vnto them. And he punyshed them sore.

2 Kings 19:4

4 Paraduenture the Lorde thy God wyll heare all the wordes of Rabsake, whom the kynge of Assyria his master hath sent, to rayle on the lyuynge God, and to rebuke him with wordes, which the Lorde thy God hath hearde: And lyfte thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are lefte.

2 Kings 19:30-31

30 And it that is escaped & lefte, of the daughter of Iuda, shall yet agayne take rotinge downe warde and beare frute vpwarde. 31 For out of Ierusalem shall go a remnaunt, and a nombre that shall escape out of mount Sion: the Zele of the Lorde of Hostes shall brynge thys thynge to passe.

2 Kings 24:2

2 And the Lorde sent vpon him men of warre from amonge the Caldeys, from amonge the Syrians, out of the Moabites, and from the chyldren of Ammon: and sent them agaynst Iuda, to destroye it, accordynge to the sayinge of the Lorde, which he spake by hys seruauntes the prophetes.

2 Chronicles 15:2

2 And he went out to mete Asa, & sayde vnto him: heare me Asa, and all Iuda, Beniamin. The Lorde is with you, whyle ye be with hym, and when ye seke hym, he wyll be founde of you: and agayne, when ye forsake hym, he also wyll forsake you.

2 Chronicles 36:16-17

16 But they mocked the messengers of God, & despised his wordes, and mysse vsed hys prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord arose agaynst his people, and tyll there was no remedy. 17 And so he brought vpon them the kyng of Caldeye, which slue their yong men with the swearde in their holy temple, and spared nether yonge man, mayden, olde man, ner hym that stowped for age. He gaue them all into his hande.

Nehemiah 9:27-37

27 Therfore, thou gauest them ouer into the hand of their enemyes, that vexed them. And in the tyme of their trouble whan they cryed vnto the, thou hardest them from heauen: & thorow thy greate mercy thou gauest them sauiours, whych helped them out of the hande of their enemyes. 28 But when they came to rest, they turned back agayne, to do euell before the: therfore leftest thou them in the hande of theyr enemyes, so that they had the dominyon ouer them. And whan they conuerted, and cryed vnto the, thou herdeft them from heauen, & many tymes hast thou delyuered them accordyng to thy greate mercy, 29 & testyfyedst vnto them, that thou myghtest bryng them agayne vnto thy lawe. Not withstandyng, they were proude, & herkened not vnto thy commaundementes, but synned in thy lawes (whych yf a man do he shall lyue in them,) and turned the shoulder awaye, and were styffnecked, and wolde not heare. 30 And many yeares dyddest thou forbeare them, & testifyedst vnto them thorow thy sprete, euen by the hande of thy prophetes, and yet wolde they not heare. Therfore gauest thou them into the hande of the nacions in the landes. 31 And for thy great mercyes sake thou hast not vtterly consumed them, nether forsaken them: for thou art a gracyous and mercyfull God. 32 Now therfore oure God, thou greate God, myghtye and terrible, thou that kepest couenaunt & mercy, regarde not a lytle all the trauayle that hath happened vnto vs, and oure kinges, oure princes, our preastes, oure prophetes, & our fathers, and all thy people, sence the tyme of the kynges of Assur vnto thys daye. 33 And truly, thou art iust in all that thou hast broughte vpon vs: for thou hast done ryght. 34 As for vs, we haue bene vngodly, & oure kynges, & oure princes, oure preastes, & oure fathers haue not done after thy lawe, nor regarded thy commaundementes, & thy earnest exhortacyons, wherwith thou hast exhorted them, 35 & they haue not serued the in their kyngdome, & in thy greate goodes that thou gauest them, and in the large and plenteous lande which thou gauest before them, & haue not conuerted from their wycked worckes. 36 Beholde, we are in bondage this daye: & so is the lande that thou gauest vnto oure fathers, to enioye the frutes & goodes therof, beholde, there are we bondmen. 37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of oure synnes, & they haue domynion ouer oure bodyes and catell (euen as they will them selues,) and we are in great trouble.

Psalms 37:28

28 For the Lorde loueth the thynge that is ryght, he forsaketh not hys that be godly, but they are preserued for euermore:

Psalms 71:1-7

1 In the O Lord, haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusyon, but rydde me, and delyuer me in thy righteousnesse: enclyne thyne eare vnto me, and saue me. 2 Be thou my strong holde (where vnto I maye all waye resorte) thou hast promysed to helpe me: for thou art my house of defence and my castell. 3 Delyuer me, O my God, out of the hand of the vngodly, out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruell man. 4 For thou, O Lorde God, art the thynge that I longe for, thou art my hope euen fro my youth. 5 Thorow the haue I bene holden vp euer sence I was borne thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe, my prayse shalbe all waye of the. 6 I am become as it were a monster vnto many: but my sure trust is in the. 7 Oh let my mouth be fylled with thy prayse and honour all the daye longe.

Psalms 89:38-45

38 He shall stande fast for euermore as the moone, and as the faythfull wytnesse in heauen. Selah: 39 But thou hast abhorred & forsaken thyne anoynted, & art displeased at him. 40 Thou hast broken the couenaunt of thy seruaunt, cast his crowne to the grounde. 41 Thou hast ouerthrowne all hys hedges, and broken downe hys stronge holdes. 42 All they that go by, spoyle hym, and he is become a rebuke vnto hys neyghboures. 43 Thou hast set vp the ryght hande of hys enemyes: & made all hys aduersaryes to reioyce. 44 Thou hast taken awaie the edge of his swearde: & geuest hym not victory in the battayle. 45 Thou hast put out his glory, & cast his trone downe to the grounde.

Psalms 106:40-43

40 Therfore was the wrath of the Lorde kynled agaynst hys people, in so moch that he abhorred hys awne enheritaunce. 41 And he gaue them ouer into the hande of the Heathen, and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemyes oppressed them, and had them in subieccion. 43 Many a tyme did he delyuer them, but they rebelled agaynst him with their awne inuencions, & were brought downe in their wyckednesse.

Isaiah 10:6

6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.

Jeremiah 12:7

7 As for me (I saye) I haue forsaken myne awne dwellyng place, & left myne heritage. My lyfe also that I loue so wel, haue I geuen into the handes of myne enemies.

Jeremiah 23:33

33 Yf this people, ether eny prophet or preste aske the and saye: what is the burthen of the Lorde? Thou shalt saye vnto them: what burthen? Therfore wyll I cast you fro me, (sayeth the Lorde) because ye your selues a

Lamentations 1:5

5 Her enemies haue bene rulers ouer her, and her enemyes haue prospered: because the Lorde hath chastened her for her greate wyckednes: her chyldren are ledde awaye captiue before theyr enemye.

Lamentations 1:10

10 The enemye hath put hys hande to all the precious thynges that she had, yee, euen before her eyes came the Heathen in and out of the Sanctuary: whom thou (neuertheles) hast forbydden to come within thy congregacyon.

Lamentations 5:20

20 wherfore wylt thou styll forget vs, and forsake vs so longe?

Amos 5:2

2 The vyrgyn Israel shall fall, & neuer ryse vp agayne: she shalbe cast downe vpon her awne grounde, and no man shall helpe her vp.

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