2 Chronicles 8:8 Cross References - Great

8 but were the children of them, which were lefte after them in the lande, and were not consumed of the children of Israel, them dyd Salomon make to paye trybute vnto this daye.

Joshua 16:10

10 And they draue not out the Cananites y dwelte in Gasor: but the Cananites dwell amonge the Ephraites vnto this daye, and serue vnder tribute.

Joshua 17:13

13 Neuerthelesse, assone as the children of Israel were waxed strong, they put the Cananites vnder tribute, but expelled them not.

Judges 1:21-36

21 And the children of Beniamin dyd not cast out the Iebusites, that enhabited Ierusalem, but the Iebusites dwell wyth the chyldren of BenIamin in Ierusalem vnto this daye. 22 And in lyke maner they that were of the house of Ioseph went vp to Bethel & the lord was wyth them, 23 & the house of Ioseph serched out Bethel, which before tyme was called Lus. 24 And the spyes sawe a man come out of the cytie, and they sayde vnto hym: shew vs the waye into the cytie, and we wyll shewe the mercy. 25 And whan he had shewed them the waye into the cytie, they smote it wyth the edge of the swerd, but let the man and all hys housholde goo free. 26 And the man went into the lande of the Hethites, and bylt a cytie, and called the name therof Lus which is the name therof vnto this daye. 27 Nether dyd Manasses expelle Bethsean with her townes, Thaanach wyth her townes, the enhabitoures of Dor with her townes, the enhabitoures of Ieblaam wyth her townes, nether the enhabitoures of Magedo wyth her townes, but the Cananites were bolde to dwell in the lande. 28 But it came to passe that as sone as Israell was waxed myghtie, they put the Cananites to tribute and expelled them not. 29 In lyke maner Ephraim expelled not the Cananytes that dwelt in Gazer, but the Cananytes dwelt stille in Gazer amonge them. 30 Nether dyd Zabulon expelle the enhabytoures of ketron, nether the enhabytoures of Nahalol: But the Cananytes dwelt amonge them, and became trybutaries. 31 Nether dyd Aser cast out the enhabytoures of Acho, nether the enhabytoures of Zidon, & of Ahalab, Aczib, & Halbah, Aphek, ner of Rohob, 32 but the Aserites dwelt amonge the Cananites the enhabytoures of the lande, for they might not dryue them out. 33 Nether dyd Nephthalim dryue out the enhabytoures of Bethsames, nor the enhabytoures of Bethanath, but dwelt amongest the Cananytes the enhabytoures of the lande. Neuerthelesse the enhabytoures of Bethsames & of Bethanath became trybutaries vnto them. 34 And the Amorites troubled the chyldren of Dan in the mountayne, and soffered them not to come downe to the valeye. 35 And the Amorites were content to dwell in mount Heres in Hailon and in Salabim. And the hand of Ioseph preuayled, so that they became tributaries: 36 & the coaste of the Amorytes was from the goyng vp to Acrabim, and from the rocke vpwarde.

1 Kings 4:6

6 And Ahisar stewarde of housholde. And Adoniram the sonne of Abda was ouer the trybutes.

1 Kings 5:13-14

13 And king Salomon reysed a some out of all Israel. And the some was thirtye thousande men, 14 whom he sent to Libanon .x.M. a moneth by coursse, so that when they had bene one moneth in Libanon, they abode two monethes at home. And Adoniram was ouer the some.

1 Kings 9:21

21 theyr chyldren that were lefte after them in the lande, whom the chyldren of Israel also were not able to destroye. Those dyd Salomon compell to bryng tribute vnto thys daye.

2 Chronicles 2:17-18

17 And Salomon nombred all the straungers that were in the lande of Israel, after the nombre of them whom his father Dauid had nombred. And they were founde an hundred and .liij. thousande and syxe hundred. 18 And he set .lxx. thousande of them to beare burthens, and .lxxx. thousande to hewe stones in the mountayne, and thre thousande and syxe hundred officers, to set the people a worke.

Psalms 106:34

34 Nether destroyed they the Heathen, as the Lorde commaunded them.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.