Romans 16:18 Cross References - Geneva

18 For they that are such, serue not the Lord Iesus Christ, but their owne bellies, and with faire speach and flattering deceiue the heartes of the simple.

1 Samuel 2:12-17

12 Now the sonnes of Eli were wicked men, and knewe not the Lord. 13 For the Priestes custome towarde the people was this: when any man offered sacrifice, the Priestes boy came, while the flesh was seething, and a fleshhooke with three teeth, in his hand, 14 And thrust it into the kettle, or into the caldron, or into the panne, or into the potte: all that the fleshhooke brought vp, the Priest tooke for himselfe: thus they did vnto all the Israelites, that came thither to Shiloh. 15 Yea, before they burnt the fat, the priests boy came and saide to the man that offered, Giue me flesh to rost for the priest: for he wil not haue sodden flesh of thee, but rawe. 16 And if any man saide vnto him, Let them burne the fatte according to the custome, then take as much as thine heart desireth: then hee would answere, No, but thou shalt giue it nowe: and if thou wilt not, I will take it by force. 17 Therefore the sinne of the yong men was very great before the Lord: for men abhorred the offering of the Lord.

1 Samuel 2:29

29 Wherefore haue you kicked against my sacrifice and mine offering, which I commanded in my Tabernacle, and honourest thy children aboue mee, to make your selues fatte of the first fruites of all the offerings of Israel my people?

2 Chronicles 18:5

5 Therefore the King of Israel gathered of Prophets foure hundreth men, and sayde vnto them, Shall we goe to Ramoth Gilead to battel, or shall I cease? And they sayd, Go vp: for God shall deliuer it into the Kings hand.

2 Chronicles 18:12-17

12 And the messenger that went to call Michaiah, spake to him, saying, Beholde, the wordes of the Prophets declare good to the King with one accord: let thy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and speake thou good. 13 And Michaiah saide, As the Lord liueth, whatsoeuer my God saith, that will I speake. 14 So he came to the King, and the King said vnto him, Michaiah, shall we go to Ramoth Gilead to battel, or shall I leaue off? And he said, Goe yee vp, and prosper, and they shalbe deliuered into your hand. 15 And the King sayd to him, Howe oft shall I charge thee, that thou tell mee nothing but the trueth in the Name of the Lord? 16 Then he said, I saw al Israel scattered in the mountaines, as sheepe that haue no shepheard: and the Lord sayd, These haue no Master: let them returne euery man to his house in peace. 17 And the King of Israel sayde to Iehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee, that he would not prophesie good vnto me, but euill?

Psalms 19:7

7 The Lawe of the Lord is perfite, conuerting the soule: the testimonie of the Lord is sure, and giueth wisedome vnto the simple.

Psalms 119:130

130 The entrance into thy wordes sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple.

Proverbs 8:5

5 O ye foolish men, vnderstand wisedome, and ye, O fooles, be wise in heart.

Proverbs 14:15

15 The foolish will beleeue euery thing: but the prudent will consider his steppes.

Proverbs 22:3

3 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished.

Isaiah 30:10-11

10 Which say vnto the Seers, See not: and to the Prophets, Prophecie not vnto vs right things: but speake flattering things vnto vs: prophecie errours. 11 Depart out of the way: go aside out of the path: cause the holy one of Israel to cease from vs.

Isaiah 56:10-12

10 Their watchmen are all blinde: they haue no knowledge: they are all dumme dogs: they can not barke: they lie and sleepe and delite in sleeping. 11 And these griedy dogs can neuer haue ynough: and these shepheards cannot vnderstand: for they all looke to their owne way, euery one for his aduantage, and for his owne purpose. 12 Come, I wil bring wine, and we wil fill our selues with strong drinke, and to morowe shalbe as this day, and much more abundant.

Jeremiah 8:10-11

10 Therefore will I giue their wiues vnto others, and their fieldes to them that shall possesse them: for euery one from the least euen vnto the greatest is giuen to couetousnesse, and from the Prophet euen vnto the Priest, euery one dealeth falsely. 11 For they haue healed the hurt of the daughter of my people with sweete woordes, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.

Jeremiah 23:17

17 They say still vnto them that despise mee, The Lord hath sayde, Ye shall haue peace: and they say vnto euery one that walketh after the stubbernesse of his owne heart, No euill shall come vpon you.

Jeremiah 28:1-9

1 And that same yeere in the beginning of the reigne of Zedekiah King of Iudah in the fourth yeere, and in the fifth moneth Hananiah the sonne of Azur the prophet, which was of Gibeon, spake to mee in the House of the Lord in the presence of the Priestes, and of all the people, and said, 2 Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, saying, I haue broken the yoke of the King of Babel. 3 Within two yeeres space I will bring into this place all the vessels of the Lords House, that Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel tooke away from this place, and caried them into Babel. 4 And I will bring againe to this place Ieconiah the sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, with all them that were caried away captiue of Iudah, and went into Babel, saith the Lord: for I will breake the yoke of the King of Babel. 5 Then the Prophet Ieremiah saide vnto the Prophet Hananiah in the presence of ye Priests, and in the presence of all the people that stoode in the House of the Lord. 6 Euen the Prophet Ieremiah sayde, So bee it: the Lord so doe, the Lord confirme thy words which thou hast prophecied to restore the vessels of the Lordes House, and al that is caried captiue, from Babel, into this place. 7 But heare thou now this worde that I will speake in thine eares and in the eares of all the people. 8 The Prophets that haue beene before mee and before thee in time past, prophecied against many countreyes, and against great kingdomes, of warre, and of plagues, and of pestilence. 9 And the Prophet which prophecieth of peace, when the word of the Prophet shall come to passe, then shall the Prophet be knowen that the Lord hath truely sent him.

Jeremiah 28:15-17

15 Then sayd the Prophet Ieremiah vnto the Prophet Hananiah, Heare nowe Hananiah, the Lord hath not sent thee, but thou makest this people to trust in a lye. 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Beholde, I will cast thee from of the earth: this yeere thou shalt die, because thou hast spoken rebelliously against the Lord. 17 So Hananiah the Prophet died the same yeere in the seuenth moneth.

Ezekiel 13:16

16 To wit, the Prophets of Israel, which prophesie vpon Ierusalem, and see visions of peace for it, and there is no peace, sayth the Lord God.

Ezekiel 13:19

19 And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barly, and for pieces of bread to slay the soules of them that shoulde not dye, and to giue life to the soules that should not liue in lying to my people, that heare your lies?

Hosea 4:8-11

8 They eate vp the sinnes of my people, and lift vp their mindes in their iniquitie. 9 And there shalbe like people, like Priest: for I wil visite their wayes vpon them, and reward them their deedes. 10 For they shall eate, and not haue ynough: they shall commit adulterie, and shall not increase, because they haue left off to take heede to ye Lord. 11 Whoredome, and wine, and newe wine take away their heart.

Micah 3:5

5 Thus saith the Lord, Concerning the prophets that deceiue my people, and bite them with their teeth, and cry peace, but if a man put not into their mouthes, they prepare warre against him,

Malachi 1:10

10 Who is there euen among you, that would shut the doores? and kindle not fire on mine altar in vaine, I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the Lord of hostes, neither will I accept an offering at your hande.

Matthew 6:24

24 No man can serue two masters: for eyther he shall hate the one, and loue the other, or els he shall leane to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serue God and riches.

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you, in sheepes clothing, but inwardly they are rauening wolues.

Matthew 24:11

11 And many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceiue many.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall arise false Christes, and false prophets, and shall shewe great signes and wonders, so that if it were possible, they should deceiue the very elect.

Matthew 24:48-51

48 But if that euil seruant shall say in his heart, My master doth deferre his comming, 49 And begin to smite his fellowes, and to eate, and to drinke with the drunken, 50 That seruaunts master will come in a day, when he looketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not ware of, 51 And will cut him off, and giue him his portion with hypocrites: there shalbe weeping, and gnashing of teeth.

John 12:26

26 If any man serue me, let him follow me: for where I am, there shall also my seruant be: and if any man serue me, him will my Father honour.

Romans 16:19

19 For your obedience is come abroade among all: I am glad therefore of you: but yet I woulde haue you wise vnto that which is good, and simple concerning euill.

2 Corinthians 2:17

17 For wee are not as many, which make marchandise of the woorde of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God in ye sight of God speake we in Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:2

2 But haue cast from vs ye clokes of shame, and walke not in craftines, neither handle we the worde of God deceitfully: but in declaration of the trueth we approue our selues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God.

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I feare least as the serpent beguiled Eue through his subtiltie, so your mindes shoulde be corrupt from the simplicitie that is in Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such false apostles are deceitfull workers, and transforme themselues into the Apostles of Christ. 14 And no marueile: for Satan himselfe is transformed into an Angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing, though his ministers transforme themselues, as though they were the ministers of righteousnes, whose end shall be according to their workes.

Galatians 1:10

10 For nowe preach I mans doctrine, or Gods? or go I about to please men? for if I should yet please men, I were not the seruant of Christ.

Philippians 2:21

21 For all seeke their owne, and not that which is Iesus Christes.

Philippians 3:19

19 Whose ende is damnation, whose God is their bellie, and whose glorie is to their shame, which minde earthly things.

Colossians 2:4

4 And this I say, lest any man shoulde beguile you with entising wordes:

Colossians 3:24

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receiue the reward of the inheritance: for ye serue the Lord Christ.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 And in al deceiuablenes of vnrighteousnes, among them that perish, because they receiued not the loue of the trueth, that they might be saued.

1 Timothy 6:5

5 Frowarde disputations of men of corrupt mindes and destitute of ye trueth, which thinke that gaine is godlines: from such separate thy selfe.

2 Timothy 2:16-18

16 Stay prophane, and vaine babblings: for they shall encrease vnto more vngodlinesse. 17 And their worde shall fret as a canker: of which sort is Hymeneus and Philetus, 18 Which as concerning ye trueth haue erred from the marke, saying that the resurrection is past alreadie, and do destroy the faith of certaine.

2 Timothy 3:2-6

2 For men shalbe louers of their owne selues, couetous, boasters, proud, cursed speakers, disobedient to parents, vnthankefull, vnholy, 3 Without naturall affection, truce breakers, false accusers, intemperate, fierce, no louers at all of them which are good, 4 Traitours, headie, high minded, louers of pleasures more then louers of God, 5 Hauing a shewe of godlinesse, but haue denied the power thereof: turne away therefore from such. 6 For of this sort are they which creepe into houses, and leade captiue simple women laden with sinnes, and led with diuers lustes,

Titus 1:10-12

10 For there are many disobedient and vaine talkers and deceiuers of mindes, chiefly they of the Circumcision, 11 Whose mouthes must bee stopped, which subuert whole houses, teaching things, which they ought not, for filthie lucres sake. 12 One of themselues, euen one of their owne prophets said, The Cretians are alwaies liars, euill beastes, slowe bellies.

James 1:1

1 Iames a seruant of God, and of the Lord Iesus Christ, to the twelue Tribes, which are scattered abroade, salutation.

2 Peter 2:3

3 And through couetousnes shall they with fained words make marchandise of you, whose condemnation long since resteth not, and their destruction slumbreth not.

2 Peter 2:10-15

10 And chiefly them that walke after the flesh, in the lust of vncleannesse, and despise gouernement, which are bolde, and stand in their owne conceite, and feare not to speake euill of them that are in dignitie. 11 Where as the Angels which are greater both in power and might, giue not railing iudgement against them before the Lord. 12 But these, as naturall brute beasts, led with sensualitie and made to be taken, and destroyed, speake euill of those things which they know not, and shall perish through their owne corruption, 13 And shall receiue the wages of vnrighteousnes, as they which count it pleasure dayly to liue deliciously. Spottes they are and blottes, deliting them selues in their deceiuings, in feasting with you, 14 Hauing eyes full of adulterie, and that can not cease to sinne, beguiling vnstable soules: they haue heartes exercised with couetousnesse, they are the children of curse: 15 Which forsaking the right way, haue gone astray, folowing the way of Balaam, the sonne of Bosor, which loued the wages of vnrighteousnes.

2 Peter 2:18-20

18 For in speaking swelling wordes of vanitie, they beguile with wantonnesse through the lusts of the flesh them that were cleane escaped from them which are wrapped in errour, 19 Promising vnto them libertie, and are themselues the seruants of corruption: for of whomsoeuer a man is ouercome, euen vnto the same is he in bondage. 20 For if they, after they haue escaped from the filthinesse of the world, through the acknowledging of the Lord, and of the Sauiour Iesus Christ, are yet tangled againe therein, and ouercome, the latter ende is worse with them then the beginning.

1 John 4:1-3

1 Dearely beloued, beleeue not euery spirit, but trie the spirits whether they are of God: for many false prophets are gone out into this worlde. 2 Hereby shall ye know the Spirit of God, Euery spirit which confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God. 3 And euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God: but this is the spirit of Antichrist, of whome ye haue heard, how that he should come, and nowe already he is in this world.

Jude 1:1

1 IVde a seruaunt of Iesus Christ, and brother of Iames, to them which are called and sanctified of God the Father, and returned to Iesus Christ:

Jude 1:12

12 These are rockes in your feasts of charitie when they feast with you, without al feare, feeding themselues: cloudes they are without water, caried about of windes, corrupt trees and without fruit, twise dead, and plucked vp by ye rootes.

Jude 1:16

16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their owne lustes: Whose mouthes speake proud things, hauing mens persons in admiration, because of aduantage.

Revelation 1:1

1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ, which God gaue vnto him, to shewe vnto his seruants things which must shortly be done: which he sent, and shewed by his Angel vnto his seruant Iohn,

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