Revelation 11:18 Cross References - Geneva

18 And the Gentiles were angrie, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they shoulde be iudged, and that thou shouldest giue reward vnto thy seruants the Prophets, and to the Saintes, and to them that feare thy Name, to small and great, and shouldest destroy them, which destroy the earth.

Psalms 2:1-3

1 Why doe the heathen rage, and the people murmure in vaine? 2 The Kings of the earth band themselues, and the princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 3 Let vs breake their bands, and cast their cordes from vs.

Psalms 2:5

5 Then shall hee speake vnto them in his wrath, and vexe them in his sore displeasure, saying,

Psalms 85:9

9 Surely his saluation is neere to them that feare him, that glory may dwell in our land.

Psalms 103:11

11 For as high as the heauen is aboue ye earth, so great is his mercie toward them that feare him.

Psalms 110:5

5 The Lord, that is at thy right hand, shall wound Kings in the day of his wrath.

Psalms 115:13-14

13 He will blesse them that feare the Lord, both small and great. 14 The Lord will increase his graces towarde you, euen toward you and toward your children.

Psalms 147:11

11 But the Lord deliteth in them that feare him, and attende vpon his mercie.

Ecclesiastes 8:12

12 Though a sinner doe euill an hundreth times, and God prolongeth his dayes, yet I knowe that it shalbe well with them that feare the Lord, and doe reuerence before him.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

13 Let vs heare the end of all: feare God and keepe his commandements: for this is the whole duetie of man.

Isaiah 26:19-21

19 Thy dead men shall liue: euen with my body shall they rise. Awake, and sing, ye that dwel in dust: for thy dewe is as the dew of herbes, and the earth shall cast out the dead. 20 Come, my people: enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doores after thee: hide thy selfe for a very litle while, vntill the indignation passe ouer. 21 For lo, the Lord commeth out of his place, to visite the iniquitie of the inhabitants of the earth vpon them: and the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more hide her slaine.

Isaiah 34:1-10

1 Come neere, ye nations and heare, and hearken, ye people: let the earth heare and all that is therein, the world and al that proceedeth thereof. 2 For the indignation of the Lord is vpon all nations, and his wrath vpon all their armies: hee hath destroyed them and deliuered them to the slaughter. 3 And their slaine shalbe cast out, and their stincke shall come vp out of their bodies, and the mountaines shalbe melted with their blood. 4 And all the hoste of heauen shalbe dissolued, and the heauens shall be folden like a booke: and all their hostes shall fall as the leafe falleth from the vine, and as it falleth from the figtree. 5 For my sword shalbe drunken in the heauen: beholde, it shall come downe vpon Edom, euen vpon the people of my curse to iudgement. 6 The sword of the Lord is filled with blood: it is made fat with the fat and with the blood of the lambes and the goates, with the fat of the kidneis of the rams: for the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. 7 And the vnicorne shall come downe with them and the heiffers with the bulles, and their lande shalbe drunken with blood, and their dust made fat with fatnesse. 8 For it is the day of the Lordes vengeance, and the yeere of recompence for the iudgement of Zion. 9 And the riuers thereof shall be turned into pitche, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shalbe burning pitch. 10 It shall not be quenched night nor day: the smoke thereof shall goe vp euermore: it shall be desolate from generation to generation: none shall passe through it for euer.

Isaiah 63:1-6

1 Who is this that commeth from Edom, with red garments from Bozrah? hee is glorious in his apparel and walketh in his great strength: I speake in righteousnesse, and am mightie to saue. 2 Wherefore is thine apparel red, and thy garments like him that treadeth in ye wine presse? 3 I haue troden the wine presse alone, and of all people there was none with mee: for I will treade them in mine anger, and tread them vnder foote in my wrath, and their blood shalbe sprinkled vpon my garments, and I will staine all my raiment. 4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the yeere of my redeemed is come. 5 And I looked, and there was none to helpe, and I wondered that there was none to vpholde: therefore mine owne arme helped me, and my wrath it selfe sustained me. 6 Therefore I wil tread downe the people in my wrath, and make them drunken in mine indignation, and wil bring downe their strength to the earth.

Ezekiel 38:9-23

9 Thou shalt ascende and come vp like a tempest, and shalt be like a cloude to couer the land, both thou, and all thy bandes, and many people with thee. 10 Thus saith the Lord God, Euen at ye same time shall many things come into thy minde, and thou shalt thinke euil thoughts. 11 And thou shalt say, I wil go vp to the land that hath no walled towres: I will goe to them that are at rest, and dwell in safetie, which dwell all without walles, and haue neither barres nor gates, 12 Thinking to spoyle the pray, and to take a bootie, to turne thine hande vpon the desolate places that are nowe inhabited, and vpon the people, that are gathered out of the nations which haue gotten cattell and goods, and dwell in the middes of the land. 13 Sheba and Dedan, and the marchantes of Tarshish with all the lions thereof shall say vnto thee, Art thou come to spoyle the praye? hast thou gathered thy multitude to take a booty? to cary away siluer and golde, to take away cattell and goods, and to spoyle a great pray? 14 Therefore, sonne of man, prophecie, and saye vnto Gog, Thus sayeth the Lord God, In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safe, shalt thou not knowe it? 15 And come from thy place out of the North partes, thou and much people with thee? all shall ride vpon horses, euen a great multitude and a mightie armie. 16 And thou shalt come vp against my people of Israel, as a cloude to couer the land: thou shalt be in the latter dayes, and I will bring thee vpon my lande, that the heathen may knowe mee, when I shalbe sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. 17 Thus saith the Lord God, Art not thou he, of whom I haue spoken in olde time, by ye hand of my seruants the Prophets of Israel which prophecied in those dayes and yeeres, that I woulde bring thee vpon them? 18 At the same time also whe Gog shall come against the land of Israel, sayth the Lord God, my wrath shall arise in mine anger. 19 For in mine indignation and in the fire of my wrath haue I spoken it: surely at that time there shalbe a great shaking in the land of Israel, 20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the foules of the heauen, and the beasts of the field and al that moue and creepe vpon the earth, and al ye men that are vpon the earth, shall tremble at my presence, and the mountaines shalbe ouerthrowen, and the staires shall fall, and euery wall shall fall to the ground. 21 For I will call for a sworde against him throughout all my mountaines, saith the Lord God: euery mans sword shalbe against his brother. 22 And I will pleade against him with pestilence, and with blood, and I will cause to raine vpon him and vpon his bands, and vpon the great people, that are with him, a sore raine, and hailestones, fire, and brimstone. 23 Thus will I be magnified, and sanctified, and knowen in the eyes of many nations, and they shall knowe, that I am the Lord.

Daniel 7:9-10

9 I behelde, till the thrones were set vp, and the Ancient of dayes did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the heare of his head like the pure wooll: his throne was like the fierie flame, and his wheeles as burning fire. 10 A fierie streame yssued, and came foorth from before him: thousand thousandes ministred vnto him, and tenne thousand thousands stoode before him: the iudgement was set, and the bookes opened.

Daniel 7:26

26 But the iudgement shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it vnto the ende.

Daniel 8:25

25 And through his policie also, hee shall cause craft to prosper in his hand, and he shall extoll himselfe in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: hee shall also stande vp against the prince of princes, but he shalbe broken downe without hand.

Daniel 11:44-12:2

44 But the tidings out of the East and the North shall trouble him: therefore he shall goe foorth with great wrath to destroy and roote out many.

Joel 3:9-14

9 Publish this among the Gentiles: prepare warre, wake vp the mightie men: let all the men of warre drawe neere and come vp. 10 Breake your plowshares into swords, and your sithes into speares: let the weake say, I am strong. 11 Assemble your selues, and come all yee heathen and gather your selues together round about: there shall the Lord cast downe the mightie men. 12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come vp to the valley of Iehoshaphat: for there will I sit to iudge all the heathen round about. 13 Put in your sithes, for the haruest is ripe: come, get you downe, for the winepresse is full: yea, the winepresses runne ouer, for their wickednesse is great. 14 O multitude, O multitude, come into the valley of threshing: for the day of the Lord is neere in the valley of threshing.

Micah 7:15-17

15 According to the dayes of thy comming out of the lande of Egypt, will I shewe vnto him marueilous things. 16 The nations shall see, and be confounded for all their power: they shall lay their hande vpon their mouth: their eares shall be deafe. 17 They shall licke the dust like a serpent: they shall mooue out of their holes like wormes: they shalbe afraide of the Lord our God, and shall feare because of thee.

Zechariah 14:2-3

2 For I will gather all nations against Ierusalem to battell, and the citie shall be taken, and the houses spoyled, and the women defiled, and halfe of the citie shall goe into captiuitie, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from ye citie. 3 Then shall the Lord goe foorth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battell.

Matthew 5:12

12 Reioyce and be glad, for great is your reward in heauen: for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you.

Luke 1:50

50 And his mercie is from generation to generation on them that feare him.

2 Thessalonians 1:5-7

5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous iudgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdome of God, for the which ye also suffer. 6 For it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you, 7 And to you which are troubled, rest with vs, when the Lord Iesus shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels,

Hebrews 9:27

27 And as it is appointed vnto men that they shall once die, and after that commeth the iudgement:

Hebrews 11:25-26

25 And chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God, then to enioy the pleasures of sinnes for a season, 26 Esteeming the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect vnto the recompence of the reward.

Revelation 6:10-11

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, Lord, which art holie and true! doest not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And long white robes were giuen vnto euery one, and it was saide vnto them, that they shoulde rest for a litle season vntill their fellow seruants, and their brethren that shoulde bee killed euen as they were, were fulfilled.

Revelation 6:15-17

15 And the Kinges of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chiefe captaines, and the mighty men, and euery bondman, and euery free man, hid themselues in dennes, and among the rockes of the mountaines, 16 And said to the mountaines and rocks, Fal on vs, and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe. 17 For the great day of his wrath is come, and who can stand?

Revelation 10:7

7 But in the dayes of the voyce of the seuenth Angel, when he shall beginne to blow the trumpet, euen the mysterie of God shalbe finished, as he hath declared to his seruants the Prophets.

Revelation 11:2

2 But the court which is without the temple cast out, and mete it not: for it is giuen vnto the Gentiles, and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote, two and fourtie moneths.

Revelation 11:9-10

9 And they of the people and kinreds, and tongues, and Gentiles shall see their corpses three dayes and an halfe, and shall not suffer their carkeises to be put in graues. 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth, shall reioyce ouer them and be glad, and shall sende giftes one to an other: for these two Prophets vexed them that dwelt on the earth.

Revelation 13:10

10 If any leade into captiuitie, hee shall go into captiuitie: if any kill with a sword, he must be killed by a sword: here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.

Revelation 14:10

10 The same shall drinke of the wine of ye wrath of God, yea, of the pure wine, which is powred into the cup of his wrath, and he shalbe tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels, and before the Lambe.

Revelation 15:1

1 And I sawe another signe in heauen, great and marueilous, seuen Angels, hauing the seuen last plagues: for by them is fulfilled the wrath of God.

Revelation 15:7

7 And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels seuen golden vials full of the wrath of God, which liueth for euermore.

Revelation 16:1-21

1 And I heard a great voyce out of the Temple, saying to the seuen Angels, Go your wayes, and powre out the seuen vials of the wrath of God vpon the earth. 2 And the first went and powred out his viall vpon the earth: and there fell a noysome, and a grieuous sore vpon the men, which had the marke of ye beast, and vpon them which worshipped his image. 3 And the second Angel powred out his viall vpon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man: and euery liuing thing dyed in the sea. 4 And the third Angel powred out his viall vpon the riuers and fountaines of waters, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the Angel of the waters say, Lord, thou art iust, Which art, and Which wast: and Holy, because thou hast iudged these things. 6 For they shed the blood of the Saints, and Prophets, and therefore hast thou giuen them blood to drinke: for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another out of the Sanctuarie say, Euen so, Lord God almightie, true and righteous are thy iudgements. 8 And the fourth Angel powred out his viall on the sunne, and it was giuen vnto him to torment men with heate of fire, 9 And men boyled in great heate, and blasphemed the Name of God, which hath power ouer these plagues, and they repented not, to giue him glorie. 10 And the fifth Angel powred out his viall vpon the throne of the beast, and his kingdome waxed darke, and they gnawed their tongues for sorowe, 11 And blasphemed the God of heauen for their paines, and for their sores, and repented not of their workes. 12 And the sixth Angel powred out his viall vpon the great riuer Euphrates, and the water thereof dried vp, that the way of the Kings of the East should be prepared. 13 And I sawe three vncleane spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of that dragon, and out of the mouth of that beast, and out of the mouth of that false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of deuils, working miracles, to go vnto the Kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battell of that great day of God Almightie. 15 (Beholde, I come as a theefe. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, least hee walke naked, and men see his filthines) 16 And they gathered them together into a place called in Hebrewe Arma-gedon. 17 And the seuenth Angel powred out his viall into the ayre: and there came a loude voyce out of the Temple of heauen from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voyces, and thundrings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were vpon the earth, euen so mightie an earthquake. 19 And the great citie was deuided into three partes, and the cities of the nations fell: and that great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath. 20 And euery yle fled away, and the mountaines were not found. 21 And there fell a great haile, like talents, out of heauen vpon the men, and men blasphemed God, because of the plague of the haile: for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Revelation 17:12-15

12 And the tenne hornes which thou sawest, are tenne Kings, which yet haue not receiued a kingdome, but shall receiue power, as Kings at one houre with the beast. 13 These haue one minde, and shall giue their power, and authoritie vnto the beast. 14 These shall fight with the Lambe, and the Lambe shall ouercome them: for he is Lord of Lordes, and King of Kings: and they that are on his side, called, and chosen, and faithfull. 15 And he said vnto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are people, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

Revelation 18:6

6 Rewarde her, euen as she hath rewarded you, and giue her double according to her workes: and in the cup that she hath filled to you, fill her ye double.

Revelation 18:16-24

16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great citie, that was clothed in fine linnen and purple, and skarlet, and gilded with gold, and precious stones, and pearles. 17 For in one houre so great riches are come to desolation. And euery shipmaster, and all the people that occupie shippes, and shipmen, and whosoeuer traffike on the sea, shall stand a farre off, 18 And crie, when they see that smoke of that her burning, saying, What citie was like vnto this great citie? 19 And they shall cast dust on their heads, and crie, weeping, and wayling, and say, Alas, alas, that great citie, wherein were made rich all that had ships on the sea by her costlinesse: for in one houre she is made desolate. 20 O heauen, reioyce of her, and ye holy Apostles and Prophets: for God hath punished her to be reuenged on her for your sakes. 21 Then a mightie Angell tooke vp a stone like a great milstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, With such violence shall that great citie Babylon be cast, and shalbe found no more. 22 And the voyce of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpetters shalbe heard no more in thee, and no craftesman, of whatsoeuer craft he be, shall be found any more in thee: and the sound of a milstone shalbe heard no more in thee. 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee: and the voyce of the bridegrome and of the bride shalbe heard no more in thee: for thy marchants were the great men of the earth: and with thine inchantments were deceiued all nations. 24 And in her was found the blood of the Prophets, and of the Saints, and of all that were slaine vpon the earth.

Revelation 19:5

5 Then a voyce came out of the throne, saying, Prayse our God, all ye his seruants, and ye that feare him, both small and great.

Revelation 19:15

15 And out of his mouth went out a sharpe sworde, that with it he should smite the heathen: for he shall rule them with a rod of yron: for he it is that treadeth the wine presse of the fiercenesse and wrath of almightie God.

Revelation 19:19-21

19 And I sawe the beast, and the Kings of the earth, and their hostes gathered together to make battell against him that sate on the horse, and against his armie. 20 But ye beast was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought miracles before him, whereby he deceiued them that receiued ye beastes marke, and them that worshipped his image. These both were aliue cast into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone. 21 And the remnant were slayne with the sword of him that sitteth vpon the horse, which commeth out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled full with their flesh.

Revelation 20:4-5

4 And I sawe seates: and they sate vpon them, and iudgement was giuen vnto them, and I saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesus, and for the word of God, and which did not worship the beast, neither his image, neither had taken his marke vpon their foreheads, or on their handes: and they liued, and reigned with Christ a thousand yeere. 5 But the rest of the dead men shall not liue againe, vntill the thousand yeres be finished: this is the first resurrection.

Revelation 20:12

12 And I saw the dead, both great and small stand before God: and the bookes were opened, and another booke was opened, which is the booke of life, and the dead were iudged of those thinges, which were written in the bookes, according to their woorkes.

Revelation 20:15

15 And whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life, was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 22:12

12 And beholde, I come shortly, and my reward is with mee, to giue euery man according as his worke shall be.

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