Isaiah 57:20 Cross References - Geneva

20 But the wicked are like the raging sea, that can not rest, whose waters cast vp myre and dirt.

Job 15:20-24

20 The wicked man is continually as one that traueileth of childe, and the nomber of yeeres is hid from the tyrant. 21 A sounde of feare is in his eares, and in his prosperitie the destroyer shall come vpon him. 22 He beleeueth not to returne out of darknesse: for he seeth the sworde before him. 23 He wandreth to and from for bread where he may: he knoweth that the day of darkenesse is prepared at hande. 24 Affliction and anguish shall make him afraide: they shall preuaile against him as a King readie to the battell.

Job 18:5-14

5 Yea, the light of the wicked shalbe quenched, and the sparke of his fire shall not shine. 6 The light shalbe darke in his dwelling, and his candle shalbe put out with him. 7 The steps of his strength shalbe restrained, and his owne counsell shall cast him downe. 8 For hee is taken in the net by his feete, and he walketh vpon the snares. 9 The grenne shall take him by the heele, and the theefe shall come vpon him. 10 A snare is layed for him in the ground, and a trappe for him in the way. 11 Fearefulnesse shall make him afrayde on euery side, and shall driue him to his feete. 12 His strength shalbe famine: and destruction shalbe readie at his side. 13 It shall deuoure the inner partes of his skinne, and the first borne of death shall deuoure his strength. 14 His hope shalbe rooted out of his dwelling, and shall cause him to go to the King of feare.

Job 20:11-29

11 His bones are full of the sinne of his youth, and it shall lie downe with him in the dust. 12 When wickednesse was sweete in his mouth, and he hid it vnder his tongue, 13 And fauoured it, and would not forsake it, but kept it close in his mouth, 14 Then his meat in his bowels was turned: the gall of Aspes was in the middes of him. 15 He hath deuoured substance, and hee shall vomit it: for God shall drawe it out of his bellie. 16 He shall sucke the gall of Aspes, and the vipers tongue shall slay him. 17 He shall not see the riuers, nor the floods and streames of honie and butter. 18 He shall restore the labour, and shall deuoure no more: euen according to the substance shalbe his exchange, and he shall enioy it no more. 19 For he hath vndone many: he hath forsaken the poore, and hath spoyled houses which he builded not. 20 Surely he shall feele no quietnes in his bodie, neither shall he reserue of that which he desired. 21 There shall none of his meate bee left: therefore none shall hope for his goods. 22 When he shalbe filled with his abundance, he shalbe in paine, and the hand of all the wicked shall assaile him. 23 He shall be about to fill his belly, but God shall sende vpon him his fierce wrath, and shall cause to rayne vpon him, euen vpon his meate. 24 He shall flee from the yron weapons, and the bow of steele shall strike him through. 25 The arrowe is drawen out, and commeth forth of the body, and shineth of his gall, so feare commeth vpon him. 26 All darkenes shalbe hid in his secret places: the fire that is not blowen, shall deuoure him, and that which remaineth in his tabernacle, shalbe destroyed. 27 The heauen shall declare his wickednes, and the earth shall rise vp against him. 28 The increase of his house shall go away: it shall flow away in the day of his wrath. 29 This is the portion of the wicked man from God, and the heritage that he shall haue of God for his wordes.

Psalms 73:18-20

18 Surely thou hast set them in slipperie places, and castest them downe into desolation. 19 How suddenly are they destroyed, perished and horribly consumed, 20 As a dreame when one awaketh! O Lord, when thou raisest vs vp, thou shalt make their image despised.

Proverbs 4:16-17

16 For they can not sleepe, except they haue done euill, and their sleepe departeth except they cause some to fall. 17 For they eate the breade of wickednesse, and drinke the wine of violence.

Isaiah 3:11

11 Woe be to the wicked, it shalbe euill with him: for the reward of his handes shalbe giuen him.

Jude 1:12

12 These are rockes in your feasts of charitie when they feast with you, without al feare, feeding themselues: cloudes they are without water, caried about of windes, corrupt trees and without fruit, twise dead, and plucked vp by ye rootes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.