Acts 2:1 Cross References - Geneva

1 And when the day of Pentecost was come, they were al with one accord in one place.

Exodus 23:16

16 The feast also of the haruest of the first fruites of thy labours, which thou hast sowen in the fielde: and the feast of gathering fruites in the ende of the yere, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the fielde.

Exodus 34:22

22 Thou shalt also obserue the feast of weekes in the time of ye first fruits of wheate haruest, and the feast of gathering fruites in the ende of the yere.

Leviticus 23:15-21

15 Ye shall count also to you from the morowe after the Sabbath, euen from the day that yee shall bring the sheafe of the shake offring, seuen Sabbaths, they shalbe complete. 16 Vnto ye morow after the seuenth Sabbath shall ye nomber fiftie dayes: then yee shall bring a newe meate offring vnto the Lord. 17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations bread for the shake offring: they shalbe two loaues of two tenth deales of fine floure, which shalbe baken with leauen for first fruites vnto the Lord. 18 Also yee shall offer with the bread seuen lambes without blemish of one yeere olde, and a yong bullocke and two rams: they shalbe for a burnt offring vnto the Lord, with their meate offrings and their drinke offrings, for a sacrifice made by fire of a sweete sauour vnto the Lord. 19 Then ye shall prepare an hee goate for a sinne offring, and two lambes of one yeere olde for peace offrings. 20 And the Priest shall shake them to and from with the bread of the first fruits before the Lord, and with the two lambes: they shalbe holy to the Lord, for the Priest. 21 So ye shall proclayme the same day, that it may be an holie conuocation vnto you: ye shall doe no seruile worke therein: it shalbe an ordinance for euer in al your dwellinges, throughout your generations.

Numbers 28:16-31

16 Also the fourtenth day of the first moneth is the Passeouer of the Lord. 17 And in ye fiftenth day of the same moneth is the feast: seuen dayes shall vnleauened bread be eaten. 18 In the first day shalbe an holy conuocation, ye shall do no seruile worke therein. 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offring vnto the Lord, two yong bullocks, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde: see that they be without blemish. 20 And their meate offering shalbe of fine floure mingled with oyle: three tenth deales shall ye prepare for a bullocke, and two tenth deales for a ramme: 21 One tenth deale shalt thou prepare for euery lambe, euen for the seuen lambes. 22 And an hee goate for a sinne offering, to make an atonement for you. 23 Ye shall prepare these, beside the burnt offering in the morning, which is a continuall burnt sacrifice. 24 After this maner ye shall prepare throughout all the seuen dayes, for the mainteining of the offring made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord: it shall be done beside the continuall burnt offring and drinke offring thereof. 25 And in ye seuenth day ye shall haue an holy conuocation, wherein ye shall do no seruile work. 26 Also in the day of your first fruits, when ye bring a newe meate offring vnto the Lord, according to your weekes ye shall haue an holy conuocation, and ye shall do no seruile worke in it: 27 But ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord, two yong bullocks, a ramme, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde, 28 And their meat offring of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales vnto a bullocke, two tenth deales to a ram, 29 And one tenth deale vnto euery lambe throughout the seuen lambes, 30 And an hee goate to make an atonement for you: 31 (Ye shall doe this besides the continuall burnt offring, and his meate offring:) see they be without blemish, with their drinke offrings.

Deuteronomy 16:9-12

9 Seuen weekes shalt thou nomber vnto thee, and shalt beginne to nomber ye seuen weekes, when thou beginnest to put the sickel to ye corne: 10 And thou shalt keepe the feast of weekes vnto the Lord thy God, euen a free gift of thine hand, which thou shalt giue vnto the Lord thy God, as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee. 11 And thou shalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, thou and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy seruant, and thy maide, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherles, and the widowe, that are among you, in the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse to place his Name there, 12 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a seruant in Egypt: therefore thou shalt obserue and doe these ordinances.

2 Chronicles 5:13

13 And they were as one, blowing trumpets, and singing, and made one sounde to bee heard in praysing and thanking the Lord, and when they lift vp their voyce with trumpets and with cymbales, and with instruments of musicke, and when they praysed the Lord, singing, For he is good, because his mercie lasteth for euer) then the house, euen the house of the Lord was filled with a cloude,

2 Chronicles 30:12

12 And the hand of God was in Iudah, so that he gaue them one heart to doe the commandement of the King, and of the rulers, according to the worde of the Lord.

Psalms 133:1

1 A song of degrees or Psalme of David. Behold, howe good and howe comely a thing it is, brethren to dwell euen together.

Jeremiah 32:39

39 And I wil giue them one heart and one way that they may feare me for euer for ye wealth of them, and of their children after them.

Zephaniah 3:9

9 Surely then will I turne to the people a pure language, that they may all call vpon the Name of the Lord, to serue him with one cosent.

Acts 1:13-15

13 And when they were come in, they went vp into an vpper chamber, where abode both Peter and Iames, and Iohn, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartlemew, and Matthewe, Iames the sonne of Alpheus, and Simon Zelotes, and Iudas Iames brother. 14 These all continued with one accorde in prayer and supplication with the women, and Marie the mother of Iesus, and with his brethren. 15 And in those dayes Peter stoode vp in the middes of the disciples, and sayde (nowe the nomber of names that were in one place were about an hundreth and twentie.)

Acts 2:46

46 And they continued dayly with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread at home, did eate their meate together with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart,

Acts 4:24

24 And when they heard it, they lift vp their voyces to God with one accord, and said, O Lord, thou art the God which hast made the heaue, and the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them,

Acts 4:32

32 And the multitude of them that beleeued, were of one heart, and of one soule: neither any of them said, that any thing of that which he possessed, was his owne, but they had all thinges common.

Acts 5:12

12 Thus by the hands of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people (and they were all with one accorde in Salomons porche.

Acts 20:16

16 For Paul had determined to saile by Ephesus, because hee woulde not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted to be, if hee could possible, at Hierusalem, at the day of Pentecost.

Romans 15:6

6 That ye with one minde, and with one mouth may prayse God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 16:8

8 And I wil tary at Ephesus vntill Pentecost.

Philippians 1:27

27 Onely let your conuersation be, as it becommeth the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or els be absent, I may heare of your matters that ye continue in one Spirit, and in one mind, fighting together through the faith of the Gospel.

Philippians 2:2

2 Fulfill my ioye, that ye be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accorde, and of one iudgement,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.