1 Samuel 20 Cross References - Geneva

1 And Dauid fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and sayd before Ionathan, What haue I done? what is mine iniquitie? and what sinne haue I committed before thy father, that he seeketh my life? 2 And he sayde vnto him, God forbid, thou shalt not die: beholde, my father will do nothing great nor small, but he will shewe it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? he will not doe it. 3 And Dauid sware againe and sayd, Thy father knoweth that I haue found grace in thine eyes: therefore he thinketh, Ionathan shall not knowe it, lest he be sorie: but in deede, as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, there is but a step betweene me and death. 4 Then said Ionathan vnto Dauid, Whatsoeuer thy soule requireth, that I wil do vnto thee. 5 And Dauid said vnto Ionathan, Behold, to morowe is the first day of the moneth, and I shoulde sit with the King at meate: but let me goe, that I may hide my selfe in the fieldes vnto the third day at euen. 6 If thy father make mention of me, then say, Dauid asked leaue of me, that he might goe to Beth-lehem to his owne citie: for there is a yeerely sacrifice for all that familie. 7 And if he say thus, It is well, thy seruant shall haue peace: but if he be angrie, be sure that wickednesse is concluded of him. 8 So shalt thou shew mercy vnto thy seruant: for thou hast ioyned thy seruant into a couenant of the Lord with thee, and if there be in me iniquitie, slay thou me: for why shouldest thou bring me to thy father? 9 And Ionathan answered, God keepe that from thee: for if I knewe that wickednesse were concluded of my father to come vpon thee, would not I tell it thee? 10 Then said Dauid to Ionathan, Who shall tell me? how shall I knowe, if thy father answere thee cruelly? 11 And Ionathan sayde to Dauid, Come and let vs goe out into the fielde: and they twaine went out into the fielde. 12 Then Ionathan sayde to Dauid, O Lord God of Israel, when I haue groped my fathers minde to morow at this time, or within this three dayes, and if it be well with Dauid, and I then send not vnto thee, and shewe it thee, 13 The Lord doe so and much more vnto Ionathan: but if my father haue minde to doe thee euill, I will shew thee also, and sende thee away, that thou mayest goe in peace: and the Lord be with thee as he hath bene with my father. 14 Likewise I require not whiles I liue: for I dout not but thou wilt shew me the mercy of the Lord, that I die not. 15 But I require that thou cut not off thy mercie from mine house for euer: no, not when the Lord hath destroyed the enemies of Dauid, euery one from the earth. 16 So Ionathan made a bond with the house of Dauid, saying, Let the Lord require it at the hands of Dauids enemies. 17 And againe Ionathan sware vnto Dauid, because he loued him (for he loued him as his owne soule) 18 Then said Ionathan to him, To morowe is the first day of the moneth: and thou shalt be looked for, for thy place shalbe emptie. 19 Therefore thou shalt hide thy selfe three dayes, then thou shalt goe downe quickely and come to the place where thou diddest hide thy selfe, when this matter was in hand, and shalt remayne by the stone Ezel. 20 And I will shoote three arrowes on the side thereof, as though I shot at a marke. 21 And after I wil sende a boy, saying, Goe, seeke the arrowes. If I say vnto the boy, See, the arrowes are on this side thee, bring them, and come thou: for it is well with thee and no hurt, as the Lord liueth. 22 But if I say thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyonde thee, goe thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee away. 23 As touching the thing which thou and I haue spoken of, beholde, the Lord be betweene thee and me for euer. 24 So Dauid hid him selfe in the field: and when the first day of the moneth came, the King sate to eate meate. 25 And the King sate, as at other times vpon his seate, euen vpon his seate by the wall: and Ionathan arose, and Abner sate by Sauls side, but Dauids place was emptie. 26 And Saul sayde nothing that day: for hee thought, Some thing hath befallen him, though he were cleane, or els becaus he was not purified. 27 But on the morowe which was the second day of the moneth, Dauids place was emptie againe: and Saul sayde vnto Ionathan his sonne, Wherefore commeth not the sonne of Ishai to meate, neither yesterday nor to day? 28 And Ionathan answered vnto Saul, Dauid required of me, that he might goe to Beth-lehem. 29 For he sayde, Let me goe, I pray thee: for our familie offreth a sacrifice in the citie, and my brother hath sent for me: therfore now if I haue found fauour in thine eyes, let me goe, I pray thee, and see my brethren: this is the cause that he commeth not vnto the Kings table. 30 Then was Saul angrie with Ionathan, and sayde vnto him, Thou sonne of the wicked rebellious woman, doe not I know, that thou hast chosen the sonne of Ishai to thy confusion, and to the confusion and shame of thy mother? 31 For as long as the sonne of Ishai liueth vpon the earth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor thy kingdome: wherefore now send and fet him vnto me, for he shall surely die. 32 And Ionathan answered vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Wherefore shall he die? what hath he done? 33 And Saul cast a speare at him to hit him, whereby Ionathan knew, that it was determined of his father to slay Dauid. 34 So Ionathan arose from the table in a great anger, and did eate no meate the seconde day of the moneth: for he was sorie for Dauid, and because his father had reuiled him. 35 On the next morning therefore Ionathan than went out into the fielde, at the time appoynted with Dauid, and a litle boy with him. 36 And he saide vnto his boy, Runne now, seeke the arrowes which I shoote, and as the boy ran, he shot an arrowe beyond him. 37 And when the boy was come to the place where the arrowe was that Ionathan had shot, Ionathan cryed after the boy, and sayde, Is not the arrowe beyond thee? 38 And Ionathan cryed after the boy, Make speede, haste and stand not still: and Ionathans boy gathered vp the arrowes, and came to his master, 39 But the boy knewe nothing: onely Ionathan and Dauid knew the matter. 40 Then Ionathan gaue his bowe and arrowes vnto the boy that was with him, and sayd vnto him, Goe, carrie them into the citie. 41 Assoone as the boy was gone, Dauid arose out of a place that was towarde the South, and fel on his face to the ground, and bowed him selfe three times: and they kissed one another, and wept both twaine, till Dauid exceeded. 42 Therefore Ionathan said to Dauid, Goe in peace: that which we haue sworne both of vs in the Name of the Lord, saying, The Lord be betweene me and thee, and betweene my seede and betweene thy seede, let it stand for euer. [ (I Samuel 20:43) And he arose and departed, and Ionathan went into the citie. ]

Genesis 15:18

18 In that same day the Lord made a couenant with Abram, saying, Vnto thy seede haue I giuen this lande, from the riuer of Egypt vnto the great riuer, the riuer Euphrates.

Genesis 16:5

5 Then Sarai saide to Abram, Thou doest me wrong. I haue giuen my maide into thy bosome, and she seeth that she hath conceiued, and I am despised in her eyes: the Lord iudge betweene me and thee.

Genesis 24:49

49 Now therefore, if ye will deale mercifully and truely with my master, tell me: and if not, tell me that I may turne me to the right hand or to the left.

Genesis 29:11

11 And Iaakob kissed Rahel, and lift vp his voyce and wept.

Genesis 29:13

13 And when Laban heard tell of Iaakob his sisters sonne, he ranne to meete him, and embraced him and kissed him, and brought him to his house: and he tolde Laban all these things.

Genesis 31:36

36 The Iaakob was wroth, and chode with Laban: Iaakob also answered and sayd to Laban, What haue I trespassed? what haue I offended, that thou hast pursued after me?

Genesis 31:50

50 If thou shalt vexe my daughters, or shalt take wiues beside my daughters: there is no man with vs, beholde, God is witnesse betweene me and thee.

Genesis 42:7

7 And when Ioseph sawe his brethren, hee knewe them, and made himselfe straunge toward them, and spake to them roughly, and saide vnto them, Whence come yee? Who answered, Out of the land of Canaan, to bye vitaile.

Genesis 42:30

30 The man, who is Lord of the lande, spake roughly to vs, and put vs in prison as spyes of the countrey.

Genesis 43:28

28 Who answered, Thy seruant our father is in good health, he is yet aliue: and they bowed downe, and made obeysance.

Genesis 44:7

7 And they answered him, Wherefore sayeth my lorde such wordes? God forbid that thy seruants should do such a thing.

Genesis 45:15

15 Moreouer, he kissed all his brethren, and wept vpon them: and afterwarde his brethren talked with him.

Genesis 47:29

29 Now when the time drewe neere that Israel must dye, he called his sonne Ioseph, and sayde vnto him, If I haue nowe founde grace in thy sight, put thine hand nowe vnder my thigh, and deale mercifully and truely with me: burie me not, I pray thee, in Egypt.

Leviticus 7:20-21

20 But if any eate of the flesh of the peace offerings that pertaineth to the Lord, hauing his vncleannesse vpon him, euen the same person shalbe cut off from his people. 21 Moreouer, whe any toucheth any vncleane thing, as the vncleannesse of man, or of an vncleane beast, or of any filthie abomination, and eate of the flesh of the peace offrings, which pertaineth vnto the Lord, euen that person shalbe cut off from his people.

Leviticus 11:24

24 For by such ye shalbe polluted: whosoeuer toucheth their carkeis, shalbe vncleane vnto the euening.

Leviticus 11:27

27 And whatsoeuer goeth vpon his pawes among all maner beastes that goeth on all foure, such shalbe vncleane vnto you: who so doth touch their carkeis shalbe vncleane vntil the euen.

Leviticus 11:31

31 These shall be vncleane to you among all that creepe: whosoeuer doeth touch them when they be dead, shalbe vncleane vntil the euen.

Leviticus 11:40

40 And he that eateth of the carkeis of it, shall wash his clothes and be vncleane vntil the euen: he also that beareth the carkeis of it, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntil the euen.

Leviticus 15:5

5 Whosoeuer also toucheth his bed, shall wash his clothes, and wash himselfe in water, and shall be vncleane vntill the euen.

Leviticus 15:16-17

16 Also if any mans issue of seede depart from him, he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be vncleane vntill the euen. 17 And euery garment, and euery skinne whereupon shalbe issue of seede, shall be euen washed with water, and be vncleane vnto the euen.

Leviticus 15:19-21

19 Also when a woman shall haue an issue, and her issue in her flesh shalbe blood, she shalbe put apart seuen dayes: and whosoeuer toucheth her, shalbe vncleane vnto the euen. 20 And whatsoeuer she lieth vpon in her separation, shalbe vncleane, and euery thing that she sitteth vpon, shalbe vncleane. 21 Whosoeuer also toucheth her bedde, shall wash his clothes, and wash himselfe with water, and shalbe vncleane vnto the euen.

Numbers 6:26

26 The Lord lift vp his coutenance vpon thee, and giue thee peace.

Numbers 10:10

10 Also in the day of your gladnesse, and in your feast dayes, and in the beginning of your moneths, ye shall also blow the trumpets ouer your burnt sacrifices, and ouer your peace offrings, that they may be a remembrance for you before your God: I am the Lord your God.

Numbers 19:16

16 Also whosoeuer toucheth one that is slaine with a sworde in the fielde, or a dead person, or a bone of a dead man, or a graue, shall be vncleane seuen dayes.

Numbers 28:11

11 And in the beginning of your moneths, ye shall offer a burnt offring vnto the Lord, two yong bullockes, and a ramme, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde, without spot,

Deuteronomy 1:23

23 So the saying pleased me well, and I tooke twelue men of you, of euery tribe one.

Deuteronomy 6:13

13 Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God, and serue him, and shalt sweare by his Name.

Deuteronomy 12:5

5 But ye shall seeke the place which the Lord your God shall chose out of all your tribes, to put his Name there, and there to dwell, and thither thou shalt come,

Deuteronomy 13:6

6 If thy brother, the sonne of thy mother, or thine owne sonne, or thy daughter, or the wife, that lyeth in thy bosome, or thy friend, which is as thine owne soule, intice thee secretly, saying, Let vs goe and serue other gods, (which thou hast not knowen, thou, I say, nor thy fathers)

Deuteronomy 28:66

66 And thy life shall hang before thee, and thou shalt feare both night and day, and shalt haue none assurance of thy life.

Joshua 1:5

5 There shall not a man be able to withstande thee all the dayes of thy life: as I was with Moses, so will I be with thee: I will not leaue thee, nor forsake thee.

Joshua 2:14

14 And the men answered her, Our life for you to die, if ye vtter not this our businesse: and when the Lord hath giuen vs the lande, we will deale mercifully and truely with thee.

Joshua 22:22

22 The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, he knoweth, and Israel himselfe shall know: if by rebellion, or by transgression against ye Lord we haue done it, saue thou vs not this day.

Joshua 22:29

29 God forbid, that we should rebell against the Lord, and turne this day away from the Lord to builde an altar for burnt offering, or for meate offering, or for sacrifice, saue the altar of the Lord our God, that is before his Tabernacle.

Joshua 24:16

16 Then the people answered and saide, God forbid, that we shoulde forsake the Lord, to serue other gods.

Judges 16:20

20 Then she said, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee awoke out of his sleepe, and thought, I will go out now as at other times, and shake my selfe, but he knewe not that the Lord was departed from him.

Ruth 1:8

8 Then Naomi saide vnto her two daughters in lawe, Goe, returne eche of you vnto her owne mothers house: the Lord shew fauour vnto you, as ye haue done with the dead, and with me.

Ruth 1:17

17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried. the Lord do so to me and more also, if ought but death depart thee and me.

1 Samuel 1:17

17 Then Eli answered, and sayd, Go in peace, and the God of Israel graunt thy petition that thou hast asked of him.

1 Samuel 1:26

26 And she said, Oh my Lord, as thy soule liueth, my lord, I am the woman that stoode with thee here praying vnto the Lord.

1 Samuel 3:17

17 Then he said, What is it, that the Lord said vnto thee? I pray thee, hide it not from mee. God doe so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me, of all that he said vnto thee.

1 Samuel 9:12

12 And they answered them, and said, Yea: loe, he is before you: make haste nowe, for he came this day to the citie: for there is an offering of the people this day in the hie place.

1 Samuel 9:15

15 But the Lord had reueiled to Samuel secretly (a day before Saul came) saying,

1 Samuel 10:1

1 Then Samuel tooke a viole of oyle and powred it vpon his head, and kissed him, and saide, Hath not the Lord anointed thee to be gouernour ouer his inheritance?

1 Samuel 10:7

7 Therefore when these signes shall come vnto to thee, doe as occasion shall serue: for God is with thee.

1 Samuel 11:6-13

6 Then the Spirit of God came vpon Saul, when he heard those tidings, and he was exceeding angrie, 7 And tooke a yoke of oxen, and hewed them in pieces, and sent them throughout all the coastes of Israel by the hands of messengers, saying, Whosoeuer commeth not foorth after Saul, and after Samuel, so shall his oxen be serued. And the feare of the Lord fell on the people, and they came out with one consent. 8 And when he nombred them in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundreth thousande men: and the men of Iudah thirtie thousand. 9 Then they saide vnto the messengers that came, So say vnto the men of Iabesh Gilead, To morowe by then the sunne be hote, ye shall haue helpe. And the messengers came and shewed it to the men of Iabesh, which were glad. 10 Therefore the men of Iabesh sayde, To morowe we will come out vnto you, and yee shall doe with vs all that pleaseth you. 11 And when the morowe was come, Saul put the people in three bandes, and they came in vpon the hoste in the morning watche, and slewe the Ammonites vntill the heate of the day: and they that remained, were scattered, so that two of them were not left together. 12 Then the people said vnto Samuel, Who is he that saide, Shall Saul reigne ouer vs? bring those men that we may slaie them. 13 But Saul said, There shall no man die this day: for to day the Lord hath saued Israel.

1 Samuel 12:3

3 Beholde, here I am: beare recorde of me before the Lord and before his Anointed. Whose oxe haue I taken? or whose asse haue I taken? or whome haue I done wrong to? or whome haue I hurt? or of whose hande haue I receiued any bribe, to blinde mine eyes therewith, and I will restore it you?

1 Samuel 14:45

45 And the people said vnto Saul, Shall Ionathan die, who hath so mightily deliuered Israel? God forbid. As the Lord liueth, there shall not one heare of his head fall to the ground: for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people deliuered Ionathan that he dyed not.

1 Samuel 14:47

47 So Saul helde the kingdome ouer Israel, and fought against all his enemies on euery side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the Kings of Zobah, and against the Philistims: and whithersoeuer he went, he handled them as wicked men.

1 Samuel 16:2-5

2 And Samuel sayde, Howe can I goe? for if Saul shall heare it, he will kill me. Then the Lord answered, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to doe sacrifice to the Lord. 3 And call Ishai to the sacrifice, and I will shewe thee what thou shalt doe, and thou shalt anoynt vnto me him whom I name vnto thee. 4 So Samuel did that the Lord bade him, and came to Beth-lehem, and the Elders of the towne were astonied at his comming, and sayd, Commest thou peaceablie? 5 And he answeared, Yea: I am come to doe sacrifice vnto the Lord: sanctifie your selues, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Ishai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.

1 Samuel 16:5

5 And he answeared, Yea: I am come to doe sacrifice vnto the Lord: sanctifie your selues, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Ishai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.

1 Samuel 17:28

28 And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was verie angrie with Dauid, and sayde, Why camest thou downe hither? and with whome hast thou left those fewe sheepe in the wildernesse? I knowe thy pride and the malice of thine heart, that thou art come downe to see the battell.

1 Samuel 17:37

37 Moreouer Dauid sayd, The Lord that deliuered me out of the pawe of the lyon, and out of the paw of the beare, he wil deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistim. Then Saul sayd vnto Dauid, Go, and the Lord be with thee.

1 Samuel 17:55

55 When Saul sawe Dauid go forth against the Philistim, he sayd vnto Abner the captaine of his hoste, Abner, whose sonne is this yong man? and Abner answered, As thy soule liueth, O King, I can not tell.

1 Samuel 17:58

58 And Saul sayde to him, Whose sonne art thou, thou yong man? And Dauid answered, I am the sonne of thy seruant Ishai the Bethlehemite.

1 Samuel 18:1

1 And when he had made an ende of speaking vnto Saul, the soule of Ionathan was knit with the soule of Dauid, and Ionathan loued him, as his owne soule.

1 Samuel 18:3

3 Then Ionathan and Dauid made a couenant: for he loued him as his owne soule.

1 Samuel 18:11

11 And Saul tooke the speare, and sayd, I will smite Dauid through to the wall. But Dauid auoyded twise out of his presence. 12 And Saul was afrayd of Dauid, because the Lord was with him, and was departed from Saul.

1 Samuel 19:2

2 And Ionathan told Dauid, saying, Saul my father goeth about to slay thee: nowe therefore, I pray thee, take heede vnto thy selfe vnto the morning, and abide in a secret place, and hide thy selfe.

1 Samuel 19:5

5 For he did put his life in daunger, and slew the Philistim, and the Lord wrought a great saluation for al Israel: thou sawest it, and thou reioycedst: wherefore then wilt thou sinne against innocent blood, and slay Dauid without a cause? 6 Then Saul hearkened vnto the voyce of Ionathan, and Saul sware, As the Lord liueth, he shall not dye.

1 Samuel 19:9-10

9 And the euill spirit of the Lord was vpon Saul, as hee sate in his house hauing his speare in his hand, and Dauid played with his hand. 10 And Saul intended to smite Dauid to the wall with the speare: but hee turned aside out of Sauls presence, and he smote the speare against the wall: but Dauid fled, and escaped the same night.

1 Samuel 19:10-11

10 And Saul intended to smite Dauid to the wall with the speare: but hee turned aside out of Sauls presence, and he smote the speare against the wall: but Dauid fled, and escaped the same night.

1 Samuel 19:10

10 And Saul intended to smite Dauid to the wall with the speare: but hee turned aside out of Sauls presence, and he smote the speare against the wall: but Dauid fled, and escaped the same night. 11 Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal Dauids wife told it him, saying, If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou shalt be slayne.

1 Samuel 19:11-11

11 Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal Dauids wife told it him, saying, If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou shalt be slayne. 12 So Michal let Dauid downe through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. 13 Then Michal tooke an image, and layde it in the bed, and put a pillow stuffed with goates heare vnder the head of it, and couered it with a cloth. 14 And when Saul sent messengers to take Dauid, she sayd, He is sicke. 15 And Saul sent the messengers againe to see Dauid, saying, Bring him to me in the bed, that I may slay him.

1 Samuel 19:15-15

15 And Saul sent the messengers againe to see Dauid, saying, Bring him to me in the bed, that I may slay him.

1 Samuel 19:19-24

19 But one tolde Saul, saying, Beholde, Dauid is at Naioth in Ramah. 20 And Saul sent messengers to take Dauid: and when they sawe a company of Prophets prophecying, and Samuel standing as appoynted ouer them, the Spirit of God fell vpon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophecied. 21 And when it was tolde Saul, he sent other messengers, and they prophecied likewise: againe Saul sent the third messengers, and they prophecied also. 22 Then went he himselfe to Ramah, and came to a great well that is in Sechu, and he asked, and sayd, Where are Samuel and Dauid? and one sayd, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah. 23 And he went thither, euen to Naioth in Ramah, and the Spirit of God came vpon him also, and he went prophecying vntill hee came to Naioth in Ramah. 24 And he stript off his clothes, and he prophesied also before Samuel, and fell downe naked all that day and all that night: therefore they say, Is Saul also among the Prophets?

1 Samuel 20:5

5 And Dauid said vnto Ionathan, Behold, to morowe is the first day of the moneth, and I shoulde sit with the King at meate: but let me goe, that I may hide my selfe in the fieldes vnto the third day at euen. 6 If thy father make mention of me, then say, Dauid asked leaue of me, that he might goe to Beth-lehem to his owne citie: for there is a yeerely sacrifice for all that familie. 7 And if he say thus, It is well, thy seruant shall haue peace: but if he be angrie, be sure that wickednesse is concluded of him. 8 So shalt thou shew mercy vnto thy seruant: for thou hast ioyned thy seruant into a couenant of the Lord with thee, and if there be in me iniquitie, slay thou me: for why shouldest thou bring me to thy father? 9 And Ionathan answered, God keepe that from thee: for if I knewe that wickednesse were concluded of my father to come vpon thee, would not I tell it thee?

1 Samuel 20:12

12 Then Ionathan sayde to Dauid, O Lord God of Israel, when I haue groped my fathers minde to morow at this time, or within this three dayes, and if it be well with Dauid, and I then send not vnto thee, and shewe it thee,

1 Samuel 20:14-15

14 Likewise I require not whiles I liue: for I dout not but thou wilt shew me the mercy of the Lord, that I die not. 15 But I require that thou cut not off thy mercie from mine house for euer: no, not when the Lord hath destroyed the enemies of Dauid, euery one from the earth.

1 Samuel 20:15

15 But I require that thou cut not off thy mercie from mine house for euer: no, not when the Lord hath destroyed the enemies of Dauid, euery one from the earth. 16 So Ionathan made a bond with the house of Dauid, saying, Let the Lord require it at the hands of Dauids enemies.

1 Samuel 20:18

18 Then said Ionathan to him, To morowe is the first day of the moneth: and thou shalt be looked for, for thy place shalbe emptie. 19 Therefore thou shalt hide thy selfe three dayes, then thou shalt goe downe quickely and come to the place where thou diddest hide thy selfe, when this matter was in hand, and shalt remayne by the stone Ezel. 20 And I will shoote three arrowes on the side thereof, as though I shot at a marke. 21 And after I wil sende a boy, saying, Goe, seeke the arrowes. If I say vnto the boy, See, the arrowes are on this side thee, bring them, and come thou: for it is well with thee and no hurt, as the Lord liueth. 22 But if I say thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyonde thee, goe thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee away.

1 Samuel 20:22

22 But if I say thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyonde thee, goe thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee away.

1 Samuel 20:22-23

22 But if I say thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyonde thee, goe thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee away. 23 As touching the thing which thou and I haue spoken of, beholde, the Lord be betweene thee and me for euer.

1 Samuel 20:25

25 And the King sate, as at other times vpon his seate, euen vpon his seate by the wall: and Ionathan arose, and Abner sate by Sauls side, but Dauids place was emptie.

1 Samuel 20:30-34

30 Then was Saul angrie with Ionathan, and sayde vnto him, Thou sonne of the wicked rebellious woman, doe not I know, that thou hast chosen the sonne of Ishai to thy confusion, and to the confusion and shame of thy mother? 31 For as long as the sonne of Ishai liueth vpon the earth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor thy kingdome: wherefore now send and fet him vnto me, for he shall surely die. 32 And Ionathan answered vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Wherefore shall he die? what hath he done? 33 And Saul cast a speare at him to hit him, whereby Ionathan knew, that it was determined of his father to slay Dauid. 34 So Ionathan arose from the table in a great anger, and did eate no meate the seconde day of the moneth: for he was sorie for Dauid, and because his father had reuiled him.

1 Samuel 20:37

37 And when the boy was come to the place where the arrowe was that Ionathan had shot, Ionathan cryed after the boy, and sayde, Is not the arrowe beyond thee? 38 And Ionathan cryed after the boy, Make speede, haste and stand not still: and Ionathans boy gathered vp the arrowes, and came to his master,

1 Samuel 20:42

42 Therefore Ionathan said to Dauid, Goe in peace: that which we haue sworne both of vs in the Name of the Lord, saying, The Lord be betweene me and thee, and betweene my seede and betweene thy seede, let it stand for euer. [ (I Samuel 20:43) And he arose and departed, and Ionathan went into the citie. ]

1 Samuel 22:7-9

7 And Saul said vnto his seruants that stood about him, Heare now, ye sonnes of Iemini, wil the sonne of Ishai giue euery one of you fields and vineyardes: will he make you all captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer hundreths: 8 That all ye haue conspired against me, and there is none that tellerh mee that my sonne hath made a couenant with the sonne of Ishai? and there is none of you that is sory for me, or sheweth mee, that my sonne hath stirred vp my seruant to lie in wayte against me, as appeareth this day? 9 Then answered Doeg the Edomite (who was appoynted ouer the seruants of Saul) and sayd, I saw the sonne of Ishai when he came to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub,

1 Samuel 22:13-14

13 Then Saul sayde vnto him, Why haue yee conspired against me, thou and the sonne of Ishai, in that thou hast giuen him vitaile, and a sworde, and hast asked counsell of God for him, that he should rise against me, and lye in wayte as appeareth this day? 14 And Ahimelech answered the King, and sayde, Who is so faithfull among all thy seruants as Dauid, being also the Kings sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy commandement, and is honourable in thine house?

1 Samuel 23:18

18 So they twaine made a couenant before ye Lord: and Dauid did remaine in the wood: but Ionathan went to his house.

1 Samuel 23:26-28

26 And Saul and his men went on the one side of the mountaine, and Dauid and his men on the other side of the mountaine: and Dauid made haste to get from the presence of Saul: for Saul and his men compassed Dauid and his men round about, to take them. 27 But there came a messenger to Saul, saying, Haste thee, and come: for the Philistims haue inuaded the land. 28 Wherefore Saul returned from pursuing Dauid, and went against the Philistims. Therefore they called that place, Sela-hammahlekoth.

1 Samuel 24:9

9 Dauid also arose afterward, and went out of the caue, and cryed after Saul, saying, O my lorde the King. And when Saul looked behinde him, Dauid inclined his face to the earth, and bowed himselfe.

1 Samuel 24:11

11 Behold, this day thine eyes haue seene, that the Lord had deliuered thee this day into mine hand in the caue, and some bade me kill thee, but I had compassion on thee, and said, I will not lay mine hande on my master: for he is the Lordes Anoynted.

1 Samuel 24:17

17 Whe Dauid had made an end of speaking these words to Saul, Saul sayd, Is this thy voyce, my sonne Dauid? and Saul lift vp his voice, and wept,

1 Samuel 24:21

21 For now behold, I know that thou shalt be King, and that the kingdome of Israel shall be stablished in thine hand.

1 Samuel 25:10

10 Then Nabal answered Dauids seruantes, and sayd, Who is Dauid? and who is the sonne of Ishai? there be many seruantes nowe a dayes, that breake away euery man from his master.

1 Samuel 25:14

14 Nowe one of the seruantes tolde Abigail Nabals wife, saying, Beholde, Dauid sent messengers out of the wildernesse to salute our master, and he rayled on them.

1 Samuel 25:17

17 Nowe therefore take heede, and see what thou shalt doe: for euill will surely come vpon our master, and vpon all his familie: for he is so wicked that a man can not speake to him.

1 Samuel 25:22

22 So and more also doe God vnto the enemies of Dauid: for surely I will not leaue of all that he hath, by the dawning of the day, any that pisseth against the wall. 23 And when Abigail sawe Dauid, she hasted and lighted off her asse, and fell before Dauid on her face, and bowed her selfe to the ground,

1 Samuel 25:26

26 Now therefore my lord, as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth (the Lord, I say, that hath withholden thee from comming to shedde blood, and that thine hand should not saue thee) so now thine enemies shall be as Nabal, and they that intend to doe my lord euill.

1 Samuel 26:16

16 This is not well done of thee: as the Lord liueth, ye are worthy to dye, because ye haue not kept your master the Lordes Anointed: and now see where the Kings speare is, and the pot of water that was at his head.

1 Samuel 27:1

1 And Dauid said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: is it not better for me that I saue my selfe in the lande of the Philistims, and that Saul may haue no hope of me to seeke me any more in all the coastes of Israel, and so escape out of his hand?

1 Samuel 31:2

2 And the Philistims preassed sore vpon Saul and his sonnes, and slewe Ionathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua Sauls sonnes.

2 Samuel 1:26

26 Wo is me for thee, my brother Ionathan: very kinde hast thou bene vnto me: thy loue to me was wonderfull, passing the loue of women: howe are the mightie ouerthrowen, and the weapons of warre destroyed!

2 Samuel 3:35

35 Afterwarde all the people came to cause Dauid eate meate while it was yet day, but Dauid sware, saying, So doe God to me and more also, if I taste bread, or ought els till the sunne be downe.

2 Samuel 4:7-8

7 For when they came into the house, he slept on his bed in his bed chamber, and they smote him, and slewe him, and beheaded him, and tooke his head, and gate them away through the plaine all the night. 8 And they brought the head of Ish-bosheth vnto Dauid to Hebron, and saide to the King, Beholde the head of Ish-bosheth Sauls sonne thine enemie, who sought after thy life: and the Lord hath auenged my lorde the King this day of Saul, and of his seede.

2 Samuel 7:15

15 But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I tooke it from Saul whome I haue put away before thee.

2 Samuel 9:1-7

1 And Dauid sayde, Is there yet any man left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him mercie for Ionathans sake? 2 And there was of the housholde of Saul a seruant whose name was Ziba, and when they had called him vnto Dauid, the King sayd vnto him, Art thou Ziba? And he sayd, I thy seruant am he. 3 Then the King sayd, Remayneth there yet none of the house of Saul, on whome I may shewe the mercie of God? Ziba then answered the King, Ionathan hath yet a sonne lame of his feete.

2 Samuel 9:3-7

3 Then the King sayd, Remayneth there yet none of the house of Saul, on whome I may shewe the mercie of God? Ziba then answered the King, Ionathan hath yet a sonne lame of his feete. 4 Then the King said vnto him, Where is he? And Ziba said vnto the King, Behold, he is in the house of Machir ye sonne of Ammiel of Lo-debar. 5 Then King Dauid sent, and tooke him out of the house of Machir the sonne of Ammiel of Lo-debar. 6 Nowe when Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan, the sonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fel on his face, and did reuerence. And Dauid sayde, Mephibosheth? And he answered, Beholde thy seruant.

2 Samuel 9:6

6 Nowe when Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan, the sonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fel on his face, and did reuerence. And Dauid sayde, Mephibosheth? And he answered, Beholde thy seruant. 7 Then Dauid sayd vnto him, Feare not: for I wil surely shewe thee kindnes for Ionathan thy fathers sake, and will restore thee all the fieldes of Saul thy father, and thou shalt eate bread at my table continually.

2 Samuel 14:32

32 And Absalom answered Ioab, Beholde, I sent for thee, saying, Come thou hither, and I wil send thee to the King for to say, Wherefore am I come from Geshur? It had bene better for me to haue bene there still: nowe therefore let mee see the Kings face: and if there be any trespasse in me, let him kill me.

2 Samuel 15:21

21 And Ittai answered the King, and sayde, As the Lord liueth, and as my lord the King liueth, in what place my lord the King shalbe, whether in death or life, euen there surely will thy seruant bee.

2 Samuel 17:4

4 And the saying pleased Absalom well, and all the Elders of Israel.

2 Samuel 19:13

13 Also say ye to Amasa, Art thou not my bone and my flesh? God do so to me and more also, if thou be not captaine of the hoste to me for euer in the roume of Ioab.

2 Samuel 19:28

28 For all my fathers house were but dead men before my lord the king, yet diddest thou set thy seruant among them that did eate at thine owne table: what right therefore haue I yet to crye any more vnto the king?

2 Samuel 19:39

39 So all the people went ouer Iorden: and the King passed ouer: and the King kissed Barzillai, and blessed him, and hee returned vnto his owne place.

2 Samuel 20:5

5 So Amasa went to assemble Iudah, but hee taried longer then the time which he had appoynted him.

2 Samuel 21:7

7 But the King had compassion on Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan the sonne of Saul, because of the Lordes othe, that was betweene them, euen betweene Dauid and Ionathan the sonne of Saul. 8 But the King tooke the two sonnes of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whome shee bare vnto Saul, euen Armoni and Mephibosheth and the fiue sonnes of Michal, the daughter of Saul, whome shee bare to Adriel the sonne of Barzillai the Meholathite.

1 Kings 12:13

13 And the king answered the people sharpely, and left the old mens counsell that they gaue him,

1 Kings 19:2

2 Then Iezebel sent a messenger vnto Eliiah, saying, The gods doe so to me and more also, if I make not thy life like one of their liues by to morowe this time.

1 Kings 20:10

10 And Ben-hadad sent vnto him, and sayde, The gods do so to me and more also, if the dust of Samaria be ynough to all the people that follow me, for euery man an handfull.

2 Kings 2:2

2 Then Eliiah saide to Elisha, Tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel. But Elisha said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came downe to Beth-el.

2 Kings 2:4

4 Againe Eliiah saide vnto him, Elisha, tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Iericho: But he said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came to Iericho.

2 Kings 2:6

6 Moreouer Eliiah saide vnto him, Tarie, I pray thee, here: for the Lord hath sent me to Iorden. But he saide, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they went both together.

2 Kings 4:23

23 And he sayd, Wherefore wilt thou goe to him to day? it is neither newe moone nor Sabbath day. And she answered, All shalbe well.

1 Chronicles 12:17

17 And Dauid went out to meete them, and answered and sayde vnto them, If yee be come peaceably vnto me to helpe me, mine heart shall be knit vnto you, but if you come to betray me to mine aduersaries, seeing there is no wickednes in mine handes, the God of our fathers beholde it, and rebuke it.

1 Chronicles 22:11

11 Nowe therefore my sonne, the Lord shalbe with thee, and thou shalt prosper, and thou shalt builde an house to the Lord thy God, as he hath spoken of thee.

1 Chronicles 22:16

16 Of golde, of siluer, and of brasse, and of yron there is no nomber: Vp therefore, and be doing, and the Lord wilbe with thee.

Esther 7:7

7 And the King arose from ye banket of wine in his wrath, and went into the palace garden: but Haman stood vp, to make request for his life to the Queene Ester: for he sawe that there was a mischiefe prepared for him of the King.

Job 5:2

2 Doubtlesse anger killeth the foolish, and enuie slayeth the idiote.

Job 31:4

4 Doeth not he beholde my wayes and tell all my steps?

Psalms 7:3-5

3 O Lord my God, if I haue done this thing, if there be any wickednes in mine handes, 4 If I haue rewarded euill vnto him that had peace with mee, (yea I haue deliuered him that vexed me without cause) 5 Then let the enemie persecute my soule and take it: yea, let him treade my life downe vpon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.

Psalms 17:3

3 Thou hast prooued and visited mine heart in the night: thou hast tryed me, and foundest nothing: for I was purposed that my mouth should not offend.

Psalms 18:20-24

20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnes: according to the purenes of mine hands he recompensed me: 21 Because I kept the wayes of the Lord, and did not wickedly against my God. 22 For all his Lawes were before mee, and I did not cast away his commandements from mee. 23 I was vpright also with him, and haue kept me from my wickednes. 24 Therefore the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnesse, and according to the purenes of mine hands in his sight.

Psalms 40:6

6 Sacrifice and offering thou didest not desire: (for mine eares hast thou prepared) burnt offring and sinne offering hast thou not required.

Psalms 50:16-21

16 But vnto the wicked said God, What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances, that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth, 17 Seeing thou hatest to bee reformed, and hast cast my wordes behinde thee? 18 For when thou seest a thiefe, thou runnest with him, and thou art partaker with the adulterers. 19 Thou giuest thy mouth to euill, and with thy tongue thou forgest deceit. 20 Thou sittest, and speakest against thy brother, and slanderest thy mothers sonne. 21 These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue: therefore thou thoughtest that I was like thee: but I will reproue thee, and set them in order before thee.

Psalms 55:6-9

6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a doue: then would I flie away and rest. 7 Beholde, I woulde take my flight farre off, and lodge in the wildernes. Selah. 8 Hee would make haste for my deliuerance from the stormie winde and tempest. 9 Destroy, O Lord, and deuide their tongues: for I haue seene crueltie and strife in the citie.

Psalms 55:12

12 Surely mine enemie did not defame mee: for I could haue borne it: neither did mine aduersarie exalt himselfe against mee: for I would haue hid me from him.

Psalms 79:11

11 Let the sighing of the prisoners come before thee: according to thy mightie arme preserue the children of death,

Psalms 81:3

3 Blowe the trumpet in the newe moone, euen in the time appointed, at our feast day.

Psalms 116:3

3 When the snares of death copassed me, and the griefes of the graue caught me: when I founde trouble and sorowe.

Psalms 116:11

11 I said in my feare, All men are lyers.

Psalms 124:6-8

6 Praysed be the Lord, which hath not giuen vs as a praye vnto their teeth. 7 Our soule is escaped, euen as a bird out of the snare of the foulers: the snare is broken, and we are deliuered. 8 Our helpe is in the Name of the Lord, which hath made heauen and earth.

Psalms 139:1-4

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. O Lord, thou hast tried me and knowen me. 2 Thou knowest my sitting and my rising: thou vnderstandest my thought afarre off. 3 Thou compassest my pathes, and my lying downe, and art accustomed to all my wayes. 4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but loe, thou knowest it wholy, O Lord.

Proverbs 3:3

3 Let not mercie and trueth forsake thee: binde them on thy necke, and write them vpon the table of thine heart.

Proverbs 4:17

17 For they eate the breade of wickednesse, and drinke the wine of violence.

Proverbs 6:4-5

4 Giue no sleepe to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. 5 Deliuer thy selfe as a doe from the hande of the hunter, and as a birde from the hande of the fouler.

Proverbs 14:29

29 He that is slowe to wrath, is of great wisdome: but he that is of an hastie minde, exalteth follie.

Proverbs 15:2

2 The tongue of the wise vseth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fooles babbleth out foolishnesse.

Proverbs 15:17

17 Better is a dinner of greene herbes where loue is, then a stalled oxe and hatred therewith.

Proverbs 17:1

1 Better is a dry morsell, if peace be with it, then an house full of sacrifices with strife.

Proverbs 18:23

23 The poore speaketh with prayers: but the rich answereth roughly. 24 A man that hath friends, ought to shew him selfe friendly: for a friend is neerer then a brother.

Proverbs 19:12

12 The Kings wrath is like the roaring of a lyon: but his fauour is like the dewe vpon ye grasse.

Proverbs 19:19

19 A man of much anger shall suffer punishment: and though thou deliuer him, yet wil his anger come againe.

Proverbs 20:5

5 The counsell in the heart of man is like deepe waters: but a man that hath vnderstanding, will drawe it out.

Proverbs 21:3

3 To doe iustice and iudgement is more acceptable to the Lord then sacrifice.

Proverbs 21:24

24 Proude, hautie and scornefull is his name that worketh in his arrogancie wrath.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination: how much more when he bringeth it with a wicked minde?

Proverbs 22:3

3 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished.

Proverbs 22:24

24 Make no friendship with an angrie man, neither goe with the furious man,

Proverbs 24:11-12

11 Deliuer them that are drawen to death: wilt thou not preserue them that are led to be slaine? 12 If thou say, Beholde, we knew not of it: he that pondereth the heartes, doeth not hee vnderstand it? and hee that keepeth thy soule, knoweth he it not? will not he also recompense euery man according to his workes?

Proverbs 25:2-3

2 The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret: but the Kings honour is to search out a thing. 3 The heaues in height, and the earth in deepenes, and the Kings heart can no man search out.

Proverbs 25:28

28 A man that refraineth not his appetite, is like a citie which is broken downe and without walles.

Proverbs 27:3

3 A stone is heauie, and the sand weightie: but a fooles wrath is heauier then them both.

Proverbs 31:8-9

8 Open thy mouth for the domme in the cause of all the children of destruction. 9 Open thy mouth: iudge righteously, and iudge the afflicted, and the poore.

Ecclesiastes 7:9

9 Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad: and the rewarde destroyeth the heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

20 It is good that thou lay hold on this: but yet withdrawe not thine hand from that: for he that feareth God, shall come forth of them all.

Ecclesiastes 9:3

3 This is euill among all that is done vnder the sunne, that there is one condition to all, and also the heart of the sonnes of men is full of euill, and madnes is in their heartes whiles they liue, and after that, they goe to the dead.

Isaiah 1:11-15

11 What haue I to doe with the multitude of your sacrifices, sayth the Lord? I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and of the fat of fed beasts: and I desire not the blood of bullocks, nor of lambs, nor of goates. 12 When ye come to appeare before me, who required this of your hands to tread in my courts? 13 Bring no more oblations, in vaine: incense is an abomination vnto me: I can not suffer your newe moones, nor Sabbaths, nor solemne dayes (it is iniquitie) nor solemne assemblies. 14 My soule hateth your newe moones and your appointed feastes: they are a burden vnto me: I am weary to beare them. 15 And when you shall stretch out your hands, I wil hide mine eyes from you: and though ye make many prayers, I wil not heare: for your hands are full of blood.

Isaiah 11:1-2

1 But there shall come a rodde foorth of the stocke of Ishai, and a grasse shall growe out of his rootes. 2 And the Spirite of the Lord shall rest vpon him: the Spirite of wisedome and vnderstanding, the Spirite of counsell and strength, the Spirite of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lord,

Isaiah 50:5

5 The Lord God hath opened mine eare and I was not rebellious, neither turned I backe.

Jeremiah 4:2

2 And thou shalt sweare, The Lord liueth in trueth, in iudgement, and in righteousnesse, and the nations shall be blessed in him, and shall glorie in him.

Jeremiah 5:2

2 For though they say, The Lord liueth, yet doe they sweare falsely.

Jeremiah 12:16

16 And if they will learne the wayes of my people, to sweare by my Name, (The Lord liueth, as they taught my people to sweare by Baal) then shall they be built in the middes of my people.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 The heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things, who can knowe it?

Jeremiah 38:16

16 So the King sware secretly vnto Ieremiah, saying, As the Lord liueth that made vs these soules, I will not slay thee, nor giue thee into the hands of those men that seeke thy life.

Amos 8:14

14 They that sweare by the sinne of Samaria, and that say, Thy God, O Dan, liueth, and the maner of Beer-sheba liueth, euen they shall fall, and neuer rise vp againe.

Zechariah 7:6

6 And when ye did eate, and when ye did drinke, did ye not eate for your selues, and drinke for your selues?

Matthew 5:22

22 But I say vnto you, whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly, shalbe culpable of iudgment. And whosoeuer sayth vnto his brother, Raca, shalbe worthy to be punished by the Councill. And whosoeuer shall say, Foole, shalbe worthy to be punished with hell fire.

Matthew 13:55

55 Is not this the carpenters sonne? Is not his mother called Marie, and his brethren Iames and Ioses, and Simon and Iudas?

Matthew 24:16-18

16 Then let them which be in Iudea, flee into the mountaines. 17 Let him which is on the house top, not come downe to fetch any thing out of his house. 18 And he that is in the fielde, let not him returne backe to fetch his clothes.

Matthew 27:23

23 Then saide the gouernour, But what euill hath he done? Then they cryed the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, vntill the ende of the worlde, Amen.

Mark 3:5

5 Then hee looked rounde about on them angerly, mourning also for the hardnesse of their hearts, and saide to the man, Stretch foorth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hande was restored, as whole as the other.

Mark 13:14-16

14 Moreouer, when ye shall see the abomination of desolation (spoken of by Daniel the Prophet) set where it ought not, (let him that readeth, consider it) then let them that be in Iudea, flee into the mountaines, 15 And let him that is vpon the house, not come downe into the house, neither enter therein, to fetch any thing out of his house. 16 And let him that is in the fielde, not turne backe againe to take his garment.

Luke 7:50

50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saued thee: goe in peace.

Luke 17:31-32

31 At that day hee that is vpon the house, and his stuffe in ye house, let him not come downe to take it out: and he that is in the fielde likewise, let him not turne backe to that he left behinde. 32 Remember Lots wife.

Luke 20:16

16 He will come and destroy these husbandmen, and wil giue out his vineyard to others. But when they heard it, they sayd, God forbid.

Luke 23:22

22 And he sayd vnto them the third time, But what euill hath he done? I finde no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him loose.

John 7:42

42 Saith not the Scripture that that Christ shall come of the seede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Beth-leem, where Dauid was?

John 7:51

51 Doth our Law iudge a man before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done?

John 8:59

59 Then tooke they vp stones, to cast at him, but Iesus hid himselfe, and went out of the Temple: And hee passed through the middes of them, and so went his way.

John 15:15

15 Henceforth call I you not seruants: for the seruant knoweth not what his master doeth: but I haue called you friends: for all things that I haue heard of my Father, haue I made knowen to you.

John 17:8

8 For I haue giuen vnto them the wordes which thou gauest me, and they haue receiued them, and haue knowen surely that I came out from thee, and haue beleeued that thou hast sent me.

John 18:28

28 Then led they Iesus from Caiaphas into the common hall. Nowe it was morning, and they themselues went not into the common hall, least they should be defiled, but that they might eate the Passeouer.

Acts 16:36

36 Then the keeper of the prison tolde these woordes vnto Paul, saying, The gouerness haue sent to loose you: nowe therefore get you hence, and goe in peace.

Acts 17:14

14 But by and by the brethren sent away Paul to goe as it were to the sea: but Silas and Timotheus abode there still.

Acts 20:37

37 Then they wept all abundantly, and fell on Pauls necke, and kissed him,

Acts 25:11

11 For if I haue done wrong, or committed any thing worthie of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof they accuse me, no man, to pleasure them, can deliuer me to them: I appeale vnto Caesar.

1 Corinthians 15:30-31

30 Why are wee also in ieopardie euery houre? 31 By your reioycing which I haue in Christ Iesus our Lord, I die dayly.

2 Corinthians 1:9-10

9 Yea, we receiued the sentence of death in our selues, because we shoulde not trust in our selues, but in God, which rayseth the dead. 10 Who deliuered vs from so great a death, and doeth deliuer vs: in whom we trust, that yet hereafter he will deliuer vs,

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For our reioycing is this, the testimonie of our conscience, that in simplicitie and godly purenesse, and not in fleshly wisedome, but by the grace of God wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde, and most of all to you wardes.

Ephesians 4:26

26 Bee angrie, but sinne not: let not the sunne goe downe vpon your wrath,

Ephesians 4:31

31 Let all bitternesse, and anger, and wrath, crying, and euill speaking be put away from you, with all maliciousnesse.

Ephesians 5:1-2

1 Bee yee therefore followers of God, as deare children, 2 And walke in loue, euen as Christ hath loued vs, and hath giuen himselfe for vs, to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smellling sauour to God.

Ephesians 6:4

4 And ye, fathers, prouoke not your children to wrath: but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord.

Philippians 4:9

9 Which yee haue both learned and receiued, and heard, and seene in mee: those things doe, and the God of peace shalbe with you.

Colossians 2:16

16 Let no man therefore condemne you in meate and drinke, or in respect of an holy day, or of the newe moone, or of the Sabbath dayes,

Hebrews 6:16

16 For men verely sweare by him that is greater then themselues, and an othe for confirmation is among them an ende of all strife.

James 1:19-20

19 Wherefore my deare brethren, let euery man be swift to heare, slowe to speake, and slowe to wrath. 20 For the wrath of man doeth not accomplish the righteousnesse of God.

1 Peter 2:4

4 To whome comming as vnto a liuing stone disallowed of men, but chosen of God and precious,

2 Peter 2:9

9 The Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly out of tentation, and to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement vnder punishment.

1 John 3:21

21 Beloued, if our heart condemne vs not, then haue we boldnes toward God.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.