1 Corinthians 8 Cross References - Geneva

1 And as touching things sacrificed vnto idols, wee knowe that wee all haue knowledge: knowledge puffeth vp, but loue edifieth. 2 Nowe, if any man thinke that hee knoweth any thing, hee knoweth nothing yet as hee ought to knowe. 3 But if any man loue God, the same is knowen of him. 4 Concerning therefore the eating of things sacrificed vnto idoles, we knowe that an idole is nothing in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one. 5 For though there bee that are called gods, whether in heauen, or in earth (as there be many gods, and many lords) 6 Yet vnto vs there is but one God, which is that Father, of whome are all things, and we in him: and one Lord Iesus Christ, by whome are all things, and we by him. 7 But euery man hath not that knowledge: for many hauing conscience of the idole, vntill this houre, eate as a thing sacrificed vnto the idole, and so their conscience being weake, is defiled. 8 But meate maketh not vs acceptable to God, for neither if we eate, haue we the more: neither if we eate not, haue we the lesse. 9 But take heede lest by any meanes this power of yours be an occasion of falling, to them that are weake. 10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at table in the idoles temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weake, be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to idoles? 11 And through thy knowledge shall the weake brother perish, for whome Christ died. 12 Nowe when ye sinne so against the brethren, and wound their weake conscience, ye sinne against Christ. 13 Wherefore if meate offende my brother, I wil eate no flesh while the world standeth, that I may not offend my brother.

Genesis 20:9

9 Afterward Abimelech called Abraham, and said vnto him, What hast thou done vnto vs? and what haue I offeded thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdome this great sinne? thou hast done things vnto me that ought not to be done.

Genesis 42:22

22 And Reuben answered them, saying, Warned I not you, saying, Sinne not against the childe, and ye would not heare? and lo, his blood is now required.

Exodus 16:8

8 Againe Moses sayd, At euen shall the Lord giue you flesh to eate, and in the morning your fil of bread: for the Lord hath heard your murmurings, which ye murmure against him: for what are we? your murmurings are not against vs, but against the Lord.

Exodus 32:21

21 Also Moses said vnto Aaron, What did this people vnto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon them?

Exodus 33:12

12 Then Moses sayde vnto the Lord, See, thou sayest vnto me, Leade this people forth, and thou hast not shewed me whom thou wilt sende with mee: thou hast sayde moreouer, I knowe thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

Exodus 33:17

17 And the Lord sayde vnto Moses, I will doe this also that thou hast saide: for thou hast founde grace in my sight, and I knowe thee by name.

Leviticus 19:14

14 Thou shalt not curse the deafe, neither put a stumbling blocke before the blinde, but shalt feare thy God: I am the Lord.

Numbers 25:2

2 Which called the people vnto the sacrifice of their gods, and the people ate, and bowed downe to their gods.

Deuteronomy 3:24

24 O Lord God, thou hast begunne to shewe thy seruant thy greatnesse and thy mightie hande: for where is there a God in heauen or in earth, that can do like thy workes, and like thy power?

Deuteronomy 4:35

35 Vnto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest knowe, that the Lord hee is God, and that there is none but he alone.

Deuteronomy 4:39

39 Vnderstande therefore this day, and consider in thine heart, that the Lord, he is God in heauen aboue, and vpon the earth beneath: there is none other.

Deuteronomy 6:4

4 Heare, O Israel, The Lord our God is Lord onely,

Deuteronomy 10:17

17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lordes, a great God, mightie and terrible, which accepteth no persons nor taketh reward:

Deuteronomy 32:39

39 Behold now, for I, I am he, and there is no gods with me: I kill, and giue life: I wound, and I make whole: neither is there any that can deliuer out of mine hand.

Judges 9:27

27 Therefore they went out into the field, and gathered in their grapes and troade them, and made merie, and went into the house of their gods, and did eate and drinke, and cursed Abimelech.

1 Samuel 2:25

25 If one man sinne against another, the Iudge shall iudge it: but if a man sinne against the Lord, who will pleade for him? Notwithstanding they obeyed not the voyce of their father, because the Lord would slay them.

1 Samuel 19:4-5

4 And Ionathan spake good of Dauid vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Let not the King sinne against his seruat, against Dauid: for he hath not sinned against thee, but his works haue bene to thee very good. 5 For he did put his life in daunger, and slew the Philistim, and the Lord wrought a great saluation for al Israel: thou sawest it, and thou reioycedst: wherefore then wilt thou sinne against innocent blood, and slay Dauid without a cause?

1 Samuel 24:11

11 Behold, this day thine eyes haue seene, that the Lord had deliuered thee this day into mine hand in the caue, and some bade me kill thee, but I had compassion on thee, and said, I will not lay mine hande on my master: for he is the Lordes Anoynted.

Psalms 1:6

6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked shall perish.

Psalms 17:3

3 Thou hast prooued and visited mine heart in the night: thou hast tryed me, and foundest nothing: for I was purposed that my mouth should not offend.

Psalms 115:4-8

4 Their idoles are siluer and golde, euen the worke of mens hands. 5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not. 6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smelll not. 7 They haue handes and touche not: they haue feete and walke not: neither make they a sound with their throte. 8 They that make them are like vnto them: so are all that trust in them.

Psalms 139:1-2

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. O Lord, thou hast tried me and knowen me. 2 Thou knowest my sitting and my rising: thou vnderstandest my thought afarre off.

Proverbs 26:12

12 Seest thou a man wise in his owne conceite? more hope is of a foole then of him.

Proverbs 30:2-4

2 Surely I am more foolish then any man, and haue not the vnderstanding of a man in me. 3 For I haue not learned wisedome, nor atteined to the knowledge of holy things. 4 Who hath ascended vp to heauen, and descended? Who hath gathered the winde in his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the endes of the world? What is his name, and what is his sonnes name, if thou canst tell?

Isaiah 5:21

21 Woe vnto them that are wise in their owne eyes, and prudent in their owne sight.

Isaiah 35:3

3 Strengthen the weake handes, and comfort the feeble knees.

Isaiah 37:16

16 O Lord of hostes, God of Israel, which dwellest betweene the Cherubims, thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth: thou hast made the heauen and the earth.

Isaiah 37:20

20 Nowe therefore, O Lord our God, saue thou vs out of his hand, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe, that thou onely art the Lord.

Isaiah 41:24

24 Beholde, ye are of no value, and your making is of naught: man hath chosen an abomination by them.

Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel and his redeemer, the Lord of hostes, I am the first, and I am the last, and without me is there no God.

Isaiah 44:8-9

8 Feare ye not, neither be afraide: haue not I tolde thee of olde, and haue declared it? you are euen my witnesses, whether there be a God beside me, and that there is no God that I knowe not. 9 All they that make an image, are vanitie, and their delectable things shall nothing profite: and they are their owne witnesses, that they see not nor know: therefore they shalbe confounded.

Isaiah 44:24

24 Thus sayeth the Lord thy redeemer and he that formed thee from the wombe, I am the Lord, that made all things, that spred out the heauens alone, and stretched out the earth by my selfe.

Isaiah 45:5

5 I am the Lord and there is none other: there is no God besides me: I girded thee though thou hast not knowen me,

Isaiah 45:14

14 Thus sayth the Lord, The labour of Egypt, and the marchandise of Ethiopia, and of the Sabeans, men of stature shall come vnto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall follow thee, and shall goe in chaines: they shall fall downe before thee, and make supplication vnto thee, saying, Surely God is in thee, and there is none other God besides.

Isaiah 47:10

10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednesse: thou hast sayd, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, they haue caused thee to rebel, and thou hast saide in thine heart, I am, and none els.

Isaiah 57:14

14 And he shall say, Cast vp, cast vp: prepare the way: take vp the stumbling blocks out of the way of my people.

Jeremiah 1:5

5 Before I formed thee in the wombe, I knewe thee, and before thou camest out of the wombe, I sanctified thee, and ordeined thee to be a Prophet vnto the nations.

Jeremiah 2:11

11 Hath any nation changed their gods, which yet are no gods? but my people haue chaged their glorie, for that which doeth not profite.

Jeremiah 2:28

28 But where are thy gods, that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can helpe thee in the time of thy trouble: for according to the nomber of thy cities, are thy gods, O Iudah.

Jeremiah 10:10

10 But the Lord is the God of trueth: he is the liuing God, and an euerlasting King: at his anger the earth shall tremble, and the nations cannot abide his wrath.

Jeremiah 10:14

14 Euery man is a beast by his owne knowledge: euery founder is confounded by the grauen image: for his melting is but falsehood, and there is no breath therein.

Jeremiah 11:13

13 For according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Iudah, and according to the number of the streetes of Ierusalem haue yee set vp altars of confusion, euen altars to burne incense vnto Baal.

Jeremiah 51:17-18

17 Euery man is a beast by his owne knowledge: euery founder is confounded by the grauen image: for his melting is but falsehood, and there is no breath therein. 18 They are vanitie, and the worke of errours: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.

Ezekiel 14:3

3 Sonne of man, these men haue set vp their idoles in their heart, and put the stumbling blocke of their iniquitie before their face: should I, being required, answere them?

Ezekiel 44:12

12 Because they serued before their idoles, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquitie, therfore haue I lift vp mine had against the, saith the Lord God, and they shall beare their iniquity,

Daniel 5:4

4 They drunke wine and praysed the gods of golde, and of siluer, of brasse, of yron, of wood and of stone.

Amos 2:8

8 And they lye downe vpon clothes layde to pledge by euery altar: and they drinke the wine of the condemned in the house of their God.

Jonah 1:9

9 And he answered them, I am an Ebrewe, and I feare the Lord God of heauen, which hath made the sea, and the dry lande.

Nahum 1:7

7 The Lord is good and as a strong hold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Habakkuk 2:19-20

19 Wo vnto him that sayth to the wood, Awake, and to the dumme stone, Rise vp, it shall teach thee: beholde, it is layde ouer with golde and siluer, and there is no breath in it. 20 But the Lord is in his holy Temple: let all the earth keepe silence before him.

Malachi 2:10

10 Haue we not all one father? hath not one God made vs? why doe we transgresse euery one against his brother, and breake the couenant of our fathers?

Matthew 7:23

23 And then will I professe to them, I neuer knewe you: depart from me, ye that worke iniquitie.

Matthew 11:27

27 All things are giuen vnto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Sonne, but ye Father: neither knoweth any man ye Father, but the Sonne, and he to whom ye Sonne will reueile him.

Matthew 12:49-50

49 And he stretched foorth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Beholde my mother and my brethren. 50 For whosoeuer shall doe my Fathers will which is in heauen, the same is my brother and sister and mother.

Matthew 18:6-7

6 But whosoeuer shall offend one of these litle ones which beleeue in me, it were better for him, that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

6 But whosoeuer shall offend one of these litle ones which beleeue in me, it were better for him, that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Wo be vnto the world because of offences: for it must needes be that offences shall come, but wo be to that man by whome the offence commeth.

Matthew 18:10

10 See that ye despise not one of these litle ones: for I say vnto you, that in heauen their Angels alwayes behold the face of my Father which is in heauen.

Matthew 18:21

21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Master, howe oft shall my brother sinne against me, and I shall forgiue him? vnto seuen times?

Matthew 25:40

40 And the King shall answere, and say vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethre, ye haue done it to me.

Matthew 25:45

45 Then shall he answere them, and say, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, saying, All power is giuen vnto me, in heauen, and in earth.

Mark 12:29

29 Iesus answered him, The first of all the commandements is, Heare, Israel, The Lord our God is the onely Lord.

Luke 17:1-2

1 Then said he to his disciples, It can not be auoided, but that offences will come, but wo be to him by whome they come. 2 It is better for him that a great milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were cast into ye sea, then that he should offende one of these litle ones.

John 1:3

3 All things were made by it, and without it was made nothing that was made.

John 5:20-29

20 For the Father loueth the Sonne, and sheweth him all things, whatsoeuer he himselfe doeth, and he will shewe him greater workes then these, that ye should marueile. 21 For likewise as the Father rayseth vp the dead, and quickeneth them, so the Sonne quickeneth whom he will. 22 For the Father iudgeth no man, but hath committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne, 23 Because that all men shoulde honour the Sonne, as they honour the Father: he that honoureth not the Sonne, the same honoureth not the Father, which hath sent him. 24 Verely, verely I say vnto you, he that heareth my worde, and beleeueth him that sent me, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death vnto life. 25 Verely, verely I say vnto you, the houre shall come, and now is, when the dead shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God: and they that heare it, shall liue. 26 For as the Father hath life in himselfe, so likewise hath he giuen to the Sonne to haue life in himselfe, 27 And hath giuen him power also to execute iudgement, in that he is the Sonne of man. 28 Marueile not at this: for the houre shall come, in the which all that are in the graues, shall heare his voyce. 29 And they shall come foorth, that haue done good, vnto ye resurrection of life: but they that haue done euil, vnto the resurrection of condemnation.

John 10:14

14 I am that good shepheard, and knowe mine, and am knowen of mine.

John 10:30

30 I and my Father are one.

John 10:34-35

34 Iesus answered them, Is it not written in your Lawe, I sayd, Ye are gods? 35 If hee called them gods, vnto whome the worde of God was giuen, and the Scripture cannot be broken,

John 13:13

13 Ye call me Master, and Lord, and ye say well: for so am I.

John 14:9-10

9 Iesus sayd vnto him, I haue bene so long time with you, and hast thou not knowen mee, Philippe? he that hath seene me, hath seene my Father: how then sayest thou, Shewe vs thy Father? 10 Beleeuest thou not, that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, I speake not of my selfe: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the workes.

John 14:20

20 At that day shall ye knowe that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

John 17:3

3 And this is life eternall, that they knowe thee to be the onely very God, and whom thou hast sent, Iesus Christ.

John 17:21-23

21 That they all may bee one, as thou, O Father, art in me, and I in thee: euen that they may be also one in vs, that the worlde may beleeue that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory that thou gauest me, I haue giuen them, that they may be one, as we are one, 23 I in them, and thou in mee, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the worlde may knowe that thou hast sent mee, and hast loued them, as thou hast loued me.

John 20:17

17 Iesus saith vnto her, Touch me not: for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but goe to my brethren, and say vnto them, I ascend vnto my Father, and to your Father, and to my God, and your God.

John 21:17

17 He said vnto him the third time, Simon the sonne of Iona, louest thou me? Peter was sorie because he said to him the third time, Louest thou me? and said vnto him, Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I loue thee. Iesus saide vnto him, Feede my sheepe.

Acts 2:36

36 Therefore, let all the house of Israel know for a suretie, that God hath made him both Lord, and Christ, this Iesus, I say, whome yee haue crucified.

Acts 5:31

31 Him hath God lift vp with his right hand, to be a Prince and a Sauiour, to giue repentance to Israel, and forgiuenes of sinnes.

Acts 9:4-5

4 And hee fell to the earth, and heard a voyce, saying to him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 5 And he sayd, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord sayd, I am Iesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kicke against pricks.

Acts 14:15

15 And saying, O men, why doe yee these things? We are euen men subiect to the like passions that yee be, and preache vnto you, that yee shoulde turne from these vaine things vnto the liuing God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all things that in them are:

Acts 15:10

10 Nowe therefore, why tempt ye God, to lay a yoke on the disciples neckes, which neither our fathers, nor we were able to beare?

Acts 15:19-20

19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them of the Gentiles that are turned to God, 20 But that we send vnto them, that they abstaine themselues from filthinesse of idoles, and fornication, and that that is strangled, and from blood.

Acts 15:29

29 That is, that ye abstaine from things offered to idoles, and blood, and that that is strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keepe your selues, ye shall doe well. Fare ye well.

Acts 17:28

28 For in him we liue, and mooue, and haue our being, as also certaine of your owne Poets haue sayd, for we are also his generation.

Acts 19:26

26 Moreouer ye see and heare, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia this Paul hath perswaded, and turned away much people, saying, That they be not gods which are made with handes.

Acts 21:25

25 For as touching ye Gentiles, which beleeue, we haue written, and determined that they obserue no such thing, but that they keepe themselues from things offred to idoles, and from blood, and from that that is strangled, and from fornication.

Romans 8:28-29

28 Also we knowe that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God, euen to them that are called of his purpose. 29 For those which hee knewe before, he also predestinate to bee made like to the image of his Sonne, that hee might be the first borne among many brethren.

Romans 11:2

2 God hath not cast away his people which he knew before. Know ye not what the Scripture sayth of Elias, howe hee communeth with God against Israel, saying,

Romans 11:25

25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this secret (least ye should bee arrogant in your selues) that partly obstinacie is come to Israel, vntill the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in.

Romans 11:36

36 For of him, and through him, and for him are all things: to him be glory for euer. Amen.

Romans 12:16

16 Be of like affection one towardes another: be not hie minded: but make your selues equall to them of the lower sort: be not wise in your selues.

Romans 14:1-2

1 Him that is weake in the faith, receiue vnto you, but not for controuersies of disputations. 2 One beleeueth that he may eate of all things: and another, which is weake, eateth herbes. 3 Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, condemne him that eateth: for God hath receiued him.

Romans 14:10

10 But why doest thou condemne thy brother? or why doest thou despise thy brother? for we shall all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ.

Romans 14:13-15

13 Let vs not therefore iudge one another any more: but vse your iudgement rather in this, that no man put an occasion to fall, or a stumbling blocke before his brother. 14 I know, and am perswaded through the Lord Iesus, that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe: but vnto him that iudgeth any thing to be vncleane, to him it is vncleane.

Romans 14:14-15

14 I know, and am perswaded through the Lord Iesus, that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe: but vnto him that iudgeth any thing to be vncleane, to him it is vncleane. 15 But if thy brother be grieued for the meate, nowe walkest thou not charitably: destroy not him with thy meate, for whome Christ dyed.

Romans 14:15

15 But if thy brother be grieued for the meate, nowe walkest thou not charitably: destroy not him with thy meate, for whome Christ dyed.

Romans 14:17

17 For the kingdome of God, is not meate nor drinke, but righteousnes, and peace, and ioye in the holy Ghost.

Romans 14:20-21

20 Destroy not the worke of God for meates sake: all things in deede are pure: but it is euill for the man which eateth with offence. 21 It is good neither to eate flesh, nor to drinke wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or made weake.

Romans 14:21

21 It is good neither to eate flesh, nor to drinke wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or made weake. 22 Hast thou faith? haue it with thy selfe before God: blessed is hee that condemneth not himselfe in that thing which he aloweth.

Romans 14:22-23

22 Hast thou faith? haue it with thy selfe before God: blessed is hee that condemneth not himselfe in that thing which he aloweth. 23 For he that doubteth, is condemned if he eate, because he eateth not of faith: and whatsoeuer is not of faith, is sinne.

Romans 14:23

23 For he that doubteth, is condemned if he eate, because he eateth not of faith: and whatsoeuer is not of faith, is sinne.

Romans 15:1

1 We which are strong, ought to beare the infirmities of the weake, and not to please our selues.

Romans 15:1-3

1 We which are strong, ought to beare the infirmities of the weake, and not to please our selues. 2 Therefore let euery man please his neighbour in that that is good to edification. 3 For Christ also would not please himselfe, but as it is written, The rebukes of them which rebuke thee, fell on me.

Romans 15:14

14 And I my selfe also am perswaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodnes, and filled with all knowledge, and are able to admonish one another.

1 Corinthians 1:2

2 Vnto the Church of God, which is at Corinthus, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, Saintes by calling, with all that call on the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ in euery place, both their Lord, and ours:

1 Corinthians 1:5

5 That in all things ye are made rich in him, in all kinde of speach, and in all knowledge:

1 Corinthians 1:10-11

10 Nowe I beseeche you, brethren, by the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thing, and that there be no dissensions among you: but be ye knit together in one mind, and in one iudgement. 11 For it hath bene declared vnto me, my brethren, of you by them that are of the house of Cloe, that there are contentions among you.

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as it is written, The thinges which eye hath not seene, neither eare hath heard, neither came into mans heart, are, which God hath prepared for them that loue him.

1 Corinthians 3:18

18 Let no man deceiue himselfe: If any man among you seeme to be wise in this world, let him be a foole, that he may be wise.

1 Corinthians 4:10

10 We are fooles for Christes sake, and ye are wise in Christ: we are weake, and ye are strong: ye are honourable, and we are despised.

1 Corinthians 4:18

18 Some are puffed vp as though I woulde not come vnto you.

1 Corinthians 5:2

2 And ye are puffed vp and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this deede, might be put from among you.

1 Corinthians 5:6

6 Your reioycing is not good: knowe ye not that a litle leauen, leaueneth ye whole lumpe?

1 Corinthians 6:12

12 All thinges are lawfull vnto mee, but all thinges are not profitable. I may doe all things, but I will not be brought vnder the power of any thing. 13 Meates are ordeined for the bellie, and the belly for the meates: but God shall destroy both it, and them. Nowe the bodie is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the bodie.

1 Corinthians 8:1

1 And as touching things sacrificed vnto idols, wee knowe that wee all haue knowledge: knowledge puffeth vp, but loue edifieth.

1 Corinthians 8:1-2

1 And as touching things sacrificed vnto idols, wee knowe that wee all haue knowledge: knowledge puffeth vp, but loue edifieth. 2 Nowe, if any man thinke that hee knoweth any thing, hee knoweth nothing yet as hee ought to knowe.

1 Corinthians 8:2-2

2 Nowe, if any man thinke that hee knoweth any thing, hee knoweth nothing yet as hee ought to knowe.

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 Concerning therefore the eating of things sacrificed vnto idoles, we knowe that an idole is nothing in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one.

1 Corinthians 8:6-7

6 Yet vnto vs there is but one God, which is that Father, of whome are all things, and we in him: and one Lord Iesus Christ, by whome are all things, and we by him. 7 But euery man hath not that knowledge: for many hauing conscience of the idole, vntill this houre, eate as a thing sacrificed vnto the idole, and so their conscience being weake, is defiled.

1 Corinthians 8:7-7

7 But euery man hath not that knowledge: for many hauing conscience of the idole, vntill this houre, eate as a thing sacrificed vnto the idole, and so their conscience being weake, is defiled.

1 Corinthians 8:9-10

9 But take heede lest by any meanes this power of yours be an occasion of falling, to them that are weake. 10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at table in the idoles temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weake, be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to idoles?

1 Corinthians 8:10

10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at table in the idoles temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weake, be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to idoles?

1 Corinthians 8:10-10

10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at table in the idoles temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weake, be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to idoles? 11 And through thy knowledge shall the weake brother perish, for whome Christ died. 12 Nowe when ye sinne so against the brethren, and wound their weake conscience, ye sinne against Christ. 13 Wherefore if meate offende my brother, I wil eate no flesh while the world standeth, that I may not offend my brother.

1 Corinthians 9:12

12 If others with you bee partakers of this power, are not we rather? neuerthelesse, we haue not vsed this power: but suffer all things, that we should not hinder the Gospel of Christ.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

19 For though I bee free from all men, yet haue I made my selfe seruant vnto all men, that I might winne the moe. 20 And vnto the Iewes, I become as a Iewe, that I may winne the Iewes: to them that are vnder the Lawe, as though I were vnder the Lawe, that I may winne them that are vnder the Lawe: 21 To them that are without Lawe, as though I were without Lawe, (when I am not without Lawe as pertaining to God, but am in the Lawe through Christ) that I may winne them that are without Lawe: 22 To the weake I become as weake, that I may winne the weake: I am made all thinges to all men, that I might by all meanes saue some.

1 Corinthians 9:22-23

22 To the weake I become as weake, that I may winne the weake: I am made all thinges to all men, that I might by all meanes saue some. 23 And this I doe for the Gospels sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

1 Corinthians 10:19-22

19 What say I then? that the idole is any thing? or that that which is sacrificed to idoles, is any thing?

1 Corinthians 10:19-20

19 What say I then? that the idole is any thing? or that that which is sacrificed to idoles, is any thing? 20 Nay, but that these things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to deuils, and not vnto God: and I would not that ye should haue fellowship with the deuils.

1 Corinthians 10:20-20

20 Nay, but that these things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to deuils, and not vnto God: and I would not that ye should haue fellowship with the deuils.

1 Corinthians 10:20-21

20 Nay, but that these things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to deuils, and not vnto God: and I would not that ye should haue fellowship with the deuils. 21 Ye can not drinke the cup of the Lord, and the cup of the deuils. Ye can not be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of the deuils.

1 Corinthians 10:21-21

21 Ye can not drinke the cup of the Lord, and the cup of the deuils. Ye can not be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of the deuils. 22 Doe we prouoke the Lord to anger? are we stronger then he?

1 Corinthians 10:24

24 Let no man seeke his owne, but euery man anothers wealth.

1 Corinthians 10:28

28 But if any man say vnto you, This is sacrificed vnto idoles, eate it not, because of him that shewed it, and for the conscience (for the earth is the Lords, and all that therein is)

1 Corinthians 10:28-29

28 But if any man say vnto you, This is sacrificed vnto idoles, eate it not, because of him that shewed it, and for the conscience (for the earth is the Lords, and all that therein is) 29 And the conscience, I say, not thine, but of that other: for why should my libertie be condemned of another mans conscience?

1 Corinthians 10:29

29 And the conscience, I say, not thine, but of that other: for why should my libertie be condemned of another mans conscience?

1 Corinthians 10:32

32 Giue none offence, neither to the Iewes, nor to the Grecians, nor to the Church of God: 33 Euen as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine owne profite, but the profite of many, that they might be saued.

1 Corinthians 12:3

3 Wherefore, I declare vnto you, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Iesus execrable: also no man can say that Iesus is the Lord, but by the holy Ghost.

1 Corinthians 12:12

12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, which is one, though they be many, yet are but one body: euen so is Christ.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1 Though I speake with the tongues of men and Angels, and haue not loue, I am as sounding brasse, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I had the gift of prophecie, and knewe all secrets and all knowledge, yea, if I had all faith, so that I could remooue mountaines and had not loue, I were nothing. 3 And though I feede the poore with all my goods, and though I giue my body, that I be burned, and haue not loue, it profiteth me nothing. 4 Loue suffreth long: it is bountifull: loue enuieth not: loue doeth not boast it selfe: it is not puffed vp: 5 It doeth no vncomely thing: it seeketh not her owne things: it is not prouoked to anger: it thinketh not euill:

1 Corinthians 13:5

5 It doeth no vncomely thing: it seeketh not her owne things: it is not prouoked to anger: it thinketh not euill: 6 It reioyceth not in iniquitie, but reioyceth in the trueth: 7 It suffreth all things: it beleeueth all things: it hopeth all things: it endureth all things. 8 Loue doeth neuer fall away, though that prophecyings be abolished, or the tongues cease, or knowledge vanish away.

1 Corinthians 13:8-9

8 Loue doeth neuer fall away, though that prophecyings be abolished, or the tongues cease, or knowledge vanish away. 9 For we knowe in part, and we prophecie in part.

1 Corinthians 13:9-9

9 For we knowe in part, and we prophecie in part. 10 But when that which is perfect, is come, then that which is in part, shalbe abolished. 11 When I was a childe, I spake as a childe, I vnderstoode as a childe, I thought as a childe: but when I became a man, I put away childish thinges. 12 For nowe we see through a glasse darkely: but then shall wee see face to face. Nowe I know in part: but then shall I know euen as I am knowen.

1 Corinthians 13:12

12 For nowe we see through a glasse darkely: but then shall wee see face to face. Nowe I know in part: but then shall I know euen as I am knowen. 13 And nowe abideth faith, hope and loue, euen these three: but the chiefest of these is loue.

1 Corinthians 14:20

20 Brethren, be not children in vnderstanding, but as concerning maliciousnes be children, but in vnderstanding be of a ripe age.

1 Corinthians 15:34

34 Awake to liue righteously, and sinne not: for some haue not ye knowledge of God, I speake this to your shame.

2 Corinthians 6:3

3 We giue no occasion of offence in any thing, that our ministerie shoulde not be reprehended.

2 Corinthians 11:21

21 I speake as concerning the reproche: as though that we had bene weake: but wherein any man is bold (I speake foolishly) I am bold also.

2 Corinthians 11:29

29 Who is weake, and I am not weake? who is offended, and I burne not?

Galatians 4:8

8 But euen then, when ye knewe not God, yee did seruice vnto them, which by nature are not gods: 9 But now seeing ye knowe God, yea, rather are knowen of God, howe turne ye againe vnto impotent and beggerly rudiments, whereunto as from the beginning ye wil be in bondage againe?

Galatians 5:13

13 For brethren, ye haue bene called vnto libertie: onely vse not your libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another.

Galatians 6:3

3 For if any man seeme to himselfe, that he is somewhat, when he is nothing, hee deceiueth himselfe in his imagination.

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessed be God, and the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly thinges in Christ,

Ephesians 1:20-23

20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his right hand in the heauenly places, 21 Farre aboue al principalitie, and power, and might, and domination, and euery Name, that is named, not in this world only, but also in that that is to come, 22 And hath made all things subiect vnder his feete, and hath giuen him ouer all things to be the head to the Church, 23 Which is his body, euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things.

Ephesians 3:14

14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ,

Ephesians 4:5-6

5 There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptisme, 6 One God and Father of all, which is aboue all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4:6-6

6 One God and Father of all, which is aboue all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4:16

16 By whome al the body being coupled and knit together by euery ioynt, for ye furniture therof (according to the effectual power, which is in the measure of euery part) receiueth increase of the body, vnto the edifying of itselfe in loue.

Philippians 2:9-11

9 Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name aboue euery name, 10 That at the Name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe, both of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth, 11 And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father.

Colossians 1:6

6 Which is come vnto you, eue as it is vnto al the world, and is fruitful, as it is also amog you, from ye day that ye heard and truely knew ye grace of God,

Colossians 1:16-17

16 For by him were all things created, which are in heauen, and which are in earth, thinges visible and inuisible: whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers, all things were created by him, and for him, 17 And hee is before all things, and in him all things consist.

Colossians 2:18

18 Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenesse of minde, and worshipping of Angels, aduauncing himselfe in those thinges which hee neuer sawe, rashly puft vp with his fleshly minde,

Colossians 2:20-23

20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world, why, as though ye liued in ye world, are ye burdened with traditions? 21 As, Touch not, Taste not, Handle not. 22 Which al perish with the vsing, and are after the commandements and doctrines of men. 23 Which thinges haue in deede a shewe of wisdome, in voluntarie religion and humblenesse of minde, and in not sparing the body, which are thinges of no valewe, sith they perteine to the filling of the flesh.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

4 Which is an aduersarie, and exalteth him selfe against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doeth sit as God in the Temple of God, shewing him selfe that he is God.

1 Timothy 1:5-7

5 For the end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith vnfained. 6 From the which things some haue erred, and haue turned vnto vaine iangling. 7 They would be doctours of the Law, and yet vnderstande not what they speake, neither whereof they affirme.

1 Timothy 1:17

17 Nowe vnto the King euerlasting, immortall, inuisible, vnto God onely wise, be honour and glorie, for euer, and euer, Amen.

1 Timothy 2:5

5 For there is one God, and one Mediatour betweene God and man, which is the man Christ Iesus,

1 Timothy 2:5-6

5 For there is one God, and one Mediatour betweene God and man, which is the man Christ Iesus, 6 Who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men, to be that testimonie in due time,

1 Timothy 6:3-4

3 If any man teach otherwise, and consenteth not to the wholesome wordes of our Lord Iesus Christ, and to the doctrine, which is according to godlinesse, 4 He is puft vp and knoweth nothing, but doteth about questions and strife of words, whereof commeth enuie, strife, railings, euill surmisings,

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the foundation of God remaineth sure, and hath this seale, The Lord knoweth who are his: and, Let euery one that calleth on the Name of Christ, depart from iniquitie.

2 Timothy 3:8-9

8 And as Iannes and Iambres withstoode Moses, so doe these also resist the trueth, men of corrupt mindes, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall preuaile no longer: for their madnesse shalbe euident vnto all men, as theirs also was.

Hebrews 1:2-3

2 Whom he hath made heire of al things, by whome also he made the worldes, 3 Who being the brightnes of the glory, and the ingraued forme of his person, and bearing vp all things by his mightie worde, hath by himselfe purged our sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie in the highest places,

Hebrews 13:9

9 Be not caried about with diuers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be stablished with grace, and not with meates, which haue not profited them that haue bene occupied therein.

James 1:12

12 Blessed is ye man, that endureth tentation: for when he is tried, hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him.

James 2:5

5 Hearken my beloued brethren, hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde, that they should be rich in faith, and heires of the kingdome which he promised to them that loue him?

1 Peter 1:2-3

2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God ye Father vnto sanctification of ye Spirit, through obedience and sprinkeling of the blood of Iesus Christ: Grace and peace bee multiplied vnto you. 3 Blessed bee God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead,

1 Peter 1:8

8 Whome yee haue not seene, and yet loue him, in whome nowe, though yee see him not, yet doe you beleeue, and reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious,

1 Peter 1:21

21 Which by his meanes doe beleeue in God that raised him from the dead, and gaue him glorie, that your faith and hope might bee in God,

1 Peter 2:16

16 As free, and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnesse, but as the seruauntes of God.

2 Peter 2:19

19 Promising vnto them libertie, and are themselues the seruants of corruption: for of whomsoeuer a man is ouercome, euen vnto the same is he in bondage.

1 John 4:19

19 We loue him, because he loued vs first.

1 John 5:2-3

2 In this we know that we loue the children of God, when we loue God, and keepe his commandements. 3 For this is the loue of God, that we keepe his commandements: and his commandements are not burdenous.

Jude 1:25

25 That is, to God only wise, our Sauiour, be glorie, and maiestie, and dominion, and power, both nowe and for euer, Amen.

Revelation 1:18

18 And am aliue, but I was dead: and beholde, I am aliue for euermore, Amen: and I haue the keyes of hell and of death.

Revelation 2:9

9 I knowe thy workes and tribulation, and pouertie (but thou art riche) and I knowe the blasphemie of them, which say they are Iewes, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:13

13 I knowe thy workes and where thou dwellest, euen where Satans throne is, and thou keepest my Name, and hast not denied my faith, euen in those dayes when Antipas my faithfull martyr was slaine among you, where Satan dwelleth. 14 But I haue a fewe things against thee, because thou hast there them that maintaine the doctrine of Balaam, which taught Balac to put a stumbling blocke before ye children of Israel, that they should eate of things sacrificed vnto Idoles, and commit fornication.

Revelation 2:19

19 I knowe thy workes and thy loue, and seruice, and faith, and thy patience, and thy workes, and that they are more at the last, then at the first. 20 Notwithstanding, I haue a few things against thee, that thou sufferest the woman Iezabel, which calleth her selfe a prophetesse, to teache and to deceiue my seruants to make them commit fornication, and to eate meates sacrificed vnto idoles.

Revelation 3:8-9

8 I knowe thy workes: beholde, I haue set before thee an open doore, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a litle strength and hast kept my worde, and hast not denied my Name. 9 Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which call themselues Iewes, and are not, but doe lye: beholde, I say, I will make them, that they shall come and worship before thy feete, and shall knowe that I haue loued thee.

Revelation 3:15-16

15 I knowe thy woorkes, that thou art neither colde nor hote: I woulde thou werest colde or hote. 16 Therefore, because thou art luke warme, and neither colde nor hote, it will come to passe, that I shall spewe thee out of my mouth.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.