Zechariah 2:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 for thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: With a glorious power hath he sent me out to the Heithe, which spoyled you: for who so toucheth you, shal touche the aple of his owne eye.

Genesis 20:6

6 And God sayde vnto him in a dreame: I knowe that thou dyddest it wt a pure hert, and therfore I kepte the, that thou shuldest not synne agaynst me, nether haue I suffred the to touch her.

Deuteronomy 32:10

10 He founde him in the wyldernesse, euen in the drye deserte where he roared. He led him aboute, and gaue him vnderstondinge: He kepte him as the aple of his eye.

2 Kings 24:2

2 And ye LORDE sent men of warre vpon him out of Chaldea, out of Syria, out of Moab, & fro amonge the childre of Ammon, & caused the for to come in to Iuda, to destroie it acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes.

Psalms 17:8

8 Kepe me as the apple of an eye, defende me vnder the shadowe of thy wynges.

Psalms 105:13-15

13 What tyme as they wente from one nacion to another, from one kyngdome to another. 14 He suffred no man to hurte them, but reproued euen kynges for their sakes. 15 Touch not myne anoynted, do my prophetes no harme.

Isaiah 48:15-16

15 I my self alone haue tolde you this before. Yee I shal call him and bringe him forth, & geue him a prosperous iourneye. 16 Come nye & heare this: haue I spoke eny thige darckly sence the begynnynge? whe a thige begynneth, I am there. Wherfore the LORDE God with his sprete hath sent me,

Isaiah 60:7-14

7 All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished. 8 But what are these that fle here like the cloudes, and as the doues flienge to their wyndowes? 9 The Iles also shal gather the vnto me, and specially the shippes of ye see: that they maye bringe the sonnes from farre, and their syluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the LORDE thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorified the. 10 Straugers shal buylde vp thy walles, and their kiges shal do the seruyce. For when I am angrie, I smyte the: and when it pleaseth me, I pardon the. 11 Thy gates shal stonde open still both daye and night, and neuer be shut: that the hooste of the Gentiles maye come, and that their kinges maye be brought vnto the. 12 For euery people & kingdome that serueth not the, shal perish, and be distroyed wt the swerde. 13 The glory of libanus shal come vnto the: The Fyrre trees, Boxes & Cedres together, to garnish the place of my Sanctuary, for I wil glorifie the place of my fete. 14 Morouer those shal come knelinge vnto the, yt haue vexed the: & all they that despised ye, shal fall downe at yi fote. Thou shalt be called the cite of the LORDE, the holy Sion of Israel.

Jeremiah 50:17-18

17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the Lyons haue dispersed them. First the kinge of the Assirians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon hath brussed all their bones. 18 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde, I will viset the kinge of Babilon & his kingdome, as I haue visited the kinge of the Assirians:

Jeremiah 51:34-35

34 Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon hath deuoured and distroyed me, he hath made me an emptie vessell. He swalowed me vp like a Dragon, and fylled his bely with my delicates: he hath cast me out, 35 he hath take my substaunce awaye, & the thinge that was left me hath he caried vnto Babilon, saieth the doughter, that dwelleth in Sion: Yee & my bloude also, vnto the Caldees, saieth Ierusalem.

Ezekiel 25:6-7

6 For thus saieth the LORDE God: In so moch as thou hast clapped with thine hondes, and stamped with thy fete, yee reioysed in thine herte ouer the londe of Israel with despyte: 7 beholde, I wil stretch out myne hode ouer the also, and delyuer the, to be spoyled off the Heithen, and rote the out from amonge the people, and cause the be destroyed out off all londes: yee I will make the be layed waist, that thou mayest knowe, that I am the LORDE.

Ezekiel 25:12

12 Morouer, thus sayeth the LORDE God: Because that Edom hath avenged & eased himself vpon the house off Iuda,

Ezekiel 25:15

15 Thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as the Philistynes haue done this: namely, taken vengeaunce with despitefull stomackes, and off an olde euell will set them selues to destroye:

Ezekiel 26:2

2 Thou sonne of man, Because that Tyre hath spoken vpon Ierusalem: A ha, now I trow the portes of the people be broken, and she turned vnto me, for I haue destroyed my bely full.

Ezekiel 35:5

5 For so moch as thou bearest an olde enemyte agaynst the children of Israel, & with a cruel honde hast made them afrayed, what tyme as they were troubled & punyshed for their synne:

Joel 3:2-8

2 I shal gather all people together, & brynge the in to the valley of Iosaphat: and there wil I reason with the, because of my people & heretage of Israel: who they haue scatred aboute in the nacions, & parted my lode: 3 yee they haue cast lottes for my people, the yonge me haue they set in the brodel house, & solde the Damsels for wyne, yt they might haue to drike. 4 Thou Tirus and Sido and all ye borders of the Philistynes: what haue ye to do with me? Will ye defye me? well: yf ye will nedes defye me, I shall recopence you, euen vpon youre heade, & yt right shortly: 5 for ye haue take awaye my syluer & golde, my fayre & goodly Iewels, & brought them in to youre gods houses. 6 The children also of Iuda and Ierusalem haue ye solde vnto the Grekes, that ye might brynge the farre fro ye borders of their owne countrees. 7 Beholde therfore: I will rayse them out of the place, where ye haue solde them, & will rewarde you euen vpon youre heade. 8 Youre sonnes & youre doughters will I sell thorow the hondes of the childre of Iuda, & so they shal geue them forth to sell, vnto the of Saba, a people of a farre coutre: for the LORDE himself hath sayde it.

Amos 1:3-5

3 Thus sayeth the LORDE: for thre & foure wickednesses of Damascus, I will not spare her: because they haue thro?hed Galaad wt yro flales: 4 But I wil sende a fyre in to ye house of Hazael, the same shal consume the palaces of Benadab. 5 Thus wil I breake the barres off Damascus, & rote out the inhabiter fro the felde of Auen, and him yt holdeth the scepter, out of ye pleasunt house: so yt the people shalbe dryuen out of fayre Siria, sayeth the LORDE.

Amos 1:9

9 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre and foure wickednesses off the cite off Tyre, I will not spare her: because they haue increased ye captiuyte of the Edomites, and haue not remembred the brotherly couenaunt.

Amos 1:11

11 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre and foure wickednesses of Edom I wil not spare him, because he persecuted his brother with the swerde, destroyed his mothers wombe, bare hatred very longe, and so kepte indignacion allwaye by him.

Amos 1:13

13 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre ad foure wickednesses of the children off Ammon, I will not spare them: because they rypte vp the wome greate with childe in Galaad, to make the borders of their londes the wyder.

Obadiah 1:10-16

10 Shame shal come vpon the, for ye malice that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee for euermore shalt thou perish, 11 & that because of the tyme, when thou didest set thyself agaynst him, euen when the enemies caried awaye his hoost, and when the aleauntes came in at his portes, and cast lottes vpon Ierusalem, and thou thyself wast as one of them. 12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of his captiuyte: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccion, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble. 13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates off my people, in the tyme of their decaye: thou shalt not se their mysery in the daye of their fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst their hoost, in the daye of their aduersite: 14 nether shalt thou stode waytinge enymore at ye corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of their trouble. 15 For the daye off the LORDE is harde by vpon all Heithen. Like as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte withall, yee thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thine heade. 16 For like wyse as ye haue droncken vpon myne holy hill, so shal all heithen dryncke continually: yee dryncke shall they, and swalowe vp, so that ye shall be, as though ye had neuer bene.

Micah 4:11

11 Now also are there many people gathered together agaynst the, sayenge: what, Sion is cursed, we shall se oure lust vpon her.

Micah 5:6

6 these shal subdue the londe of Assur wt the swerde, and the londe of Nymrod with their naked weapens. Thus shal he delyuer vs from the Assiria, when he commeth within oure lande, and setteth his fote within oure borders.

Micah 7:10

10 She that is myne enemy shall loke vpon it, & be confounded, which now saieth: Where is thy LORDE God? Myne eyes shal beholde her, when she shalbe troden downe, as the claye in the stretes.

Habakkuk 2:8

8 Seinge thou hast spoyled many Heithen, therfore shall the remnaunt of the people spoyle the: because of mens bloude, & for the wronge done in the londe, in the cite & vnto all them that dwel therin.

Habakkuk 2:17

17 For the wroge that thou hast done in Libanus, shal ouerwhelme the, and the wilde beastes shal make the afrayed: because of mens bloude, and for the wronge done in the londe, in the cite, and vnto all soch as dwel therin.

Zephaniah 2:8

8 I haue herde the despite of Moab, & the blasphemies of the children of Ammon: how they haue shamefully intreated my people, and magnified them selues within the borders of their londe.

Zechariah 1:15-16

15 and sore displeased at the carelesse Heithen: for where as I was but a litle angrie, they dyd their best that I might destroye them 16 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: I wil turne me agayne in mercy towarde Ierusalem, so that my house shalbe buylded in it, saieth the LORDE of hoostes: yee and the plommet shal be layed abrode in Ierusalem, saieth the LORDE of hoostes.

Zechariah 2:4-5

4 & sayde vnto him: Runne, speake to this yonge man, & saye: Ierusalem shal be inhabited without eny wal, for ye very multitude of people & catell, yt shal be therin. 5 Yee I myself (saieth the LORDE) wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute, & wilbe honoured in her.

Zechariah 2:9

9 Beholde, I will lift vp myne honde ouer them: so that they shal be spoyled of those, which afore serued them: & ye shal knowe, that the LORDE of hoostes hath sent me.

Zechariah 2:11

11 At the same tyme there shal many Heithen cleue to the LORDE, & shal be my people. Thus wil I dwel in the myddest of the, & thou shalt knowe, that the LORDE of hoostes hath sent me vnto the.

Malachi 3:1

1 Beholde, I wil sende my messaunger, which shal prepare the waye before me: and the LORDE whom ye wolde haue, shal soone come to his temple, yee euen the messaunger of the couenaunt whom ye longe for. Beholde, he commeth, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Matthew 25:40

40 And the kynge shal answer and saye vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: Loke what ye haue done vnto one of the least of these my brethren, the same haue ye done vnto me.

Matthew 25:45

45 The shal he answere them, and saye: Verely I saye vnto you: Loke what ye haue not done vnto one of the leest of these, the same haue ye not done vnto me.

John 14:23-24

23 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him. 24 But he that loueth me not, kepeth not my sayenges. And the worde that ye heare, is not myne, but the fathers which hath sent me.

John 14:26

26 But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you.

John 15:21-23

21 But all this shal they do vnto you for my names sake, because they knowe not him yt sent me. 22 Yf I had not come & spoke vnto the, the shulde they haue no synne But now haue they nothinge to cloake their synne withall. 23 He yt hateth me, hateth my father also.

John 17:18

18 Like as thou hast sent me in to the worlde, so haue I sent them in to the worlde:

Acts 9:4

4 and he fell to the earth, and herde a voyce, which sayde vnto him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?

2 Thessalonians 1:6

6 For it is a righteous thinge with God, to recopence tribulacion vnto the yt trouble you:

1 John 4:9-10

9 By this appeared the loue of God to vs warde, because that God sent his onely begotten sonne in to this worlde, that we mighte lyue thorow him. 10 Herein is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his sonne to make agremet for oure synnes.

1 John 4:14

14 And we haue sene, & testifye that the father sent the sonne to be the Sauioure of the worlde.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.