Romans 11:33 Cross References - Coverdale

33 O the depenesse of the riches, both of the wyssdome and knowlege of God? How incomprehensible are his iudgmentes, and his wayes vnsearcheable?

Job 5:9

9 which doth thinges, that are vnsearcheable, and marueles without nobre:

Job 9:10

10 He doth greate thinges, soch as are vnsearcheable, yee and wonders without nombre.

Job 11:7-9

7 Wilt thou fynde out God with thy sekynge? wilt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the Allmightie? 8 He is hyer the heaue, what wilt thou do? Deper the hell, how wilt thou then knowe him? 9 His length exceadeth the length of the earth, and his bredth ye bredth of the see.

Job 26:14

14 This is now a shorte summe of his doynges. But who is able sufficiently to rehearce his workes? Who can perceaue and vnderstonde ye thondre of his power?

Job 33:13

13 Why doest thou then stryue agaynst him, because he geueth the no accomptes of all his doinges?

Job 37:19

19 Teach vs what we shal saye vnto hi, for we are vnmete because of darcknes.

Job 37:23

23 It is not we that can fynde out the allmightie: for in power, equite and rigtuousnesse he is hyer then can be expressed.

Psalms 36:6

6 Thy rightuousnesse stondeth like the stronge mountaynes, & thy iudgment like the greate depe.

Psalms 40:5

5 O LORDE my God, greate are yi wonderous workes which thou hast done: & in thy thoughtes towarde vs there maye none be lickened vnto the.

Psalms 77:19

19 Thy waye was in the see, and thy pathes in the greate waters, yet coude no man knowe thy fotesteppes.

Psalms 92:5

5 O LORDE, how glorious are thy workes, thy thoughtes are very depe.

Psalms 97:2

2 Cloudes and darcknesse are rounde aboute him, rightuousnesse and iudgment are the habitacion of his seate.

Psalms 107:8-43

8 O that me wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the wonders that he doth for the childre of me. 9 For he satisfied the emptie soule, & fylled the hongrie soule wt good. 10 Soch as sat in darcknesse and in the shadowe of death, beynge fast bounde in misery & yron. 11 Because they were not obediet to the comaundementes of God, but lightly regarded the councell of the most highest. 12 Their herte was vexed with labor, they fell downe, & there was none to helpe them. 13 So they cried vnto the LORDE in their trouble, & he delyuered them out of their distresse. 14 He brought the out of darcknesse & out of the shadowe of death, & brake their bondes in sonder. 15 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the woders that he doth for the childre of men. 16 For he hath broken the gates of brasse, & smitte the barres of yron in sonder. 17 Foolish me were plaged for their offence, & because of their wickednesse. 18 Their soule abhorred all maner of meate, they were eue harde at deathes dore. 19 So they cried vnto the LORDE in their trouble, & he delyuered the out of their distresse. 20 He sent his worde & healed the, & saued the from destruccion. 21 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the wonders that he doth for the children of men. 22 That they wolde offre vnto him the sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, and tell out his workes with gladnes. 23 They that go downe to the see in shippes, & occupie their busynesse in greate waters. 24 These men se the workes of the LORDE, & his wonders in the depe. 25 For at his worde, the stormy wynde aryseth, and lifteth vp the wawes therof. 26 They are caried vp to the heauen, & downe agayne to the depe, their soule melteth awaye in the trouble. 27 They rele to and fro, they stacker like a droncken man, and are at their wittes ende. 28 So they crie vnto the LORDE in their trouble, & he delyuereth the out of their distresse. 29 He maketh the storme to ceasse, so that the wawes are still. 30 The are they glad because they be at rest, & so he bryngeth them vnto the hauen where they wolde be. 31 O that men wolde prayse the goodnes of the LORDE, and the wonders that he doth for the children of men. 32 That they wolde exalte him in the cogregacion of the people, & loaue him in the seate of the elders. 33 Which turneth the floudes in to drie londe, and drieth vp the water sprynges. 34 A frutefull londe maketh he baren, for the wickednesse of them that dwell therin. 35 Agayne, he maketh the wildernes a stondinge water, and water sprynges of a drye grounde. 36 There he setteth the hongrie, that they maye buylde them a cite to dwell in. 37 That they maye sowe their groude, plante vynyaydes, to yelde them frutes of increase. 38 He blesseth them, so that they multiplie exceadingly, and suffreth not their catell to decrease. 39 Whe they are minished & brought lowe thorow oppressio, thorow eny plage or trouble. 40 Though he suffre the to be euell intreated thorow tyrauntes, or let them wandre out of the waye in the wildernesse: 41 Yet helpeth he the poore out of misery (at the last) and maketh him an housholde like a flocke of shepe. 42 The rightuous wil cosidre this and reioyse, the mouth of all wickednesse shall be stopped. 43 Who so is wyse, and pondreth these thinges well, shall vnderstonde the louynge kyndnesses of the LORDE.

Proverbs 25:3

3 The heauen is hie, ye earth is depe, and ye kinges hert is vnsearcheable.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

11 All this hath he ordened maruelous goodly, to euery thinge his due tyme. He hath plated ignoraunce also in the hertes of men, yt they shulde not fynde out ye grounde of his workes, which he doth from ye beginninge to ye ende.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?

Romans 2:4

4 Or despysest thou the riches of his goodnesse, pacience, and loge sufferinge? Knowest thou not, that ye louynge kyndnesse of God leadeth the to repentaunce?

Romans 9:23

23 that he mighte declare the riches off his glorye on ye vessels of mercy, which he hath prepared vnto glorye,

Ephesians 1:7

7 in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace,

Ephesians 2:7

7 yt in tymes to come he mighte shewe the exceadinge riches of his grace, in kyndnesse to vs warde in Christ Iesu.

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ,

Ephesians 3:10

10 to the intent that now vnto the rulers and powers in heaue mighte be knowne by the congregacion the manifolde wyssdome off God,

Ephesians 3:16

16 that he graunte you (acordinge to ye riches of his glory) to be strengthed with power by his sprete in ye inwarde ma,

Ephesians 3:18

18 maye be able to coprehende with all sayntes, what is the bredth, and the length, and the deepth, and the heyth:

Colossians 1:27

27 to whom God wolde make knowne the glorious riches of this mistery amoge ye Heythen: which (riches) is Christ in you, eue he that is the hope of glory,

Colossians 2:2-3

2 that their hertes mighte be comforted and knytt together in loue, to all riches of full vnderstodinge, which is in the knowlege of the mystery of God the father and of Christ, 3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.