Revelation 12:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 And there was a greate batayll in heaue Michael and his angels foughte with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels,

Psalms 78:49

49 How he smote their catell with haylestones, and their flockes with hote thoder boltes.

Isaiah 34:5

5 For my swearde (saieth he) shalbe bathed in heauen, & shal immediatly come downe vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce.

Isaiah 55:4

4 Beholde, I shal geue him for a witnesse amoge ye folke, for a prynce & captayne vnto the people.

Daniel 10:13

13 had not the prynce ouer the kingdome of the, Perses wt stonde me xxj. dayes. But lo, Michael one of the chefe prynces, came to helpe me, him haue I left by the kinge of Persia,

Daniel 10:21

21 Neuertheles, I wil shewe the the thinge, yt is fast noted in the scripture of treuth. And as for all yonder matters, there is none that helpeth me in them, but Michael youre prynce.

Daniel 12:1

1 The tyme wil come also, that the greate prynce Michael, which stondeth on thy peoples syde, shal aryse vp, for there shal come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there begane to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shal thy people be delyuered, yee all those that be foude written in the boke.

Matthew 13:41

41 The sonne of man shal sende forth his angels, & they shal gather out of his kingdome all thinges yt offende, & the yt do iniquyte,

Matthew 16:27

27 For it wil come to passe, that the sonne of ma shal come in the glory of his father with his angels, and then shal he rewarde euery one acordinge to his dedes.

Matthew 24:31

31 And he shal sende his angels with ye greate voyce of a trompe, & they shal gather together his chosen from the foure wyndes, from one ende of the heauen to the other.

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shal he saye also vnto them that shalbe on the left hande: Departe fro me ye cursed in to the euerlastinge fyre, which is prepared for the deuell and his angels.

Matthew 26:53

53 Or thinkest thou that I can not praye my father now, to sende me more then twolue legions of angels?

2 Corinthians 12:7

7 And lest I shulde exalte my selfe out of measure because of the hye reuelacions, there is a warnynge geuen vnto my flesh, euen ye messaunger of Satan, to buffet me, that I shulde not exalte my selfe out off measure:

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen.

2 Thessalonians 1:7

7 but vnto you which are troubled, rest with vs, wha the LORDE Iesus shal shewe himselfe from heauen, with the angels of his power,

Hebrews 2:10

10 For it became him, for whom are all thinges, and by who are all thinges (after yt he had broughte many children vnto glory) that he shulde make the LORDE of their saluacion perfecte thorow sufferynge,

2 Peter 2:4

4 For yf God spared not the angels that synned, but cast them downe with the cheynes of darknes in to hell, and delyuered the ouer to be kepte vnto iudgment:

Jude 1:9

9 Yet Michael the archangell when he stroue agaynst the deuell, & disputed aboute the body of Moses, durst not geue raylinge sentence, but sayde: the LORDE rebuke the.

Revelation 12:3-4

3 And there appeared another token in heauen, and beholde a greate reed dragon, hauinge seuen heades, and ten hornes and seue crownes vpo his heades: 4 and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stode before the woma, which was ready to be delyuered: for to devoure her childe as sone as it were borne.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also.

Revelation 13:7

7 And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the sayntes, and to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, tonge, and nacion:

Revelation 19:11-20

11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fyre, and on his heade were many crounes: & he had a name wrytten, that noman knewe but him selfe. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloude, and his name is called, ye worde of God. 14 And ye warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed with whyte and pure sylke 15 and out of his mouthe wente a sharppe swerde, that with it he shulde smyte the Heithen: And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefatte of the fearcenesse and wrath of allmightye God. 16 And hath on his vesture and on his thyghe a name wrytten: Kynge of all kinges, and LORDE of all lordes. 17 And I sawe an angell stonde in the Sonne, and he cryed with a lowde voyce, sayenge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes vnder the heauen: Come and gaddre youre selues togedder vnto the supper of the gret God, 18 that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges, and of hye captaynes, and the flesshe of mighty men, and the flesshe of horsses, and of the that syt on them, and the flesshe of all free men and bond men, both of small and greate. 19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone:

Revelation 20:2

2 And he toke the dragon that olde serpent (which is the deuell and Satanas) and he bounde him a thousand yeares:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.