Psalms 96:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 Tell it out amonge the Heithe, that the LORDE is kynge: and that it is he which hath made the rounde worlde so fast, that it cannot be moued, and how that he shal iudge the people rightuously.

Psalms 2:8-12

8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt rule them with a rodde of yron, and breake the in peces like an erthen vessell. 10 Be wyse now therfore (o ye kynges) be warned, ye that are iudges of the earth. 11 Serue the LORDE with feare, and reioyse before him with reuerence. 12 Kysse the sonne, lest the LORDE be angrie, and so ye perish from the right waye. For his wrath shalbe kindled shortly: blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Psalms 9:8

8 He gouerneth ye worlde with rightuousnes & ministreth true iudgmet vnto the people.

Psalms 18:49

49 It is he that delyuereth me fro my cruell enemies: thou shalt lift me vp from them that ryse agaynst me, thou shalt ryd me from the wicked man.

Psalms 46:6

6 The Heithen are madd, the kyngdomes make moch adoo: but whe he sheweth his voyce, ye earth melteth awaye.

Psalms 46:10

10 Be still the & confesse yt I am God: I wil be exalted amonge the Heithe, & I wil be exalted vpon earth.

Psalms 58:11

11 So that men shal saye: verely, there is a rewarde for ye rightuous: doutles, there is a God that iudgeth the earth.

Psalms 59:13

13 Cosume them in yi wrath, cosume the yt they maye perish, & knowe yt it is God, which ruleth in Iacob and in all the worlde.

Psalms 67:4

4 O let the people reioyse and be glad, that thou iudgest the folke rightuously, and gouernest the nacions vpo earth.

Psalms 93:1

1 The LORDE is kynge, and hath put on glorious apparell, the LORDE hath put on his apparell, & gyrded himself with stregth:

Psalms 96:13-97:1

13 Before the LORDE, for he commeth: for he cometh to iudge the earth: yee with rightuousnesse shal he iudge the worlde, and ye people with his trueth.

Psalms 98:9-99:1

9 Let the floudes clappe their hondes, and let all the hilles be ioyfull together. Before the LORDE, for he is come to iudge the earth. Yee with rightuousnes shall he iudge the worlde, and the people with equite.

Psalms 126:2

2 The shal oure mouth be fylled with laughter, and oure tonge with ioye.

Isaiah 11:3-5

3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge: 4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked. 5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes.

Isaiah 49:8

8 And thus saieth the LORDE: In the tyme apoynted wil I be present with the. And in the houre of health wil I helpe the, & delyuer the. I wil make the a pledge for ye people, so yt thou shalt helpe vp the earth agayne, and chalenge agayne the scatred heretages:

Daniel 2:44

44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer.

Malachi 1:11

11 For from the rysinge vp of ye sonne vnto ye goinge downe of the same, my name is greate amonge the Gentiles: Yee in euery place shal there sacrifice be done, and a clene meatofferinge offred vp vnto my name: for my name is greate amonge the Heithe, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Malachi 1:14

14 Cursed be the dyssembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male, and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE. For I am a greate kynge (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen.

Matthew 3:2

2 saynge: Amede youre selues, the kyngdome of heuen is at honde.

Acts 17:31

31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the which he wyl iudge the copasse of the worlde, with righteousnesse, by that one man in who he hath appoynted it: and offred faith vnto all men, after that he had raysed him vp from the deed.

Romans 2:5-6

5 But thou after thine harde and impenitent hert, heapest vnto thy selfe a treasure of wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and of the openynge of the righteous iudgment of God, 6 which shal rewarde euery man acordinge to his dedes:

Romans 3:5-6

5 But yf it be so, that oure vnrighteousnes prayseth ye righteousnes of God, what shal we saye? Is God then vnrighteous, that he is angrie therfore? (I speake thus after the maner off men) 6 God forbyd. How mighte God the iudge ye worlde?

Galatians 1:16

16 for to declare his sonne in me, that I shulde preach him thorow the Gospell amonge the Heythen, immediatly I commened not of the matter with flesh and bloude:

Colossians 2:7

7 and be roted & buylded in him, and be stedfast in faith, as ye haue learned: & be plenteous in the same in geuynge thankes.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory, & the very ymage of his substaunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne personne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye:

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth angel blewe, and ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayege: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure LORDES and his Christes, and he shal reigne for eurmore.

Revelation 19:6

6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.

Revelation 19:11

11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.