Psalms 78:32 Cross References - Coverdale

32 But for all this they synned yet more, and beleued not his woderous workes.

Numbers 14:1-45

1 Then the whole cogregacion toke on, and cryed, and the people wepte yt night. 2 And all the childre of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregacion sayde vnto them: Oh that we had dyed in the lande of Egipte, or that we might dye yet in this wyldernesse. 3 Wherfore bryngeth the LORDE vs in to this lande, that oure wyues shulde fall thorow the swerde, and ouer children be a praye? Is it not better, that we go agayne in to Egipte? 4 And they sayde one to another: Let vs make a captayne, and go into Egipte agayne. 5 But Moses & Aaron fell vpo their faces before ye whole cogregacion of the multitude of the childre of Israel. 6 And Iosua ye sonne of Nun, & Caleb ye sonne of Iephune (which also had spyed out the lande) rente their clothes, 7 & spake to the whole cogregacion of the children of Israel: The londe yt we haue walked thorow to spye it out, is a very good lande. 8 Yf the LORDE haue lust vnto vs, he shal brynge vs in to the same londe, & geue it vs, which is a lade that floweth with mylke & hony. 9 But in anye wyse rebell not ye agaynst the LORDE, & feare not ye people of this lande, for we wil eate the vp as bred. Their defence is departed fro them, but the LORDE is wt vs, be not ye afrayed of them. 10 And all the people, bad stone them wt stones. Then appeared the glory of the LORDE in the Tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the children of Israel, 11 & the LORDE sayde vnMoses: How longe shal this people blaspheme me? And how longe wil it be, or they beleue me, for all the tokes that I haue shewed amonge them? 12 I wil smyte them with pestilence & destroye the, & wil make of the a greater & mightier people then this is. 13 But Moses sayde vnto ye LORDE: Then shal ye Egipcians heare it (for wt thy power hast thou brought this people from amoge the) 14 so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season. 15 Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man, then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the, shulde saye: 16 The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe, that he sware vnto them, therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes. 17 So let the power of the LORDE now be greate, acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde: 18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion. 19 O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy, like as thou hast forborne this people also, euer from Egipte vnto this place. 20 And the LORDE sayde: I haue forgeue it, as thou hast saide. 21 But as truly as I lyue, all ye worlde shalbe full of my glory. 22 For of all ye men that haue sene my glory & my tokens, which I dyd in Egipte and in the wildernesse, and tempted me new ten tymes, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce, 23 there shall not one se the londe that I sware vnto their fathers: nether shal eny of them that haue blasphemed me, se it. 24 But my seruaut Caleb, because there is another maner sprete with him, & because he hath folowed me, him wil I brynge in to the lande, which he hath gone thorow, & his sede shal conquere it, 25 and ye Amalechites also and the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countrees. Tomorow turne you, and get you to the wyldernesse, in the waye towarde the reed see. 26 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & sayde: 27 How loge shal this euell multitude murmur agaynst me? 28 For I haue herde the murmuringe of the childre of Israel, yt they haue murmured agaynst me. Tell them therfore: As trulye as I lyue (sayeth ye LORDE) I wil do vnto you, euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares: 29 Youre carcases shal lye in this wildernesse. And all ye that were nombred from twentye yeare and aboue, which haue murmured agaynst me, 30 shall not come in to the lande (cocernynge the which I lift vp my hade, yt I wolde let you dwell therin) saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 31 Youre children, of whom ye sayde: They shalbe a spoyle, them wyll I brynge in, so yt they shal knowe the lande, which ye haue refused. 32 But ye with youre carcases shall lye in this wildernesse, 33 and yor children shal wander in this wildernesse fourtye yeares, & beare yor whordome, tyll yor carcases be waisted in the wildernesse, 34 acordinge to the nombre of ye fourtye dayes, wherin ye spyed out the londe. A daye for a yeare, so yt fourtye yeares ye shall beare youre my?dede, that ye maye knowe what it is, whan I withdrawe my hande. 35 Euen I the LORDE haue sayde it, & wil do it in dede vnto all this euell congregacion, that haue lift vp them selues agaynst me: In this wildernesse shal they be consumed, and there shal they dye. 36 So there dyed and were plaged before the LORDE all the me, whom Moses sent to spye out the lade, & came agayne, and made the whole cogregacion to murmur agaynst it, because they brought vp a my?reporte of the lande, 37 that it was euell. 38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun, and Caleb ye sonne of Iephune were left alyue, of the men that wente to spye out the lande. 39 And Moses spake these wordes vnto all the children of Israel. The toke the people greate sorowe. 40 And they arose early in ye mornynge, and wente vp to the toppe of ye mountayne, and sayde: Lo, here are we, and will go vp to the place, wherof the LORDE hath sayde: for we haue synned. 41 But Moses sayde: wherfore go ye on this maner beyonde ye worde of the LORDE? It shall not prospere with you: 42 go not vp (for ye LORDE is not amoge you) yt ye be not slayne before yor enemies. 43 For the Amalechites and Cananites are there before you, & ye shal fall thorow ye swerde, because ye haue turned yor selues from the LORDE, and the LORDE shal not be with you. 44 But they were blynded to go vp to the toppe of the mountaine: neuertheles the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt & Moses came not out of the hooste. 45 Then came downe ye Amalechites & Cananites which dwelt vpon that mountayne, and smote them and hewed them, euen vnto Horma.

Numbers 16:1-17

1 And Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Kahath, the sonne of Leui, with Dathan and Abiram the sonne of Eliab, and On the sonne of Peleth, ye sonnes of Rube, 2 tode vp agaynst Moses, with certayne men amonge the childre of Israel, two hundreth & fyftie captaynes of the congregacion, councelers, & famous men. 3 And they gathered them selues agaynst Moses & Aaro & sayde vnto them: Ye make to moch adoo, for all the congregacion is holy euery one, and the LORDE is amonge them: Why lifte ye youre selues vp then aboue the congregacion of the LORDE? 4 Whan Moses herde yt, he fell vpo his face, 5 & saide vnto Corah, & to all his company: Tomorow shal ye LORDE shewe who is his, & who is holy to come vnto him. Who so euer he choseth, ye same shal come vnto him. 6 This do: Take ye censors, thou Corah & all yi copanye, 7 & do fyre therin, & put incense theron tomorow before the LORDE: then whom so euer the LORDE choseth, the same shal be holy. Ye make to moch a doo, ye children of Leui. 8 And Moses sayde vnto Corah: Heare ye childre of Leui, 9 it not ynough vnto you, yt ye God of Israel hath separated you fro ye multitude of Israel, yt ye shulde come nye him, to do the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the LORDE, and stonde before the people to mynister vnto them? 10 He hath caused the and all thy brethren the childre of Leui with the, to come nye vnto him: and now ye seke the presthode also. 11 Thou and all thy copany conspyre agaynst the LORDE. What is Aaron, that ye shulde murmur against him? 12 And Moses sent to call Datha & Abira ye sonnes of Eliab. But they saide: We wil not come vp. 13 Is it to litle yt thou hast brought vs out of ye lande of Egipte (yt floweth wt mylke & hony) to kyll vs in ye wildernesse: but thou must raigne ouer vs also? 14 How goodly well hast thou brought vs in to a lande, that floweth wt milke and hony, & geue vs feldes and vyniardes in possession? Wilt thou put out these mens eyes? We will not come vp. 15 Then was Moses very wroth, & saide vnto ye LORDE: Turne ye not vnto their meatofferinges. I haue not take so moch as an Asse fro the, nether haue I hurte eny of the. 16 And Moses sayde vnto Corah: Tomorow be thou & all yi companye before ye LORDE, thou, and they, & Aaron. 17 And take euery one his censer, and put incense therin, and come before the LORDE, euery one with his censer (that is two hundreth and fiftye censers) and both thou and Aaron take either his censer.

Numbers 21:1-6

1 And whan Arad the kynge of the Cananites (which dwelt towarde the south) herde, that Israel came in by ye waie yt the spyes had founde out, he fought agaynst Israel, and toke some of them presoners. 2 Then vowed Israel a vowe vnto ye LORDE, and sayde: Yf thou wylt geue this people vnder my hande, I wyll vtterly destroye their cities. 3 And the LORDE herde ye voyce of Israel, and delyuered them the Cananites, and they vtterly destroyed them wt their cities also. And he called the place Horma. 4 Then departed they fro mount Hor on ye waye towarde the reed see, that they might go aboute the lande of the Edomites. And the soules of the people faynted by the waie 5 and they spake agaynst God and agaynst Moses: Wherfore hast thou brought vs out of the lande of Egipte, to slaye vs in the wildernesse? For here is nether bred ner water, and oure soule lotheth this lighte meate. 6 Than sent the LORDE fyrie serpentes amonge the people, which bote the peple, so that there dyed moch people in Israel.

Numbers 25:1-18

1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim, and the people beganne to commytte whordome with the doughters of the Moabites, 2 which called the people vnto the sacrifice of their goddes. And the people ate and worshipped their goddes, 3 and Israel submytted him self vnto Baal Peor. Then the wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpon Israel, 4 and he sayde vnto Moses: Take all the rulers of the people, and hange them vp vnto the LORDE agaynst ye Sonne, that the terryble wrath of the LORDE maye be turned awaye from Israel. 5 And Moses sayde vnto the iudges of Israel: Euery man slaye his captayne, that haue submytted them selues vnto Baal Peor. 6 And beholde, one of the childre of Israel wete in against his brethre, & ioyned him self to a Madianitish woma, in ye sighte of Moses & of the whole cogregacion of ye childre of Israel, which weped before the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 7 Whan Phineas ye sonne of Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest sawe yt, he rose vp out of the congregacion, & toke a swerde in his hande, 8 & wente after the man of Israel in to the whore house, & thrust the thorow, both the man of Israel and the woman, eue thorow the bely of her. Then ceassed the plage from the children of Israel, 9 and there were slayne in the plage foure and twentye thousande. 10 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, & saide: 11 Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the sonne of Aaron ye prest, hath turned my wrath awaie from the childre of Israel thorow his gelousy for my sake amonge them, yt I shulde not cosume the childre of Israel in my gelousy. 12 Wherfore saye: beholde, I geue him my couenaunt of peace, 13 and he shal haue it, & his sede after him, eue the couenaunt of an euerlastinge presthode, because he was gelous for his Gods sake, and made an attonement for the children of Israel. 14 The man of Israel that was slayne with the Madianitish woman, was called Simri the sonne of Salu, a captayne of the house of the father of the Simeonites. 15 The Madianitish woman also that was slayne, was called Co?bi, ye doughter of Zur, which was a ruler of the people of a kynred amonge the Madianites. 16 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 17 Vexe the Madianites, & smyte them, 18 for they haue vexed you with their wyles, wherby they haue bigyled you thorow Peor, and thorow their sister Co?bi the doughter of a captayne of ye Madianites, which was slayne in the daye of the plage, for Peors sake, and the plage came after.

Psalms 78:11

11 They kepte not the couenaut of God, & wolde not walke in his lawe.

Psalms 78:22

22 When the LORDE herde this, he was wroth: so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob, and heuy displeasure agaynst Israel.

Ezekiel 20:13

13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wildernesse, they wolde not walke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes: (which whoso kepeth shulde lyue in them,) and my Sabbath daies haue thy greatly vnhalowed. The I made me to poure out my indignacion vpon them, & to cosume them in the wildernesse.

Luke 16:31

31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.

John 12:37

37 And though he had done soch tokens before the, yet beleued they not on him,

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