Psalms 51:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 The sacrifice of God is a troubled sprete, a broken and a cotrite hert (o God) shalt thou not despise.

2 Kings 22:19

19 and hast humbled thyselfe before the LORDE, to heare what I haue spoken agaynst this place and the inhabiters therof (how that they shall become a very desolacion and curse) & hast rente thy clothes, and wepte before me, I haue herde it, sayeth the LORDE:

2 Chronicles 33:12-13

12 And whan he was in trouble, he made intercession before the LORDE his God, and humbled him selfe greatly before the God of his fathers, 13 and prayed and besoughte him. Then herde he his prayer, and broughte him agayne to Ierusalem to his kyngdome. And Manasses knewe that the LORDE is God.

Psalms 22:24

24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the myserable estate of the poore: he hath not hyd his face fro me, but whe I called vnto him, he herde me.

Psalms 34:18

18 The LORDE is nye vnto them yt are contrite in hert, & wil helpe soch as be of an huble sprete.

Psalms 102:17

17 He turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute, and despyseth not their desyre.

Psalms 107:22

22 That they wolde offre vnto him the sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, and tell out his workes with gladnes.

Psalms 147:3

3 He healeth the contrite in herte, and byndeth vp their woundes.

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saieth the hie and excellet, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holyone: I dwel hie aboue and in the sanctuary, & with him also, yt is of a cotrite and huble sprete: yt I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a cotrite herte.

Isaiah 61:1-3

1 The sprete of the LORDE God is wt me, for ye LORDE hath anoynted me, & sent me, to preach good tydiges vnto the poore, yt I might bynde vp ye wounded hertes, yt I might preach delyueraunce to ye captyue, & open the preson to the that are bounde: 2 yt I might declare ye acceptable yeare of ye LORDE, & the daye of ye avegeaunce of oure God: that I might comforte all them that are in heuynesse, 3 that I might geue vnto them yt mourne in Sion, bewty in the steade of asshes, ioyful oyntmet for sighinge, pleasaunt raymet for an heuy mide: That they might be called excellent in rightuousnesse, a platinge of the LORDE for him to reioyce in.

Isaiah 66:2

2 As for these thinges, my hode hath made them all, and they are all created, saieth the LORDE. Which of them shal I then regarde? Eue him that is of a lowly troubled sprete, and stodeth in awe of my wordes.

Ezekiel 9:3-4

3 for the glory of the LORDE was gone awaye from the Cherub, and was come downe to the thresholde of the house, & he called the ma, that had the lynnynge rayment vpon him, and the writers ynckhorne by his syde, 4 and the LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye thorow the cite of Ierusalem, and set this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo the foreheades of them, that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominacions, that be done therin.

Ezekiel 9:6

6 Kyll, & destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, children, and wyues. But as for those, that haue this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they begane at the elders, which were in the Temple,

Amos 5:21

21 I hate and abhorre youre holy dayes, ad where as ye cense me when ye come together I will not accepte it.

Matthew 5:3

3 Blessed are the poore in sprete: for theirs is the kyngdome of heue.

Mark 12:33

33 and to loue him with all the hert, with all the mynde, with all the soule, and with all the strength, and to loue a mans neghboure as himself, is more then brent sacrifices and all offerynges.

Luke 7:39-50

39 But whan the Pharise which had called him sawe that, he spake within himself, and sayde: Yf this ma were a prophet, he wolde knowe who, & what maner of woman this is that toucheth him, for she is a synner. 40 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto him: Simo, I haue somewhat to saye vnto the. He sayde: Master saye on. 41 A certayne lender had two detters, the one ought fyue hundreth pens, the other fiftie: 42 but whan they had nothinge to paye, he forgaue the both. Tell me which of them wyl loue him most? 43 Symon answered, and sayde: He, (I suppose) to who he forgaue most. Then sayde he vnto him: Thou hast iudged right. 44 And he turned him to the woman, and sayde vnto Symo: Seist thou this woma? I am come in to thine house, thou hast geue me no water vnto my fete, but she hath watred my fete with teares, and dryed the wt the hayres of hir heade: 45 Thou hast geue me no kysse, but she (sens the tyme she came in) hath not ceassed to kysse my fete: 46 Thou hast not anointed my heade wt oyle, but she hath anoynted my heade with oyntment. 47 Therfore I saye vnto the: Many synnes are forgeuen her, for she hath loued moch. But vnto whom lesse is forgeuen, the same loueth the lesse. 48 And he sayde vnto her: Thy synnes are forgeuen the. 49 Then they that sat at the table with him, beganne to saye within them selues: What is he this, that forgeueth synnes also? 50 But he sayde vnto the woman: Thy faith hath saued the, Go thy waye in peace.

Luke 15:2-7

2 And ye Pharises and scrybes murmured, and sayde: This man receaueth synners, and eateth with them. 3 But he tolde the this symilitude, and sayde: 4 What man is he amonge you, that hath an hundreth shepe, and yf he loose one of the, that leaueth not the nyne and nyentye in the wyldernesse, and goeth after that which is lost tyll he fynde it? 5 And whan he hath founde it, he layeth it vpon his shulders with ioye: 6 and whan he commeth home, he calleth his fredes and neghbours, and sayeth vnto the: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde my shepe, yt was lost. 7 I saye vnto you: Eue so shal there be ioye in heauen ouer one synner that doth pennaunce, more then ouer nyne and nyentye righteous, which nede not repentaunce.

Luke 15:10

10 Euen so (I tell you) shal there be ioye before the angels of God, ouer one synner yt doth pennaunce.

Luke 15:21-32

21 Then sayde the sonne vnto him: Father, I haue synned agaynst heaue, and before the, I am nomore worthy to be called thy sonne. 22 But the father sayde vnto his seruauntes: Brynge forth the best garment, and put it vpon him, and geue him a rynge vpon his hande, and shues on his fete, 23 and brynge hither a fed calfe, and kyll it, lat vs eate and be mery: 24 for this my sonne was deed, and is alyue agayne: he was lost, and is founde. And they beganne to be mery. 25 But the elder sonne was in the felde. And whan he came, and drewe nye to the house, he herde ye mynstrelsye and daunsynge, 26 and called one of the seruauntes vnto him, and axed what it was. 27 He sayde vnto him: Thy brother is come, and thy father hath slayne a fed calfe, because he hath receaued him safe and sounde. 28 Then was he angrie, and wolde not go in. Then wente his father out, and prayed him. 29 But he answered, and sayde vnto his father: Lo, thus many yeares haue I done the seruyce, nether haue I yet broken thy commaundement, and thou gauest me neuer one kydd, yt I might make mery with my frendes. 30 But now that this thy sonne is come, which deuoured his goodes with harlottes, thou hast slayne a fed calfe. 31 But he sayde vnto him: My sonne, thou art allwaye with me, and all that is myne, is thine: 32 thou shuldest be mery and glad, for this yi brother was deed, and is alyue agayne: he was lost, and is founde agayne.

Luke 18:11-14

11 The Pharise stode, and prayed by himself after this maner: I thanke the God, that I am not as other men, robbers, vnrighteous, aduouters, or as this publican. 12 I fast twyse in the weke, I geue the tithes of all that I haue. 13 And the publican stode afarre of, and wolde not lift vp his eyes to heauen, but smote vpon his brest, and sayde: God be thou mercyfull vnto me synner. 14 I tell you: This man wente downe in to his house iustified more the the other. For who so euer exalteth himself, shalbe brought lowe: and he that humbleth himself, shalbe exalted.

Romans 12:1

1 I beseke you brethre by the mercyfulnesse of God, that ye geue ouer youre bodies for a sacrifice, yt is quycke holy, and acceptable vnto God, which is yor reasonable seruynge off God.

Philippians 4:18

18 For I haue all, and haue plentye. I was euen fylled wha I receaued of Epaphroditus, that which came from you, an odoure of swetenes, a sacrifice accepted & pleasaunt vnto God.

Hebrews 13:16

16 To do good and to destribute forget not, for wt soch sacrifices God is pleased.

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

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