Psalms 51:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Then shal I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked, that synners maye be conuerted vnto the.

Psalms 19:7

7 The lawe of the LORDE is a perfecte lawe, it quickeneth the soule. The testimony of ye LORDE is true, & geueth wisdome euen vnto babes.

Psalms 22:27

27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him.

Psalms 25:4

4 Shewe me thy wayes (o LORDE) & teach me thy pathes.

Psalms 25:8

8 O how fredly & rightuous is the LORDE, therfore wil he teach synners in the waye.

Psalms 32:5

5 Therfore I confessed my synne vnto the, and hyd not myne vnrightuousnesse.

Psalms 32:8-10

8 Thou art my defence in the trouble that is come aboute me, O copasse thou me aboute also with the ioye of delyueraunce. 9 Sela. I wil enforme the, and shewe the the waye wherin thou shalt go: I wil fasten myne eyes vpon the. 10 Be not ye now like horses & mooles, which haue no vnderstondinge. Whose mouthes thou must holde with bytt & brydle, yf they wil not obeie the.

Isaiah 2:3

3 speakinge thus one to another: vp, let us go to the hill of the LORDE, and to the house of ye God of Iacob: yt he maye shewe us his waye, and yt we maye walke in his pathes. For ye lawe shal come out of Syon, and the worde of God from Ierusalem,

Isaiah 6:10

10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.

Jeremiah 31:18

18 Morouer I herde Ephraim, (that was led awaye captyue) complayne on this maner: O LORDE, thou hast correcte me, and thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou art my LORDE God.

Zechariah 3:1-8

1 And he shewed me Iesua ye hye prest, stondinge before the angel of the LORDE, and Satan stode at his right honde to resiste him. 2 And the LORDE sayde vnto Satan: The LORDE reproue the (thou Satan) yee the LORDE that hath chosen Ierusalem, reproue the. Is not this a brande take out of the fyre? 3 Now Iesua was clothed in vnclene rayment, and stode before the angel: 4 which answered & sayde vnto those, yt stode before him: take awaye ye foule clothes from him. And vnto him he sayde: Beholde, I haue take awaye thy synne from the, & wil decke the with chaunge of raymet. 5 He sayde morouer: set a fayre myter vpon his heade. So they set a fayre myter vpon his heade, & put on clothes vpon him, and the angel of ye LORDE stode there. 6 Then the angel of the LORDE testified vnto Iesua, & spake, 7 thus sayeth the LORDE of hoostes: Yf thou wilt walke in my wayes, & kepe my watch: thou shalt rule my house, & kepe my courtes, & I wil geue the place amoge these that stonde here. 8 Heare o Iesua thou hye prest, thou & thy frendes that dwell before the, for they are woderous people. Beholde, I will bringe forth the braunch of my seruaunt:

Matthew 18:3

3 and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye turne and become as children, ye shal not entre into the kyngdome of heauen.

Luke 22:32

32 but I haue prayed for ye, that thy faith fayle not. And whan thou art couerted, strength thy brethren:

John 21:15-17

15 Now wha they had dyned, Iesus sayde vnto Symon Peter: Symo Iohana, louest thou me more then these do? He sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, thou knowest yt I loue the. He sayde vnto him: Fede my labes. 16 He sayde vnto him agayne the seconde tyme: Symo Iohana, louest thou me? He sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, thou knowest, yt I loue ye. He sayde vnto him: Fede my shepe. 17 He saide vnto him ye thirde tyme: Symon Iohana, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto him, louest thou me? And he sayde vnto him: LORDE, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest, that I loue ye. Iesus sayde vnto him: Fede my shepe.

Acts 2:38-41

38 Peter sayde onto them: Amede youre selues, and let euery one of you be baptysed in the name of Iesus Christ, for the remyssion of synnes, and ye shal receaue the gifte of the holy goost. 39 For this promyse was made vnto you and youre children, and to all that are farre of, who so euer the LORDE oure God shal call. 40 And wt many other wordes bare he witnesse, and exorted them, and sayde: Saue youre selues from this vntowarde generacion. 41 They that gladly receaued his preachinge, were baptysed, & the same daye there were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

Acts 9:19-22

19 and toke meate, and was conforted.Then was Saul a certayne dayes with the disciples that were at Damascon. 20 And straight waye he preached Christ in the synagoges, how that he was ye sonne of God. 21 But all they that herde him, were amased, and sayde: Is not this he, which at Ierusalem spoyled all those that called on his name? and came hither to the intent that he shulde brynge them bounde vnto the hye prestes? 22 But Saul increased in strength, & cofounded ye Iewes which dwelt at Damascon, and affirmed yt this was very Christ.

Acts 13:10

10 and sayde: O thou childe of the deuell, full of all futtyltie and all disceatfulnesse, and enemye of all righteousnes, thou ceassest not to peruerte the straight wayes of ye LORDE.

Acts 15:3

3 And they were broughte on their waye by ye cogregacion, & wente thorow Phenices and Samaria, and declared the conuersacion of the Heythen, and brought greate ioye vnto all the brethren.

Acts 26:18-20

18 to ope their eyes, that they maye turne from the darknesse vnto the lighte, and from the power of ye deuell vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenesse of synnes, and the enheritaunce with them that are sanctified by faith in me. 19 Wherfore (O kynge Agrippa) I was not faithlesse vnto ye heauely vision, 20 but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusale, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.

2 Corinthians 5:8-20

8 Neuertheles we are of good comforte, and had leuer to be absent from the body, & to be at home with the LORDE. 9 Wherfore, whether we be at home or fro home, we endeuoure oure selues to please him. 10 For we must all appeare before the iudgment seate of Christ, yt euery one maye receaue in his body, acordinge to yt he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 11 Seynge then that we knowe, how that the LORDE is to be feared, we fare fayre with men, but we are knowne well ynough vnto God: I trust also, that we are knowne in youre consciences. 12 We prayse not oure selues agayne vnto you, but geue you an occasion to reioyse of vs, yt ye maye haue to reioyse agaynst them, which reioyse after the outwarde appearaunce, and not after the hert. 13 For yf we do to moch, we do it vnto God: yf we kepe measure,we do it for youre sakes. 14 For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs, in as moch as we thus iudge, that yf one be deed for all, then are all deed. 15 And therfore dyed he for all, that they which lyue, shulde not hence forth lyue vnto them selues, but vnto him, which dyed for them and rose agayne. 16 Therfore hence forth knowe we noman after ye flesh: and though we haue knowne Christ also after the flesh, yet knowe we him now so nomore. 17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Olde thinges are past awaye, beholde, all are become new. 18 Neuertheles all thinges are off God, which hath reconcyled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ, and hath geuen vs the office to preach the attonement. 19 For God was in Christ, and reconcyled the worlde vnto himselfe, and counted not ther synnes vnto them, and amonge vs hath he set vp the worde of ye attonemet. 20 Now the are we messaungers in the rowme of Christ, euen as though God exhorted by vs. We beseke you now therfore in Christes steade, that ye be at one with God:

James 5:19-20

19 Brethren, yf eny of you erre fro the trueth and another conuert him, 20 let ye same knowe that he which conuerted the synner from goynge astraye out off his waye, shal saue a soule fro death, and shal hyde the multitude of synnes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.