Psalms 42:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Why art thou so full of heuynes (o my soule) & why art thou so vnquiete within me?

Deuteronomy 16:11

11 and shalt reioyse before the LORDE thy God, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunt, thy mayde, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, ye straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe, that are amonge you, in the place which ye LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there.

Deuteronomy 16:14-15

14 and thou shalt reioyse in thy feast, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunte, thy mayde, the Leuite, the straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe that are within yi gates. 15 Seuen dayes shalt thou kepe ye feast vnto the LORDE thy God, in the place that he hath chosen. For the LORDE thy God shal blesse the in all thy frutes and in all the workes of thine hades. Therfore shalt thou be glad.

Ruth 1:21

21 I departed full, but the LORDE hath brought me home agayne emptye. Why call ye me then Naemi? wha the LORDE hath broughte me lowe, and the Allmightie hath made me sory?

1 Samuel 1:15-16

15 Neuertheles Anna answered and sayde: No my lorde, I am a soroufull woman, wyne and stronge drynke haue I not dronken but haue poured out my hert before ye LORDE. 16 Counte not thy handmayden a doughter of Belial: for out of my heuy thoughte and sorow haue I spoken hitherto.

1 Chronicles 15:15-28

15 And the children of Leui bare the Arke of God the LORDE vpon their shulders with the staues theron, as Moses comaunded acordinge to ye worde of the LORDE. 16 And Dauid spake vnto ye rulers of ye Leuites, that they shulde ordeyne some of their brethren to be syngers with psalteries, harpes and loude instrumentes, and Cimbales, to synge loude with ioye. 17 Then the Leuites appoynted Heman ye sonne of Ioel: and of his brethren Assaph the sonne of Barachias: and of the children of Merari their brethren, Ethan the sonne of Cusaia: 18 and with them their brethren of the seconde course, namely Zacharias, Iaesiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Vnni, Eliab, Benaia, Maeseia, Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel, the dore kepers. 19 For Heman, Assaph and Ethan were syngers, with brasen belles makynge a loude noyse: 20 but Zacharias, Iaesiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Vnni, Eliab, Maeseia & Benaia with Phalteries to Alamoth: 21 Mathithia, Elipheleia, Mikneia, Obed Edom, Ieiel & Asasia with harpes to synge aboue them on hye. 22 Chenania the ruler of the Leuites was the master of Musick to teach them for to synge, for he was a man of vnderstondinge. 23 And Barachias and Elcana were the dorekepers of the Arke. 24 But Sachania, Iosaphat, Nathaneel, Amasai, Zacharias, Benaia, Elieser the prestes, blewe the trompettes before ye Arke of God. And Obed Edom and Iehia were dorekepers of the Arke. 25 So Dauid and the Elders of Israel, and the captaynes ouer thousandes wente vp to fetch the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE out of the house of Obed Edom wt ioye. 26 And whan God had helped the Leuites yt bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, there were offred seuen bullockes & seuen rames, 27 And Dauid had a lynne garment vpo him, and so had all the Leuites yt bare the Arke, and ye syngers, and Chenania the master of Musick wt the syngers. Dauid had an ouerbody cote of lynnen vpon him also. 28 Thus all Israel brought vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE with myrth, with trompettes, tabrettes, & loude Cymbales, with psalteries and harpes.

1 Chronicles 16:1-43

1 And wha they brought in the Arke of God, they set it in ye Tabernacle, that Dauid had pitched for it, and offred burntofferynges & thankofferynges before God. 2 And wha Dauid had ended the burntofferynges and thankofferynges, he blessed the people in the name of the LORDE, 3 & distributed vnto euery man in Israel (both vnto man and woman) a cake of bred, and a pece of flesh and a meece of potage. 4 And he appoynted before the Arke of ye LORDE certayne Leuites to mynister, that they shulde geue prayse, thankes and loauinges vnto the LORDE God of Israel: 5 namely Assaph the first, Zacharias the seconde, Ieiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Mathithia, Eliab, Benaia, Obed Edom and Iehiel, with psalteries and harpes. But Assaph with loude Cymbales. 6 Benaia and Iehasiel the prestes with tabrettes, allwaye before the Arke of ye couenaunt of God. 7 At the same tyme ordeyned Dauid first of all to geue thakes vnto the LORDE by Assaph and his brethren. 8 O geue thankes vnto the LORDE, call vpon his name, tell the people what thinges he hath done. 9 O let youre songes be of him: prayse him, and let youre talkynge be of all his wonderous workes. 10 Geue his holy name a good reporte: let ye hert of them reioyce, that seke the LORDE. 11 O seke the LORDE and his strength, seke his face euermore. 12 Remebre his maruelous workes that he hath done, his wonders, and the iudgmetes of his mouth. 13 Ye sede of Israel his seruaunt, ye children of Iacob his chosen. 14 He is the LORDE oure God, his iudgmetes are in all londes. 15 Be myndefull euer of his couenaut what he hath commaunded in to a thousande generacions. 16 Which he made with Abraham, & his ooth vnto Isaac. 17 And he comfirmed the same vnto Iacob for a perpetuall lawe, and to Israel for an euerlastinge couenaunt. 18 And sayde: Vnto the wyl I geue ye londe of Canaan, ye metelyne of yor inheritaunce. 19 Wha they were yet but small & fewe in nobre, and straungers in the same londe. 20 And they wente from one nacion to another, & from one realme to another people. 21 He suffred no man to hurte them, and reproued euen kynges for their sakes. 22 Touch not myne anoynted, & do my prophetes no harme. 23 O synge vnto ye LORDE, let all ye earth be tellynge of his saluacion from daye to daye. 24 Declare his holynes amoge the Heythe, & his wonderous workes amonge ye people. 25 For the LORDE is greate, and can not worthely be praysed, and more to he had in awe then all goddes. 26 As for all the goddes of the Heythe, they are but Idols: but it is the LORDE that made the heauens. 27 Thankesgeuynge and worshipe are before him, strength and ioye is in his place. 28 Ascrybe vnto the LORDE ye kynreds of nacions: ascrybe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength. 29 Ascrybe vnto the LORDE the honoure of his name: brynge presentes, and come before him, and worshipe ye LORDE in ye bewtye of holynes. 30 Let the whole earth stode in awe of him: he hath made the compase of the worlde so fast, that it can not be moued. 31 Let the heauens reioyse, and let the earth be glad: and let it be tolde amonge the Heythen, that the LORDE reigneth. 32 Let the See make a noyse, and the fulnesse therof: let the felde be ioyfull, and all that therin is. 33 Let all the trees in the wod leape for ioye before the LORDE, for he commeth to iudge the earth. 34 O geue thankes vnto the LORDE, for he is gracious: and his mercy endureth for euer. 35 And saye: Helpe vs O God oure Sauioure, and gather vs together, and delyuer vs from the Heythen, that we maye geue thankes vnto yi holy name, and synge prayses vnto the in thy Psalmes. 36 Praysed be the LORDE God of Israel from euerlastinge to euerlastinge: and let all people saye, Amen, And: Prayse be vnto the LORDE. 37 So he lefte Assaph and his brethren there before the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE, to mynister allwaye before the Arke, euery daye his daye worke. 38 But Obed Edom and their brethren, eight and thre score, and Obed Edom the sonne of Iedithun, and Hossa, to be dore kepers. 39 And Sadoc ye prest, & his brethre the prestes, lefte he before the habitacion of the LORDE vpon the hye place at Gibeo, 40 to offre burntsacrifices daylie vnto the LORDE vpon the altare of burntofferynges in the mornynge & in the euenynge, as it is wrytten in the lawe of the LORDE, which he comaunded vnto Israel. 41 And with them Heman & Iedithun, and ye other chosen, which were named by name to geue thankes vnto the LORDE, because his mercy endureth for euer. 42 And with them Heman & Iedithun to stryke vpon the tabrettes and Cymbales, and the musicall instrumentes of God. As for the childre of Iedithun, he made them dorekepers. 43 So all the people departed, euery one to his house: and Dauid returned also to blesse his house.

2 Chronicles 7:10

10 But on the thre and twentyeth daye of the seuenth moneth he let the people go vnto their tentes ioyfull and with mery hertes because of all the good, that the LORDE had done vnto Dauid, vnto Salomo, and to his people of Israel.

2 Chronicles 30:23-26

23 And all the congregacion deuysed to kepe the feast yet other seue dayes, and so they helde it those seuen dayes also with ioye: 24 for Ezechias the kinge of Iuda gaue an Heueofferynge for the cogregacion, euen a thousande bullockes, and seuen thousande shepe. But the rulers gaue an Heueoffering for ye congregacion, euen a thousande bullockes, and ten thousande shepe. And many of the prestes sanctified them selues. 25 And the whole congregacion of Iuda reioysed, the prestes and Leuites, and all the congregacion that came out of Israel, and the straungers that were come out of the londe of Israel, and they that dwelt in Iuda, 26 and greate ioye was there at Ierusalem: for sence the tyme of Salomon the sonne of Dauid the kynge of Israel, was there no soch (ioye) at Ierusale.

Job 29:2-30:31

2 O yt I were as I was in the monethes by past, & in the dayes whe God preserued me: 3 when his light shyned vpon my heade: whe I wente after the same light & shyne eue thorow the darcknesse. 4 As it stode wt me, whe I was welthy & had ynough: whe God prospered my house: 5 when the allmightie was with me: when my housholde folkes stode aboute me: 6 whe my wayes ranne ouer wt butter, & when the stony rockes gaue me ryuers of oyle: 7 when I wente thorow the cite vnto the gate, & whe they set me a chayre in ye strete: 8 whe the yonge me (as soone as they sawe me) hyd the selues, & when the aged arose, & stode vp vnto me: 9 whe the princes left of their talkinge, & laied their hade to their mouth: 10 whe the mightie kepte still their voyce, and whe their tonges cleued to the rofe of their mouthes. 11 When all they yt herde me, called me happie: & when all they yt sawe me, wysshed me good. 12 For I delyuered ye poore whe he cried, & the fatherlesse yt wanted helpe. 13 He yt shulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, & ye widdowes hert praised me. 14 And why? I put vpon me rightuousnes, which couered me as a garmet, & equite was my crowne. 15 I was an eye vnto the blynde, & a fote to the lame. 16 I was a father vnto the poore, & whe I knew not their cause, I sought it out diligetly. 17 I brake the chaftes of ye vnrightuous, & plucte the spoyle out of their teth. 18 Therfore, I thought verely, yt I shulde haue dyed in my nest: & yt my dayes shulde haue bene as many as the sondes of the see. 19 For my rote was spred out by the waters syde, & the dew laye vpo my corne. 20 My honor encreased more & more, and my bowe was euer the stronger in my hande. 21 Vnto me men gaue eare, me they regarded, & wt sylence they taried for my coucell. 22 Yf I had spoken, they wolde haue it none other wayes, my wordes were so well taken amonge the. 23 They wayted for me, as the earth doth for the rayne: & gaped vpon me, as the groude doth to receaue the latter shower. 24 When I laughed, they knew well it was not earnest: & this testimony of my coutenaunce pleased the nothinge at all. 25 When I agreed vnto their waye, I was the chefe, & sat as a kynge amonge his seruauntes: Or as one that comforteth soch as be in heuynesse.

Job 30:2-31

2 The power & stregth of their hades might do me no good, & as for their age, it is spet & past awaye without eny profit. 3 For very misery & honger, they wente aboute in the wildernesse like wretches & beggers, 4 pluckynge vp herbes from amonge the bu?shes, & the Iunipers rote was their meate. 5 And when they were dryuen forth, men cried after them, as it had bene after a thefe. 6 Their dwellinge was beside foule brokes, yee in the caues & dennes of the earth. 7 Vpo the drye heeth wete they aboute crienge, & in the brome hilles they gathered them together. 8 They were the children of fooles & vylanes, which are deed awaye fro the worlde. 9 Now am I their songe, & am become their iestinge stocke. 10 they abhorre me, they fle farre fro me & stayne my face wt spetle. 11 For ye LORDE hath opened his quyuer, he hath hytt me, & put a brydle in my mouth. 12 Vpon my right hade they rose together agaynst me, they haue hurte my fete, made awaye to destroye me, 13 & my path haue they clene marred. It was so easy for them to do me harme, that they neded no man to helpe the. 14 They fell vpon me, as it had bene ye breakynge in of waters, & came in by heapes to destroye me. 15 Fearfulnesse is turned agaynst me. Myne honoure vanisheth awaye more swiftly then wynde, & my prosperite departeth hece like as it were a cloude. 16 Therfore is my mynde poured full of heuynesse, & ye dayes of trouble haue take holde vpon me. 17 My bones are pearsed thorow in ye night season, & my synewes take no rest. 18 With all their power haue they chaunged my garmet, & gyrded me therwith, as it were wt a coate. 19 I am eue as it were claye, & am become like asshes & dust. 20 Whe I crie vnto the, thou doest not heare me: & though I stonde before the, yet thou regardest me not. 21 Thou art become myne enemye, & wt yi violet hade thou takest parte agaynst me. 22 In tymes past thou didest set me vp an hye, as it were aboue ye winde, but now hast thou geue me a very sore fall. 23 Sure I am, yt thou wilt delyuer me vnto death: where as a lodgyng is prepared for all me 24 Now vse not me to do violece vnto the, yt are destroyed allready: but where hurte is done, there vse thei to helpe. 25 Dyd not I wepe in ye tyme of trouble? Had not my soule copassion vpo ye poore? 26 Yet neuerthelesse where as I loked for good, euell happened vnto me: and where as I waited for light, there came darcknesse. 27 My bowels seeth wt in me & take no rest, for ye dayes of my trouble are come vpo me. 28 Mekely & lowly came I in, yee & without eny displeasure: I stode vp in ye cogregacion, & commoned with the 29 But now. I am a copanyon of dragons, & a felowe of Esiriches. 30 My skynne vpo me is turned to black, & my bones are bret wt heate: 31 my harpe is turned to sorow, & my pipe to wepinge.

Psalms 55:14

14 Let death come hastely vpon them, and let them go downe quick into hell, for wickednes is amonge them in their dwellinges.

Psalms 62:8

8 Oput yor trust in him allwaye (ye people) poure out yor hertes before him, for God is oure hope.

Psalms 81:1-3

1 Synge merely vnto God which is or stregth make a chearful noyse vnto ye God of Iacob. 2 Take ye psalme, brynge hither the tabret, the mery harpe & lute. 3 Blowe vp the tropettes in the new Moone, vpon or solepne feast daye.

Psalms 100:4

4 go youre waye in to his gates the with thankesgeuynge, & in to his courtes wt prayse: be thakfull vnto him, & speake good of his name.

Psalms 122:1

1 I was glad, when they sayde vnto me: we wil go in to the house of the LORDE.

Isaiah 30:29

29 But ye shal synge, as the vse is in ye night of the holy solempnite. Ye shal reioyse from youre hert, as they that come with the pipe, when they go vp to the mount of the LORDE, vnto ye rock of Israel.

Lamentations 2:19

19 Stonde vp, and make thy prayer in the first watch of the night, poure out thine hert like water before the LORDE: lift vp thine hondes, for the lyues of thy yonge children, that dye of honger in the stretes.

Lamentations 4:1

1 O how is the golde become so dymme? How is the goodly coloure of it so sore chaunged? and the stones of ye Sanctuary thus scatred in the corner of euery strete?

Nahum 1:15

15 Beholde, vpon the mountaynes come the fete of him, that bryngeth good tydinges, & preacheth peace. O Iuda, kepe thy holy dayes, perfourme thy promyses: for Belial shal come no more in the, he is vtterly roted out.

Luke 16:25

25 But Abraha saide: Remebre sonne, yt thou hast receaued good in yi life, & contrary wyse Lazarus receaued euell. But now is he comforted, and thou art tormented.

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