Psalms 24:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Eue he yt hath innocet hodes & a clene herte: which lifteth not vp his mynde vnto vanite, & sweareth not to disceaue.

Genesis 6:5

5 But whan the LORDE sawe yt the wickednes of man was increased vpon ye earth, and that all ye thought and imaginacion of their hert was but onely euell contynually,

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 yt thou lifte not vp thine eyes towarde heauen, and se the Sonne and the Moone & the starres, and the whole hoost of heaue, and be disceaused, and worsh ppe, and serue them: which the LORDE yi God hath made to serue all nacios vnder ye whole heaue.

Job 9:30

30 Though I wasshed my self with snowe water, and made myne hondes neuer so clene,

Job 17:9

9 The rightuous wil kepe his waye, and he yt hath cleane handes, wil euer be stronger & stronger.

Psalms 15:4

4 He yt setteth not by the vngodly but maketh moch of the that feare the LORDE: he yt sweareth vnto his neghboure & dispoynteth him not.

Psalms 18:20

20 The LORDE shall rewarde me after my rightuous dealynge, & acordinge to the clenesse of my hodes shal he recopense me.

Psalms 25:1

1 Unto the (o LORDE) I lift vp my soule.

Psalms 26:6

6 I wa?she my hondes with innocency O LORDE, and so go I to thine aulter.

Psalms 51:10

10 Make me a clene hert (o God) and renue a right sprete within me.

Psalms 73:1

1 O how louynge is God vnto Israel, to soch as are of a clene hert?

Psalms 143:8

8 Oh let me heare thy louynge kyndnesse by tymes in the mornynge, for in the is my trust: shewe thou me the waye that I shulde walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto the.

Proverbs 20:9

9 Who can saye: my hert is cleane, I am innocent from synne?

Isaiah 1:15-16

15 Though ye holde out yor hondes, yet turne I myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet heare I nothinge at all, for youre hondes are full of bloude. 16 Wash you, make you clene, put awaye yor euell thoughtes out of my sight, cease from doinge of euell and violence.

Isaiah 33:15-16

15 He that ledeth a godly life (saye I) & speaketh the treuth: He that abhorreth to do violence and disceate: he that kepeth his hode that he touch no rewarde: which stoppeth his eares, that he heare no councel agaynst the innocent: which holdeth downe his eyes, that he se no euel. 16 He it is, that shal dwel on hie, whose sauegarde shalbe in the true rocke, to him shalbe geuen the right true meat & drynke.

Jeremiah 4:14

14 O Ierusalem, wash thine hert from wickednesse, that thou mayest be helped. How longe shal thy noysome thoughtes remayne with the?

Jeremiah 5:2

2 For though they can saye: the LORDE lyueth, yet do they sweare to disceaue:

Jeremiah 7:9-10

9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes: 10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions.

Ezekiel 18:6

6 (he eateth not vpon the hilles: he lifteth not his eyes vp to the Idols of Israel: he defyleth not his neghbours wife: he medleth wt no menstruous woman:

Ezekiel 18:15

15 Namely, he eateth not vpon the mountaynes: he lifteth not his eyes vp to the Idols of Israel: he defyleth not his neghbours wife:

Zechariah 5:3-4

3 Then sayde he vnto me: This is the curse, yt goeth forth ouer the whole earth: For all theues shalbe iudged after this boke, & all swearers shalbe iudged acordinge to the same. 4 I wil bringe it forth (saieth the LORDE of hoostes) so yt it shal come to the house of the thefe, & to the house of him, that falsely sweareth by my name: & shal remayne in his house, & cosume it, with the tymbre & stones therof.

Malachi 3:5

5 I will come & punysh you, & I myself wil be a swift wytnes agaynst the witches, agaynst the aduouterers, agaynst false swearers: yee ad agaynst those, that wrogeously kepe backe the hyrelynges dewty: which vexe the wyddowes & the fatherlesse, & oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.

Matthew 5:8

8 Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God.

Acts 14:15

15 and sayenge: Ye me, Why do ye this? We are mortall me also like vnto you, & preach vnto you ye Gospell, that ye shulde turne from these vayne thinges vnto ye lyuynge God, which made heaue and earth, and the see, and all that therin is,

Acts 15:9

9 & put no dyfference betwixte vs & them, and purified their hertes thorow fayth.

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seynge now that we haue soch promyses (dearly beloued) let vs clense oureselues from all fylthynes of the flesh and sprete, and growe vp to full holynes in ye feare of God.

1 Timothy 1:10

10 to whoremongers, to the that defyle them selues with mankynde, to menstealers, to lyars, to periured, & so forth yf there be eny other thinge yt is cotrary to ye wholsome doctryne,

1 Timothy 2:8

8 I wil therfore that men praye in all places, liftinge vp pure hades without wrath or dowtynge.

James 4:8

8 Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded.

Revelation 21:1-4

1 And I sawe a newe heauen and a newe earth. For the fyrst heauen, and the fyrst earth were vanisshed awaye, and there was nomore See. 2 And I Ihon sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen, prepared as a bryde garnisshed for hyr hussband. 3 And I herde a greate voyce from the seate, sayenge: beholde, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he wil dwell with them. And they shalbe his people, and God himselfe shalbe with the, and shalbe their God. 4 And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether shal there be eny more payne, for ye olde thinges are gone.

Revelation 21:27

27 And there shal entre in to it none vncleane thinge: nether what soeuer worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they which are wrytten in the lambes boke of life.

Revelation 22:14-15

14 Blessed are they that do his commaundementes, that their power maye be in the tree of life, and maye entre in thorow the gates in to the cite. 15 For without are dogges and inchaunters and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesinges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.