Psalms 136:23 Cross References - Coverdale

23 Which remebreth vs, whe we are in trouble, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Genesis 8:1

1 Then God remembred Noe and all the beastes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and caused a wynde to come vpon the earth: and ye waters ceassed,

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For the LORDE shall iudge his people, and shal haue compassion on his seruauntes. For he shal considre that their power is awaie, and that it is gone with them, which were shut vp and remayned ouer.

1 Samuel 2:7-8

7 The LORDE maketh poore and maketh riche: He bryngeth lowe and exalteth. 8 He taketh vp the neady out of the dust, and lifteth vp ye poore out of the myre, that he maye set them amonge the prynces, and to let them inheret the seate of honoure: for the foundacions and corners of the worlde are the LORDES, and he hath set the compase of the earth theron.

Psalms 72:12-14

12 For he shal deliuer the poore whe he crieth, & the nedy yt hath no helpe. 13 He shall be fauorable to the symple & poore, he shal preserue the soules of soch as be in aduersite. 14 He shal deliuer their soules from extorcion & wronge, & deare shal their bloude be in his sight.

Psalms 102:17

17 He turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute, and despyseth not their desyre.

Psalms 106:43-45

43 Many a tyme dyd he delyuer them, but they prouoked him with their owne invecions, and were brought downe for their wickednesse. 44 Neuerthelesse whe he sawe their aduersite, he herde their complaynte. 45 He thought vpo his couenaunt, and pitied the, acordinge vnto the multitude of his mercies.

Psalms 113:7

7 Which taketh vp the symple out of the dust, and lifteth the poore out of the myre.

Psalms 116:6

6 The LORDE preserueth ye symple, I was brought downe, and he helped me.

Psalms 142:6

6 Oh delyuer me fro my persecuters, for they are to stronge for me:

Isaiah 63:9

9 In their troubles he forsoke the not, but the angel that went forth from his presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caried them vp euer, sence the worlde begane.

Ezekiel 16:3-13

3 and saye: thus saieth the LORDE God vnto Ierusalem: Thy progeny and kynred came out of the londe of Canaan, thy father was an Amorite, thy mother a Cethite. 4 In ye daye of thy byrth when thou wast borne, ye stringe of thy nauel was not cut of: thou wast not bathed in water to make the clene: Thou wast nether rubbed wt salt, ner swedled in cloutes: 5 No man regarded the so moch, as to do eny of these thinges for ye, or to shewe the soch fauoure, but thou wast vtterly cast out vpon ye felde, yee despised wast thou in the daye of thy byrth. 6 Then came I by the, and sawe the troden downe in thine owne bloude, & sayde vnto the: thou shalt be pourged from thine owne bloude, fro thine owne bloude (I saye) shalt thou be clensed. 7 So I planted the, as the blossome of thy felde: thou art growen vp, & waxe greate: thou hast gotten a maruelous pleasaunt beutie, thy brestes are come vp, thy hayre is goodly growen, where as thou wast naked and bare afore. 8 Now when I wente by ye, & loked vpon the: beholde, thy tyme was come, yee eue the tyme to wowe the. Then spred I my clothes ouer the, to couer thy dishonestie: Yee I made an ooth vnto the, & maried my self with the (saieth the LORDE God) & so thou becamest myne owne. 9 Then wa?shed I the with water, & pourged thy bloude from the. I anoynted the with oyle, 10 I gaue the chaunge of raymentes, I made the shues of Taxus lether: I gyrthed ye aboute wt white sylcke, I clothed the with kerchues, 11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke, 12 spages vpo thy foreheade, eare rynges vpon thyne eares, & set a beutifull crowne vpon thine heade. 13 Thus wast thou deckte with syluer & golde, & thy rayment was of fyne white sylke, of nedle worke & of dyuerse colours. Thou didest eate nothinge but symnels, honny & oyle: maruelous goodly wast thou & beutifull, yee euen a very Quene wast thou:

Luke 1:48

48 For he hath loked vpo the lowe degre of his hande mayde. Beholde, fro hence forth shal all generacions call me blessed.

Luke 1:52

52 He putteth downe the mightie from the seate, and exalteth them of lowe degre.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.