Psalms 119:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 Thou rebukest the proude, cursed are they that departe from thy commaundemetes

Exodus 10:3

3 So Moses & Aaron wente in vnto Pharao, & spake vnto him: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of the Hebrues: How longe refusest thou to submyt thy self vnto me, to let my people go, yt they maye serue me?

Exodus 18:11

11 Now I knowe, that the LORDE is greater the all goddes, because they dealt proudly wt them.

Deuteronomy 27:15-26

15 Cursed be he, that maketh eny carued Idoll or molten ymage (an abhominacion of the LORDE, a worke of the handes of ye craftesman) and putteth it in a secrete place. And all the people shal answere and saye, Amen. 16 Cursed be he, that curseth his father and mother. And all the people shall saye, Amen. 17 Cursed be he, yt remoueth his neghbours mark. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 18 Cursed be he, that maketh a blynde man go out of his waye. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 19 Cursed be he, that wresteth ye righte of ye straunger, of the fatherlesse, & wedowe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 20 Cursed be he, that lyeth with his fathers wife, to vncouer his fathers couerynge. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 21 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt eny maner beest. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 22 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt his sister, which is the doughter of his father or of his mother. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 23 Cursed be he, yt lyeth with his mother in lawe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 24 Cursed be he that slayeth his neghboure secretly. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 25 Cursed be he, that receaueth giftes to slaye the soule of innocent bloude. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 26 Cursed be he, that contynueth not in all ye wordes of this lawe, to do them. And all ye people shal saye, Amen.

Deuteronomy 28:15

15 But yf thou wylt not herken vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God, to kepe and to do all his commaundementes and ordinaunces, which I commaunde ye this daie, then shall all these curses come vpon the, and ouertake the.

Deuteronomy 30:19

19 I take heauen and earth this daye to recorde ouer you: I haue layed before you life and death, blessinge and cursinge, that thou mayest chose life, and that thou and thy sede maye lyue,

Nehemiah 9:16

16 Neuertheles oure fathers were proude and hardnecked, so that they folowed not yi comaundementes,

Nehemiah 9:29

29 and testified vnto them, that they shulde turne agayne vnto thy lawe. Notwithstodinge they were proude, and herkened not vnto thy comaundementes, but synned in thy lawes (which a man shulde do, & lyue in them) & turned their shulder awaye, & were styffnecked, & wolde not heare.

Job 40:11-12

11 poure out the indignacion of thy wrath: se that thou cast downe all ye proude, 12 loke well, that thou makest all soch as be stubburne, to obeye: treade all the vngodly vnder thy fete,

Psalms 119:10

10 With my whole herte do I seke ye, O let me not go wronge out of thy comaundemetes.

Psalms 119:78

78 Let the proude be confounded, which handle so falsly agaynst me.

Psalms 119:110

110 The vngodly haue laied a snare for me, but yet swarue not I fro thy comaundemetes.

Psalms 119:118

118 Thou treadest downe all the yt departe from thy statutes, for they ymagin but disceate.

Psalms 138:6

6 For though the LORDE be hye, yet hath he respecte vnto ye lowly: as for ye proude, he beholdeth him afarre off.

Isaiah 2:11-12

11 Which casteth downe ye high lokes of presumptuous personnes, and bryngeth lowe the pryde of ma, and he only shall be exalted in ye daye. 12 For the daye of ye LORDE of hostes shal go ouer all pryde & presumpcio, vpon all the that exalte the selues, and shal bringe them all downe?

Isaiah 10:12

12 Wherfore the LORDE saieth: As soone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the Hyl of Syon and Ierusalem: the will I also vyset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, with his wysdome and pryde.

Isaiah 42:24

24 Who suffred Iacob to be trodden vnder fote, and Israel to be spoyled? dyd not the LORDE? Now haue we synned agaynst him, and haue had no delite to walke in his wayes, nether bene obedient vnto his lawe.

Isaiah 43:28

28 Therfore I ether suspended, or slewe the chefest prynces: I dyd curse Iacob, and gaue Israel into reprofe.

Jeremiah 44:9-11

9 Or, haue ye now forgotten the wickednes off yor forefathers, the wickednes off ye kynges of Iuda and their wyues, ye wickednes that ye youre selues ad youre wyues haue done in the londe of Iuda, in the cite and in the londe off Ierusalem? 10 Yet are ye not sory this daye, ye feare not, nether walke ye in my lawe and in my commaundementes, that I haue geue vnto you and youre forefathers. 11 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God off Israel: I am stedfastly advysed and determed, to punysh you, and to rote out all Iuda.

Jeremiah 44:16

16 As for the wordes that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the LORDE, we will in no wyse heare them:

Jeremiah 44:28-29

28 Neuertheles, those that fled awaye for ye swearde, shal come agayne in to the lode of Iuda (but there shal be very fewe of them) And all the remnaunt off Iuda, that are gone in to Egipte, there to dwell, shall knowe, whose wordes shalbe founde true: theirs or myne. 29 Take this for a token, that I wil viset you in this place (saieth the LORDE) and that ye maye knowe, how that I (without doute) wil perfourne my purpose vpon you,) to punysh you.

Ezekiel 28:2-10

2 Thou sonne of man, tell the prynce of Tyre: Thus saieth the LORDE God: because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest off the see like a god: where as thou art but a man & not God, & yet stondest in thine owne coceate, that thou art God: 3 Beholde, thou thynkest thy selfe wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from ye. 4 With thy wi?dome & thy vnderstodinge, thou hast gotte the greate welthynesse, and gathered treasure of syluer & golde. 5 With thy greate wi?dome and occupienge, hast thou increased thy power, and because of thy greate riches thy hert is proude. 6 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast lift vp thine herte, as though thou werst God: 7 beholde, I wil bringe enemies vpon the, euen the tyrauntes of the Heithe: these shal drawe out their sweardes vpon thy beuty and wi?dome, and shall defyle thy glory. 8 They shal cast the downe to the pytte, so that thou shalt dye in the middest of the see, 9 as they that be slayne. Let se, yff thou wilt saye then (before the that slaye ye) I am God: where as thou art but a man, and not God, in the hondes of them that slaye the. 10 Dye shalt thou, euen as the vncircumcised in the hodes of ye enemies: for I myself haue spoken it, saieth the LORDE God.

Daniel 4:37

37 The dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loaue, magnifie and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his workes are true, and his wayes right. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to bri bringe them downe.

Daniel 5:22-24

22 And thou his sonne (o Balthasar) for all this, hast not submitted thine hert, though thou knewest all these thinges: 23 but hast magnified thy selff aboue the LORDE off heauen, so that the vessels off his house were brought before the: that thou, and thy lordes, with thy quene and concubynes, might drynke wyne therout: And hast praysed the Idols of syluer and golde, copper and yron, off wodde & stone: As for the God, in whose honde consisteth thy breth ad all thy wayes: thou hast not loaued him. 24 Therfore is the palme off this honde sent hither from him, to token vp this wrytinge.

Malachi 4:1

1 For marck, the daye commeth that shall burne as an oue: and all the proude, yee and all soch as do wickednesse, shalbe straw: and the daye that is for to come, shall burne the vp (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) so that it shal leaue them nether rote ner braunch.

Luke 14:11

11 For who so euer exalteth himself, shalbe brought lowe: and he yt humbleth himself, shalbe exalted.

Luke 18:14

14 I tell you: This man wente downe in to his house iustified more the the other. For who so euer exalteth himself, shalbe brought lowe: and he that humbleth himself, shalbe exalted.

Galatians 3:13

13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre)

James 4:6

6 but geueth more grace.

1 Peter 5:5

5 Likewyse ye yoger submytte youre selues vnto the elder. Submytte youre selues euery man one to another, and knyt yor selues together in lowlynes of mynde. For God resisteth the proude, but geueth grace to the humble.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.