Psalms 107:37 Cross References - Coverdale

37 That they maye sowe their groude, plante vynyaydes, to yelde them frutes of increase.

Genesis 26:12

12 And Isaac sowed in that londe, and foude the same yeare an hundreth busshels, for the LORDE blessed him.

Psalms 65:9-13

9 Thou visetest the earth, thou watrest it, and makest it very plenteous. 10 The ryuer of God is full of waters, thou preparest man his corne, ad thus thou prouydest for the earth. 11 Thou watrest hir forowes, thou breakest the harde clottes therof, thou makest it soft with ye droppes of rayne, and blessest the increase of it. 12 Thou crownest the yeare with thy good, and thy fotesteppes droppe fatnesse. 13 The dwellinges of the wildernes are fatt also, yt they droppe withall, & the litle hilles are pleasaunt on euery syde. The foldes are full of shepe, the valleys stonde so thicke with corne yt they laugh and synge.

Isaiah 37:30

30 I wil geue the also this token (o Ezechias) this yeare shalt thou eate that is kepte in stoare, & the next yeare soch as groweth of himself, and in the thirde yeare ye shal sowe and reape, yee ye shal plante vynyardes, and enioye the frutes therof.

Isaiah 65:21

21 They shal buylde houses, and dwel in them: they shal plante vynyardes, and eate the frute of them.

Jeremiah 29:5

5 Buylde you houses to dwell therein: plate you gardes, yt ye maye enioye the frutes thereof:

Jeremiah 31:5

5 Thou shalt plante vynes agayne vpon ye hilles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plante, and synge.

Ezekiel 28:26

26 They shal dwell safely therin, buylde houses, and plante vynyardes: Yee safely shal they dwell therin, when I haue punyshed all those, that despyse them rounde aboute: and then shall they knowe, yt I am the LORDE their God.

Joel 1:10-12

10 The felde shalbe waisted, the londe shalbe in a miserable case: for the corne shalbe destroyed, the swete wyne shal come to confucion, & the oyle vtterly desolate. 11 The hu?bodemen & the wyne gardeners shal loke piteously & make lamentacion, for the wheate wyne & barley, & because the haruest vpon the felde is so clene destroyed. 12 The grape gatherers shal make greate mone, when the vynyarde & fygetrees be so vtterly waisted. Yee all the pomgarnettes, palmtrees, apletrees, & the other trees of the felde shall wyther awaye. Thus the mery cheare of the children of men, shal come to confucion.

Amos 9:13-15

13 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that the plowman shal ouertake ye mower, and ye treader off grapes, him that soweth sede. The mountaynes shall droppe swete wyne, and the hilles shall be frutefull, 14 and I wil turne the captyuyte of my people of Israel: they shal repayre the waist cities, & haue the in possessio: they shal plante vinyardes, ad drynke the wyne therof: they shal make gardens, and enioye the frutes off the. 15 And I wil plate them vpo their owne groude, so that I will neuer rote them out agayne from their londe, which I haue geuen the sayeth the LORDE thy God.

Haggai 1:5-6

5 Considre now youre owne wayes in youre hertes (saieth ye LORDE of hoostes) 6 ye sowe moch, but ye bringe litle in: Ye eate, but ye haue not ynough: ye drinke, but ye are not fylled: ye decke youre selues, but ye are not warme: & he yt earneth eny wage, putteth it in a broken purse.

Haggai 1:10-11

10 Wherfore the heauen is forbydde to geue you eny dew, and the earth is forbydden to geue you encrease. 11 I haue called for a drouth, both vpo the londe & vpon the mountaynes, vpon corne, vpon wyne & vpon oyle, vpon euery thinge that the grounde bryngeth forth, vpon men and vpon catell, yee and vpon all handy laboure.

Haggai 2:16-19

16 that when ye came to a corne heape of xx. busshels, there were scarce ten: and that when ye came to the wyne presse for to poure out L. pottes of wyne, there were scarce xx. 17 For I smote you with heate, blastinge & hale stones in all the labours of youre hondes: yet was there none of you, that wolde turne vnto me, saieth the LORDE. 18 Considre then from this daye forth and afore, namely, from the xxiiij. daye of the ix. moneth, vnto the daye that the foundacion of the LORDES temple was layed: Marck it well, 19 Is not the sede yet in the barne? haue not the vynes, the fygetrees, the pomgranates and olyue trees bene yet vnfrutefull? but fro this daye forth, I shal make them to prospere.

Zechariah 8:12

12 but they shalbe a sede of peace. The vynyarde shal geue hir frute, the grounde shal geue hir increase, and the heauens shal geue their dew: and I shal cause the remnaunt of this people, to haue all these in possession.

Acts 14:17

17 Neuertheles he hath not left hi selfe without wytnesse, in yt he hath shewed his benefites, and geuen vs rayne from heauen, and frutefull seasons, fyllynge oure hertes with fode and gladnesse.

1 Corinthians 3:7

7 So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase.

2 Corinthians 9:10

10 He that geueth sede vnto the sower, shal mynistre bred also for fode, and shal multiplye youre sede, and increase the frutes of yor righteousnes,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.